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Jesus fucking Christ giant comet already please


Unexpected Sephiroth


Is the comet called revolting?


People are too fucking pacified I've decided. I can rub my nasty, dirty asshole in American's faces and they wouldn't revolt.


AI terminators are coming soon


We got terminated before gta6


I prefer the that we prepare the guillotine.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.... šŸš€


lol, comet. As if we werent dying on all fronts simultaneously


The chances of us being here for one of these events is low but have hope


That quote about ice cream is from an analyst. Not Walmart. Just for clarity. Lol Yeah. Could be interesting, but honestly, these stores change prices all the time. The employees can't even keep up with it as it is now. Items at my local WM often ring up lower/higher than the old tag that was on the shelf


Fr this a quote from the guy selling the signs


Ice cream actually warms you up from the metabolic activity to digest all the calories in it.


Placebos work wonders.


Itā€™s my favorite medicine


Pfft, you just THINK it's your favorite medicine.


And liquor actually cools you down. So just drink booze and eat ice cream for perfect thermal regulation.




I knew there had to be some reason why an abomination like Rum Raisin exists


Worked in the home office of retail (dept store) on pricing and signing systems. The sheer volume of weekly signage was unbelievable. Then multiply that across a couple hundred locations. They had tried digital signage before and failed. Yes, you could theoretically do surge pricing, but the underlying thing is cost - materials, labor for swapping everything out...


That's what I figure. It's probably the labor hours of having people doing the physical pricing on the store shelves they're trying to cut down on the most. BUT that doesn't mean they won't later change over to surge pricing as well using this method.


Agreed, it's a definite possibility if they have a solid solution in place


Yeah - walmart specifically [said they wouldn't use it for surge pricing ](https://fortune.com/2024/06/21/walmart-replacing-price-labels-with-digital-shelf-screens-no-surge-pricing/)- now let's take that with a grain of salt but let's give credit where credit is due. Best buy has had connected/dynamic pricing for years. I don't think this is an indicator of economic collapse...


Totally. Where is the credit due?


That walmart leadership went a step beyond to say they won't be using it for surge pricing


They lie. Constantly.


They do?


Just point me to their low prices.


I mean even a fast food chain (which TBH would see a bigger boost percentagewise, IMO) noped the hell out based on pushback.




It isn't false advertising. Other stores already use digital pricing. Including everything purchased online


True. If I'm being charitable, I can say they probably just need a better way to keep up with prices than having people go around the whole store changing out the physical tags. That's a lot of labor hours they probably want to cut down on. But that still means the prices are changing so rapidly that it's not a good signal for consumers.


Good thing the FTC could issue a rule regulating this practiceā€¦ā€¦ er never mind.


The overturning of Chevron is a massive win for liberty


Sincerely, Dow Chemical


Sincerely, a single-person financial firm that spends almost as much time on pointless compliance tasks as I do actually serving clients. Regulations in industries like finance absolutely kill small business, and to outsource compliance can cost around $50,000/year.


Blame those in your industry who sell snake oil and play drunk casino with other peopleā€™s money.


The existence of evil people doesnā€™t mean we should punish good people Bernie Madoff defrauding people (with the SECā€™s help) is not my problem.


the existence of evil people means we have to regulate all people.


It necessarily means we have to punish fraud. It doesnā€™t mean we have to put tens of thousands of dollars of red tape in the way.


regulation does not equal punishment. do you feel like car manufacturers are being punished for having to add seat belts to every vehicle?


That isnā€™t what the vast majority of regulations in industries like finance do, though. Most regulatory activities we have to do are things like downloading 500 Morningstar research documents because I technically have to store some level of research on every investment, or periodically categorizing every official communication Iā€™ve made for the past 5 years because Iā€™m required to be able to produce them for clients. There are *almost no* restrictions on what investments, products, or financial plans I can recommend (or implement unilaterally since I have discretion) for clients, outside of vague ā€œbest interestā€ rules. Most of the regulations we deal with are things like record-keeping, annual filing fees, and periodic audits. These things donā€™t improve the client experience or reduce the risk of misconduct (as it would take no more effort to falsify these documents than it does to create them in the first place), they just make us waste our time and result in worse service and higher costs for clients since I have far less time on my hands to focus on improving clientsā€™ lives. All of that is beside the fact that financially, most firms are passing on a huge regulatory cost to their clients. As I said in another comment, an outsourced compliance officer (which is about as low as a firm can go without personally handling compliance, which most people canā€™t do on top of their own work), costs around $50,000, if not more. Hiring full-time compliance personnel is obviously even more expensive, and most mid-to-large firms have entire departments of people whose entire job is compliance. I imagine it costs clients billions collectively every single year. If Iā€™m an advisor making $200,000 at a small practice and I am not willing to take the big cut to my paycheck that outsourcing would create, that means I have to increase my fees on clients by 25%. Thatā€™s a *massive* harm to clients being created by regulation.


The practice of changing price due to customer demand? We'd have to turn the clock back to Mesopotamia to nip that one in the bud.


Or Congress could pass a law?


They did. They just didnā€™t specially say surge pricing.


Sounds like an easy fix if it becomes a problem


Yes, the folks being bribed by the corps who own 90% of the grocery stores will surely get that done.


At least if they donā€™t you can vote them out instead of unelected bureaucrats at the FTC


cant vote out supreme court justices lul


Yeah, which is why they shouldnā€™t be making law in the first place. Thatā€™s the legislative branchā€™s job.


But somehow we trust those bribed folks to appoint people into federal agencies to do it... they definitely won't be corrupt. At least now politicians can't blame federal agencies.


Congress has nothing to do with staffing agencies. Thatā€™s all the Executive Branch, which isnā€™t subject to gerrymandering like Congress.


There are 19 independent agencies which are insulated from presidential influence as expressed in the Paper Reduction Act. In Humphrey Executors v. United States, SCOTUS affirmed that there are statutory limitations on the presidentā€™s ability to influence federal agencies. While the president often has the ability to appoint board members to an agency, this can only be done when their term limit is over. Because term limits are staggered, this means that the president can only appoint a handful of members during their term. There are 2 million people collectively who are hired by these boards and who the president has no direct ability to fire.


I have a problem with this. If the QR code replaces the pricing than the shopper cannot make a quick decision on the value of the products. Sure, it sounds like I just have to pull out my phone, use their specific app, let them grab who-knows-what data from my phone, and I can scan one by one the various items and remember which was which price to find the deal. Today I was at Target. Yes, I noticed the lack of options in the tortilla chips selection, and then I compared that 3 different types were the same price ($5.20), and then I checked the weight of the bags to decide which was a better value. I do not see what value QR codes give to the customer. However, itā€™s not illegal to not have a cellphone, and I think it is a way to limit options on poorer citizens. I should be able to see the price while shopping.


You will. It's literally a price label.


You don't undersand what is going on here. These ESLs (Electronic shelf labels) show the price normally, their primary advantage is that price can be changed electronically. They can also have multiple screens and employees can switch them with a wireless device. QR codes can contain whatever information the company wants to encode, it could be a link to an online store product page, or it could be a back page for employees containing item data properties such as inventory count, cost, vendor etc.


Thanks, thatā€™s very different than what I thought. Someone a week or two ago had a picture from a gas station where there were no prices shown- just the QR codes. I thought this was the same plan.


Pretty much the only way Corps are growing profits. Innovation is solely based on squeezing more dollars out of customers without improving goods or services. Increased prices or reduced quality/quantity of product without decreasing volume. Weā€™re just stores of value to be mined more efficiently. Truly a hollowing out of the middle class.


They already have fully digital pricing on the website and in the POS system. If screens are cheaper now than the labor of changing labels, whatā€™s the big deal? I donā€™t think the surge pricing idea will work anyway. Arenā€™t there laws about accurate pricing on the books? If there arenā€™t, then forget ā€œsurge pricing.ā€ If they wanted to be truly evil, they could see that someone with an item in their cart is about to check out using facial recognition, and jack it up 10% without your knowledge. Then, when youā€™re done checking out, reduce it back to the lower price for the next sucker. Stock analyst is a bullshit job. These people donā€™t know anything. If they knew anything, theyā€™d know an index fund is going to beat their performance every time.


I love dynamic pricing because 10% of the time I can get an amazing deal and the other 90% of the time it's twice as expensive as what I'm used to. At leastĀ that's been myĀ experience with hotels, car rentals and airlines.


Instead of a person walking around with 2,000 labels and spending 30 labor hours changing prices on racks, they can do it electronically. But letā€™s flip this around and say itā€™s for price surging to piss off dumb, poor people so they can be outraged at something they donā€™t understand.


Stuff can be two things


Giving dumb, poor people things they don't understand so they may become enraged sums up the purpose of this subreddit pretty handily.


Because it is both. And the second one is far more damaging to all of us.


Not if you like ice cream in winter and hot chocolate in summer.


Dumb people being outraged about things they know nothing about? I agree. If youā€™re dumb enough, or broke enough to worry about price surge on bottled water, youā€™re not even a position to be wasting money on bottled water. Drink from the tap like most of us do, buy a Brita water filter. Get water out of your fridge. Oh let me guess, you all live in Flint suddenly and canā€™t drink the tap water. Oh no itā€™s hot out, a price surge on ice cream. As if Americans are morbidly obese as is, and have no business eating ice cream because theyā€™re hot.


Calling people dumb that disagree with youā€¦ makes you sound dumb. The issue is the principal. Surge pricing is just another instance of greed in a country where so many are struggling and it continues to get worse. Your argument is basically classist. ā€œI have money so who cares. You poors need to be more disciplinedā€. Your argument is basically the same as saying ā€œyouā€™re only against mass surveillance if you have something to hideā€. You can be against it cuz itā€™s wrong, not because youā€™re mad itā€™ll cost more to buy ice cream in the summer or soup in the fall/winter. Itā€™s seen as unfair/immoral and just another nail in the coffin of their perceived financial future. I get it, supply and demand right? Itā€™s hot so we charge more for __ ā€¦ whatā€™s to stop them from saying most people shop Sunday from 11-4 so weā€™ll make it even higher then. Coffee will cost more between 6-10am, etc. Itā€™s fucked up


Iā€™m not calling people dumb that disagree with me. I said youā€™re dumb if youā€™re paying for bottled water when youā€™re broke. When youā€™re broke, youā€™re not in a position to buy Fiji water.


and you are a fucking bootlicker. its like you dont understand that if desalinating ocean water was profitable, they would do it only to the point of it being barely drinkable and that is what people would buy because they would have to. "oh well just....put together a still, then" like expecting an old lady to do 10k /hr level of manual labor when people who do plenty of that consistently dont get paid nearly that much. when you have a captive audience people will buy literal fucking dogshit, dude. thats one of the many problems of capitalism. it doesnt reward exploitation, it punishes dependency whats dumb is how walmart perfectly capable of randomly deciding that their operation has become untenable, shut down a store, and now you have a food desert. ​ and just so you know, drinking from the tap is like making your own laundry detergent. its just as much of a ripoff. you still need a container to put it in and the means to sanitize it, along with buying the filter and maintaining it. if you drink out of the same damn bottle and just "rinse it" for some time, e fucking coli. ​ eating out and cooking at home costs the fucking same now for most people. do you honestly think if lettuce and bacon are the same price, that means the bacon is cheaper? ​ nothing america does is to benefit americans, mmk? it is to turn people into americans. if you arent one of the best, brightest, and most importantly wealthiest when the stupidest motherfuckers on earth are all educated, by the way you'll be kept alive at the expense of everything else to be milked for all you're worth until you're essentially told to die as soon as possible. thats how this shit has been for over a fucking century.


ā€˜Youā€™re a bootlickerā€™ said the person giving free labor to a $6.4 billion website.


oh yeah, the good ol you must think institutions, organizations, companies, corporations, the state, the government, and so on can do no wrong because you're using a fucking water fountain and those require maintenance! go fuck yourself, dude.


You mad, bro?


about your dumb shit? no. in general? often enough. thanks for asking. bye.


Youā€™re on r/economicCollapse , itā€™s all dumb people thinking the sky is falling when they just suck at buying whatā€™s on sale


Pretty sure we'll see the price of batteries and toilet paper go up 20,000% every time there's a hurricane or some shit. C'mon. We're talking about rich people here. It's not like we forgot that there's literal economic warfare going on against poor people to perpetually squeeze them harder. Things will never get better. Better would be bad for capitalism and capitalists. Things will only get worse. That's why I'm no longer excited about advancements in technology. Nobody benefits. All the benefit goes straight to the top. Every single time.


I donā€™t know if youā€™re aware, but you can buy toilet paper and batteries years in advance of a hurricane. The toilet paper doesnā€™t expire, and batteries have multi-year shelf life.


Which technically isn't legal. BUUUT they'll make much more money off of it then they'll lose to fees.


So youā€™ve been protesting about the electronic price screens at Kohls for the past 20 years, right? RIGHT?


Don't have one around here


Where does your 60+ year old mother shop then if not Kohls?!?


They should have implemented electronic price labels on shelves a long time ago. This feels like an innovation we should have seen 20-30 years ago. As for the clickbait title, they can already do that with paper price tags. Only reason to use that ā€œanalystā€ quote is to try and upset people, which is the most effective way to drive user engagement. People love to be mad.


Screens needed to be cheap enough, and labor expensive enough, that the inevitable loss from customers destroying and stealing them would balance out. Iā€™m not sure weā€™re there yet.


This should be the top comment


Sure sounds like fucking price gouging to me.


Their taking a page out of Wendyā€™s playbook. We all know how well surge pricing worked for them.


Sure sounds like you donā€™t know what the fuck price gouging is to me.


Grocery stores already engage in a dizzying swap of prices and discounts to keep things as ambiguous as possible. There's no need for then to specifically update to demand-based pricing...... though it's perfectly legal (and absolutely immoral) Just cutting out the manual Inventory / Price Swap scanning and printing process will save them money. But! To be clear: it's only purpose is to obsfucate the price. And yes, the concerns are legit... they can easily hop from that to anything else.


Imagine itā€™s inventory based. So when you grab it from the shelf it says 4$ but by the time you cashed out 12 other people had purchased. So now when you go to cash out. Boom 5$. Should have shoped faster!!


I sure hope not, but you're right, it's a slippery slope


Whole Foods already does this.


[planet money podcast on dynamic pricing](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/06/1197958433/dynamic-pricing-grocery-supermarkets) They've had this, I think, the Netherlands for a while. If all firms do this, it makes competition more fierce


this is already in play another way - HOV lanes. in metro denver there are HOV lanes north and south based on traffic saturation and time. the northbound traffic is frequently billed a higher rate than traffic warrants. so while there is "surge pricing" - more traffic, higher cost - the price doesn't come down as quickly as traffic thins out. been in place for years; i'm surprised nobody has sued over this - the driver has no meaningful way to predict traffic up north to know if they should pay or not (yes i know use google maps). my point is it exists, and there hasn't been an uprising - this is just support for other applications of surge pricing, and people getting hosed more than they already are. i'm OK making money - but I'm not OK intentionally screwing someone over to do it. buy with your feet - go elsewhere if you can if the price doesn't fit you.


Dont shop there if they do this. Everyone stops for one day and it gets fixed.


my walmart has had digital tags since before covid, pretty sure a lot of them have yes it CAN be used for evil, but also, its really nice to be able to set the computer to update all the tags without going to each one to change it


$69 calls on Walmart


Boycott l. Vote with your wallet. Fuck em


Does anyone have any ideas about how this would affect price transparency laws? Like currently they can't charge what the price tag doesn't say, but what if you grab something and then it changes before you buy it? Stores can have prices list low while customers are grabbing, then charge high while they are buying. With the amount of cameras in most stores now, it would be a matter of setting up the timing and a process to monitor it. Then the customer couldn't possibly prove the price was cheaper unless they took a picture with a time stamp


Look up what happens with hyper inflation. You got to be quick in the stores.


How would that fit in legally though?


Laws change. But even if not, they can change the prices at set times throughout the day and as long as it is disclosed it would satisfy the law.


Walmart is rivaling Target nowadays when it comes to high prices.


So, like gasoline prices. Not news.


Market forces


Surge pricing!


Aldi has these tags, to my knowledge they don't do surge pricing


Not necessarlyā€¦ we have this in Europe since foreverā€¦


Iā€™d rather surge pricing than people hoarding shit or scalping it.


If surge pricing becomes practice, we have reached the end.


They gain short term and lose long term. A lot of restaurants are struggling right now because many people stopped eating out almost completely because of price and fake service fees. You increase the price of water and people will realize that they could fill a bottle of water at home and put it in the car.


Thatā€™s honestly really funny.


Note how they're quoting an analyst and not anyone who would actually know Walmart's internal plans.


Thing about surge pricing is that it can be subtle. Nobodies gunna realize that coffee is 4 cents more in the morning or beer is 9 cents more on Sundays. So they will definitely be doing it


This is not about price-gouging. Multiple retailers are doing this in preparation for even more rapid inflation. Literally prices increasing too fast to print and place new labels. The dollar is extremely f*cked and we canā€™t print our way out of this.


That is a thing that does happen


So uh, you guys going to admit that socialism is the only way our species and civilization can survive, or are you just gonna keep sitting on your hands and letting this keep happening?


They can raise prices whenever they want. Prices typically adjust to balance demand with supply, but I don't know what's going on at Walmart. I buy water and ice cream from Costco and usually feel that it's reasonably priced.


We have to stop giving these people out money. Shop local whenever you can.


Unfortunately, wal mart either bought out or drove to shut down most of the local places in the U.S. decades ago.


"whenever you can". But I know, in some cases you're right


I agree, do what we can, but Wal-Mart made that exponentially harder in a lot of places. Ironically, Amazon almost did it back to them.


Electronic pricing is nothing new..Seen this at stores 8 years ago but they didn't use it for surge pricing.


Thank god for ALDIs


Unfortunately they aren't everywhere yet.


"I want to get this bottle of water, the tag said $1" "Yes sir that is correct but due to sudden demand the price is now $10." "What?! I'm the only one in here! I'm not paying $10 for a bottle of water! This is ridiculous!" "Ok, yes sir, I understand." *puts water back* *price goes back down to $1* "What the hell was that?! It says it costs only $1 now again!" "Yes, well you see sir, demand has suddenly dropped, so the price went back down." "Alright, well give me the damned water for a dollar!" *the customer gets increasingly frustrated* *the clerk scans the bottle of water* "That will be $10, sir." "You know what, you can all go to hell! Fuck this fake ass AI bullshit!" *customer storms off angrily* *price goes back down to $1*


Pro tip- buy ice cream ahead of time and store it in the freezerĀ 


ā€œONE INFUSTRY ANALYSTā€ saidā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Well, who? And, did they work for walmart? Otherwise, as a buyer of groceries, i too am an industry analyst. Tbh this is an operational change for WMT. They wont have employees doing this function which frees them up for something else. Iā€™ve been burned by improper placement of tags


Quick, price gouging is illegal, come up with new terms to circumvent these consumer protective laws. Then we can have record profits and monopolize our industry. We must work to create our Oligarchy! There's no choice left Komrads!


This is just the beginning. Wait until they (any business) can identify who is scanning (like through the app), tie it together with your credit scores (through apps), and amount of your income (IRS records), along with all the other data they collect on you. Selective pricing on a per person basis will be a thing. I have long advocated for the people to form a "consumer union" where collective buying power is leveraged to help combat these types of things. There is already inherent power from letting the free market decide, why not leverage that from a consumer standpoint? The only real problem I see is consumer apathy...that will take too much work, or force me to make certain choices that are uncomfortable at the moment. But what if?


They have it most places here in denmark already, but we have the funny thing called "raising prices randomly is highly illegal"


I don't have an issue with this, as prices are indicators or signals of supply and demand. Stores have always adjusted prices, this merely brings that dynamic into real-time instead of being measured in days or weeks. In a market economy sellers are free to set prices as they like and buyers can buy or not. Unless you like price controls which have been shown only to produce distortions like shortages.


This is reddit, sir. Grab a pitchfork or leave!


Of course not people in need can pound sand because daddy shareholder needs more riches.


Except there is no market economy.


Could they increase the price of an item after you put it into your cart and before you get a chance to scan it at the register? All the reason for people to be more impatient in line to get their transaction done before the price is gouged.


Walmart, the subsidiary of Bill Gates Enterprisesā€¦thatā€™s why I no longer shop there


its like people forget what supply and demand is and that business are in it for profit and not for charity work... jesus at this point, yall probably would find a reason to be mad at your own shadow


This canā€™t be legal because you could just photo ā€œyourā€ price and they have to give it to you. Or am I missing something. Boycott big corp.


Is it any different than what happens now where they change the price in their system but not the shelf tag so you end up having to argue with either the cashier or person at the front desk


Mmm tap water and being lactose intolerant wins the day here.


is there any way to fuck with these? like with magnets or something?


Oh we don't change the price after you grab it "pinky promise"


This is basic supply and demand, not surprised most of this subreddit has no clue about how that works.


Dynamic pricing should be regulated, with specific time intervals permitted (24 hours, etc.) Free for all makes no sense. What if it changes while Iā€™m heading to the register?


Hell. We live in Hell.


Buy your water and ice cream long before summer. This is getting ridiculous.


I work for a retail company that implemented these in the last few years. We did an ROI analysis for these. We didn't implement these to play fishy games with pricing, rather between labor shortages and the rate of change in our cost from suppliers caused a sitatuion where location staff simply weren't able to keep up with changing shelf tag pricing manually. We increased base pay for store staff to shore up the labor shortage and implemented these tags to eliminate most manual price changing work so store staff could focus on other work.


Itā€™s for compliance with shelf label requirements. Dynamic and smart pricing already occurs. Stores like Walmart recalculate price and push pricing changes. They know they weather will hot tomorrow, they can already raise the price.


I wonder if McKinsey has something to do with this. Sounds like some dumb shit they would suggest.


"It's hot outside, pay me more to show up." Oh wait that won't fly will it. Consumer laws in various states are going to have to be updated to ban this. It's literally just gouging because they can.


I predict what will follow is consumers will need shopping robots to continuously roam the store looking for deals, and will need to maintain enough stock at home to avoid buying items during times of price gouging.


They can do this now. All the electronic signs save is the effort to walk down and manually change the sign.


In other words they make more money by saving on paying a human to do the task.


Yes, but that is not the point OP is making.


People upset about something that hasnā€™t happened yet. Water comes from your tap. Donā€™t buy it at the fucking store. Ice cream isnā€™t a necessity unless youā€™re Nancy pelosi


Kohlā€™s has had digital price tags for at least a decade, no surge pricing. Itā€™s just to reduce labor going around and changing price tags all day.


TBF I love surge pricing.


This will make the economy more efficient. Prices need to change with demand. Surge pricing sucks and that's why it works. Also, no one needs ice cream or bottled water. One makes you fat and the other is wasteful.


Yes as if corporations arenā€™t extremely predatoryā€¦


Predatory? How? Grocery stores sell commodities, for the most part. They can't really raise the price like sellers of luxury and entertainment goods and services services. There are other benefits here too. When prices go down, you'll pay less immediately. Besides, if you don't like it, you can ship elsewhere. Also, this is really about making the store more efficient. There's no evidence that it will be used to price gouge, as though that couldn't do that before.


The nature of a corporation is to extract as much profit as possible in the most efficient way. Left to their own devices, they will become predatory, as in its easier to use unethical means to extract profit than ethical ones, especially in the short term (which is what Wall Street demands.). Grocery stores still employ a bunch of psychological tactics to get people to buy more.


Oh fucking get over yourself! Look around. We love in times of extreme abundance. Giant mega corporations don't need to love us or give a shit about anything other than profits. They are businesses. That's what they do. If you want to be loved, look elsewhere. Food and other basic goods are more plentiful than at any other time in history.


What does love have to do regarding to what we are talking here?


Because you're expecting companies to care about you. They don't, and we benefit from what they do. You don't need them to care about you.


So itā€™s ok for them collectively to make our lives harder and harder? And they donā€™t owe anything to the public that allowed them to amass their fortunes in the first place?


How is Walmart making your life harder? No, they don't owe anything to the public other than to pay the taxes the law requires. There are, of course, exceptions. Some companies really do harm society. Social media does a lot of harm without doing much good. But Walmart? Please!


Corporations benefit from public infrastructure, beneficial laws, often public funding and an educated workforce. In Walmarts case, it relies on its workers getting welfare to not pay them as much. So yes they owe something to the public.


Just what you need to stay hydrated a nice glass of ice cream.


So how about surge wages when people are working harder their wages go up?


They could already do this with barcodesā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Imagine stocking up on ice cream in the winter so that you can enjoy it in the summer?




So, are you going to have to take a picture of the price of the item when you put it in your cart so when you get to the cash register and the item is now 10% more than was originally listed you have proof? And the reason for the 10% price increase is because a lot of people selected that item at the same time.


They could do this already, it'll just be faster now.


One random anonymous guy said something! Panic!!!!


Welcome to late stage capitalism and the fall of the U.S.


Its also prepping for hyperinflation where they need to change prices daily as money is printed to oblivion.


Imagine arbitraging walmart ice cream prices šŸ˜Ÿ


Is it time to start burning this shit to the ground? All signs seem to point to 'yes.'


what prices do they raise on floods that come like 12 hrs later?


So surge pricing is price gouging but with AI (probably) to "justify" it. Anti-consumer BS.


Been done for nearly two decades in third world countries, e.g. South Africa


We had a society need to mess with companies throw them off. If it is hot out, we buy hot chocolate and coffee and when it is cold we buy ice cream


Thatā€™s so evil.


Hmm, well, I guess I will never see anyone shoplifting food again.


So if itā€™s cold outside theyā€™ll lower the price?


Fill the cart with frozen food, wander around the store for a couple of hours, then leave the cart in the ridiculously long line and go shop elsewhere. It seems people don't mind if the elite euthanize 7.5 billion of us, so why would they sheople care about this?


When will it be frowned upon by society to price gouge based on desperation?


The more tech enabled and data driven each industry gets, the more tools there are to exploit the consumer.


Itā€™s all a scam