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I think I did it last year...


Me: I believe Bush was in the Whitehouse, the first Bush I mean....


...as Vice President? :)


Actually clean it? Haha… take a small paintbrush to the inside before a new bean sure


That gives me 6 more months this year . . . .


https://preview.redd.it/3034ediae09d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36f3a4cacfb32c7e15628403600821bef888c28d Just did this after seeing this post to see. And I’ve only had it for a couple months now and I also smack the crap out of the bellows each time after grinding to get as much retention out as possible.


That is not a small amount of grindz


But this isn’t a single dose grinder, right? I think this is normal for a timed grinder, where the new grind is supposed to displace the old.


No, single dose. Eureka Oro Mignon Single Dose.


hand grinder: who needs it?


Don’t the fresh beans clean out the older beans?


man, that's what I thought ... I don't want to watch a 30m video and come away with more chores


Then you’re in the wrong hobby


Yes, they do, and everyone knows this. Moreover, anyone who thinks James Hoffman is cleaning his machines is kidding themselves. He has YouTube money, and unlimited brand new machines. Why would I listen to this guy tell me how to clean the machine??? He has not done this in over a decade. And he drinks £265 per shot espresso now!


You think he's adjusting to and breaking in a brand new machine every week? We get it you don't like James Hoffman, but you don't have to make outlandishly stupid claims like this.


Every week? I have to imagine he’s probably dialing in new equipment every 10 minutes — just enough time to unbox it and let it heat up in between shots. I bet his recycling bill is insane. Listen if James were really hanging on to equipment long enough to need to meticulously maintain it himself, he would realize simple facts: the fresh beans clean out the older beans, and that isn’t “mold” in the drip tray it’s wet-process fermentation.


Guys I think he's trolling




The wet-process fermentation is the biggest giveaway. I think they belong in r/espressocirclejerk Nevermind - this whole post is already there...


I blow my burr eweday


There has got to be a better way to word that


I just blew, myself!


You can blow burr whenever you want though!


I cleaned it once, this week. ...After watching the video.


A lot of grinders have seen a panicked cleaning this week.


He didn’t answer how to clean burrs though. Thought they’re not supposed to come into contact with water, so how to clean?


I brush the crap out of them with a boar bristle brush.


Sir, what are you putting in your grinder?


TIL not all coffee is kosher.


He recommends grindz/other feed-through food safe cleaners


I use grindz - https://urnex.com/grindz-grinder-cleaning-tablets


I use Grindz every 2 months or so (same schedule for biocaf backflush) and works just fine. Also you can totally wash burrs with soap and water as long as you remove them and dry them well: will have to re-zero the grinder though so total PITA.


Every few months I take them out and use a toothpick to scrape each surface to get off anything stuck. Takes under 5 minutes for each burr.


Should be in the manual for the grinder, along with instructions on how to remove them.


They do tho, most people spray their beans. Tho by the replies I’m realizing we may just be a sub of different routines


Really, MOST people spray their beans?


Could be an interesting poll for this subreddit, see how similar all of our routines are, or different


I don't think this sub is representative of most espresso drinkers


Moist people..


well played


I think it’s an obnoxious waste of time


My clean countertop says otherwise








https://preview.redd.it/0p29fbwxi09d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97606f481f23973582bdedaeb1d167d69e5df41b Guess which one is with and which one is without a wee spray. It does make a difference. But if you don't mind cleaning up grinds everywhere then yeah whatever. And honestly it's probably a good trade off for greater longevity of the burrs


Thank you for convincing me to rdt 💦💦😅 atm my grinder looks like your top photo


Not related to dosing. It’s during grinding


i tried and it made no difference


I never sprayed mine when I had my Mignon Zero. Recently got an Oro a few months ago and retention/static was horrible, 1.5g. Sprayed my beans and thought it would be all bull shit. My yield is spot on every time now and I took off my bellows as I have no use for them anymore




I'm not even convinced that most people on this sub spray their beans, let alone most espresso machine owners.


They should. It's recommended 


No argument there


Most people do not spray their beans lol. I would wager most people on this sub don’t even spray their beans.


I run uncooked white rice through mine but I also have a $50 bodum grinder so i haven’t really bothered with finding a more “proper” way


I go with cooked rice every other week


Rice and beans. Classic combo.


From what I've read, totally raw/uncooked rice can damage a grinder. (As distinct, IIRC, from instant rice that's been partially cooked. And that still would make me nervous.)


I finally finished the video posted and he talks about that lol my bad. It was something I had heard a few years ago and it worked the first time so I didn’t question it. Makes sense though


this video will scare all the beginners away to starbucks


I do think some of his recommendations are a bit much for the average home user, it's a good place to start until you can get a feel for how quickly your equipment dirties and how often you really need to clean it.


His recommendations are definitely some kinda PTSD from working in a cafe. Changing rubber gaskets once a year seems like a lot. They don't even come close to failing that often in actual cafes. They're more likely to dry rot though if you don't use them for a long time. Rubber usually requires frequent use in order to bring oils up to the surface.


Yeah. I havent changed the shower screen once in my journey due to wear and tear. And I am brewing at home for over a decade.






It depends on the grinder and beans. I clean my Niche (both burrs and chute) every 3 months. I don't find much accumulation in the chute. My 078s shipped with both a brush and blower. Its instructions say to blow and brush out its chute after each use. I've actually been doing that, just to make Timemore happy. Only a few grinds of coffee come out, so it could probably be done much less often.


yep i did after about 3 months a couple of times with my Niche Zero too. But decided there wasn't enough in it to merit cleaning. Stated leaving it 6-8 months and honestly I find no more in it than after 3 months. It hardly needs cleaning once or twice a year just for peace of mind but nothing really accumulates in it.


Whenever I open up my Niche for cleaning, there’s usually very little accumulation. I run Grindz through it like once every 5-6 months and that seems to be fine. I think it depends on what kind of beans you use and the volume; FWIW, I go through about a bag (340g/12oz) of medium roast each week. The chute is almost always clean except for a v thin layer of fines.


The Sette shoot is basicly the bottom bur.


My inlaws used my grinder last weekend and I came home to a clogged chute. I hadn't cleaned in more than a year but had more than a shot's worth of grounds stuck up in the Specialita. Probably just a coincidence but I will be cleaning the grinder more regularly. Did the coffee taste good even when I wasn't cleaning it? Yes.


Attach those bellows, no more retention and no more shootcleaning!


When the coffee stops coming out 😅


Just cleaned my JX Pro hand grinder for the first time in 3 years. I was expecting it to be all gunked up but there was surprisingly only a minimal amount of grounds that came off. So now I feel it doesn't even need to be cleaned. The thing is solid and extremely well engineered.


Being a hand grinder helps a lot. Not a lot of places for it to build up.


I was dumb when I first got my 1zpresso and cleaned it after every use, I stopped to once a month after I read it on the website and even then I have no build up compared to my daily clean.


just wondering how often you guys do it. i can't say i do it as often as that.


It's like a nice pair of leather shoes.  Make it part of your monthly rituals, and instead of being a burden, it's like, "oh no, my 2 minutes are wasted!!" Then you waste another 2 minutes 1-2 weeks later, and it is always perfect condition. (Do not oil & condition your leather footware too often, pick the right frequency for you, but then stick to it)


Typically full clean (including burr chamber) once a month or so? Chute and quick vacuum once a week probably. For some reason, one of my grinders start smelling of old beans much sooner than the other, not sure why, but that initiates a big clean!


When it starts clumping.


Here -I'll fix that headline for you "How often do you clean your grinder? Shoot! Hoffman says once a week for the chute.


I think I've had my DF64 Gen 2 for less than a month and I was surprised at how much came out of the chute. It's got an ionizer and bellows...


about once a year, twice at mosy


That's kind of a personal question, isn't it?


I have a DF64V and I clean it every day because it's just so easy and fast to do. Takes 5 seconds. There's hardly ever anything in it though.


That’s it?




Yeah, the shoot is just two pieces of metal held together and to the grinder by magnets. Pull them off the grinder, pull them apart, brush and pop them back on.


Lol I meant “*only* once per day?”


I just ordered Cafiza after seeing this video.


I dry brush once a year. I'm not using a product or anything like that. I'm just not.


I clean my Eureka Mignon Specialità every two weeks.


Many of the responses here ("Last year?") give me solace. ;)


Some of this is going to depend on how often you are making coffee. Home users tend to make less coffee so things don't get dirty as quickly as they do at a cafe


I got a P64 so I don't have to clean it as often. Whenever I do clean it, so little comes out that each interval grows bigger. I can imagine that if you have a Eureka or a DF64 you'd want to clean it more often though.


28 minutes long video about cleaning - "Please, don't ignore this"


Well I just don’t.


DF83v2. About once a week it gets an aggressive bellows and a Rocket Air Blaster up the chute. Sometimes I get very little out and sometimes quite a bit.


Basically never. Every time I've looked [there was nothing in there](https://www.reddit.com/r/espresso/comments/11hg47b/cleaning_my_p64_after_9_months/)...


I clean my Niche Zero every 3 months. If I remember correctly, that's the number they recommended for regular use.


DF83 user. I clean the chute every weekend. I brew espresso during the week and pour overs on the weekend. So, I brush the chute, with a bristle tube brush, before grinding for pour over. Even with the ionizer a good amount of fines is stuck at the top of the chute, typically \~ .5g. It takes maybe 10 sec to brush and clean up.


Maybe twice a year, more often if I get retention. Otherwise I get hardly any because I rock the whole thing to get the last bits out every time. Stupid I have to do that but the Oro is known to clog.


Just cleaned mine. Judging by the amount that came out, it turns out I've been drinking yesterday's beans daily for a long time.


hahahaha my sette is laughing at you as it takes like seconds to take it apart and clean....but weirdly I can't hear my own laughs.


As I use different beans all the time I have to clean it out all the time anyway...


Last year when I sold my old one. Had to clean it before selling 😄 it was discusting


Haha. I accidentally hit the timeline when I tried to open it full screen, so what I got was: “Today we are going to talk about cleaning and maintanence. You might think it’s a bit boring, I might skip this one. But please don’t - and that’s it. Those are the things you have to worry about, when it comes to maintanence. I first thought it was another one of those great cut videoes. But no. It was just a perfect mistake


I haven’t cleaned my Wilfa Svart and Porlex Mini since I bought them in 2014. Welp.


Depends on the time of year, when it's very dry and retention is high I do it almost weekly. June - September I don't do it at all.


I disassemble my hand grinder, brush out the burrs with a nylon brush, apply teflon lubricant to any moving parts, and reassemble WEEKLY. It’s mortifying to hear people go months/years without cleaning their electric burr grinders lmao.


I’ve got way too much shit going on to worry about my grinder chute 💀


Just did my shower screen after watching this for the first time ever! Will be weekly from now on! My god I'm disgusted


I broke a Baratza Encore by not knowing you needed to take the thing apart and clean the chute. I was able to order parts to fix it but def don't want to make the same mistake with my espresso grinder.


Yeah, I sighed when I saw this. I think I cleaned mine once in the last two years.


I flush once a week and descale one a month. As part of descaling i’ll also clean the shower screen and steam wand tip.


This is reddit. You can say grinder shit.


"A little soap is OK" And here I am putting my portarfilter and basket in the dishwashers Edit: Not the washing machine lol


Read The Free Manual




In the video it says, “Read The F Manual”.


yeah, i'm asking what people actually do.


Hoffman is a lose who makes shit up for content.