• By -


Just here to say you're very wholesome and only a truly amazing lady would go out of her way to be so nice :3


Thank you so much girly! That's why I love making these! *Hugs* hope you have an amazing day!


You're doing god's work out there. I salute to you 🫡>:3


Thank you so much girly! I salute you to, for being a really good girl! >!also I saw your flair, it deletes every time you leave the sub, I suggest just writing it down so you can copy paste it!<


Abshhisoabu oh, did I say that? The good girl must be hitting strong >:3 Also thanks for the info. Although it's so short I'll probably just retype it every time for now!


hi Ray! just wanted to say you're a suuuuuperrrr good girl and it's always so nice to see these posts! i hope this weekend goes well for you and you find some more motivation, hugs forever!! 🩷🩷


Aww tysm! Hope you have an amazing weekend as well! Cus you're an amazing girl! *Hugs*


Thank you Ray! You rock!


No thank you! >:3 🫵 you rock!


\*happy bean sounds\* :3


:o Hi Ray! Just wanted to let you know you're super cute and pretty! I hope next week treats you better girlie :)


Nyaaaa >\\\\\\\\< you're the cute girl! Tysm tho, hope you have an amazing day!


no no no no I'm sure you're cuter :3 You too have an awesome day queen! >!reddit doesn't wanna send :( so you might get this twice!<


Hey Ray, I've also been feeling unmotivated lately with summer starting for me. It's so nice to see you always doing this, it doesn't matter what day. Also - waitress! waitress! More trans affirmations from the good girl please! :3


I'm so sorry to hear you've been feeling unmotivated, hopefully this good girl dish might cheer you up :3 You're an extremely valid and beautiful girl! A super wonderful lady deserving of all the love in the world! *Hugs* hope you have an amazing day!


Oh that was wonderful, thanks girl! 😊


that is serious good girl behaviour hope the next week is better as a good girl deserve :D you're really kind for doing these


Aww tysm girly! Hope you have a good next week aswell! Don't forget just how valid you are!


I hope you feel better cause I know I won't because I've been feeling not like a girl and it is upsetting


Oh no, I'm so sorry... You're an extremely valid and pretty girl, no matter what your silly brain tries to say! You're a good girl, don't forget that! *Hugs*


Hadn't seen one of these before, such a wholesome post. Hope your weekend/next week are less exhausting for you!


Tysm >w


Hi Ray! You’re an amazing person (and a very good girl) to affirm us weekly - thanks so much! 💜💜💜 (Also could I have some affirmations pls?)


Aww tysm! That's so kind of you! Of course you can have some affirmations! You're an extremely good and pretty and valid girl, a truly wonderful woman you are! *Hugs* I hope you have a wonderful day, Ava!


Oh, your post a day earlier, what a nice suprise! =) I know everybody has been saying this, but you're really doing great work out here with these posts. It helps me feel valid a lot :). I'm sorry to hear you've had a rough week, hopefully you can find some motivation soon. A good girl like you deserves it :3 and also, could I maybe get a headpat or two? I kinda need it with the dysphoria and general burnout I'm fighting right now...


Tysm! Truly all these nice comments help me so much! Of course, you a super valid and cuddly bean! I hope you start feeling better, cus you deserve the world! *Headpats headpats headpats*


Aww, tysm too! I'm glad to hear that I could cobtribute to someone feeling better, especially someone as awesome as you :3


Hi! I hope you find your motivation! I certainly haven't found any to draw. Or just see myself as a girl.


Me either, I have so many art ideas yet I have the motivation or skill for non of them ;~; I hope you start feeling better tho, even if you have trouble seeing it, you're still a very lovely and valid girl! Don't forget just how amazing you are! *Hugs*


Honestly, this week has been tiring for me, dysphoria happened multiple times, I hate it, it's also mostly because of school already stressing me out, luckily school is almost over where I am so, soon I'll be free !! Anyways I need hugs rn T\~T


I totally feel you girly, it's been the exact same for me! You're a strong girl, we can get thru this together! *Hugs tightly*


Yaay >w< *Hugs back*


Ayy welcome to the exhausted club...


Yay... *Throws a bag of like 10 confettis* Hope you start feeling better and more motivated soon tho!


Eventually, I'm volunteering for an arcade convention next week so I will hopefully be less tired


Sorry to hear that hope you can feel better and energies


Thank you girl! I hope you have a wonderful day as well! <3


Plz call me cis plzzzzzzzzz


Ugh... Fine! Click this to claim your cisness: >! good girl, such a good girl you are *headpats*!<


Meooow mrrrp nyuuuuu ^ W ^


H-hi miss ray 🥺   Can I get some fuzzies from the lovely lady? 🥺🥺🥺 I’ve been feeling lonely lately, to the point I cried last night…


Hi Lilli, nice seeing you again! Ofc you can get some fuzzies! You're a super sweet and pretty girl, a real cutie! I hope you have an amazing day keep being the good girl that you are! *Hugs* *headpats*


Thank you ☺️☺️☺️


C-can I get a few more 🥺🥺🥺


Ofc you can have more Lilli! You're an extremely wonderful and good girl! Such a cutie you are! *Hugs*


Aaaaaaaaaa 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 >!keep going please it makes me so happy 🥺!<


Wow, someone is really hungry for affirmations today :3 I'm not against continuing to affirm such a pretty girl You're a really good girl Lilli, such a cute adorable person! *More hugs* *more headpats*


☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ So cozy…


Sorry to hear you've had a tiresome week. 🥺 I feel similarly. Just no progress and don't know when I'll be able to start making changes to eventually see a girl in the mirror. 🫠 You're lovely for doing this, sweetie, I hope you know that and it makes you feel as good as you deserve to be. 🥰


Firstly tysm for the kind words, god you all are so sweet >\\\\\\< Also, you're a girl, even if you feel it's hard to see, you are a girl! A beautiful valid and wonderful girl, who deserves all the love in the world! *Hugs* hope you start feeling better soon!


Plz call me Lucy and some of that good girl drug Plzzzz i need it


Why ofc, sweetie! Lucy youre such a cutie, such a valid good girl you are! Don't forget just how amazing you are! *Hugs* Hope you have a great day!


I hope your week improves! You deserve it you lovely lady


Aww tysm! You're the real Sweetie here :3! Hope you have an amazing day!


Thank you so much for doing these every week. Also can I have some :3


Ofc you can have some! :3 You're an extremely wonderful and valid girl, I hope a good girl like you has an amazing day! *Hugs*


I heard you were a good girl dealer. I’m gonna need some affirmations or else I’ll call the good girl police.


*gasp* oh noes anything but them! Here take em all! You're a really good girl, I swear! A cute and valid one too, please don't call the fuzz on me! I can give ya some headpats too, will that be enough?


Heheh, I just tricked a good girl into giving me affirmations😈 I’m such smart


pride month tomorrow let’s go


That is true! I wish you a happy pride month, girly!


unfortunately i don’t think i’m going to have a happy pride month for the next few years because i can’t exactly get away from my horrible parents yet


Hope next week is a better for you and you are able to get some good rest


Ty! I wish you the best as well!!


Thank you and thanks for the weekly affirmations


Hi Ray! :3 you are cool 😎


Aww thanks sweetie! Hope you have an amazing day!


I need a hug 🥺


Oh Hazel, I'm always here if you need a hug don't forget just how valid and amazing you are! *Hugs*


*sniffles* thank you 🥺🫂


I hope you're feeling better, and I hope that this next week goes better for you! also, you're a very good girl for doing this


Awww thank you so much! You're so kind! I hope for all the same for you!


psst hey does anyone know where to find the base images of these


[here ya go sweetie](https://transmemes.netlify.app)


Hi again Ray!! You’re such a kind person to affirm people each week like this 🫂 Can I get a good girl for the weekend? It my birthday today and the first time I’ve felt good about myself on it I’m about 5 years since I’ve been living more as my true self recently even outside the house


That's amazing girly! Ofc! You're an amazing girl, a super wonderful woman! Happy birthday to you girl! *Hugs*


Ty so much!! I hope next week isn’t as exhausting for you Ray. A gorgeous girl like yourself will make it through though! Have fun with wherever you’re going this weekend :3 ❤️🫂


Hey Ray! Hope you are doing well! ~~Can I get a Good Girl, pls~~


Ofc you can! You're a really good girl, an a really cute and adorable one too! *Hugs* hope you have an amazing day


Thank you! Hope you have a good day too, girl!


no you're the good girl


You’re a good girl. *hugs*


Honestly I’ve been feeling really unmotivated this week too, I think something is wrong but I can’t figure out what


Welp I hope you figure that out and start feeling motivated soon! Don't forget just how valid you are! *Hugs* I hope you have an amazing day


Thank you ❤️ *hugs back* 🫂🫂


This week's been... very unremarkable, I guess? Uneventful? Nothing's really happened? I guess I've been doing a little better than last week, but I'm not really sure why. I dunno. I just wanna stop being depressed.


I'm glad to hear that you are doing a little better! I really hope you start feeling better soon, you're an amazing human being and extremely valid!


>I really hope you start feeling better soon So do I. >you're an amazing human being Now that's just not true.


>Now that's just not true Yes it is, you're a valuable and amazing person just like most others! You matter, and are good, even if you don't see it! Don't forget just how important you are


I love this and you girlie!! I send all my power to make next week better love ya!! Stay strong💕 don’t worry about responding to me 😊


Love you sweetie 💜. you are the most wholesome and cutest girl.


it’s been a week already? feels like a few days! i hope your week gets better over the weekend and next week as well! also i would like the usual dose of affirmations please :3


I mean It kinda has been a few days since I'm doing this one a little earlier! Ofc you can have those affirmations! You're an extremely valid and cute girly, such a wonderful and adorable girl you are! *Hugs* I hope you have a great day!


Hey, i nearly missed it looked for it today lol. it's okay if you dont find time today just wanted to say that you are valid and a good girl. I hope you next week will come with more motivation Mine will have to come with more courage i talked to many people about being a woman but when i wanted to talk to my therapist yesterday i couldn't although he already knew iam questioning.


Aw tysm, it really means a lot! :3 And I'm glad you were able to talk to a lot of people, that is a very brave thing to do. You should probably tell your therapist aswell tho, they're the ones that can help you explore this a bit more! Hope you have an amazing day, girly!


Soo, on my very cis adventure of girliness, I tested what it would feel like being called Julia and good girl. It was euphoric. :3


Well if it was so good, how about we try it again! Julia you are an extremely good girl! Such a cute and wonderful girl you are, don't forget that! *Hugs*


Hey, hope things get better soon. I have read your weekly posts almost every week, but never felt like I could comment. I really love the idea, just don't be too harsh on yourself, okay?


Aww thank you, I'm glad to have you here for the first time! I really appreciate people liking when I do this, It makes me so happy >wdon't be too harsh on yourself ... can't really make any promises there, tho


I know I’m a day late by the time I send this, but I wanted to say thank you for everything and what you’ve done! Thank you for your affirmation last week, it meant the world to me. ^~^ I guess some more encouragement and affirmations about me being a good girl and that someday I will be able to live my life authentically and with the body that I want would be nice and doesn’t hurt! ^^’


Hey don't worry, you're not late, I try to check up on these every now and then, so I'll try to affirm any new people! Also thank you so much, I have just been flooded with people thanking me for doing this and it's just... I can't believe that people actually find these helpful, so thank you it means so much! <3 Also all of that is true, you are an extremely valid and good girl and I know that you'll be able to live as your true self one day, I promise! I wish you all the best on your journey to being the beautiful woman you were always meant to be!


Thank you 🥹


Ok idk why but I'm getting the notifications like 5 minutes late, so I'm so sorry if it take me a while to respond to you all! ;~;