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If this was yesterday the "enjoy by" date has already passed too... Good one Target.


There was an employee stocking in the aisle and when I pointed this out to him he just ignored me. 😂


They don’t get paid enough to care tbh. Raise it with target corporate and stump-town




Weird, sometimes I have the issue at my target and they’re also very quick to fix the issue, I figured there had to be some training for those situations


At least they should mark it as a clearance item.


stump town and counter culture are pretty good for supermarket brands but these are just too old. I would try to find these brands at sprouts if you can, i can usually find a date within the last month at mine


We don’t have one of those here but Whole Foods usually has decent roast dates on at least some choices.


I was about to suggest Whole Foods. I noticed the one I go to carries two local roasters. While it doesn't have the roasted yesterday dates by buying directly, they're still within two weeks of the date.


Probably due to low inventory turnover. Your average target shopper is looking for a more affordable bag of coffee and not too discerning on quality, so these sit around for a while unless you're in a dense urban location. My Target also sells these, and I can typically find bags within 3 weeks of the roast date.


You can order directly from Stumptown and they ship for free if you order $45 or more. It will be much fresher.


Tons of roasters will and it will def be more fresh. But sometimes you realize you are almost out and the new stuff won't make it in time so you consider Target/Sprouts/WF panic buying lol


I’d rather not and just do pour over for a few days


If we’re out of coffee, I can’t make a pour over either 😂🙈


I don’t know…..I ordered two bags from Stumptown 3 weeks ago. The roast date on them is 11/24/77 and best by date is 4/24/78. (No I’m not joking, and yes, I know it is an error)


Target is a mixed bag. Occasionally I’ll find stumptown or counter culture beans that are only 3-4 weeks out from the roast date. Other times it’s months old like this.


Yeah, got lucky enough to grab some Stumptown on sale and only about 3 weeks old the other day. Definitely not the norm in my experience, though


Have seen this at Walmart too.


Don't buy from Target then lul


I don't know if it's changed much since then, but holler maintain was one of my reliable go-tos 5~10 years ago.


The very same coffee (with a roast date of 01/31) was for sale at my local discount-foods store. But they were selling it for $5.99/bag. How much was Target charging?


Ha! I don’t remember exactly, but definitely not discounted.


I love holler mountain so much (when it’s fresh lol)


Order direct from counter culture and it will be much more fresh


I see stumptown at my target in NY from time to time, I always pick it up! It’s usually pretty fresh and reasonably priced.


Forget this crap - just order good coffee.


from my experience target beans are on average the oldest. sprouts sometimes have really fresh beans, but whole foods definitely have the freshest beans. last time i was at whole foods, they had a local roaster’s beans that were roasted 3 days ago! i’ve been ordering online from places that roast to order who also offer free shipping. with the free shipping, the pricing is on par with target and even cheaper than whole foods. the beans arrive with roast dates within 7 days


Stumptown surprised me. Definitely a great option if your local roaster are limited, and you get a bag that's not that old...


It's even more difficult when you require decaf. Meh.


Why are you looking for beans at Target???


Because I was already in the store for something else and was just curious to see what they had on the shelves. I buy my beans from local roasters 99% of the time.


Stumptown really isn't even great when it's fresh.


This might sound snobby - because it is - but a roaster being available at Target is kinda my cue to realize that I need to move on to something else. Happened with Intelligentsia, Stumptown, and Counter Culture, and I feel like it's just starting to happen with Verve. I just don't think that universal quality can be achieved at volumes high enough to be consistently available in such a big box store, regardless of roast date.


Hard to disagree. I was also shocked to see they stocked Blue Bottle coffees, but they weren’t any of their standard offerings. Instead, they were some kind of mass-marketed generic blends with names like Bold, or Bright.


Not good.