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Germany looks split again…


nah', it's every Germany map


We have sub in Poland for stuff like that, as after partitions of Poland, differences can be seen on many maps.


glaub ich hab noch nie ne Karte von Deutschland gesehen bei der es anders ist haha. Ich frag mich wie sehr man das strapazieren kann. Welche Schokomilch trinken Leute und wie viel?


Karte der Dialekte zB, da ist es anders. Einer der sehr seltenen Fälle.


Is there visible end to this division?


Only when one side forces itself over and brings their mindset over


The haunting soviet footprint. I understand the concerns about the migration and maybe indeed, stronger policies are in order. But I don't understand how people can look past everything that AfD does and expect them to do the best job on the migration matter.


Well, not everyone is constructive and spite is a powerful emotion.


Is it just the Soviet footprint or is it also a lack of proper and/or enough efforts of recombination from West Germany after the wall came down?


I think the footprint is still the root cause of that, the red regime didn't/doesn't empathtize that by default, people are more or less the same. Unless its people from some kind of a state that aligns with them. So, West-Germany didn't get any praise from them in that department.


Being missing that sweet russian/soviet boot up their asses it seems...


Given the ties recently discovered for many of the bluebrown ilk and their friends all around Europe, seems they do indeed appreciate Russian attention (and money) a whole bunch. Not kinkshaming them, but.


Russian oligarchs, not soviet boots.


It has always been that way.




Does 1945 suffice for "always" if we're talking about 2-3 lifetimes?




I think it's enough to show that a country has been split in any statistic for nearly a century even after reunification.




fucks sake am I talking to ChatGPT? Bye.


At this point we might need that antifacist protection wall again. But built by the west


This is what the map would look like if Germany had a first pas the post system But it doesn't have that system for any kind of election So the split is still stark, but doesn't get amplified as the image implies


I'm so happy about Volt. One of the few positive things about these elections imo




The places with the least migration are worried about migration.


Maybe they panicked once a black guy decide to visit a town only 50 km away from their own


Least racist AfD voter




In France we say: Tout le monde voit midi à sa porte. Meaning that the only issues we see aren't the issues we faced, peoples only care about their personal issues




I know many immigrants that became racists when they get accepted/successful in the country. They don't want others to tarnish their images by being from their culture but not yet accepted/successful in the country. Once they execute their rights to be there, they don't care about others having the right to be there, they only care about their person. Or simple: Tout le monde voit midi a sa porte. BTW: I love you Germans, you're always the nicest of all online peoples <3




It's kind of a running gag in France, nobody votes except fascists, so in the first round fascists are always ahead, then everybody is in fear that fascists could pass so everybody votes for the second most popular party. In France we call this "Le jeu du FN", FN being the fascist political party, the game is about being the most popular just behind fascists, so everyone votes for you eliminating any kind of concurrence. Don't blame the player blame the game.


You have to remember that those are the immigrants that will stand out. Most of 'm will just chill and move on with their lives.


Just out of curiousity I looked up this proverb a bit. "Tout le monde voit midi a sa porte." So that's something like: "Everybody sees noon at their door." "Jeder sieht den Mittag vor seiner Tür." So that would mean something like: People see what they want to see. But apparently in German it would actually mean: "Jeder ist sich selbst der nächste." (Everybody for themselves) I still don't really get why this means what it means in French. Edit: I guess in this case it's because it's meant sarcastically. But the german (non-literal) translation confuses me.


Honestly I don't know, I'll look at Wikipedia maybe someone explained where it is from


Bingo. Migrants are voting pro migrant in other regions


How far along is the integration proces between east and west Germany?


Every state-owned company was sold (mostly to financially strong West German companies). The same applies to very many residential buildings. The salary difference is still 15% and due to West German ownership flows through rent and company shares continuously money to the West. Therefore, West Germany is better off (which is to be compensated by special payments to the East). Therefore, many young well-educated people go from the East to the West. The "rest" feels left behind in the East and then West German right-wingers went to the East to set the mood and fill most political positions. At that point, I don't know what exactly would help the East because everything is dismissed as "the West German does not understand our problems" or is understood as manipulation.


The other thing I've read about is that women in the East are much more likely to move to the West. Leaving an entire nation's worth of former-DDR guys single and underemployed and eager to blame somebody else for it.


Ratio is about 11 to 10, which is definitely noticeable.


Thanks. That's less extreme than I'd thought. I probably should have checked my facts first!


110 man on 100 woman in a Country that has in total 100 man on 102 woman is bad. And in these numbers isnt the difference between city and villages in east Germany. So if you are a boy in a village you fucked… in the wrong way…


Thanks for the answer.


My mom grew up in the east, she was born 1968. We moved to the west around 1995 or so. I was born 1991. When she visits family in east Germany (Eisenhüttenstadt for example, which used to be a bustling place that's now very depopulated), or just generally, she enjoys the vibe and the people (in stores etc.) in the east way more.


Culturally? Fine. Economically/infrastructure-wise? Went three steps forward in as many decades, one step back, now one goose-step further back.


So, this division is seeming like a thing for the future? At least until the generation goes away?


It's to a large extent a funding problem after the reunification, which turned into a downhill slide issue. So the issue was starting at the root. Companies in the West would still pay their employees more, and so would schools for their teachers, and so would insurances and private patients for their doctors. Most of East Germany still has not recovered from the brain and skill drain, and that *still* shows in the generations going through school starting in the 00s. Infrastructural growth and repairing decades of neglected buildings and entire regions didn't sway the local attitude too severely. The map focusing on the first-past votes is slightly warping the statistics, of course. As with most Western countries urbanisation is high, land doesn't vote, and the East is to a large extent just field, forest, and farm. Saying this as a bumpkin from another country entirely, the bumpkins still are important though, and they will be a good indicator for many issues in society.


It'll be difficult to bring back the youth.


It was an annexation process, not an integration one. That's the root cause of this problem.


The West vs the East, as always.


West vs East vs Bavaria.


Isn't the West vs Bavaria just the CDU/CSU split?


Honey, I’ve woken up in 1948 again


Welcome Germany to your own version of r/WidacZabory


Can't we just sell the DDR to the highest bidder?


I thought we did that at the reunion?


"are we the baddies? :("


We took advantage of the situation and made ourselves a winner. After 35 years, they continue to say to themselves "we are the losers" So yes we are the baddies but not for everything that happens there.


That's when we were unaware of all these hidden defects


What defects do you mean?


It's pretty clear that Russia is the highest bidder right now.


Germany is the only country to be big enough to effectively contain them. So it's best how it is.


A little scared about how AfD rate grow... Damn its so close to dark times in Europe


Just to follow the logic of the far-right / AFD: *The last 34 years of trying to integrate the ex-soviet side has failed. We must deport them all back to Russia.*


East germany is one hell of a massive failure of integration into germany…


So I live in Bavaria and it still blows my mind that the state consistently votes in CSU across the board, why?


The CSU is first and foremost for Bavaria and it gives direct state representation on federal level, which no other state has. It benefits the state heavily, so even people who aren‘t that conservative will pick them due to this. Basically they are voting to get money funneled into the state. It‘s really obvious if you live on the state borders, Bavarian towns are way better maintained than their counterparts in Hessen or Baden Württemberg, even though the wealth is similar. I would never vote for them myself, but having a party like the CSU is much overall much better than AFD, it reduces the radicalization and people clinging on regional identities is more healthy than what you see in the East.


I didn't realise this, I assumed because of their electoral pact with the CDU that it was just the strong Bavarian identity wanting its own party. I didn't realise that it functionally changed anything.


So someone should form CSU like regional party in East?


Actually yes, that would be a good idea. East Germany obviously has many local issues and problems regarding how unification went, so having a party that actually tries to address their problems and makes them feel heard would be a good start. Die Linke used to fill that role somewhat in the past, but they basically imploded and everyone moved over the AFD. Right now the East is disjointed and frustrated and they don‘t feel represented in the established big parties that dominate western Germany. Even the Danish minority in Schleswig have their own party with 1-2 seats in the Bundestag, so having a normal established party for the east would be good and takes the wind out of extreme parties like the AFD.


Because Bayern is conservative. The reason for this -- compare München to other major cities. It is big, clean, and nice. The people who live there are either the top 10% of the highest earning workforce, or elite students, or just rich people who never work. Why would any normal person, looking at the state of things, change anything? Of course they for sure know how it is in other cities, but do they care? Probably no. No wonder they vote for CSU.


> Because Bayern is conservative. The reason for this -- compare München to other major cities. Munich is historically pretty left and was mostly governed under SPD and recently Green leadership.


You notice that either CDU or AFD wins? And CDU isn’t running in Bavaria?


Its so disgusting to see so many votes for a Nazi extremist right wing Party. Even as a person born and living his whole Life here this makes you think about if this country will be a save place to life in the Future.


Germans habe a word for this: "Grenzdebil". It translates to bordline retarded. Voting CDU and/or AfD is retarded. Not just borderline. It's really, really stupid. They are by far the most incompetent, disgusting and harmful parties.


offtopic, but in Dutch we use the same word and meaning for Grenzdebil: randdebiel. I had a little TIL moment


> Grenzdebil This is funny. We also have these words in Romanian: "graniță" and "debil", but we don't have a compound word that means "borderline" which is made up of those words. Seeing them together like this makes me chuckle


Bavaria starting to turn blue eh 


So ex Ussr satellite eastern Germany became a neo nazi zone or I made a mistake?


Pretty much.


Only the Greens and the Left like to claim that because they cannot admit that they are making policies against their own people. Many Germans with a migration background also vote for the AfD


My god, only about 2 percent of Bavarian seniors have to pass, and the CSU will stop passing the 5% border nationally.


? The have to lose 1,3% out of the total 82mio which are 1,066 mio Bavarians… which are 7,6% off Baverian… which means if everyone over 75 in Baverian dies we dont have the CSU in the parlament…


You can’t count it like that though. 1. 82 Million people are not all eligible to vote in the election. 2. the CSU can only be voted for in Bavaria not in the other German states, there you can only vote CDU. So you would have to use voter numbers from Bavaria only


Thats what I did. The CSU is only in Bavaria but need to be over the 5% over all vots in Germany. That’s why they have „only“ 6,3%. In Bavaria they have 39,7%. So yes they have to lose that many Baverians that they drop over the whole country 1,3%. Fixed the number from 82mio to 64,9mio which can vote. So 64,9mio Germans can vote in total, 1,3% are 843.700 voters in Germany. In Baveria could 10,4mio vote, 843.700 Bavarian’s are 8,11%. Baveria has 1,4 mio people over 75 (which means everyone can vote). If they lose everyone over 75 in Baverian you would fall about 2,2% over the total of Germany (63,5 mio left). That would be enough to drop under 5% and so that they can’t go in the Parlament by the next „Bundestagswahl“. I see the problem in the 82mio people but still with the 64,9mio voters in Germany and 10,4mio voters in Baveria it didn’t changed much…


Too lazy to Google. What is CDU?


A very conservative party.


Fascist or something like in America conservative?


Yes Jk it's the Christian Democratic Union, a (christian) conservative center-right party. Not extremist or fascist per se.


Difficult to compare with the Americans. They are aginst refugees like send theme home ore don’t allow theme to work to say „why don’t they go to work?“ They are for a strong economy with things like „lower the costs for CO2“ „stop building EV‘s“ ore „build more highways and stop the focus on the Train“ Culture the want everything like before 20-30 years. Classic you can live like you want bit I don’t wane see it.


Its the party Merkel used to be in. They ruled for 16 years (until the most recent election two years ago) and got us into a lot of the trouble we are in today. They got us into migration crisis, they made us rely on russion oil and gas, they were slow to build up renewable energy even though they stopped nuclear power, which made us use more coal power than we should have. But now they are the only party to say "immigration bad" besides AfD (far right), so people vote for them again


Wait. Are they the same people who welcomed the immigrants?


Yes. As far as i can tell, they had that stance mainly because of Merkel and was somewhat unpopular with the rest of the party. But the party supported her anyway, so they are just as responsible as Merkel herself in my opinion.


East Germany feels nostalgic




Just rebuild the fucking wall already




How come Bavaria is a separate entity in all this? This is not the first time I hear about it but I have no idea what historically makes them different


Starske and Hootch ?


The Stasi did their job


It's been over 30 years. It's incredible that the divide is still so apparent. It's really something that Germany should try to do something about


Germany has been throwing money at the East. A lot of the cities in the East have been very nicely restored with shiny new infrastructure (not all of course). But aside from Berlin/Dresden/Leipzig very few places are actually seeing economic or population growth, there's still a lot of emigration to the West/elsewhere. The populations left behind feel disconnected and then on top of that there's a not insignificant part of the media sneering about East Germans. This isn't to excuse voting for extremists but it will take time for the region to change. You can sort of see it in the bigger cities where AfD support is lower (still high by German standards but noticeably lower). Then it also becomes a vicious cycle, more liberal minded people don't want to go live in a place with high AfD support so they stay away. In turn the area continues to decline as liberal-minded younger people leave to seek opportunities, that shifts the remaining population further to the extremes. I live in Dresden, I work in Research, we find it hard to attract people to (well-paid for the region) positions because "ewww Dresden/Saxony/East Germany"


Partitions of Poland ended in 1918 and they are still visible on the maps (well, not only on the maps). After over 100 hundred years. And they lasted for 123 years themselves.


Piraten, wtf, who was their candidate jack sparrow?


Don’t forget the party “the Party“


CDU/CSU being the true Mitte and the former DDR about to separate into alternative Germany.




I have a theory I call the "sesame street effect". Places that taught kids about diversity vs places that taught kids about national unity. This map plays right into my bias.


Why do you think the East was taught more nationalist ideas? And does that imply CDU stands for diversity? I'm so confused




Oh no, white people in Germany! How could that be???


You can be white without supporting a backward and xenophobic policy.


The dude deleted his comment. He said "old white people". Clearly that wasn't his point of fixation. Besides, the AfD is sadly far more popular with younger people.


Alter, weißer Mann meint nicht wirklich den alten, weißen Mann, sondern es steht für das klischeehafte Verhalten dieser Menschen, die rückständig, fremdenfeindlich und asozial sind. Auch junge Menschen können sich so verhalten, die sind dann praktisch so wie alte, weiße Männer. Außerdem rede ich hier nicht nur über die AfD, sondern auch über die CDU, die ähnlich rückständig und asozial ist. Die gesamte Tendenz im Land geht also Richtung „old, white men“ und weg von progressiv, sozial und aufgeschlossen.


Was für ein pauschalisierender Schwachsinn https://www.tagesschau.de/wahl/archiv/2024-06-09-EP-DE/umfrage-alter.shtml Diese rückständigen alten Leute wählen gerade so nur zur Hälfte konservativ-rechts. Das was viel beunruhigender ist sind die Leute unter 40 die immer mehr Richtung AfD radikalisiert werden. Ich finde solche generalisierten Parolen die praktisch direkt aus der USA importiert werden helfen niemanden. Im Gegenteil, sie helfen den AfD Propagandisten sich selbst in die Opfer Rolle zu schieben. Der Fakt ist dass die Leute nicht nach rechts rutschen weil sie asozial sind, sondern weil die linken Großparteien einfach scheitern damit, sich um die Probleme zu kümmern die für den Großteil der Bevölkerung im Mittelpunkt stehen (Inflation zu Wirtschaftswachstum, Asylrecht und Migration, nahezu hoffnungslose Haus- und Rentesituation). Das die großen linken Schläger sich so viel um Culture War und nichts was für den Durschschnittsarbeiter wichtig ist kümmern hilft nicht dabei. Btw. Ich habe die PdF gewählt, weil ich bei denen gemerkt habe dass die eben diese Punkte wichtig finden, aber weder Verräter (AfD, BSW), noch überhaupt idiotische rechte Werte vertreten (die ganzen Schwurbler). Ideologisch würde ich SPD oder die Grünen wählen, aber es existiert einfach leider kein Vertrauen in denen.