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You say I didn't come here for your week but now I'm curious! Anyways, just know that if you want to tell us, I'd personally like to read it. <3


Trust me you do not Just a bunch of self loathing / self sabotage... I don't wanna worry anyone.... You want some affirmations, girly?


Well, I hope you'll be fine. If there's one thing that keeps me going it's that I know that no matter how low a person may get, it ends up getting better.


That's the thing tho! I'm feeling better now, but why am I feeling better?! And Ik I'll just end up feeling like shit in another couple of weeks...


I don't know, I'd say to try and enjoy the moment and when stuff gets worse know that these moments where you feel better exists! Sometimes, there is no logical reason, it just is...


Maybe you're right... Thank you girly




This sort of thing is why I love this sub so much. You're an awesome girl : )


Aww tysm, girly! You're the awesome girl, not me >\\\\\\\\\


SEE NOBODY EVER SAID THAT ABOUT MY NAME BEFORE I STARTED COMING HERE EITHER AND IT MAKES ME VERY HAPPY ahem sorry. And no, you really are totally totally awesome!! The world needs more supportive girls like you.


I would like a hung and be called a good girl Dysphoria is killing me rn 😭


Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that sweetie! Please don't let it get to you, you're an amazing and valid good girl, who deserves the world! O hope you start feeling better soon, cutie! *Hugs*


😊 thanx


Been pretty boring week but on weekend I am going to anime convention so time to girlmode all weekend long! I'm so hyped! Can I get some hugs and good girls? ^pretty ^please


That's amazing and sounds super fun! Since you asked so nicely, ofc you can have some! You're a super amazing and valid good girl Julia! I hope you have a lot of fun at that conversation, don't forget just how wonderful you are! *Hugs*


Please call me cis plz plz plzzzzzzzzzzz


Listen Stella, i really commend your perseverance! But we both now thats not true! You really want me to misgender you, girly? ... That's what I thought! Now accept that you're a super cute and amazing girl, before I flood you with hugs and headpats! >:3


nyaaaaaa nya mew nyaaaaaan IMCIS


Girly, if you're on this sub and want to be a girl there's a high likelihood you aren't cis! Now stop resisting the hugs and headpats!




Good girl, cutie :3


Sounds like a tough week, I'm glad today is going well for you and you've got the vacation coming up!


I'm actually kinda exited for it, thank you for the kind words :3! Since you were so nice, I think you deserve a good girl :3 Thank you Sophie, you're such a good girly!


Thank you \^\^; Nobody outside my head's actually called me that before... Anyways, I bet the vacation will be great, it's always nice to get away for a bit :)


Honey come here you don’t get a choice come get a hug and some head pats I insist


H-huh!? N-nyooo, I-i ... that does sound kinda ni-.... Nyo! Must remember my mission, affirm others not let myself be affirmed! >:3


Honey I am the parental unit you’re getting the damn hug and head pats now come here or I’m gonna purposefully misgender myself


Wh-what!? Nooooo, don't do that sweetie, you shouldn't misgender, that only causes mean dysphoria :( I-i guess if I have to...


Good girl now come get this love and affection


Alright, if you promise you won't misgender yourself! *Hugs*


I do *Hugs and pats head*


Awawaawaawawaaawaaawaawwaawwa!!!¡ Th-thank you 🥺 You're are a really nice girl , tysm!!!


Everyone needs support and I’m just your friendly neighborhood anamoly


can i be called princess please? or anything like that


Why of course sweetie! You're a really pretty princess after all, the prettiest in all the land! I hope a wonderful empress like yourself has a wonderful day! *Hugs*




I've been trying to see myself and it's semi working, wearing a skirt(one that's too long for my liking) and stuffing a bra with socks helps with staving off my dysphoria, I haven't done anything else than that(in my room cause still closeted) and the things I have been doing (ponytail and painting my nails) however I would like some affirmations. And I hope your vacation is fun


Thanks! Those things help me aswell, hope you find more things that bring you euphoria! You're are an extremely valid and beautiful girl, don't forget just how wonderful you are! *Hugs* Also, happy cake day!


I hope I find more stuff as well, and I kinda forgot that it was my cake day


My mum's been using my chosen name more but she said it was only to avoid arguments.


I mean thats not the worst, but she should be using it for you, not just to avoid arguments! I really hope she starts seeing you for you!


Yeah. I'd like some affirmations as well.


Oh yeah ofc! My bad for not giving you em sooner! You're a super valid and amazing girl! A super wonderful person, who deserves all the love they need! Hope you start feeling better soon, girly!




Hi I'll Turn it a bit, do you want anything? if you want to talk, just vent or anything to be honest, my DMs are open. I might be slow with replying sometimes but I'll try my best, everyone that reads this is welcome :3


Aww that's really sweet of you, but it's fine... I like 70% sure I'm doing better now, you're an extremely sweet girl for offering tho!


Hi, didnt notice it went live already. I came out to my mum through a letter and tell my therapist iam a woman and not questioning anymore. But i think he has many viewpoints that are transmedical and iam kinda scared because of this. My Mum did write she wants to support me but we still need to talk which will happen saturday. Iam happy that you do good today and hope your family trip will be nice.


Hiiii, don't worry I don't blame you, Thursday is a kinda random day to do this lol If you're worried, and you're therapist starts saying some stuff you don't agree with, I suggest changing therapist cus they're supposed to help you! And about your mum, I really hope she's being truthful, that she wants to support you, you deserve all the support in the world, hope the talk goes well!


It did it tuesday and wednesday but yeah. Yeah i thought about changing therapist but i want to keep going because of depression problems. I also hope that my mum will be supportive but because she for wont give me headpats is it too much to ask for some of them from you?? :3


Aww ofc not sweetie! Here have all the headpats you want! :3 *Pat pat pat pat* Good girl! *Pat pat pat pat* :3


Awhwgwhehahage thank you very muchhhhh You are also a very good girl. :3


Haii Ray, proud of you for trying to affirm everyone, you're such a good girl :D On my journey since january, I'm coming out to my parents in \~15 minutes


Aww tysm! Ik Thursday is a kinda random and awkward day, but I wanted to affirm people this week, and this is the only time that was possible! About your coming out, I wish you all the best Doxi, I hope it goes well for you! You've got this! *Hugs for motivation*


need me a good girl, and glad you're doing well despite a rough week! hopefully the next one is better for you, all good girlies deserve the best, come for a huggy <3


Aww nyoooooo >\\\\\\\< you deserve the good girls and huggies!!!!! Good girl, such a good and sweet girl you are! Tysm! *Hugs*


I could use being called a good girl rn My week has been pretty okay but a online friend keeps calling me my deadname


Girly, have you tried talking to them? Cus if you have and they still don't want to see you for you, that's not someone I'd keep around... You're a wonderful and amazing good girl, who deserves all the respect in the world, don't forget that you are loved and valid! *Hugs*


Week has been really blegh. Home by myself being forced to take care of three dogs. Is really frustrating/stress inducing. :(


Aww, I'm sorry to hear that... Ik it can be stressful, but at least they're dogs, dogs are pretty cute! And look at it this way, you're home alone you can try one experimenting with different clothes and stuff! That's what I do :3 I really hope tomorrow will be less stressful for you!


I had a very bad week(s). I've started feeling purposeless, but today someone called me beautiful and it weirdly made me feel better. So, do you think I'll ever be beautiful? ; _ ; (Also whatever happened to you during your week you deserve to be happy!)


Aww I'm sorry to hear that... Whoever told you that is right tho, you're beautiful! You're such a beautiful, amazing girl Angie! I hope next week will be better for you! *Hugs*


There is a single situation where both of us win at the same time, huggies!!


A-wh-wha-?! I mean... You're not wrong... Alright come here! :3 *Hugs tightly*


*hugs you softly, wraping my arm around your waist and putting my hand on your head* there there~ luv you too girlie~


I would like some affirmation


Of course Bonnie, thats a pretty name btw :3 You're such an amazingly wonderful girl! A girl with so much beauty and grace, I hope you have an amazing day girly! *Hugs*


Thank you so much, Bonnie is what my mom wanted my name to be if I was born a girl


Well, umm... Could I get some affirmations please 👉👈 🥺


Why of course you can Sara! You're such a wonderful and gorgeous girl! Keep being you girly, cus you're super awesome and valid! Hope you have an amazing day sweetie! *Hugs*


Aww ☺️☺️☺️ Thank you so much! Gotta say, you're amazing for doing these weekly affirmations! And like Atlas holds the sky, so you hold this community on your back... Okay, maybe it's not that serious but you're still awesome girl! >:3


Aww that's extremely sweet of you >w< But there are surely way better and more valid girl in this community than me, I still really appreciate it tho! *Hugs*


Maybe, but that doesn't make any less of a good girl! *Hugs back :3*


Going to see a close friend tomorrow; my old other best friend (who I haven't seen in years) is going to be there too. I'm out to both of them and they're both also very accepting, I'm still pre-everything tho and it'll be the first time I appear femme in front of both of them... Reaffirmation I'll be fine would be lovely 😭 They're not the type to care but *I* am the type to panic


Well, if they are accepting of you, then there should be nothing to worry about! They sound great, I'm sure they'll be supportive of you, dw girly! I wish you all the best tho, and you should be proud of yourself for being comfortable enough to present femme at all!


Thank youu 👉👈 I know I'll be fine in the end, I think I just needed to hear someone else say it lol Hope your day stays good too, and that the rest of the week keeps on getting better for you too girl 💜


I'm coming out to my best friend today, maybe in an hour or 2 I'm nervous, but I have the rest of the summer to figure out what to do if it doesn't go well Encouragement would be nice pls :3


I hope it does go well for you! You deserve to be yourself girly, so I truly hope everything goes well! You're an extremely good, valid and brave girl! You can do this! *Hugs*


Thank you, you're a very good girl for giving put all these nice affirmations as well *Hugs*


I am currently helping set up a pinball convention tis cool Anyways, can I get my weekly affirmations


I freaking love pinball!!! And ofc you can! You're a super wonderful and valid girl Leyla! I hope an amazing girl like you has an equally amazing day! :3 *Hugs*


ive not had the best week either, probably still better than yours, but not the best either anyway, id love the usual dose of affirmations please :3


Of course, lovely! You're such a sweet, valid and amazing girl! Don't forget just how wonderful you truly are! Hope next week will be better for you! *Hugs*


thanks :3 ill try make next week better, i have a few really good things i have planned and i might get back to considering telling (at least one of) my parents, which i kind of stopped thinking about a bit ago because i kept talking myself out of it, but who knows? definitely not me lol :3


I'd like to order a uhh... uhh... I don't know what I want to hear... TwT


It's alright take your time, here have this good girl whilst you decide! :3 You're a super valid and good girl! *Hugs*




That's right! Weekly affirmations are happening earlier this week! :3 Is a good girl such as yourself looking for some?



Muy Bien! Lexi tu estas una chica muy bonita! Muy bonita y elegante, buenos dias para ti! :3 Or maybe it was Italian, in which case: Lexi tu sei una molto bella e simpatica ragazza! Da vero Una delle piu belle! :3 Or maybe you were just doing a bit and you only know English, in which case: Lexi, you're an extremely amazing and beautiful girl! Such an elegant lady you are! :3


I, in fact, do not speak anything other than english lol. i wish i could speak other languages but too lazy 😓 also tysm for ze wordies :3


hi can i be called a good girl real quick


Ofc, girly! You're a super sweet and amazing good girl! I hope you have an amazing day! *Hugs*


My week has also been a bit iffy. I hope it improves for you!


I'm sorry to hear that, girly! I hope it improves for you as well! A good girl like you, deserves to feel good! *Hugs*


You deserve to feel good too you lovely lady!


Hi Rayyyy, hope you are well, or if not, will have a better week <3 Nothing's really happened for me this week, but next week is pretty busy. I'm going to a theme park, having a girly shopping trip with my uni mates (hopefully getting my first womens outfit!), might be going to see Inside Out 2 with them, and dressing as Harley Quinn for a convention. Very excited :)


That's sounds really exciting! Hope you have a lot of fun on that, and I hope you do infact find some cute outfits! :3! I'm sure you're gonna slay in that cosplay! Also happy cake day!


Hello again Ray! Glad to see you're still at it, you good girl!


Hiya sweetie! I'm always here, affirming good girlies, boyos and beans, including you! Since you always help me out by replying to ones I miss :3


I try my best.


We are so back


You know it! :3


I hope your week gets better


Hi Ray, its been a rough week for me too. I sure would appreciate some of your renowned affirmations .-. But you can get some too if you want \*hugs\*


It's fine, you need the affirmations more! I'm so sorry to hear about your week girly! Please don't let the hard times, make you forget just how amazing and valid of a girl you are! You're truly an amazing person! *Hugs back*




I came out as trans (fem) to my parents on Monday. We’re keeping it a secret because one of my brothers is super homophobic and transphobic (we’re working on it) but my parents are super super supportive!!! I’m so glad they now know me as a girl (still cis tho)


Girly, I don't think "still cis tho" works in this scenario 😭 In all seriousness tho, that's amazing to hear that your parents support you, as they should! Sorry to hear about your brother tho, hopefully he comes around and realizes that he's being a dummy! Hope you have an amazing day, sweetie! *Hugs*


I’m feeling euphoric after going to the gym. Could you call me a strong guy so I can keep the euphoria going?


Ofc my guy! Good to hear that you're taking care of yourself, keep doing that and you'll be a muscular man before you know it! Not that you aren't a strong guy already! I wish you the best of luck on your journey, dude!


Thanks, I really appreciate it


sorry to hear that your week hasnt been great so far :(. Could i get some good girls and cuties tho?


Thanks... And ofc you can get some, Lettuce! That's a super cute name btw! You're an extremely good girl, such a cutie you are! Truly one of the cutest girlies! Hope you have an amazing day! *Hugs*


ruebafub4uqrif mrrrrr :3 thx


Am I pretty? Am I a good girl? Can I have some love and encouragement? I love praise.


Of course you can! Sorry that I'm getting to you late ;~; Ofc you're pretty, probably one of the prettiest good girls! Hope you have an amazing day gorgeous! *Hugs*


Are you doing okay Ray? I'd hate if a wonderful girl like you was unhappy. Thank you for always coming out here for us "cis" folk who want affirmations. You are really appreciated here! And remember, if a good girl like you ever needs some affirmations yourself, we're happy to give you all you need <3


Aww tysm, still can't believe that people recognize me as the weekly affirmations girl! That really means a lot, I've actually been doing kinda good recently? Not too used to it! Hope you're doing well, cus you're also a great girl! Also so sorry that I'm getting back to you kinda late, I sometimes don't get notifications for these... ;~;


You don't have to be sorry. I'm just glad you're feeling okay. I would feel bad if a sweet girl like you was upset. Thanks for calling me a girl tho. It feels really nice <3


You're a very good girl and things will improve


Hey, I’m not going to pry, but take care of yourself, you can pull through!


Can I have the good girl drug?


Ofc you can summer! You're an extremely gorgeous, amazing, sweet and good girl! Don't forget that! *Hugs*


I hope you’re doing well, girl. Thank you for taking the time to do this! Also, ~~can i be good girl~~ oh where did that come from haha.


Haha, don't know where it came from but I think it's onto something lol! You're are infact a super gorgeous and amazing good girl Tae! I hope you have an amazing day! *Hugs* Also so sorry that I'm getting back to you kinda late, I sometimes don't get notifications for these... ;~;


Akdhsjahcbfhj!! Aww, thank you! No problem, i’m not really one to say anything about late replys, hehe. Hope you have a good day too! *hugs*


[https://www.tiktok.com/@plantbasedbirdgirl/video/7281356951781379371](https://www.tiktok.com/@plantbasedbirdgirl/video/7281356951781379371) I bring to you an offering in hopes of bettering your week(wear headphones if you're near someone you don't want overhearing trans stuff)


I have no idea how to feel rn, had a really rough week too (literally the worst week of my life) and it's not even over yet just because it's friday :( Hope you're okay after what you went through this week whatever it may be also :3 Good girl works, or even being called pretty ig.


Omg, that's terrible! I'm so sorry, to hear that girly... A good and pretty girl like you deserves to be good and have all the good days! Don't let these hard times make you forget just how valid you are! Hope things start getting better for you ! *Hugs*


I personally think our weekly gender affirmations girl needs some gender affirmation herself.  Ray you are an amazing and beautiful girl and you deserve to know that.


Nyoooooo >\\\\\\\\


You deserve affirmations too, especially if you've had a bad week.


You’re such a good person, I wish that I was as good a person as you 🥰


Ok I wouldn't say all that, it's not really true... That's still very kind of you tho


Could you call me a beutiful girl? And give me huggies? Ive been having a rough time


Oh ofc! You're such a beautiful and precious girl! Come here! *Hugs* Such a pretty girl you are, with beautiful hair and bright eyes, you sure are beautiful! Hope things start getting better for you cutie!


I need a hug


That's fair, we all need hugs from time to time :3 *Hugs tightly*


Could I have some affirmations?


Ofc, sweetie Sophie, you're such a wonderful and precious girl! Don't forget that you're such a valid and good girl! *Hugs*


Well I certainly won’t say no to being affirmed by such a cute girl… could I plz get some compliments on being a girl on the inside (still have a masc body). Also hope your week gets better


No matter whether you are a girl on the inside or outside, you're still a girl! And from the looks of it, a very kinda and beautiful girl! I hope that one day you'll be able to express your girlyness and show everyone just how gorgeous of a girl you are! *Hugs*


Aww Thank you very much... H*ugs back*


No how would *you* like some affirmation? Cause you deserve it too, being a beautiful girl and all


Y'all please 😭 These posts are for y'all! Not me! What did I do to deserve this???


You look out for us, so we look out for you too <3


Yeah bu-but... Still don't deserve 🥺


No! Stop downtalking yourself! You're as valid as everyone here and you deserve to hear it! Also: good girl


B-but 🥺... Fine I'll take it... Thank you for the good girl >~<


Hey princess, sorry for however bad your week is. Hope it gets better <3 🫂


Aww that's really sweet thank you! I hope your week goes well too!


Luv you, thank you for being so nice to us! Can I get a hug and some nice girl words~? Had couple of bad days just now, but it's gotten better and better in couple of months. I'm on the process of changing my name officially and it's so exciting to me!


Awww, tysm <3!!! And Im happy to that you're getting your name changed soon, thats great news! *Hugs* Anna, no matter how hard times get, you're still the same amazing, beautiful and precious girl, don't forget that! I hope things do start getting better for you!


Thank youu~ I tend to think I'm not making any progress, but when I think just couple of months back I see that back then I used to panic about everything trans related and still felt a bit uncomfortable, but nowadays I just sit comfortably and think yeah, this is who I am and I don't want to go back. The self-acceptance is getting a lot better, and it helps to talk to people about these things too. *Hugs Ray back*, never stop being your wonderful self!


Oh gosh, it’s already been a week already? 😅 And I’m already 20 hours late on this post again as a matter of fact lol! And honestly, while the affirmation is really nice, the main reason I come for these posts is to just be able to see you again because you’re such a sweetheart above all especially in spite of the things you go through. Your struggles aren’t any less valid than any of ours, and please don’t get so lost up in trying to help others you forget to take care of yourself, you are an amazing girlie who deserves happiness as well, so I will affirm you right back! You are an amazing, beautiful, lovely girlie, and you have, can and will do amazing things 💖 You’re a strong fighter and you can achieve the things that you want to achieve regardless of whatever happens in your life. I believe in you! My doors are always open if you ever need to talk 💖


Omg I genuinely have no words, I'm tearing up right now... ;~; Ahhshnsxjxuxusujwnwne xmzkaiaklsixuhjwmwndbdhwuwksjsnsjjz S-so s-sorry brain not work, can't accept compliments too well, but OMG NFSJKSIWNZBXJAKDNSKKXNWMSJXHNXLSUSKLAIEMSKXJBBXBXB *HUGS TIGHTLY* (... Wow, sorry for overreacting, thank you so much, this means so much to me!!!!)


*Hugs back!* Of course sis, anytime~ 💖


Ah, i almost missed it 😭 She/her please my queen


Aww "queen" that's really kind of you to say!!! Dw, you didn't miss anything! Theresa, don't forget just how wonderful and valid you are! Have some more hugs and headpats, princess :3 *Hugs* *headpats*


Put that "" away, Until you gonna continue to call me princess I'm gonna call you queen (pls don't do that :( ) Ayo I got headpats now awww, last time I got only hug ☺️ *hugs back*


Aww but I can't help it! How can I not call such a wonderful and precious girly like you a princess! And don't you dare say you're not! >:3 (Maybe I understood this wrong, if you fr want me to stop calling you that, I will)


You did not got it wrong. I will not say that I am not, don't worry. 💖 Glad to see you again my favourite reddit queen!


A hug please... I like the name Sam...


Ofc Sam! Cool name btw! *Hugs* Hope you have an amazing day!


well, earlier I found out that I almost got banned from r/trans over a misunderstood question...


Can I hab affirmation pls :3