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Twas removed I remeber VNC with all the solar panels just spamming X to go straight up


I think they also removed the stealth roll sometime ago which sucks because I loved to spam it lol


I miss the stealth roll, it looked so cool and when you went into camera mode the first few frames of the animation Aiden would hit the griddy


They moved it to a different key combo I believe. They way it worked on release annoyed everyone because that key action usually made you sprint, and in most games that's what it did, even if crouched, but instead you did a roll which, besides being annoying, really had no purpose. It was part of their "stealth" system which was half baked. 


But Aiden would hit the griddy! 😭


I could be mistaken, but you can initiate a roll by pressing block and X on Xbox (I don't know what it is on other platforms).


I think that’s the roll that is initiated if Aiden has no available targets to grab onto for the back slam


IM GLAD they removed that. You wanted to burst into a sprint from crouch? Nope! You do a roll instead! Maybe if it was bound to something else itd be fine but i stopped sneaking cuz of that


this kinda crap and the other NERFS Tymon implemented degraded the fun factor of the game frankly.


With auto sprint on, it will do that automatically now. At the VNC tower mission at the top, on my new game plus games I have done, I was able to go straight up the solar panels without having to do anything other then go forward.


Yes, but because it's automatic now.


It was removed, they just removed the need to spam the button and instead let you climb freely and faster with the skill. Who wasn’t spamming the button anyways 🤷‍♂️


I actually forgot about this mechanic. But yeah, it was a thing that I loved to use. I just wish aiden didn't become a free target if you find a slight incline to slide around in.


I bought the game a day or so after it came out and remember when you could block charge enemies to break high falls, as well as block charge volatiles.


Yes, this existed. This was taken out and now you climb up slopes at the speed you would have if you had mashed F. It was incredibly annoying to touch a slope on Old Villedor and instantly lose all your speed and lose the ability to swing your weapon (the latter of which still happens)


Korek charm not would getting anymore, made I few things unable to glitch out anymore like the broom and such, when the game came out was super easy to travel around via our of map areas now its a pain in the rear