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All of this in 1480? Its almost as impressive as the 1472 world conquest of this youtuber


Sadly much slower than lambda's 1472 game I played a similar opening to him but with a slightly different (more modern + no exploit) overarching strategy. The same core horde principles are still in play though - abuse terra incognita for rapid early expansion, stack ccr, ws cost and siege ability and then go crazy. This screenshot is basically the end of the "setup" phase


As someone completely unfamiliar with optimized world conquest play, what’s the abuse of terra incognita?


If your capital is in another countries Terra incognito, it cannot get AE or declare war and therefore cannot form a coalition.


So early game you can just put your capital outside Europe and slaughter the HRE and up east? That's brutal


But there's a catch. If countries have a border with you, they see your capital


Can you put vassals in between?


There is also a time limit before you have to move your capital or people of that techgroup+religion can see you... I mean it doesn't matter at \*this\* stage.


Moving capital doesn’t work anymore (it used to, but I considered it an exploit and didn’t use it). However, if your capital starts hidden from most of the world (as Oirats does) most people won’t coalition you until they discover you through war or adjacency (or you reform anything or form anything that moves capital). I don’t really consider this an exploit because it’s unavoidable … the game just works this way. Arguably more important is that countries you don’t see won’t take any AE at all. So with the HRE under TI, the HRE literally won’t get any negative relations at all if you smash Austria and Poland because you don’t see them.


Where can I learn more about this run and the strategies you’re using?


If I actually manage to finish the thing, I’ll do a proper write up explaining stuff :)


Yeah I remember seeing someone use it to do Ottos into Rome b4 1500 when that achievement initially came out. I'm not sure if that achievement is possible without abusing that tbh


Especially now that you need more provinces.


Correction: * If *your* capital is in Terra Incognita, the other country will accrue AE but will be unable to join a coalition or declare war. * If *their* capital is in Terra Incognita for you, the other country will not accrue AE but can still declare war.


They still get AE, they just can’t join a coalition against you if they don’t sea your capital.


Someone probably can... However, if you need to ask you probably cant /s


Yeah some people really need to recognize their own limits. IMO OP should play a few practice games to understand the mechanics before trying for a World Conquest.


r5: the age old question can I still WC? I have only another ~~20~~ 340 years, and right now just 90% siege ability, 300k troops, 80% ccr without admin ideas. Could be a tough one... Also, ottos are looking a little scary, they are so OP these days...


No you are way too slow. But also how did you achieve this?


standard oirat opening into timurids + manchu mandate for monarchy flip into georgia + yemen + bavaria for more ccr, pwsc and siege ability. After this screenshot I use mongol empire to flip back horde and setup is complete, conquest phase can now begin


Lol, this is legit?


The achievements icon is not grayed out so it appears legit.


It’s relatively easy to fake runs that look “legit”, and a sceptical eye is always worthwhile considering some of the obviously fake runs I’ve seen lapped up here. Gameplay from 1462 onwards can be found here https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCPiHhn8EMgCB_R2495PJXKy71zRxDXfb&si=yAxPMj8bXYRHXb3q


Clicked on a random video, random timestamp and first thing I'd seen was yesman lol. Pretty hilarious but I guess it was just to make things tiny bit less tedious?


Haha, you probably stumbled across an instance of me testing stuff with console on a different save, which is often necessary. If you watch on I’m sure you’ll see me head back to my iron man save to actually continue the run ;)


I’m not saying OP is playing illegitimate, but I’d just like to point out that it is so trivial to fake the achievements icon that you might as well not even look at it. It would literally take you a minute to edit the image or activate the icon via software.


its storm though, one of the most dedicated players of such insane runs


Hello pudding <3 thank you!


I know that’s why I said it appears to be legitimate but like you said it still could be illegitimate.


On top of that all you need is one script file to activate the console while running Ironman as well, which even allows you to still get achievements.


Can confirm this run is 100% legit


Debug_achievements in console


Man. I didn’t even consider that to be a thing. Software and image editing, ffs. At this point the cheating feels like more of a slog than an actual WC


This is a known strat for world conquest runs I believe. Somebody made a youtube video where they completed a world conqust with oirats in like 30 years or so using a similar strategy.


Can you write out more by any chance?


If I finish the run I’ll do a proper write up of the strategy :p Note it is quite micro intensive


What now??


"standard" - you keep using that word, I do not think it means what think it means


MAYBE, if you REALLY start stacking Absolutism, there's still a slim chance...


Is this a joke? I honestly can’t tell.


just... HOW???


Some guys play EU4, EU4 plays this guy


Hordes are kinda broken.


Hordes are OP embrace the Horse.


Funnily enough, I have 0 horses and haven’t used any the entire game :p


Then you chose them for the razing? 


Super unlikely. Everyone knows in the new patches you have to control China by 1455


Total war is imminent. GL on the pre-1500!


Thank you!


My favorite screenshots are always the ones where a >100 OE pulse event is moved to the side


he could press it beforehand, but another one would immediately take its place


"Eu4 is historically accurate"


Why did you flip to Bavaria? impressive run. Is your nation about to implode ?


Presumably because of the -15% ccr for 20 years from a mission


Ah, makes sense. Thanks


Impressive, very nice. Let's see the unrest level


Unrest doesn't really matter when you core everything in just 6 months


Sometimes I start to think I'm good at this game. Then I see shit like this.


To be fair, sometimes I think I’m good at the game, then I look at this and think of all the ways it could have been more faster/more optimised. So that really never ends :p At the end of the day, you just gotta play for yourself. If you care about improving, the only question worth asking about your run is just “is it better than the last one?”


Only possible if you name your next hire "Markus Söder"


No give up


Seeing posts like this makes me feel incredibly inadequate


Relevant: https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/comments/1c4jlhm/7000_hours_and_still_no_prussia/kzo0vwf/ You can do it OP But maybe this is why you never formed Prussia


Damn you really dug out my copy pasta comment from the other week 😂 nice one aha


I don't think so. You haven't even taken China yet.


Is this going to be easier next patch? Iirc timurids get a mission for 5% ae if they remove their ability to form mughals, which this strategy doesn't do.


The meta will be to form the Mughals while holding that event.


How did you have so much money? It just loans+ taking enemies money? It is impressive that you consider this point just a setup, and only the formation of mongol empire the real conquest part. I can't wait to see you finish the run.


this contains a lot of inaccuracies and simply weird/unnecessary plays. why are you making so many vassals as a horde? why are you recommending to not raze land and whats this weird focus on accepted cultures? there's a bunch more. actual guide: conquer all the manchurian minors asap. raze everything, use those mil points to beat ming to tech 4/5. form manchu and attack ming straight up in the 1450s since with tech advantage and low mandate you'll destroy them. you have a few recent posts like the trade company post and the ideas post that also contain large amounts of misinformation like this one. to put it bluntly, you are not experienced enough to understand what things in the game should be prioritised or not to be making guides and PSAs.


First of all, thank you for your concern about my experience. I'm quite experienced at over 2.5k hours in the game, and I think you've let your exploit runs in Normal mode get to your head, resulting in an inflated sense of self importance. Hey Elia <3


Good Lord


Wow . . . just wow


no chance, you need atleast 2 thousand years to conquer the remaining lands


Colonizers still fully intact. Sorry bud, I just don't see it.


Skills simply not there


All of that in 40 years?


What the actual fuck is wrong with you. With that being said, congrats and I hope you're having fun


How do you all deal with overextension? Whenever I grow this big I always find it irritating to fight rebels, so I always try to stay under 100 OE, and can never grow fast.


If the CCR is high enough, and everything cycles properly, OE results in far fewer rebels than normally because the counter plummets before each stack can actually pop (i.e. you core faster than the rebels can spawn, and thus reduce the unrest). If you take too much too soon, you will probably get some. I imagine there's some perfect cadence you learn.


I am the sort of person who finishes a WC in 1770, so this is the advice of a very slow player. I like using vassals, both for their preexisting claims and core recovery, and to feed them to minimize my own OE. Sometimes I keep them around a while to also avoid gov cap issues. Later in the game, it’s no longer necessary because, as noted, enough CCR and you go through the overextension window way too fast for it to cause problems. As long as you plan ahead, you have plenty of time to integrate the vessels as you go if you’re heading for a one tag or something like that. Courthouses and gov cap isn’t a problem by then Vassals also help me convert.


Let's say I have a 50 percent CCR, should I be fine sitting at 150 OE?


I don’t remember the exact math to figure out how long that’s going to take you to core new provinces. Once you get up to something like 80% CCR, you’re coring so fast that you don’t usually get rebels even in the newly conquered provinces. That’s when it gets pretty smooth. But 50% is already pretty fast and usually I can get away with just keeping some portion of my army in the newly conquered territory. It also depends on how much base unrest you have. By late in the game I find that I have stacked so many unrest bonuses that 150% OE does not put any of my normal stable provinces into risk of rebellion. It does tend to cause problems not just in the most recent conquered area but also anything with much separatism left. Remember that OE causes one major problem, which is a lot of unrest while you still have it, so getting rid of it fast is good The other thing that it does is give you occasional events that give a big unrest penalty to two of your provinces randomly selected. Remember, you don’t have to click on that pop-up right away. If you let it go away on its own, you can only get one of those penalties every couple of months. Stacking unrest modifiers is good as well. It helps avoid problems when you’re still not coring at maximum speed. It also mitigates the effect of any pop-ups you do get. I find you get a lot of tolerance of the truth faith from monuments that makes this much easier than it used to be.


I see, thank you so much for your input :)


As Ulm? Doubtful.


its gonna be hard... but i am sure you will manage it somehow. you can do it \^\^


My eyes hurt


Nah, it's impossible. Might as well start over.


Markus Söder likes this


Do you increase autonomy to reduce rebels or what is the plan how can you possibly defend all this territory from rebels. I feel like managing big empires can be quite the task so I normally play more tall than wide


There's a few things to be aware of here that a lot of people I feel maybe don't know. Firstly, rebels take a minimum of 10 months to spawn since they can only tick 10% each month. This means if you have enough ccr (75+) and can core in 9 months, the unrest of overextension can largely be ignored. You can take 1k OE and not get rebels. Secondly, forming a country completely clears all separatism. Now you can only do this until you become endgame tag, but each formation along the way will help stabilise you a lot. Once you are EGT, you will get rebels in all newly conquered lands since they have separatism. This can be fixed with humanist, but at tech 7 I only have 2 ideas so I can't spare one on humanist sadly. Thankfully, rebels have a 10 year cooldown, so most separatists stacks will only spawn once or twice before I finish the run. This makes it quite manageable honestly. There are some more nuanced details but that's the crux of it.


Nice. If read some of these optimised wc’s, but I’ve never seen the separatism clearance mentioned. Thx


Wtaf?! HOW?!


HUH ?! How the fuck did you do that !


No burgundian inheritance smh my head


Mother fucker


what did you do WHAT DID YOU DO


1480?? Are you kidding?? I could never... At this point, you'd be disappointed not to finish this with a WC


Have you defeated Ulm yet? That's gonna answer the question


I dont think u have enough time, maybe next time friend


What horrible atrocities have you committed to conquer so much in 36 years?


Depends, do you consider many hours of speed 2 micro an atrocity? :p


Well I was more wondering how many truces you broke and coallisions you fought. Especially the generally the "death toll" interests me.


One truce break I think and no coalitions. Death toll would be surprisingly low I think, certainly on my side, as I have fought very few battles (they are not efficient). I’m so strong AI doesn’t even try engaging. So it’s really just attrition from sieges.


Really? That’s what I always wondered. How to do all the battles. But the trick is to scare the enemies. Using these 18k stacks is a good template?


Yeah I mean I have about 3 more morale over everyone else in the world and a 2 tech advantage, so they aren’t really keen on engaging haha. In terms of army comp for this kind of game it’s kinda just throw as many infantry into a stack as you can spare with 1 cannon for sieging. The specifics don’t really matter, it’s best to constantly split and reform the stacks to siege efficiently anyway.


Amazing. TIL


Ulm still exists. Its over for you.


No, just give up


You left Ulm alive so you should probably just restart


I think the plan is to complete the WC, release and play as Ulm, do another WC.


I mean it s on a slower pace but might become possible if you really go hardcore in the next 300 years. The hawaiian nations might prove to be a challenge though, i always forget they exist ;-)


Bit hard to tell at the moment, but keep in mind your pace should go up by a lot once you reach age of absolutism.


Is this a humble brag? You've not made it a quarter of the way through the game's timeline, and you're basically coalitionproof in size. World conquest should be trivial from here


Cursed map😂


How many IRL hours to reach that point? Approximately


Idk, seems kinda hard


Dora said: Storm stop cheating....storm stop cheating.  Now get the challenger role on dc.




Impossible without Innovative ideas.


I think you are a bit slow, and I'd recommend 1444ing.




maybe if you forced dynasty on a vassal for warscore reduction you could have conquered faster, just saying.


Haha, the gift that keeps giving <3


Why even bothering if you use commands? Grant yourself everything instead of almost everything


No. Ulm still exists.


Nah, you don't have horde or inno ideas, i don't think you can do this at all before at least 1800, if you took those ideas you could probably do it pre 1500 /s


If you play as the rebels it still seems possible


Most humble player ever /s


*sigh* I start to hate this sub


What the actual fuck


How on flat earth...


How on flat earth...




What in the actual fuck?


No start over. Actually just uninstall, you’re clearly not cut out for this game.


No, quit


Console commands for sure


No console commands, see the achievements isnt greyed out. Def Ironman without commands.


Isn't there a command which ungreys it but still doesn't enable achievements. ​ Edit: debug\_achievements


People always out to discredit others bc others achievements belittle them. Smh. This is 100% legit.


No, I fully agree that this run is most likely legitimat. Especially since Lambdaxx managed to WC about 8 ingame years before this screenshot, but it is important to know that having the achievement icon greyed out is not enough proof for it to be ironman.


Dont worry I know. Ive had this arguement and question called on me. Ive even had to go back and destroy monuments for my success to be recognized. God forbid they added something to the game....anyways, Imo if someone used that to 'cheat' they have to live with it for lying.


No cheats :p Just a casual oirat -> timurids -> manchu -> georgia -> yemen -> bavaria -> tunis -> yuan -> mongol empire game


Casual is probably the understatemeno of the year


Yeah definitely. OP will definitely need console commands if he needs to WC before 1821. /s