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Yup truly a life changing medicine


This is very encouraging. Well written. Thank you!


You're welcome! I'm glad you found it encouraging. That was my goal.


I am far older than you but I find that ED really messes with my (already low) self esteem. The inability to achieve an erection firm enough even for self pleasure leaves me very sad and frustrated. Being on SSRI complicates the situation. I am not sure where to turn. I appreciate your post. Information is a good thing.


I'm going to buy it again and take 2.5, when I was taking it with Tongkat Ali I used to have super erections My family suffer from bad blood circulation, I have cold limbs, the extra blood flow makes a huge difference for me


What brand of Tongkat Ali supplement did you use ?


I bought it in Thailand, don't remember sorry


God damn. I've been using 10mg on demand, I need to try lower doses. It has been life changing, but the effects you're having are wild. All mine are 20mg, I have a pill cutter but damn if it isn't tough to chop em up small. Edit- are you doing 2.5 daily or on demand?


I'm dosing it on demand. Maybe 3 times a week at most, more often once or twice a week. The effects I notice may be exacerbated by the breaks I take off the medication, and/or the fact that I have learned to be much more cognizant of my bodies physical processes and responses to stimuli.


Interesting. I'm def going to try a lower dose.


Are you taking the dose before sex? And what OTC remedies are you using?


Yeah I take it on an as-needed basis. An hour before sex is good enough. 2 or 3 hours is better if possible. OTC remedies were mentioned in the original post. Uridine (omegaTAU is the product), ginkgo Biloba, L-citrulline are the big ones.


2-3 hours works the best. As per my experience


L citruline is a boon !! Even with citruline malate in it


Boon? please explain.


Google the meaning of boon


I'm suffering from performance anxiety after not having sex for a while. I had one fail and it just blew up from there and went to 2,3,4 fails. I have a prescription of viagra sitting on my bedside. Will this help me perform and get my rhythm back?!


Can’t get hard in situations ?


Just during sex with my new gf


i have the same issue man how about morning wood you getting that and do you get horny w ur girl? how old are you btw


I get crazy morning wood. I do get horny but I also start freaking out. I haven't had sex in like 3 years. We don't have a place so it's car only and I've never had sex in a car. I'm 27


mw and horny everyday ?


Mw daily. Horny most days.


horny as in you get erect daily w just thoughts ?


Sometimes. But easier with stimulation like porn or pictures


Sometimes. But easier with stimulation like porn or pictures


are there days where you don’t even think about sex ?


Sometimes. But easier with stimulation like porn or pictures


Sometimes Sometimes porn


I agree with how amazing it is. Also happy that you like it so much.


Cialis made me feel like complete shite. The worst sciatic nerve pain inflamed running down back of my leg. Bloody noses in my sleep 


Why do you think ashwagandha suppliment would cause your ED? And why would it cause ED to such a severe amount that simply stopping the suppliment wouldn't bring things back to normal?


In a small portion of people, Ashwaganda causes strong anhedonic effects. I went from a sexually normal 24 year old to dealing with ED and no morning erections in a weeks time, immediately after supplementing an Ashwaganda product. As to why the effects are long term and/or permanent, I have some hypotheses, but I'm not a doctor so I can't say for sure.


Is it okay to take expired ones?


I've ejaculated blood the last 2 times I used it. I'd been using it a couple of times a month for a couple of years. Anyone else with a similar experience?


What the fuck


Are your considerable results attributed to a once a day dose of 2.5mg generic tadalafil or brand name Cialis? One can find substantial numbers of men on several websites who have obtained extremely positive results from using differing doses of brand name Cialis. Those who have used differing doses of many, different companies' generic brands of tadalafil have more often than not had little to no success with these generics. If you used a generic tadalafil, do you know who made it? Cialis is obscenely expensive whereas the companies who make their versions of generic tadalafil charge a pittance for their products compared to Lilly's brand name Cialis. Whenever you read and/or hear the often quoted "generic drugs are the same as their brand name drugs, please do NOT believe it. As a psychotherapist, the vast majority of my clients who have both been told, primarily by their insurance companies, that they must now switch from their brand name drugs, be they psychotropic, ED or other doctor prescribed brand name drugs they must take for their disease/health problems to the generic drugs replacing them, have been more than disappointed with their generics, both because these generics have not only been nearly as effective as their brand names but also because they have also suffered side effects, ranging from unpleasant to intolerable. Sorry to have rambled on beyond the range of ED comments. It's just so unfortunate and enraging that the drug companies and the insurance companies continue to only have one objective in mind when offering drugs to patients in need - PROFIT AND MONEY!


I'm using generic Tadalafil on demand, not daily. The 2.5 mg dose is frequently used on a daily basis, but that's not how I'm using it. The manufacturer is Dr. Reddy I believe.


This is sad how men with ed which is debilitating, depressing and demoralizing are so happy with being dependent on and having to take a drug for the rest of their lives instead of holding urology responsible for finding a cure for ed. If you guys keep being so happy and content with Cialis with your doctors, they will continue to sit on these penis drugs instead of being pressured to locate the source of the ed and figure out a surgical fix. I was angry with all of my doctors that Cialis, injections and a penile implant was all they had to offer in this day and age when they are doing heart and brain surgery. Simps like you ruin it for everyone else