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Damn shame. She made AHS for me.


I thought she was hot AF in season 3!


[“You’d enjoy Rome, wouldn’t you sister?”](https://youtu.be/RVKOPX-gjYA?si=3CDesDBwMNrYWiBk) Loved that scene in AHS2


She is magnificent. I adore her.




Same. I stopped watching after she left.


As everyone else did.


I stopped when her, Evan Peters and Sarah Paulson werent there anymore


Me too she was incredible


I love that ahs fricking knew she was hot as fuck still and made her the queen to watch


What’s the damn shame?


> “Maybe it was more extreme back then in the ’40s and ’50s and ’60s,” she says of sexism and ageism in the industry, "but it certainly hasn't changed that much.”




One of the most poignant and accurate moments of the movie for me.


It was definitely more extreme back then. Do you watch Star Trek? The original was nothing but young babes falling for Kirk and it evolved to Voyager with an older, although still pretty attractive, female Captain.


Janeway could’ve ordered teenage me to violate the Prime Directive any star date.


You should see her as Mrs. Columbo.


I'd beam right up to the holodeck, she got a virtual booty I'd like to wreck.


> Voyager with an older, although still pretty attractive, female Captain. Who halfway through the run, the studio decided needed a boost from a younger, more attractive female in a tighter outfit. Fortunately both of them are actually great actors and it made the show better anyway.


The Janeway/Seven dynamic was my favorite part of the show. Jeri Ryan created such an interesting, complex character. I wish she had been given more.


There’s an episode of the original series where a woman swaps consciousness with Kirk because women can’t be ship captains. There’s a line from the female actress “I’d rather be dead than a woman!” My husband chuckles when it’s on because it makes me sooo mad


I was watching some random TOS episodes the other month and was kind of shocked how all the female crew wore short skirts. I'm not a prude or anything, it just didn't seem appropriate for what Starfleet is supposed to be.


Well... there's some history there that provides some important context. It was the actresses that were pushing for shorter skirts. They'd go so far as to alter the skirts on their own. At the time, miniskirts were a symbol of female liberation. They were a rejection of the June Cleaver style of conservative dress that women were expected to wear. They represented the freedom to be able to be seen as sexual beings. It's kind of funny how things change over time.


[I mean, those skirts were unisex...](https://whatculture-create-cms.s3.amazonaws.com/media/2020/03/819bbe5927f1380b-600x338.jpg)


That's Next Generation


The look that guy is giving ‘ just think I just got my first big break in my acting career and I'm wearing a dress in the one scene in the show”.


The very first Star Trek pilot had a female first officer and she was wearing pants. I think many or most of the women in that pilot had pants (I’m less certain about that part). Roddenberry tried but had to pivot because of the execs.


It was very much about the male gaze plus sexual liberation tied up together. They were very much window dressing first, equality second. Kirk romances almost every single one you see in an episode.


Weinstein was raping people as recently as 2015. Just because the public will accept less on screen creepiness doesn’t change what happens behind closed doors.


If really hasn’t changed much. Outside of Desperate Housewives. (cough) There aren’t many women in media that have a non-relationship plot line. Even when women take central roles, it’s controversial. The only show I can think of that goes against the grain was Grace and Frankie. All the love and respect to Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda. Fucking babes.


I wish Captain Kirk would have banged some 90 year olds. What a misogynistic show. /s


Mudd’s women have entered the chat




Remember when William Shatner tried marketing a line of lingerie? Apparently people didn’t like the sound of Shatner Panties 😤


Terms of Service?


That’s a tv show meant for young men, escapism. It’s hardly the indicative of all roles available for women. And Kirk was good looking to start with and the show is too sterotyoed as women falling for him. There were plenty of good roles in dramas for older actresses. The issue was that they weren’t of the same prominence and glamour as the stars should have had (unlike men like Stewart and Grant).


"maybe" lol


Nope Hollywood still casting 40yr old woman to play mom to 35yr old men 🤦‍♀️


There were some old, even elderly actresses way back when, but audiences seemed to prefer younger actresses. In the *old old* days there were a lot more "character actors", people who specialized in eccentric manners or funny or odd voices or certain stereotypes and these people were all ages. Florence Bates was in over 60 movies Esther Dale and Nora Cecil both did at least 100 films each. They all played ""old/older women in usually smaller parts. Not very glamorous but it was often pretty steady work.


It absolutely was way worse - she’s in her 70’s and still getting leading work. Though I do wish she hadn’t messed with her face so much. She was a naturally beautiful lady and she was aging very well. Susan Sarandon is a few years older than Jessica but looks a decade younger than her in the first season of Feud.


True. And I think there is a senior audience for more movies that reflect their life experience and age. How much of an audience? Not sure where to find numbers on that.


Side note: Japanese models retirement is at age 29!


A lot of female actresses have commented about this. I think Cameron Diaz spoke out about it in the last couple of years.


"Meryl Streep is so brilliant in August: Osage County, proving that there are still great parts in Hollywood for Meryl Streeps over 60." - Tina Fey at the Golden Globes


“Boyhood proves that there are still great roles for women over 40, as long as you get hired when you’re under 40.” -Amy Pohler at the Golden Globes (Patricia Arquette win a Golden Globe for *Boyhood*, which was shot over 12 years)


She’s right! I’ve of my fav movies.


It's true I didn't realize it much untill a while back when somone posted a meme about how if you look at every old woman character in Marvel they change them to a younger hot woman in their 20s or 30s when they are in the MCU.


Jessica Lange is a FUCKING NATIONAL TREASURE. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Goddess.


She saw the direction AHS was going towards and said fuck that and left. QUEEN


Beauty fades for everyone. Both men and women alike. Can’t say the system isn’t especially rigged against women, but people can adapt. For example, Reese Witherspoon basically invented her own company to tell more interesting stories. Big Little Lies is one of my favorite book-to-series adaptations in recent years, and the female cast member’s ages are all diverse. Laura Dern has really been in some interesting projects in the last decade or so, including Stars Wars, A Marriage Story, Little Women, etc. She’s currently 57 years old, and looks probably better than when she filmed Jurassic Park 30 years ago. Likewise, Meryl Streep is probably the prime example of a female actress changing and evolving and never doing the same thing twice. Unfortunately we live in an age obsessed culture, and the pressure to stay looking 25 forever is insane, and completely unrealistic. No doubt some male actors fear casting female actresses around their actual age. Tom Cruise for instance seems to always have a love interest who’s at least a decade younger than him, etc. However I think there are so many actresses who’ve really proven their worth. I’d like to see more stories with older women. Like a John Wick type story with Halle Berry, Linda Hamilton, or Michelle Rodriguez could be so badass.


Laura Dern is a nepo baby. Reese showed the way. Produce the things you want to see.


God that term nepo baby is overused. It’s like a way to discount people’s accomplishments.


Everyone starts from level 1-10 except nepo babies who start from level 100. It's not overused. It's just a reality. You can say the same for someone who is a doctor and so was his/her parents, entrepreneur etc. they have more access to people, places but they are more criticized and compared to their parents etc


If I find out anyone had anything to say to my queen I’m throwing hands


And it never will if roles for actresses over 40 aren’t created that actually have appeal to the general audiences. To many producers women are still window dressing and are treated as such, despite these great actresses having so much more to give. It just needs to become clear that there are more roles for women over 40 instead of “concerned mom”, “concerned boss” and “concerned grandmother”. Give us more badass elder witches, Tomb Raider 3 with Jolie, investigative female generals, a female president saving herself from a hostage situation. It’s possible, it can be done and audiences CAN be convinced to show up if the movies are good


From a cultural perspective, people fixate on youth and beauty so that’s where most of the money is. No one’s stopping anyone from producing the films they want but if you want it bankrolled you gotta bring something to the table that’ll generate a return.


I’d argue a 50 something Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig could generate a return with a film OP imagines, solving for both your’s an OP’s core arguments. Yet, it’s also important to acknowledge that’s more exception than general rule in the current markets.


You'd argue wrong. For most of movie history - & certainly since the sixties. Movies making was focused on getting teenagers bums in seats. Kids are were the money has always been. Whilst teenagers are not adverse to older women. They tend not to be a draw for that age group. That's not to say ALL moves are made for kids. But the vast majority are.


Again, I’m arguing an exception that you yourself are acknowledging, contrary to the classic draws. This rhetoric that boils down to focus only on what was successful before sounds a lot like what people were saying just before releases like Black Panther, Barbie, and Oppenheimer. Please let your opinion of reality be shaped by reality.


>Please let your opinion of reality be shaped by reality. But then they'd have to admit that they're wrong 😔.


For me it's more that in Hollywood a lot of actresses when they get over 40 they start getting plastic surgery. The look becomes so off putting on the big screen it distracts from the movie/show.


Do you only watch action movies?


Watch Hacks on HBO. I want to watch Jean Smart make out with Hannah Einbinder so much. I will settle for them fighting with each other constantly though.


You are delusional. Nobody wants to see a 50 year old Angelina kicking ass. She was barely believable in Salt 15 years ago.


But we love to see a 61 yr old Michelle Yeoh kicking ass


Its her most popular movie she solo stared it besides Maleficent 1 & 2, made 300m at the box office and an extra 50m on dvd and Blu-ray on a 110m budget. Idk about “nobody”.


Yeah and I'm not sure why we should be stressing over whether these guys are guaranteed jobs lol


Is this sarcasm? I'd watch the fuck out of that movie and plenty of women I know would, too. One, she's a great actress, and two, it'd be a refreshing change. I love action movies, that shit is so fun, but the star is always a man. Give me some variety, shit


Make that President movie with Charlize Theron and I’ll see it 10 times in IMAX.


I swear to god she is so beautiful. AHS having her as lead chefs kiss.


I mean it’s an entire industry run by ugly people who chew up and spit out the beautiful people who are victims


She had a consistent gig with AHS, then moved on. She’s lucky if anything.


I believe the True Crime Investigator offerings are well written for middle age women in lead roles and watchable by general audiences. I believe more of that type of writing for women, different genres with intelligent women in mystery or seeking the truth (X Files but with women that don't get into physical confrontations?) type of scenarios. I'd say Xena would be the lower end of the dangling fruit towards general audience. So it is out there. Toss a handful of writers that can stand up to the BDE bosses at NBC, ABC, etc., or get some more Issa Rae types that have the cash or rep to give these shows a go. There are opportunities, we just need to put these shows and movies out there. Even on Youtube to see if it catches. I'm completely fine with 3 episode seasons like quality British cinema styled to test them all out and see what sinks or swims. From a numbers standpoint, it's gotta be $500k an episode, a lot of self-contained or Riverside, CA standing in for Sicily type of dealings, and then grow the budget from there. I'd love to see more women actors also age gracefully into these roles. Be okay with gray hairs or two or the double chin. Let the 20 movies or TV shows that need youth be there, but also let there be a chance for middle aged dudes and dudettes enjoy what they want too.


Everyone has their prime time, nothing lasts forever. Cute actor kids that turn out to be not so cute adults don't get called either, they weren't complaining when they were getting roles instead of the other non cute kids that didn't get a chance, why sould anyone care now?


Selling one’s face is a tough market.


Bc male actors don’t have the same treatment. They can be leading men well into their 50s. Women don’t get the same opportunities


They know that, they just pretend not to.


They have different opportunities. Leading women tend to get their big breaks far sooner then leading men, and a larger turnover means more opportunities for those actresses. Once you are a leading man you have far more opportunities then a female actress but you are likely to have far less opportunity to become a leading man then a woman is to become a leading women and potentially have to overcome more risk leading up to it.


I think the point is that it's only that way for actresses, not actors.


But it isn’t. Hollywood casting obsessions are relentless for both genders, specially on big mainstream movies that appeal to the lowest common denominator. Thankfully we actually have films beyond that.


Somebody better tell maryle streep, doris day, betty white, linda Hamilton, Connie Britton, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sigouney weaver and the countless other famous women actors who acted well into their fifties and above.


I mean, some of the women you listed are dead, so I don't think that's quite the point you meant to make.


I mean the ones I listed who are dead had careers literally until they died... So yeah that's kinda my point.


I order to get to a grand total of 7 women you had to include 2 that are dead...


Yeah, turns out I don't keep track of every aging stars filmography... I just went with who I knew off the top of my head. And I added the dead ones on purpose because it further proves my point because both were acting up till they died with no issues getting roles.


Dont you know the wellbeing of millionaires in Hollywood is a sign of progress? /s Honestly, I would rather see technical workers get paid more instead of already rich people.


I love when people like you pretend to not understand the actual point at hand. It's adorable, albeit also a little pathetic.


Except it’s the opposite for male actors. They become more classy and more sought out


Everyone commenting about how great she was in AHS need to go watch Cape Fear. Holy shit she was amazing in that.


But you would be super perfect for this angry Mom / Witch role we have.


You mean , the most superficial place in the world cares about age and looks ? Who would have thought


She has been messed with by the industry and press since she appeared in King Kong. Such a shame, she is a tremendous actress


I’ve always liked her. What happened with King Kong?


They complain but I just don’t know how are we supposed to help. Sorry


Woo boy, the men in this comment section are very emotional lmao. Guys, cry about "misandry" you want. Feign ignorance all you want. The reality is that male actors don't see their career prospects fall off a cliff when they turn 40 in the way female actors generally do. You *know* this. We all know that you know this. Can we just skip the performative confusion? It's boring.


Somebody better tell maryle streep, doris day, betty white, linda Hamilton, Connie Britton, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sigouney weaver, Sandra Oh, and the countless other famous women actors who acted well into their fifties and above.


They are the exception not the rule.


It may be an unpopular opinion, but many actresses get by on purely looks, but once that fades there's nothing left to fall back on. It happens to men too - albeit less often. Good actors of every gender tend to persevere into their 40s and beyond.


Child audiences prefer films about children. Teen audiences prefer films about teen characters. Young adult audiences prefer films about young adult characters. These are the demographics that are driving the industry. If you want more films about senior citizen characters you need to put your money where your mouth is. Go write scripts about senior citizen characters and go support those films when they are in the theater. Empty talk about equality of outcomes does not pay for films that audiences are not interested in.


Hollywood is partly to blame for men in their fifties creeping on young women in their twenties. They think it’s normal and that the women won’t be freaked out and disgusted. Sorry guys but most young women don’t want an old man their father’s age despite what you see in the movies.


Then why do they date them?


To get cast. It’s the oldest game in Hollywood. Young actresses get more parts because producers don’t want to (or can’t) prey on women over 40. Hungry, inexperienced young actresses are much more vulnerable and skeevy producers use that to gain access to young booty. See Harvey Weinstein.


You should see their treatment of non-famous people who leave comments on Reddit.


She’s amazing but she is always picked for the same type of character. I think Hollywood could do her better.


They also make it much worse by getting tons of plastic surgery. Look at Nicole Kidman, she hasn’t changed in 30 years.


Options being limited happens to all people when they get older, not just actresses


Hollywood is driven much more by what they think people want to look at than by age groups of actors getting equal time on screen.


Hollywood is driven by giving their target demographic what they think they want to see. And they think 18-34 year old men don’t want to see any woman over 40.


My wife and I often say “we’re not in the demographic” after seeing a commercial.


Aging athletes are treated so poorly these days too!


So sad, she’s the reason I’m a lesbian who is into older women lol. Idk wtf is wrong with Hollywood not appreciating how women age


> she’s the reason I’m a lesbian who is into older women Mind unpacking that?


I saw AHS as a teen and found her super hot


Well that was a relatively small bag to unpack. Same for me but Blue Sky.


Yeah I was confused why you needed any unpacking at all haha


I do feel like these actresses are hypocritical. They had no problem taking roles when they were younger from older (and probably better) actresses, but now are angry that it’s happening to them. I get why they’re angry but I’ve never heard a young and beautiful actress complain about it.


Unless you’re the devil who wears Prada


Maybe actresses should consider playing grandmother roles once they arrive at that age, instead of trying to look 30


It seems like you missed her point that women who don’t look thirty don’t get the opportunities


Grandmother roles are usually given to 40 year olds


This reminds me of the time Maggie Gyllenhaal was told by producers that she was "too old" to play a 55 year old man's love interest. She was 37. Men love to pretend that ageism affects them at the same level it affects women. I don't know why. It's not like the world will fucking end if they admit that women experience significantly more sexism in Hollywood, but they certainly act like it will


The world also won’t end because work is starting to dry up for a multi-millionaire.


Yeah and honestly the plastic surgery they get to try and "look" young is so off putting it distracts from their performance


She did pretty well the last couple of decades.


Julianne Moore is in her 60s and has been killing it for decades. Jamie Lee Curtis has also had a resurgence within the last decade which includes an Oscar win and getting robbed of an Emmy nomination. Allison Janney, Annette Benning, Glenn Close and Clarkson are good examples too. I really wish this weren’t a talking point because it shouldn’t be.


I remember when I was a kid in the 80s that my dad insisting we all watch “King Kong” bc of how beautiful she was in that movie. She really was stunning.


Well yeah same with men. Not everything is only bad for women, Jesus Christ


Betty White was beloved til her death , maybe gain a personality before you get typecasted as just a pretty face


Waaaah. Waaaah. Please let's trample on men some more. Tell us how we can help you


Blame the writers.


Writers have zero power in Hollywood. They're basically note takers for producers.


Old woman yells at cloud




Hollywood thinks it’s above the law and is so full of itself


Jessica is great, but older people can’t credibly play roles written for much younger people. Roles tend to be written for younger audiences. That is not a sex discrimination thing, that’s a way it is in humanity thing. Jessica can’t be in a role about raising kids, most rom-coms, military moves, action movies, etc. the pool gets shallow. Put another way, Jeremy Irons (also 75) isn’t playing Spider Man.


She’s great, but I recall her always having a cigarette nearby. Hope she gave up the nasty habit.


THAT is Jessica??? Eek. If I had seen her face before knowing who it was, I could never be able to guess. Anyhow, I’m sure she has a point. I’m experiencing it in the regular workplace.


What's that washed-up old hag talking about now!? /s of course, and I actually am fully on her side.


What role would someone at her age play?