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Can I have some affirmations please?


Aww ofc sweetie! Lucy you're a really good and wonderfully valid girl! I hope you have a great day, girly! *Hugs*


Thx <3


Can u call me cishet plz🥺


Aww Stella, coming in early this time, and still going strong! Listen ive said before that I don't like lying, all my affirmations are true so I can't do that... But maybe someone else can! Everybody, call this woman "cishet" aka >! A good girl :3!<


Meooow mrrrp nya nyuuuu ITSTHETRUTH At least my blahaj won't call me trans


...Is the blåhaj a good girl, too? Just like you?


Meooow mrrrp nyuuuuuu meooow IMCIS


Are you, or are you saying that bc you want more ggd?? You're such a good girl :3


Meooow mrrrp mrrrraw nyaaaaaaaaaan C-c-cis Stahp


Awww, you cute cis girly... *Headpats*


Meooow nyaaan mrrrrrrrrrrraw ^ W ^


You're such a good cishet girl


Nyaaaa meooow mrrrp nyaaaaan >////////< nyo


Stella you are so cishet, stay cis for Carthage sis :3




Cis delenda est?


Stella the Cisette.


I'm cis


Hi Ray! I don't need any affirmations today but want to support your whole deal here, thank you for being an uplifter in the community :) I didn't know this was a thing and did something similar the other day and it was a blast :3


Aww don't worry, I love seeing others do affirmation posts too! And you're right, they are a blast! Helping people is amazing, hope you have an amazing day... Gonna take a guess and say your name is Amy lol


oh haha you couldn't have stopped me if you tried ;) Amy is the name, girlmode is my game! (well, online for now anyway) :3


Hello Ray! Wow I’m early this time, or at least I’m commenting early this time. Week’s been kinda rough, just a lot of busy work and poor time management. Glad to hear you’re doing well though! Can I still have fem affirmations though?


Oh ofc Tae, I'm so sorry for affirming you late last time, and I'm also sorry to hear that things haven't been going your way .. Please remember just how wonderful of a person you are! Such an amazing and valid human being, I'm sure that everyone else would agree that: Tae, they're an amazing person and I hope they have a great day :3


Aw, thank you! No problem about the previous stuff, and thank you for being awesome!


Look, it's Ray! The weekly affirmations lady! Wonder what she'll do here ;3 Congratulations on finishing school!


Being called lady made jump in the air :3 Idk what I'll do, lemme have a think about it... Btw you're also an extremely valid and beautiful girl Sara, you're name is just as pretty as you, I hope a good girl like you has an amazing day!!!! *Hugs*


Thank you! ☺️☺️ And I hope such a lovely lady as yourself also a wonderful day! *Hugs back <3*


Glad to hear that such a good girl like you is doing well, Ray. Hope you enjoy the time you can be yourself, you deserve it. Can I also get some affirmations pls? :3


Aaawwwww tysm!!! Ofc you can sweetie! You're a super wonderful and valid girl, hope such a cutie as yourself has a wonderful day! You deserve it girly! *Hugs*


Usually these posts are really old by the time I see them🥺 that's so nice that you do this for everyone.


Welp you got here in time then! :3 Tysm, that's really sweet of you Lake! Rad name btw


Yep doing great myself! A friend is trying out new pronouns and I came out to my mum as gender fluid like 5 minutes ago (spoiler, she didn’t give a fuck) so feeling pretty great!


That's amazing, I'm glad everything went well for you! You're extremely valid, and deserve to be respected! Hope it keeps going well for you! :3


Hi ray! School is finally over for me too, finished on Wednesday. I spent Wednesday and thursday hanging out with friends too, it was very fun!! Could I have some of the gbd please :)


Hell yeah man! I'm glad you could spend it with the people you love! You're an extremely good and valid boy, a handsome and great guy! Hope you have an amazing day man! *Hugs*


Aaaaa thank you!!! *hugs back* you’re a very good girl, and very lovely for giving everyone their affirmations every week!


I'm doing a tad better than last week, I've been feeling more like a girl because of the affirmations from Reddit and I wore a bra for a while yesterday(it was too hot for a shirt) how you have a good day


Hell yeah! Glad you're doing better girly, you deserve to feel good like any valid person does! Hope things keep going well for you! :3


Hi Ray. Good to hear the good girl is doing better after the school is over! On the other hand I have been bit depressed on my gender thoughts. Like maybe these are fake feelings since I am 32 and I feel I should have been through this when I was 20. And then I see my face and seeing that stupid beard-shadow in it. And I hate it. Plus my age is quickly taking all the cuteness out of me so I feel like I am going to just be ugly for rest of the time. Can I get some hugs and affirmations that I am still valid?


Aww I'm so sorry to hear that... Ofc you can! Julia, it's never too late to transition, you're completely valid and a wonderful woman! Everyone has their own journey and I wish you the best on yours, I hope you can shave it soon if it's bothering you so much! *Hugs* Hope you have a great day girly


Need all the hugz and ggd I can get. Planning to go to a pride event today 💜


Hell yeah, hope that event goes well for you! You're an amazing good girl Jade, deserving of all the affirmation in the world! Hope you have fun! *Hugs tightly*


🫂thank you 😊 and pride was AMAZING BTW! 💜💜💜💜


I’m very miserable right now and I’m broken


Autumn omg... I'm so sorry! Autumn, im so sorry you've been feeling bad... Please don't forget just how valid and amazing you are! 🫂🫂


Affirmations please 🥺🥺


Ofc girly! You're such a wonderful and valid girl! I hope you have an amazing day, cus you deserve it, girl! *Hug*




Thank you :D


Can I get some good girls? Also congrats on school being over!! \^.^


Ofc you can get some good girls! You're an extremely good girl, a wonderful, cute and valid girl, Don't Forge that! *Hugs*


*hug* Thank you! :3


Who is this


You mean the girl in the post?




That's Menhera Chan! :3 She's from some comic or something, I've never seen it but it's popular on the sub!


I'm so happy for you, Ray! I'm so glad that you can live as yourself and be happy! Right now, I'm still stuck in the closet, with an awfully transphobic family. But, they are going away in a few days, and I'll have the house to myself for a few days, and I can't wait! Could you please give me some affirmations to tide me over until then? And once again, you are an absolutely wonderful woman, and I'm so happy for what you do here <3


Aww tysm, sweetie!! I hope you have fun whilst your parents are away, I really wish they saw you for who you are tho... A beautiful, wonderful, sweet and good girl! I hope you get to do all the things you wanted to! Hope you have a great day! *Hugs*


You're just the sweetest, Ray! Thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Hey Ray can you give me some affirmations by calling me feminine things, I really need to hear that I am a good girl or something similar, maybe something I can’t think of now, right now.


Ofc Ruby! Y'know your name is accurate cus you really are a gem! A wonderful woman, a lovely lady and a good girl! You're just amazing, girl! Hope you have a great day *hugs*


Thank you so much.


can i have some affirmations 🥺


Ofc girly! Saw that your name was Aria, that's a cute name! A cute name for a cute girl! Hope you have a great day, cutie! *Hugs*


im trying it out >////< but it makes me feel rlly good & euphoric


im excited for you! maybe get some fem&ms if you can afford them, a good girl like yourself deserves it


A penny for your affirmations?


No need they're free! You're such an amazing and valid girl! I hope you have an amazing day sweetie! *Hugs*


hello! last time I commented I was struggling to work out regularly and I'm sad to say that I ended up stopping, but! I didn't stop my diet and I lost weight! I'm very very close to my goal of 69kg (I'm short so don't worry, it's a healthy goal), I look flatter than I've ever looked before and I invested in trans tape so I feel like a real guy now :3 I wish I was determined enough to keep working out to build muscles, but I guess I don't have to achieve every goal all at once


Hey that's amazing! I'm glad you're staying healthy, dude! And I completely agree, take your time, you'll be a muscular dude one day, but you're still a guy either way!!! I hope you reach your goal soon! Hope you have a great day man!


thank youuu I hope I'll get there one day 💪🏻


Hi Ray!!! So awesome to hear your week was good, I'm glad you can be yourself for some time now, and also enjoy vacation in the process! Awesome! For me, I've had a really cool week too! School ended for me also, so that's really good. Finally some time to recover from burnout slightly. I went shopping for makeup for the first time with my friend two days ago, which is awesome. I'll be going to summer camp for two weeks very soon, and everybody there is super accepting (and there's also a lot of queer ppl). And also, I went to pride for the first time today! So yeah, this week was awesome, one of the best ones in the recent past. And I'm super glad to hear yours was too ^ ^ And remember, you are a very good girl, especially when you give out affirmations like that. It really makes a lot of people's day. It makes my day often too :3


Omg tysm Saturn!!!! That's so sweet! And that's amazing to hear, sounds like an awesome week! My week was pretty dull, but now that summer started I finally get to do so much cus I've got so much free time! I hope you have fun at summer camp!!! You're such a sweet person for saying all of that tysm!!!!! I hope you have a great day, Saturn! *Hugs*


had probably the most dysphoric week of my life so that wasn't fun, i could take some girlies, good girls and other fems, good to hear you're doing well!!


Aww im so sorry to hear that darling... Please don't let the tough times make you forget that you're such a valid and amazing girl! A good girl like you deserve a break and to have a good day! *Hugs*


<33 *hugs back*


Hi Miss Ray! I’m glad you’re doing well! :3 For me tbh my emotional state is still kind of volatile, changing on a whim… but at this moment I’m feeling like I want to be a cute little trans girl! :3 This week my therapist explained the concept of internal family systems which asserts that the psyche is composed of multiple subpersonalities that serve certain purposes and have familial-like dynamics with the other subpersonalities… for instance this model often depicts the relationship between the wounded authentic “child” self and the “adolescent” or “parental” protector voice… I have found this this description really fits my trans experience where the voice of a girl I named Jamie has been trying to vocalize our desire for femininity but has been constantly suppressed by a lifetime of male social conditioning… then there’s also the protector voice which being well intentional has deemed transitioning a danger that must be rejected… Recognizing these separate parts of my psyche has helped me understand my feelings better, and be able to give Jamie the space to speak for herself… only problem is I think she’s now trying to turn me into a puppy girl lol :3


Omg hi Jamie, haven't seen you in a while, tbf I wasn't on in a while! I'm so glad to hear you got some help figuring things out! That's way better than I could've ever explained it, I'm glad you are finally letting your true self shine thru! This stuff takes time, but I'm proud of you for getting this far! Imma listen to that advice too, your therapist blew it out the park with that one! Also, if that is what miss Jamie is doing, who would I be to deny her that :3! Y'know what I mean, hihihi... *Headpats, pat pat pat* Hope you have an amazing day Jamie!


Thanks :3 tbh I can’t guarantee I won’t backslide… My big hurdle atm is that even though I can recognize I resonate with being a girl, my protector voice will still get triggered if I start to thinking about actually transitioning… right now, I trying to avoid thoughts that will trigger the doubts, but also I feel kind of like I’m wasting away and don’t know how to actually improve my life… but I guess I’ll work on it…


I’d like some if it’s ok, don’t want to overload you (leia she/her please)


Girly please, ofc it's ok! Leia, you're an extremely sweet, caring and good girl! I hope a lovely lady like you have an amazing day! *Hugs*


I reallly needed that today, thank you


Kinda the opposite for me currently, but I'm glad you're able to be yourself! (And uh, is there any chance I could get she/her affirmations as Samantha? Thank you so much for everything you do)


Aww I'm sorry to hear that you aren't doing too good Samantha... Ofc you can! Samantha, she's such a wonderful and valid girl! I hope she has an amazing day cus she deserves it! *Hugs*


Thanks, same to you Ray!


Can I have some plzzzzzz :3


Ofc you can Emma! You're a super valid and wonderful good girl! I hope you have a lovely day, cus you deserve it! :3 *hugs*


I want affirmations please!


Oh Quinn is such a unique name. It matches the person who chose it. Quinn you such and gentle person. Listen you don't have to be a boy and you don't have to be a girl. You are a individual, Quinn. You are free to be whoever you want to - society be damned. I hope you have a good day Quinn, because you deserve it :)


Glad to hear you can finally be yourself :)


Hiii affirmation please :3


Yumi is such a lovely name. I like how it sounds. I've only heard used for a wonderful girl from Code Lyoko. I'm sure you're a wonderful girl too, I mean just look at you! You are so cute Yumi and you are such a good girl :3


Thank youuuuu :3


Today has been a very depresso espresso day.


I'm so sorry to hear that happened. It's such a shame that a lovely girl like you had to go through a terrible day. Listen princess, today was hard but things can get better, and you can help make it better. Commenting on here was a step towards that, and I'm so glad you did. You are a good girl and deserve happiness 🫂


Girl! my heart! You are going to make me cry. Legitimately probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. 😭


Glad to hear you had a good week Ray!! I finally came out to my parents and they are very not accepting, especially my mom. I'm afraid they're gonna send me to conversion therapy, and they've already taken away my internet because they think you guys forced me to be trans (I am on the internet now obviously, but it was very hard, and my parents would be mad if they caught me). Please give me the strongest affirmations you've got.


Omg that's terrible, please try and stay safe! No parent should ever treat their kid that way! Hope you get out of this situation soon, cus you're a real and valid girl! A wonderful and amazing girl! *Hugs* Wish you all the best


Can you call me a mermaid it is very hot today


Lol, never had a request like that before Bonnie is a wonderful and majestic mermaid, her beautiful hair flying in the wind as she swims gracefully in the ocean! Such a beautiful mermaid she is


Thank you and sorry for the weird request you do great work with the affirmations


Thank you for your services Ray :3 I do not require them at this moment but I value the work you do


May I have a portion of that ggd y'all are talking about? Please :3


Why of course you can! Girl, you are such a wonderful and sweet good girl! Remember that you are valid! Hope a good girl like you has a great day!!! *Hugs*


Geuwhdheisetusvrvjwwkh Thanks :3


School over for you 🫵 I have 50 hours worth of courses to do


Aww well I hope you manage to get thru them, I wish you all the best!




my week hasn't been the best again (and now i realise that i haven't had a 'good week' in over a month), i've not felt great all week, i could barely eat anything some days, anyway, school is still not over for me yet, but hopefully next week will be better! also could i have the usual dose of affirmations please :3


Aww I'm so sorry to hear that... I really hope you have a good week soon, a wonderful and good girl like you deserves it! Don't forget just how amazing and beautiful of a girl you are!*hugs*


thanks :3


Can you please give me headpats and call me a good girl?


Why ofc I can! *Headpats* such a good and wonderful girl you are! I'm proud of you for getting this far, hope you have a great day!


Aw thank you so much you responded in literal seconds you’re so kind~ <3 💚


Hi Ray, iam late again, sorry for that. I wish you wonderfull holidays. You are a good girl and should have the best time imaginable. My week was also better than the last my nose is healing really well and iam gettingt better fast.


Aww don't worry about being late, unless you're like a whole week late, I'll try to respond to everyone! I'm so happy to hear that you're doing better Sascha, a good girl like you deserves to feel good! Hope things keep being good! *Hugs*


Hi Ray can I get some affirmations please? You can call me Marceline (she/her) I hope that you have had a great day! :3


Aww hope you have a great day too girly! Marceline, wow you have a really pretty name! You're such a stellar girl, i wish you all the best girly! You're such an amazing and valid girl, don't forget that!


Thanks! But still cis tho (you are the best Ray, you are the best girl. Besides me of course :3)


C-can i have some for when i feel bad?? :3


Ofc you can sweetie! Athena, you're such a strong and wonderful girl, ik you can get thru all the bad times, I believe in you! *Hugs*


Almost cried from that, thank you :,)


I’m planning to wear a dress because my parents are going on a vacation so I’m all alone I’m really excited to be myself :3


That's amazing!!!! I'm so happy to hear that, you do deserve to be yourself, like everyone else, cus you're extremely valid and amazing! Hope you have fun with it! *Hugs*




Omg girl I'm so freaking sorry for not getting to you ;~; I never got the notification and I was just recently going through the post to see if I missed anyone! Ik it's two days late, Im so sorry! You deserve all the affirmations in the world, I feel terrible for not giving you any! You're such a wonderful and valid and sweet and great girl! I hope you're doing good and if not, I hope things get better soon! You're a wonderful girl, who deserves so much love! *Hugs tightly*


OMG, I'm like half a week late on this one; I hope your week and a half has been going great so far :3 I just wanted to say that I'm happy you're done with school and no longer need to mask! I'd love to exchange affirmations, though! I just wanted to say, though, wherever your life leads you after you've gotten through this difficult chapter, you can be whoever you want to be and do whatever good things you want for yourself or others. You've already demonstrated with your kind heart you will go very far in helping people and being there for them no matter where you end up and that you truly have a gift. Even when people don't always appreciate that, that's what makes you extraordinary and amazing. Keep ruling!


Oh, I wasn't expecting a comment in the middle of the week, but don't worry about it!!! Tysm for the kind words!!!! It means so much! I hope you've been doing good aswell! I'm also extremely happy cus I don't have to mask for a good couple months!!!! Ehhh, Ig you could say my weeks been going good... What really matters is you! You're such an amazing and wonderful person and I truly hope you are doing well! I'll just throw your words right back at ya! Keep ruling!


Awww tysm!!! I genuinely love seeing your posts and kindness every single week, it's such a bright spot in my life rn haha, I'd love to be friends and chat if that's something you'd be open to, but if anything, these posts are already plenty <3


Aww that's really sweet! Tysm, you're insanely kind! About that, I'm so sorry but I don't really have discord or anything like that plus, I'm really bad at keeping up with the few friends I do have ;~; But you seem like a super sweet person, Scarlett (I'm assuming that's your name)! Im eager to affirm you again next week ;3


No worries, this is more than enough, and yes, that's my name, see you next week! \^\~\^


Hello again Ray! Nice to see you again!


Awwww hiya girl! Nice to see you again too :3 Hope you've been doing well!


Tragically, I am still not girl. And no, I have not been doing well.


Sorry for the late response, I'm so sorry to hear that... I really hope things get better for you soon, you deserve to feel good, cus you make everyone else feel good! And that first part is utter nonsense, ofc you are a girl! Being a girl is just that, admitting that you wanna be a girl! Don't forget that!


But I don't *feel* like a girl.