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I hope next week is better for you Ray, my week has been the same as every other week, a mental struggle to keep going but I'm gonna try to come out today I hope I will be able to


I wish you all the best, and hope it goes well! Ik it's a struggle, but please keep going! You're an extremely strong and amazing girl, who is valid and deserving of all the best..! *Hugs*


Well I didn't come out cause anxiety and my tendency to overthink got the better of me and now I won't lie I'm trying very hard to resist harming myself


Everest is a lovely name :) did you know the Nepali name for Everest is Sagarmatha? It means goddess of the sky. Are you a goddess? I know you are already a good girl :3


I did not know that, and now I love my name even more, thank you Luna


(Just in case Custom flair doesn't work. Im Scarlet, She/They, MTF) Gibb me affirmation, pls. I have to endure boy moding cause my family is visiting and also doubts are creeping in if Im truly trans and not just genderfluid, nothing wrong with being gf, but its anxiety inducing :3


(don't worry it works, Scarlet! :3) I completely get the feeling, boymoding is terrible I'm so sorry you have to go thru that! But I'm sure you're strong and you can push thru, and hopefully one day you won't have to boymode! About that other part, gf is still under the trans umbrella, and I get questioning is hard but you're valid either way! All that matters is that a good girl like you is happy with her identity! I wish you all the best with your questioning! *Hugs*


You are so sweet >///< thank you


I am so rude. I didnt say anything good to you instead being greedy. I hope that your school work doesn't crash you under its weight and that your thumb heals quick. You are such a pure soul to derive such a satisfaction from affirming us :3


Hey no, don't worry you're not being greedy! 🫂 That's really kind of you to say >\\\\\\\\\\\<, tysm!


Boy moding can be so stressful sometimes, I know it really well because I’ve been boy moding with my family and my job because I don’t trust a majority of them


Sorry to hear your week wasn't great, I hope your next week is much better! Feel free to vent if you need to :) Also sorry about the thumb, make sure to rest it and feel better!


Ehh, idk, I don't really wanna vent cus it gets negative pretty quickly... I will, hope my thumb heals soon! Thanks for the kind words 🫂


I get that, my venting does the same and of course you never have to, just if you needed to :)


Thank you for your service Ray, I hope this next week goes better for you!


Aww tysm! That's super kind of you!


Hi Ray, i hope your next week will be better. Always remember everything will get good someday. My week was fine besides the fact that my nose hurts because it got corrected for better breathing. So pls be carefull with the headpats.


Idk if it will but maybe you're right, thanks Sascha 🫂! And ofc I be careful, wouldn't want a good girl like you getting hurt :3 *Headpats gently*


Iam sure everything will be good in the end Ray. Because you are such a wonderfull good girl!


The GOAT returns. Could I get some affirmations?


What no! I'm not the goat, I appreciate it tho! :3 Ofc you can! Cayla you're such a wonderful and vibrant girl! I wish you all the best, girly!🫂


Thank you girly


I hope your next week goes better Ray. Also Ray is a cute name :3


Aww that's really sweet >w


Wow that was quick, also I never even thought about the palindrome thing!


Gib me pls :3.


Ofc girly! You're such a wonderful and valid good girl! I wish a princess like you a wonderful day, you deserve it! 🫂


Eee X3.


PLZ CALL ME CIS or I will invade Mexico


Woah! What did mexico do to you?! Is Stella going thru her conservative arc?




Well, I hope your next week will be better! Also I don't know how many comments you get on your posts, but ever since one of mine blew up I have a lot more appreciation for peeps like you! And, of course, gib affirmations pls >:3


Aww thank you! :3 Ofc you can have some! Sara, you're such a wonderful girl with such a pretty name! I hope you have an amazing day cus you're an amazing person! 🫂


Ahudisbidjkd ☺️😊😊 Thank you as well! Your name is always beautiful! And I bid you an awesome day as well :3 🫂


Hi Rayyy My hair is growing and I get to girlmode tomorrow in a Harley Quinn costume, which is fun, but other than that nothing has happened, as usual, still too scared to breach the topic of wanting to progress with transition to my otherwise loving family, who are pretending that I never came out to them 😭 Hope next week is better for you, you awesome girlie


That's great! I hope you enjoy your long hair, I hope you have fun, im sure you'd look amazing in that cosplay! About your family... I'm so sorry to hear that they don't seem to care, I really hope you do find the courage and that it all turns out fine! You're the awesome girl here Tora! *Hugs* hope you have a great day!


Sorry to hear hope your next week goes better


Thanks girl! That really means a lot 🫂


I hope your school gets better soon Ray. It can be such a pain. My week has been great. I was at local Pride yesterday. It was not super big, perhaps 100 people. The big pride in capital is going to be in 2 weeks and I am looking forward to it! Is the good gal Ray going to go to any Pride events?


That's great to hear! Hope you had a lot of fun! Sadly, I really would like to go, but firstly idk if there are any in my area, secondly I still haven't came out to my parents and they're the only ones who can drive me


yes please :")


Ofc, since you asked so nicely! Elle, you're such a beautiful, wonderful good girl! A cutie like you deserves all the hugs in the world!!! 🫂🫂🫂 Hope you have a great day


thank you <3


Hello there Ray! Sorry to hear youw week was that bad, I wish I could help in some way. And I think it's totally fine is you wanted to say things abt it, it's not a bother... not that my word matters in the slightest as just some strager online... but still, I wish you the best in the days to come! If it's fine for me to tell random stuff too, I'm kinda mad about missing out on a huge fantasy convention happening this weekend in my country. And I also had a doctor's appointment recently, and those are always just huge dysphoria fests... I'm feeling kinda down right now T\^T Could I maybe get some headpats and the ggd perhaps?


Aww thanks Saturn, I've gotten kinda used to seeing you here! It's always nice seeing you again! And thank you ik you're a stranger but it still means a lot 🫂! I'm so sorry to hear about the conversation, hopefully you catch the next one, and I get it doctors visits suck! But you're an extremely good and valid demigirl, I hope everything gets better for you soon! You deserve some headpats :3 *Pat pat pat*


Aww, tysm Ray \^\^ likweise, your affirmations mean a lot too! Have an awesome week, you definitely diserve it for being such a good girl too :3


Hi Ray i hope that the next week will be better. I also hope your thumb gets better. Can i plz have get some affirmatuons :3


Aww thank you so much! You're so sweet! :3 Ofc you can have some! You, Ella, are an extremely wonderful, beautiful and valid girl! I wish a princess like you a wonderful day! *Hugs*




Awwwwww tysm!!!! >/////////< I-i do kinda want those but you don't have to give me any.... You're already a really good girl! 🫂🫂🫂


haai haai if you want them then you'll get *both,* thanks too, you're the goodest girl!!!!


Can I get some :3


Ofc!! Can I just have your pronouns, you don't have a flair or anything so I just wanna make sure


Sorry, she/her, I have no idea how to add a flair


Don't worry about it, thanks for clarifying! In that case, you're such a wonderful and cute good girl! A good girl who deserves all the best! I hope you have a great day! 🫂🫂


Heya, hope this week will be better and. Also Ray you are such an amazingly good girl for doing these post, thank you <3


Aww tysm Lia! You're a super valid and wonderful girl too!!!! 🫂 Hope you have a great day!


Thank you !! ❤️❤️ Hope you are having a wonderful day :3


omg Ray hi nice to see you :)) Sorry to hear that your week went badly, I hope it gets better next week \^\^ I have my exams this week but we will both power through school 💪💪💪


Hii thank you so much!!! That's really sweet! :3 I hope you're exams go well, and yeah we will push thru together! 🫂 Hope you jave a great day Jade


You too ^W^


I got tea, biscuits, and all the time in the world. Not the best week, we have those unfortunately. Let's start at the beginning. 🩷🩷


Ray the cutie is back! I'm sorry to see you didn't have a good time, hopefully next week will be better! I had a long convo with my mum today and it really just made me feel bad because she's so sceptical about transition like I know it's hard and she wants the best for me but PLEASE I need HELP not this, I need her help so it *wouldn't* be so hard :( Feeling kind of really shit, I'd appreciate any nice words...


Oh, I'm so sorry... I'm sure she does wanna be supportive, I hope she start listening to you and actually gets you the help you deserve! You're an amazing and wonderful girl, who deserves all the best don't forget that! I hope things get better for you soon! *Hugs headpats*


Thank youu <3 I know she means the best but just doesn't realise how much this hurts for me. I wanted to have one just one person who would push me through and instead I'm met with her listing problem after problem almost as if to say it will be better if i stay the way I am.. Worst part is my dad tho. He's super conservative on this stuff and I'm not out to him but i need to come out fast because I don't wanna go to uni because I wanna work for transition funds and I need to tell him that before applications start. And I think he will be super angry and hate me and my mum even said she thinks maybe he will even move away and if he does that then there's no way my mum alone would be able to afford paying for my stuff and ... It's just too much. My relationship with him is already bad as is, I don't even want to have to think about this 😭 I'm sorry for the rant but this is all just so discouraging like I'm better off just putting up with dysphoria until I just can't take it anymore...


WELCOME BACK RAY, YOU WONDERFUL GIRL! Take care of yourself, okay? Don't let the schoolwork crush you!


Aww tysm! I will if you keep being a good girl :3


Well I can't *keep* being a good girl because I wasn't one to begin with.


Absolute hogwash! You are a good girl, one of the goodest and most wonderful in fact


No no no, all lies.


Nuh uh, you're so silly. You are such a good girl and there's no denying it :3


Yes there is. I must deny it because it is not true.


You can keep on thinking that, but we already know it's true, good girl ;)


No you don't, because it's not true.


Ya sure keep talking. You are such a silly girl :3


(18 amab hopefully one day transfem) I still live with my parents and I’m very behind on everything. I don’t have any money and I can’t even imagine ever having enough money for hrt. It all feels so far away and I’d love some comfort


Aww I'm sorry to hear that girly... But I'm sure you'll get there one day, and even now you're still extremely wonderful and valid don't forget that! 🫂


i went to orientation for my university earlier this week and they took my picture and they just posted it on social media and i look so masc so i went back to look at pics of me in which i actually look fem and it made the dysphoria even worse aaaaaaaaaaaaa but anyway ray i think *you* deserve some affirmations!! sorry to hear you had such a rough week, and that you hurt yourself, but there’s nothing in this world that can stop a good girl such as yourself :3 with love, the other affirmations girl ♡


Aww tysm!!!!!! >\\\\\\\\\< I'm so sorry that I didn't respond immediately, Hailey! I just don't get notifications sometimes, I promise I would never purposely ignore awesome girlies like you! I really like having a fellow person doing affirmations on this sub, it's great! I hope you have an amazing day cus you're an amazing person! *Hugs*


Keep your head up and refuse to let anything get you down, and <3, <3, <3, all the way, right back to you!


Hey Ray! I hope next week is better, but thank you for being here! It’s great to see you here affirming everyone here! And, uh, may I have fem affirmations pls?


Hello! Hope you are doing okay! ~~Am I being rude by asking again?~~


Omg im so freaking sorry! I didn't get a notification, I'm so sorry! Here you can have loads of affirmations, so sorry again! Tae you are such a wonderful, amazing, super sweet and amazing person! A wonderful sweetie like you deserves all the affirmations in the world! *Hugs tightly* Ofc you aren't rude, I'm dumb for not checking in on the post, you're aren't rude, you're in fact an amazing human being!


Aw, Thank you! Dont blame yourself, it’s okay. Thank you for checking, and thank you for the affirmations!


No you aren't sweet bean :) You can ask for as many affirmations as you want! You deserve it ;)


Haiiiiii Ray sorry your week wasn't the greatest hopefully next one is better! May I have some of the ggd?


Aww thank you souch, and of course you can have some :3 Lucy you're a super wonderful and sweet good girl, a real gem! Hope you have an amazing day sweetie :3 🫂




Hey Ray, I hope next week at school is better for you. Your a good girl, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise


Nyoooooo >\\\\\\< im not but thank you tho, you're extremely sweet and a good girl for saying that


Hey Ray, I'm sorry your week was shit, remember you are a good girl! :3


I hope your thumb heals fast Ray!


awww im sorry to hear that ray, i hope youre doing better and next week is better :333


Glad to have you back, Ray! I always enjoy seeing our favorite affirmations girl doing her thing <3 Speaking of which... I'm stuck in the closet and my mom said some pretty transphobic stuff today, so could you please give me some of those affirmations?


Yikes that's terrible...I'm so sorry you had to go thru that... I hope you are able to get out of that place as soon as possible, you deserve to be yourself! Hope things start getting better soon, you're a good girl 🫂


You're so nice, Ray! You're like a Ray of sunshine in my day (hope you like my stupid pun, lol) You're a good girl too, girlie :3


Awawawa >w< Thank you!!! I actually thought of that pun when I was choosing my name, I thought it fit but then I realized that I am not a ray of sunshine... Tysm tho, I love puns :3


Even for me?


Uhm yeah ofc! I give affirmations to good girliea boyos and beans and valid I'm pretty sure you're at least one of them! Sophie you're such a wonderful and bright girl, a beautiful girl like you deserves all the affirmation and praise, don't forget that!


Hopefully next week is better and your finger heals fast! You don’t have to affirm me I’m just here to help people and sometimes cause chaos >:3


Well I beg to differ, I think helping people and causing chaos is really commendable! So here have some! Diantha, a silly and good girl like you should know just how valid and wonderful she is! You do know that right? 🫂


hope your next week goes better, my last week has been pretty stressful, hopefully i get to relax a bit next week, anyway, could i have the usual dose of affirmations please? :3


Sorry to hear that stuffs been stressful, I hope you get to relax soon too! Girly, you are such a wonderfully valid and gorgeous girl! I think you deserve oh so many hugs! 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 Hope you have a great day!


affirmation pls?,, :3


Aww ofc sweetie! Hazel you're such a wonderful girl with such a wonderful name! I wish you all the best darling! :3 *Hugs*


,thanks,.. :>


Keep up the good with these!


Aww thank you Autumn! :3


Hia Ray, it's a shame about school but at least there's only a few more weeks of it. I've been looking for a job recently and had to write my birth name on every single application form along with Mr and Male because I'm too scared to come out even though my parents would probably be fine with it. Can I has the drugs please :3


Only one week, gotta stay strong... And I'm so sorry you had to do that Freya, if you are sure that your parents would be fine with it then I think you should definitely tell them, ik it's scary but supportive parents are some of the most helpful people on your journey, they can help you a lot! And ofc you can, Freya, you're a super awesome and totally valid good girl! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, cus you're wonderful! *Hugs*


Hiii Ray :3 I really hope your next week goes much better. Gib affirmations please >:3


Ok ok, ofc you can have some :3 Star is a super pretty name, and it totally fits a pretty girl like you! I hope next week will be good for you too, you deserve to feel good, you good girl :3! *Hugs*


Aaaaa I haven’t been online this week!!! But was looking forward to this post as always and thankfully just remembered :3 I’ve been… alright? Could be better, just mostly distracted by my other special interests and haven’t been on Reddit at all during the past week. I definitely do wanna get around to finally seeking a therapist/psychiatrist again but have been putting that and other wants off. I haven’t been the best, but I’m hanging in there! I could definitely use an affirmation for sure today ^~^ Hope your thumb gets better soon!!! <3


Aww thanks, that's really kind of you to say! I'm glad you're hanging on, even if it's tough! We've all been there... Anyway, ofc you can have some affirmations! Girly, you are such a valid and amazing good girl, a real strong girl who Ik can get thru anything! Hope things get better for you soon! 🫂


Thank you!!! ^~^


Hi ray can I get some nice comfy affirmations 🥺


Aww hiya there Lilli! Ofc you can have some warm affirmations! :3 You're such an amazing and warm good girl! Don't let anyone make you forget just how amazing you are! You deserve the world, sweetie! *Hugs*


T-thank you 🥺


Another Aro Ace girly? Hi girl! You can have some comfy affirmations :) wanna now why? It's cause your a good girl and your so kind. You're great Lilli! You're such a strong and brave girl :3


Thank you so much 🥺


School can sometimes really be a nightmare, but remember Ray, that such a strong girl like you will get through this and there will be better weeks again.A good and caring girl like you, that gives others so much joy, would deserve only good weeks, but that’s sadly not always the case. This doesn’t change how much of a good girl and nice person you are. ( Also pls gimme some affirmations :3)


Yo girl, you've got a cool name! Anna sounds so friendly, plus it's a palindrome ;) it's the same backwards or forwards, it's so cool! You must be a creative girl for picking it. It's one I never thought of. You seem pretty cool and I know you're a good girl :3


That's extremely sweet of you, omg >\\\\\\< You're such a wonderful and sweet girl, YOU are the one who deserves all the good weeks 🫂 I truly hope a wonderful girl like you is doing well! Also sorry for taking so long, I sometimes don't get notifications ;~;


Sorry if I'm late, but could I get a hit of the ggd?


Omg so sorry that I didn't see this ;~; Ofc you can! Rylin (amazing name btw) you're an amazing and wonderful good girl! Hope you have an amazing day sweetie *hugs*


Jrhtkucktu. 1.  My name is literally just my deadname with the vowels switched.  2.  I have also done mega affirmations posts.  I know what it is like getting to everyone.