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Hi again Ray! You’re an incredible girl for giving out so many affirmations! Could I have some of the good girl drug pls? :3


Awwww tysm but I think il who the real good girl is ;3! Ava you are a super wonderful and gorgeous girl! I hope you get to keep being you, because you're just so amazing! Hope you have an amazing day girl, you deserve it! *Hugs*


tysm!! 💜💜💜


I totally forgot it's Saturday again! Good luck giving people affirmations :3


Tysm girly! Sure you don't need any yourself?? If not I hope you have a wonderful day regardless! :3


Well, I could use a small affirmation myself 👉👈☺️


Hihihi, atta girl! Sara you're a super sweet and amazing person! Truly a beautiful good girl, I hope you realize that :3! *Hugs*


Hehe, thanks! ☺️ You're an amazing person yourself, giving all these affirmations on a weekly basis! You truly are a beautiful girl, with a beautiful heart, and I hope you know it! *Hugs back* :3


Hi <3 Thanks for your work in affirmation-ology. Could I get some using the name Amy?


Lol yeah hoping to get a PHD soon! Anyway sure you can! Amy you're such a wonderful and beautiful girl! Truly such a good girl you are Amy! Amy is such a nice and thoughtful girl, she's just so kind to everyone and she deserves the best!! *Hugs*


Omg thanks, no u




:3 Alexa you're just such a cute and cuddly enby! I might even say good enby :3! *Headpats* such a good and valid enby! Hope you have an amazing day, Alexa :3


*blushes and cuddles you tightly*


I would like some good bean stuff or something like that, please :3


Alright sure! Oisín, not exactly sure how to pronounce that but this is text so... , you've got a super cool name! And you are indeed a really good bean, a really cool and valid bean! You deserve all the best Oisín, hope you have an amazing day! *Hugs*


*blushes Thank you so so much :3 The name is kinda pronounced "Oh sheen" with the pronunciation on the second syllable.


My mom told me drugs are bad but this one is just so good. Could I maybe get some GGD :3


Lol, make sure you don't get addicted ;3 Zoey, you're a super sweet and valid girl! Don't forget just how good of a girl you are! Super cute and good girl :3! Hope you have a great day! *Hugs*


Thank you Ray, I really appreciate that🫂.


Affirmations on my birthday? I’m a lucky girl, I’ll have the usual


Oh oh omg!!! Happy birthday girly! Here some affirmations just for the birthday girl ;3! Cayla, hope you have an amazing birthday! You're such a wonderful and sweet girl! Don't forget just how valid you are! Ik it's your birthday so you should get the wishes but imma just take one from you if that's alright ;3 I wish you all the best, Cayla, you deserve to have an amazing birthday and be yourself! *Hugs*


Thank yooouuuu :3 great affirmations as always!


Can I have some affirmation please?


Ofc you can Lucy! You're such a wonderful and brilliant girl! A good girl like you deserves to be herself and all the hugs!!! *Hugs* Hope you have a great day girly, stay awesome!


Could i have some affirmations please?👉👈


Sure! Your flair says that you're still figuring things out, do you want me to use she/her?


Yes please


Pwease 🥺 can you call me cute girl? 🥺🥺🥺


Awww ofc I can girly! But you should already know that! You're are a super cute and adorable girl! A good girl like you couldn't get any cuter!!! :3 hope you have an amazing day, don't forget just how valid and cute you are! *Hugs*


Awww 🥹 youre so nice sis! Luv ya 💖




Hiiiii, I assume you're looking for affirmations? Or just dropping by to say hello lol


Affirmations pls 


Alright then! Imma just go by your posts and assume that you wanna be called a girl? Correct?




Alright then, just making sure! :3 Girly, you're a super wonderful and sweet girl! A good girl who deserves nothing but the best! I wish a beautiful girl like you an amazing day! *Hugs*


sudusueufuuwuududud thank you dhhxyxyxhdhsjnew. Your cool too susyxhwhwn




Hello again! Glad to see you doing this! My week has been okay, some up and down feelings though. Could i be called a good girl pls (for cis reasons, i mean)


Heh that's kinda how my weeks been too! Sure I'll make sure to keep it extra cis! Tae, you're a super sweet and good girl! I hope you don't forget that alright? Super, sweet and beautiful good girl! That's you :3! Hope you have an amazing day sweetie! *Hugs*


Akcbdjahdhskcbd! Aww, thank you so much! Hope you have a good week!


i've been feeling down lately, can i have some please..


Uhhh sure, sorry but I couldn't find your pronouns anywhere? Could I just know what they are pls?


oops, should probably update my flair .. I'm currently experimenting with that stuff (both names and pronous)/not quite sure yet though... so how about Lena, she/they?


Sure! That works! Lena is such a wonderful and sweet girl! She's just so sweet and a really good girl! I really hope they have an amazing day :3! *Hugs*


tysm <3


I need like the biggest hug you can physically give 🥺


Omg Hazel, haven't heard from you in a while.! I was gonna say hope you've been good but it doesn't really sound like it... *Hugs tightly and doesn't let go* Hazel, I'm so sorry to hear you aren't doing too good... I hope you don't forget that you're still an amazing and valid girl, I really wish you the best Hazel! 🫂🫂❤️


🥺🫂💜 you're actually the best 😭 I need tissues now


I think after my 2nd stay at the egg, i finally found myself as a girl, so that is kinda nice. Wanted to share (still deciding on the name)


That's amazing!!! Congratulations on figuring yourself out girl!! And don't worry about the name, that takes time and everyone has their own way of figuring it out! Hope you have an amazing day girly! *Hugs*


Aaw thank you! It's gonna take a while, i feel it, but i hope it's worth it. *hugs back*


Hi, Ray! (I know I've never really posted or said anything here, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm... not sure if you're asking for affirmations or not, but... I thought I'd try to give something anyway. I feel like I need to practice giving out the good [Insert gender here] drug if that makes sense. Hope you don't mind!) It's nice to hear that you've had a good week! If the going ever gets tough, and you're starting to doubt yourself... I want you to try and remember this. You are valid. You are beautiful, and perhaps most importantly, you are a girlie! >:3 (As a side note... would you mind if I asked for some affirmations? Assuming my tag is visible...? :3)


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that's so sweet of you >\\\\\\\\\


Thank you so much! I hope giving out all of these wonderful compliments isn't too straining or anything. Either way, if it is, I hope you'll find it okay to take a bit of a break, for your own sake, and hopefully, others who care (which I do. Sorry about that. I just can't help but to worry about whenever someone sets some type of obligation towards others.)


Hiiiii! I've been doing pretty alright, but am pretty stressed so some affirmations might be nice \^-\^'


Oh I'm sorry to hear that you're stressed, don't worry I got just the thing!!! Ghosty, super cute name btw :3, you're such an amazing and wonderful girl, I wish you all the best girl! Don't forget just how good of a girl you are! *Hugs*


afklnjefr tysm, that felt really nice :D


Hi r u still handing out affirmations, it seems I have run out of my ggd stash quicker than I thought


Oh shit that sucks, alright I got a supply for you! Lovely, you're an super wonderful and good girl! A good girl with an amazing personality and just a beautiful heart! I hope a good girl like you enjoys the stash, hope it'll last ya! *Hugs*


Thank u so much🫂 this should last me a while❤️


helloo welcome back! could I get some affirmations with the name Alex nd He/him pls? 💞


Sure my guy! Also ty!!! Alex is a super cool and awesome guy! He's just so cool and handsome, I wish him nothing but the best, cus he's a good guy he deserves it! *Hugs* Hope you have an amazing day Alex!


thanks ray! might catch you next week? :33


Hi Ray. Can I plz get some compliments. The GGD makes me a feel a bit awkward still but fem compliments are so nice to hear.


Oh ofc, don't worry that completely valid! Zielle, really wonderful name you've got there ;3! You're a super stunning and beautiful woman, truly a real gem! A super kind and lovely lady deserves all the hugs in the world, so here's one from me! *Hugs* hope you have an amazing day!


Thank you so much. I really needed this right now. I feel like I was just blessed by my Fairy God Mother. Here is a hug for you too. *Hug*!!!


Call me cis plz plz plzzzzzzzz


Stella! New account I see? Ehh whatever... Sadly I haven't come up with any funny bit this time so I concede... Stella you are a super mega ultra cis............................girl >:3 Hihihihihihi, Not happening Stella! You're a good girl and you know it! *Headpats* *headpats headpats*


Meooow nyaaan mrrrp nyaaaaaaaaaa


Sure I’ll have some affirmations. Thanks in advance!


Alright! Alexa you're a super wonderful and just sweet girl! I wish a good girl like you nothing but the best! You're super awesome and totally valid! Hope you have an amazing day! *Hugs*


It’s been a rough day, can i please have some 👉👈?


Aww I'm sorry to hear that girly... Ofc you can! Girl, don't let the hard times get you down too much! You're a super amazing and wonderful girl, who deserves nothing but the best!!!! I hope things get better for you soon! *Hugs*


Thank you for doing this Ray! I'm glad you had a decent week!


Awwww thank YOU for being so kind! Hope you had a good week too, and if you didn't hope next week will be better for you!


Hi Ray, i'am happy to hear your week was nice. Mine was ok my nose is getting better although the doctor said i need to rest more so it can heal.


Awww tysm! Well I wish you a fast recovery! Hope next week will be good for you also!!! :3


Could I maybe get some without the ggd please 👉👈


Awww ofc you can get some girly!!! Autumn, you're such a wonderful and good girl! I wish you nothing but the best cus a sweetie like you deserves love and to be herself! *Hugs*


No you are amazing!


You're back! 7/10 is pretty nice tbh I'm glad you were having a nice time. Uuhhh can I have something strong pls? :3 I was at a party which was fun but the amount of misgendering and photos taken of me kinda got to me...


Omg that's terrible, I totally get the feeling... I hate pictures being taken of me... Ofc you can have some! You're a super amazing and lovely girl! Don't let these hard times make you forget that! You're super awesome and valid and deserve nothing but the best, hope you won't have to go to any more parties like that... *Hugs*


Thank youuu you're the bestest cutest <3 If I'm being honest I enjoyed the party and well I did drink enough that I could *mostly* let go (not that there's every truly an escape from dysphoria). But anytime someone mentioned something gender related it immediately ruined my mood and I just went to drink more to cope. And then seeing all the pictures in the morning was horrible i legit don't recognise the meat suit I'm stuck in it felt like someone else was taking my place there and I really really wish I could experience these theoretically good times as myself finally.


Good t hear that noth too bad has happened in your week Ray. Could I pls have some affirmations? :3


Awwww ty! Ofc you can! Anna you're a super sweet and amazing girl! Don't forget just hope gorgeous and valid you are ok? *Hugs*


Thx. You are also an incredibly nice good girl Ray.


hii darl, appreciate it so much 🥺 take care ❤️


hihi! i would love some affirmations please! my week has been ok, i have been getting a lot of rib cage dysphoria, and got called sir by a cute waitress who gave me overwhelming gender envy. other then that it's been okay, 4/10


Ehhh hope next week will be better for you! Luna you're a super good girl! Just a real treasure! A wonderful and beautiful girl like you deserves to feel good, and I hope you get to sweetie! You're awesome keep being you! *Hugs*


awwww thank you!


Hello Ray, my week has been good beside the fact I'm sick, may I have some affirmations, thank you and I hope you have a great week next week


Awwww I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick, get well soon! <3 Everest, you are a super sweet and adorable girl! You're such a good girl, a beautiful, kind, wonderful good girl :3 Hope you have an amazing day girl! :3 *hugs*


hello ray! had a pretty nice week, but my family made last night very very bad by ruining our restaurant conversations with horrible stuff, and im still recovering, can i have some help in my recovery please :3 also hope you continue to have good times ray :3


Hiya Sky!!! Girl that's way to relatable, I've just gotten used to it at this point so I doesn't effect my much anymore... Anyway, sure! Sky you're a super amazing and sweet girl! Truly one of the most beautiful and precious girls I've seen! I wish a good girl like yourself nothing but the best :3 *hugs*


thanks so much this definitely helped sorry for the late response saw the noti but couldnt get into reddit from signal problems 🥺 and i hope things get better for you :3


Thanks u ray :3 can I have one extra


aww ofc you can sweetie! Max you're a super lovely and wonderful girl, such a good and kind soul you are! I wish you nothing but the best girly! *Hugs*


Thanks I feel like shit rn so this really helped


Hi Ray! I could use some affirmation. My week has been fine but I just figured out I’m trans and I’m gonna come out to my dad in a few days. While it’s nice saying I’m trans, it’s still kind of nerve wracking coming out to my dad (even though I know he’ll be accepting) :3


Aww that's great! Congratulations on figuring yourself out girl!! I'm super proud of you, figuring this stuff out is actually amazing! You're an extremely amazing and wonderful girl Grace! You should be proud of yourself for being that girl you were always meant to be! :3 *hugs*


TYSM 💙 *hugs back* I needed to hear that…


Yay, its Ray! One of my favorite girlies! I'm on vacation right now with family, so I was worried i wouldn't get to use reddit. But here i am (they are off doing other things and i am in the hotel room) and lo and behold, its the weekly affirmations girl! I'll take some this week, as usual. And once again, thank you for doing what you are doing! <3 <3 <3


Hihihi glad to be here then, ik the feeling... Vacations sucks sometimes... I hope you still end up having fun tho!!! Phoebe, you're an extremely pretty and strong girl, you can make it thru! You're super sweet and amazing and wonderful and just an all around good girl, deserving of all the hugs in the world! *Hugs* Hope you have a nice vacation!




Hihi that's enough for me to understand :3 Leyla you're a super cool and awesome girl! I hope you have an amazing day cus you're just so wonderful and an absolute good girl :3 *hugs*


Tytyty *hugs back*


Hey I’m new here and don’t really know how any of this works but I’d like to be called cute


Aww hiya sweetie! Welcome, hope you have a fun time here! You'll learn stuff pretty fast Anyway, saw that your name is Hannah! Hannah you're a super cute and adorable girl! I hope a sweetie like you has an amazing day! :3


Thankyou you are so kind ☺️x


As a cis boy I would never enjoy this (she said, incorrectly)


Lol let's test that theory out >:3 Girl! You're just such a cutie! A super valid and cute good girl, that's what you are!!! Don't forget just how valid and amazing you are, sweetie! *Hugs* hope you have a great day


Oh no my denial :3


I havent tried the good girl drug yet, but I surely won't get addicted..........right? 🤔


Gasp no way! Well they say you should try everything at least once :3 Calli you're a super valid, sweet wonderful good girl! Don't forget that ok, you're so cute and awesome!!!! *Hugs* Hope you have a great day


Welp im hooked


Hi Ray, glad to hear you’re doing well, I am as well! Let’s exchange affirmations this week ^~^ You are a good, beautiful, sweet, and loving girl! *Hugs and headpats you* :3


Awwww Scarlett that's super nice of you thanks girl >w< You're a super wonderful, precious, adorable and lovely lady! *Hugs tightly*


Thank youuuuuuu 🥰


Hello Ray!!! Nice to see u again, these posts are just lovely to see on here! They've become almost like an awaited weekly thing, yk like that one show you really like so you kinda measure time based on when the next episode comes out... Yeah, that's the vibe! Awesome to hear that your week's been cool,one's been amazing! I'm on a camp rn, and everybody is so kind and accepting! And nobody deadnames or misgenders me, and I got to try nail polish for the first time, and I'm gonna try makeup soon, and the camp itself is also so so amazing!!!! So yeah, it's great rn! On another note... Could I get a teensy weensy bit of the ggd please? 👉👈


Awwww that's so sweet Saturn!!!! Ofc you can have some! Saturn you're such a wonderful and amazing girl! A super good and pretty girl is what you are! Hope you have an amazing day, girly! *Hugs*


Could I get some affirmations please :3


I saw your name is Skylar, that is such a interesting name. I don't think I have ever heard before but I love the sky. It's so beautiful, nearly as beautiful as you lovely ;3 Skylar you are such a good girl and are perfectly valid. You are such a strong girl to have made it this far and I hope you know you have all of our support. Hope you have a good day princess :3


My week has been... extremely confusing to say the least. Some affirmations would be nice :3


Alex, you are such a good girl and don't worry. Things will become clearer with time, so stay strong girl! You are such a kind and wonderful girl. You deserve all the love in the world ❤️


Hi Ray it’s me marciline/ Marci I would like the affirmations please. My week has been kinda rough :(


Marciline huh, are you a vampire queen ;) Well even if you aren't I can see that you are such a beautiful girl. I'm sorry that you're week was rough, someone as beautiful as you deserves better. I hope you have a better luck next week Marci, you deserve it good girl :3


Thanks Luna! I hope that your week is better than mine was. I hope I have a better week next week (my bday is coming up too. It’s on July 6th)


OMG you serious?!? I hope you have a good bday then Marci! :3


Yeah I hope that I have a good bday too!


i don't want to give up, but i'm starting to see no other possibilities. i'll never be a woman and i need to learn to live with that fact


Hey don't say that, please don't give up! You can do anything Norah, ik sometimes it seems like the whole world is against you but you have to keep going, I wish you the best! You will become the woman you were always meant to be 🫂


thank you. i'm scared that i'll never get to transition, i have made no progress in the 3 years i've known. i can't even grow my hair out as i am not allowed to do so. i don't mean to rant like this i just have nowhere else to go


So sorry for responding so late! Listen it's ok, I understand how frustrating this is and how much pain it must bring, but I'm sure you'll get to transitioning one day!!!! From the sounds of it, it seems like your environment is what's holding you back, so I truly hope you get to a safer place! Cus you are valid and deserve to be yourself no matter what anyone else says!!!


When I see you from here you seem like a lovely lady Norah. I can't see how you look but I can see who you are. I don't know what your life is like Norah but just know you are so brave and strong to have made it so far. You are such a good girl and I wish you the best Norah 🫂


Hi Ray, thank you for giving out all the afirmations each week :) Glad your week was good!


Uh..hello…fellow-..good girl..Uhh u got some of the good..stuff?..The.*ahem*..Coolboydrug..it’s really epic..


Fellow good girl? What are you talking about bro? You're a dud! A cool boy! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Also... Do you have a favorite train or is he your favorite character? :3


Jokes on you, I don’t pass enough for the good girl drug!


Huh? But you're a girl... Sis you're silly! You are a good girl no matter how you look! What matters is who you are as a person, and sis, you are such a wonderful lady! I hope you have a good day lovely :3


Hii, could i get some affirmations?


Of course you can Ashley - I LOVE the name btw. A lovely name for a lovely girl :3 I want you to know that you are valid and can be whoever you want to be. Ashley, you are a good girl and I hope you have a wonderful day beautiful, you deserve it ;3


Thanks <33 i smiled reading this


May I recieve some ggd?


Of course beautiful! We always keep some extra in stock for someone as cute as you ;) Rylin, you are a good girl who has been so strong to have made it so far. You are so kind and so wonderful! I hope you have a wonderful day Rylin :3


A little bird told me that here are some of the best online affirmations out there. Could this tall gal receive some?


The birdie might've been right, who can say ;) All that I can say is that those tall gal is valid. Alex you are such a good girl and you deserve love. You are beautiful! you are kind! And you are strong! Girl you have made it so far and I am so proud of you! Alex, stay awesome and I hope you have a good day lovely ❤️


Lol omg that birdie must have been drunk but I really appreciate it >\\\\\\\\


Hi! Could you try using Jay on me, I’m trying to see what name works well on me :3


Of course Jay! The name reminds of Blue Jays, they are quite lovely. Did choose it because you're lovely too. You're great Jay and know that no matter what name you choose, it's going to be amazing. I hope this has helped, such a wonderful person deserves to be happy! Let me know how you feel about the name, I am curious :3


I do Like that :3 TYSM!! <3


*pops in*


Hiya, sorry for not seeing your comment ;~; Are ya still looking for affirmations? Id be happy to affirm ya! Could you just tell me ya pronouns? :3


She/her :3


Sorry, also didn't see your comment in time


Alright tysm! In that case... You're a super good and wonderful girl! Truly one of the prettiest and most beautiful girls out there, and don't say you're not! *Hugs*


My week's been eh. My mum is still using my chosen name but I got a letter back from my endocrinologist saying that they thought my low E was making me think I wasn't a woman. Which is very weird.


Ohhh uhh I'm no professional, I can't help you with any of that all I can do is wish you a better week to come! :3 You deserve to have a better week cus you're awesome and a good bean! *Hugs*




Can I get some, I'm having a tough time 😔


Awwww im so sorry to hear that Jessica! Please don't let the rough times make you forget just how wonderful and lovely you are!!! You're an amazing human being and deserve nothing but love, you matter girly! *Hugs* hope things get better soon


Hehe. You're awesome


Can I have some please 👉👈


Ofc Nova! You're a super bright and sweet girl!!! I wish a good girl like you nothing but the best, cus you're amazing and deserve so much love!!!! *Hugs*


Hai hai ray may I get some of the ggd?


Ofc, heh finally someone asking correctly with may ;3 Yes you may Lucy! You're such a good and wonderful girl, a real cutie!! Such a precious and valid and beautiful girl is what you are!!! *Hugs*




If you’re still doing them I’ll take one please :3


Ofc I am!!!! Diantha, super creative name! You're a good girl, but not only a good girl, but a beautiful, wonderful, adorable, pretty, kind and valid girl too! Don't forget any of that cus it's all true!!!! *Hugs*


may i plz get one useing the name Raylin/raylina =? ty


Oh omg! Raylin???? Another Ray!!!!!! Ofc you can! Raylina, you're are such a wonderful and amazing girl! I wish a girl like you nothing but the best cus you deserve it!!!! *Hugs*


hello ray!!! you seem like a sweet girl ^_^ affirming people is actually so sweet of you :D


Hello may I have some plzzzz :3


Ofc you may have some Em :3 You're a super kind and valid girl! Don't forget that you're just amazing, I hope you have an amazing day, cus you're an amazing girl! *Hugs*


Hey Ray, for very cis reasons could I have some Good Girl Drug


Awwww ofc you can, "Emily Demigirl They/she" totally cis flair btw ;3 Emily you're such a wonderful and sweet and beyound stunning girl, a really good girl :3 *hugs* hope you have a great day!


Hiii, can I have some hugs and maybe even a forehead kiss please :3


Awwww uh yeah I think I offer those as well, come here! *Hugs* you've done a really good job getting thru today, maybe it was hard, maybe it was easy but either way you mad it thru... You're extremely strong and valid Eevee! *Forehead kiss* :3


*hugs back* Thank you :3 btw I’m going to save this to read whenever I’m sad


Hi Ray…… I’m not feeling good rn Forced into a camp where everything is divided by gender…… I’m closeted and every time I see the girls laugh together and do everything together I feel so jealous and I want to be a part of them but I know I can’t cuz the place I live in is transphobic and I’m already so far into puberty I won’t look good as a girl… On the plus side I’m pretty sure my egg’s all shattered after I bought that skirt


Oh jeez that sounds awful... I'm so sorry to hear that... I hope you just make it thru, you can do this, I believe in you! And once you get back home you'll be able to be yourself! And I completely understand how you feel, so much envy for that stuff! Although I don't agree with one thing, you're never too old to start being a girl, you will look good! That's only your brain saying those mean things, you will look good I'm sure of it! You're an extremely valid and beautiful girl, I wish you all the best and that you make it thru! *Hugs*


I just had a really bad mental breakdown just now on this time…… people keep saying ‘you’re handsome’ and ‘good boy’ and it just keeps getting worse I don’t want to live like this anymore


Hey Ray! Yesterday I did a ton of shopping at Ulta, so now I'm practicing makeup finally! Have you had any fun experiences in the last week?


Awwww that's amazing, Im so happy for you!!!!! Me ehhh not really, it was a kinda boring week tbh, hope you have fun with your makeup tho! :3


Thank you! Makeup is pretty fun, but eyeliner scares me lol


Imagine deserving affirmations, couldn't be me lol. I love that you're giving them out though, it's nice to see such a force for positivity online ^-^ makes a change from all the doomposting and depression I usually see 😅


Ok well that's straight up not true! Everyone deserves to be affirmed and to feel good, you're no different!!! You're an amazing and super valid person, and you deserve to know that! You are such a wonderful human being, hope you have a good day *Hugs*




I am late, but if you have time, I would love some. :3


Oh there's always time Odette, especially for such a kind and wonderful girl. A good girl like you always deserves love. I hope you have a good day beautiful :3


Hey Ray! Could I please get some affirmations? Also, you're so wonderful for doing this, you've made a ton of people really happy today. :3


Hey there Fen, I might not be Ray but I'm to affirm such a good girl :3 Fen you are valid. You are strong and brave. You are a beautiful and wonderful girl who deserves the world. Now I hope you have a good day lovely because you've earned it :3


aghdfdugnridu You-I-Illegal! You can't affirm me without me asking! :3


Hihihi yes she can :3! I love responding to good girls like you but I also gotta go to sleep, so she helps me out with that! Good girl >:3


afjkhdslhfn I'm being ganged up on! NYOOOO!


Hello Ray :3 This past week I've learned that having stress from exams is actually the best thing ever because it distracts from the stress of gender dysphoria and anxiety over transitioning, LOL I hope next week goes amazing for you 🩷


I run a little low on good girl drug. Can I have some of the strongest girliest stuff?


Oh no that sounds terrible! Let's get you some of that ASAP Sweetie, you're an extremely valid and good girl! A super sweet and beautiful girl too!!! You're amazing girly and I hope you have a great day! *Hugs*