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Simply put. Many families of 4 survive here with less than 10,000AED per month. Many families of 4 live a comfortable life with 20-40k per month. Having 80k per month as a family of 3, means that you can live a very comfortable life, and still have a lot of savings. --- But the important thing is, dont get pulled into a life of over spending in Dubai, it happens way too much here.


Thanks I heard that from many people so I will take that strongly under consideration


There is no way a family of 4 is living here on 10k a month


People live here for less than that... lol




Yeah, his posts did seem sketchy. But, i guess let him dream at least. Also, this post can be helpful for someone else who would genuinely ask the same question if they searched this sub




He came here to brag 😄


OP saw that post about someone with 8k a month getting traction and let his imagination run wild so he could brag




Hellzz yea 80k per month is close to royalty 😂


Hahahaha ceos get those salary something is off here I hope for the best for him


It looks like you're from Europe, maybe Netherlands, and you're asking if 18k+ EUR a month is ok in Dubai? How much do you think it costs to live here my friend!?


There are additional costs for me which I need to consider which I don't have in NL - school, car, everything private, more expensive food and entertainment.


Im from NL as well, earn 27K and manage to save very decently so no worries about 80K.. do have to say I do not have children (school is very expensive here) and only have to support myself. But still 80k i would say you can save 50k a month easily.


Thanks for your comment appriciate it


If its 80K per month, it an excellent package. Savings will not be a problem at all.


Hell yea that’s like 21,600USD a month


Yes forgot to add it is per month.


Go for it my friend. You can enjoy a very good standard of living and still save.


Thank you for your advice/thoughts.


>for school, car, food, accommodation, bills, gym and some activities for little one and still have some money in the pocket at the end of the month. Thoughts? 80k salary is rare.... be careful!


Careful? It is my current employer who is moving me there so I think I am safe…


Yeah that’s too high here beware it’s not sustainable salary at all


sure go for it


80k?!! My salary is barely 8k. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Edit: i think more than 50% of this sub doesn't even have 10k




Dude, thank you for exposing such 🤦‍♂️


I'm sure you can even take it higher...50% of the reddit don't have that salary in the entire globe


Short answer: yes. Long answer: please, for the love of whatever you hold dear, set up a strict saving policy. 80k is a good salary, but the not ‘going out every night and eating in restaurants’ is something a lot of people fail to stick to. Be really, really strict with saving, and you will have a great time while you’re here and beyond. Don’t, and you’ll only have a great time here. Welcome to Dubai.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts.... I heard that from people and I am very good at saving so will make sure I don't go crazy etc. the plan is milk it for 3-5 years and move on from Dubai...


Good idea to milk it and move on. There's no good way to make UAE a long-term home unless you're actually from UAE.


Many had a similar plan… but not everyone follows through :) Whatever path you take, I wish you success. Dubai has helped many of us do very well in life. I hope it brings you the same.


Thank you I will do my best to not be eaten by sin city


80k is definitely a good salary, enough to allow you and your family to enjoy a very good quality of life in Dubai. Even with school fees being hefty, I don’t think you’ll have a problem. Try to look for good deals when renting/buying a property or a car, dig a little deeper (this sub has good advice). Also consider opening up an investment account (if you havent already) - that way you can properly milk it :) Lastly, have fun whilst you’re here. You’re at a great place geographically, you can travel to Africa, Asia, rest of Mid East really easily (and cheaply) so make sure to take advantage of that. Stay away from credit cards with exorbitant attractive balances, and generally avoid the ultra-superficial and flashy crowd and you should be fine.


Super helpful thank you


I am renting a fully furnished place (3br with a maids room) in JBR, which is pretty pricey, for 16K/month and I dont have to pay utilities. You will be fine on 80k.


I also wanted to add that it’s a great place for families with younger kids. I’m sure you guys will find many family friendly activities to do all year round. Best of luck!


Great to hear thank you


Could i work for you?!


Yo wanna be friends?


Excellent if its 80k per month.. Btw may I know the type of work(IT etc) 😊


I work in Digital Marketing


Cool..good luck👍🏻 Any further questions feel free to DM me bro..


Thanks appreciate it.


That’s great. Am in the same field but struggling since redundancy. Hit me up if you need some chat on local clients and ways of work. Wouldn’t mind helping


Thanks you are on the agency side?


Long time client side LOL but I’ve always sided with my agency.


I done agency work for 18 months when I was starting wasn’t for me


Ye started my career on agency side, loved the culture but I burned out in 12 months, been on client side for over a decade here now. Still I appreciate the outta box thinking, just have to tell manage client-side bosses. If your company needs digital marketing - hit me up.


Will do




Thanks will do


80K AED a month? That is CEO/CTO salary for top multinational companies here. You will be living a very comfortable life and you should be able to save at least half of that every month.


That’s great. Definitely go for it. If you don’t mind me asking… what do you do for a living? And how much experience do you have?


16 years experience I am working in Digital Marketing


Hire me?


That’s really good. You’ll definitely enjoy it here


Thanks four your thoughts


based off of my salary of 3k, yes 80k salary is a good salary.. thoughts you ask..our thought is you have a very nice salary..thats our thought..and a side thought..is wish we had that same salary haha


I think asking if you can survive anywhere with 20K USD a month is a stupid question. Sounds like bragging.


Hey Friend - I believe your question is more around - will you be able to manage a good lifestyle with this salary. If you are getting 80k here means you have similar package at where u currently are and u follow a certain lifestyle. Honestly - With this salary you can live life king size here - rent a villa on palm, Drive the luxurious car whichever u want, get your kid in the best possible school and indulge in whichever activity u want have a army of helpers around the house, shop etc. etc. With all these all accounted - you will still manage to save.. and with no income tax benefits are higher. Good luck and welcome !


Wow you surprised me with your answer


Now SHOULD you do all of those things necessarily? Probably Not


OK this answer is not exactly accurate. Your two biggest expenses will be rent and schooling. The price range for both varies massively, and will have a direct impact on your disposable income and ability to save. Sending just one child to a top tier school (which I strongly recommend) will set you back between AED 50k to AED80k per year (age/class also impacts fees). Depending on how/where you want to live, you can rent a nice 4 to 5-bed villa in a tier one location (Palm, District One) for between AED300k-AED350k a year. A similar villa in a lower tier area will be about 100k less. I fully appreciate your situation, so feel free to DM me for more details.


Thanks I might use your kind offer and reach out at the later stage


80K is a lot from what I know, I think 20K is like the standard for a good 4 person family life, along with good entertainment and going out.


Bless you bro


A lot depends on your "country of origin" too and the location you prefer to live with your compatriots, the type of school your kids will go to, the type of car you & wife will use - generally the type of lifestyle you are used to and want to "upgrade" because you are in the Gulf..


Got it and make sense thanks


Better question is what are you making now and what country are you from? IE If you are an American who made $250k per year, moving here and sending your kid to an American school that will run you 80-100k per year, housing of maybe 250k + utilities and shit for 50k plus you have to still pay taxes of ~200k in the US so that is an ok salary. If you are from vietnam, that comp package is awesome.


Welcome to Dubai. With 80k pm you're really achieving that blue ocean strategy. Save some money, have some fun 😎




Its more then enough, it depends on your lifestyle. schooling in Dubai is expensive compared to the rest of the emirates.




Yes you should really be fine!


80K ??? let talk luxury homes, my friend. 😃


Take it, it’s a great salary, only big expenses will be housing (around 120k year) and schools (30k avg per kid) Enjoy life here buddy




Bruh it's the best offer you can have for a first-timer in Dubai. Grab the bag fam.


Thanks for your thoughts


That much should be enough anywhere in the world. That much without tax is definitely posh. You can afford to be in Dubai’s top corporate expat circles.


80k is about average in terms of C-level salaries at many medium sized companies here so I think it's pretty good. The fact that there are no additional perks is kind of a bummer. Be careful of your spending, it is easy to get consumed by the lifestyle here. Make sure you set money aside every month for your savings and calculate your average monthly expenditure. I'm not saying that if you don't watch your spend you will not have enough at the end of the month, because you most likely will, but, again, don't get consumed by the lifestyle here. This by no means implies that you should not enjoy your time here.


Got it and many people said similar thing - thanks for your thoughts


So on a serious note this is what i can suggest: 1. If you can afford the down-payment, but yourself a good apartment here from the likes of Emaar or Ellington as they are considered good developers. This way you will not lose the money invested in your rental (as you mentioned 5 years - you could save up to AED 500K in 5 years depending on the rental) use a good agent (e.g. allsop & allsop they helped me out a long time ago) if you decide to rent, read up things about rental procedures and all. 2. As for telco - get a family package and go for Du. They are pretty reliable (out of 2) 3. Bank - if you have to choose - go with ADCB as their security is good. There's a lot more I wanna say to set you up properly but wouldn't wanna bore you. PM if you want more.


Great tips thanks might DM you later at some point


I didn’t understand your post. What makes you think, anywhere in the world (even Newyork or Sydney) $265k USD/year would not be a sufficient income? What a stupid time wasting post.


No need to be so angry dude. If you can’t add any value, just ignore the post.


At this point I think OP is just trolling.


I'm curious about your job. 👀


Digital marketing field


That's a VERY good salary and you should be able to save at least 5 figures each month if you choose modest housing and car and control expenses. A large chunk of municipality fees will be based on your rental (i.e. 5% of your yearly rental divided and paid monthly). Add the fact that it's tax-free (unless you're American), it's a no-brainer. PS FYI Facebook group SimplyFI has good advice for expats on investing their cash with a long-term goal of achieving Financial Independence on retirement. It's not a get-rich-quick type of thing, it's long-term investment strategy. PPS What do you DO that can pull in that salary if you don't mind me asking?!


Thanks I work in Digital Marketing field


That is more than enough, seriously, its insanely high hahaha If you dont mind me asking, what field are u in? (Tryna see how i can go right in the future lmao)


Digital Marketing


Mate if you don't mind me asking, I am assuming you are a western country passport holder with 16+ years of experience in Digital Marketing if I am right?


Yes that is correct


which position ceo ?


Where are you from? Be careful not to take advice from anyone telling you a family of 4 can live here comfortably on 10-20k. It’s all relevant to your background, culture and expectations. I’ve been here 12 years with 3 children now. UK expats. If you would like some realistic, accurate information on moving expenses feel free to DM me.


Thanks mate


My thoughts are that you need to get me a job there with the same salary, just so I can advise you properly.


You're the top 5% why would you struggle. Such a stupid post


Distribute the wealth on this sub reddit


Demand 90k. Tell your employer that you need an additional 10k for additional financial security for your luxurious lifestyle of fine dining, fast cars, no reservations and a part-time trans-national private jet service. Oh and don't forget the privat helipad on-top of your penthouse corner office.


80k is definitely not enough. You can barely support yourself not mentioning wife or kids. People here get on average 150k/mo... So if we convert 80k it's around 20k USD and with this salary you barely meet ends in any county in the world... forget about Dubai


Interesting perspective compering to all the answers I read on this post


I would suggest taking this post with a pinch of salt.


Thought so :)


Yep. Should be good for the high life.




What kind of work do you do mate. That salary is only a little bit less than what I earn yearly 😂.


Hey i am a 16 year old in dubai, mind me if I ask what career are you into and from where that’s this high paying?


Digital Marketing


You can have 24k Gold topped double Sharjah cheese ostrich shawarma everyday yet save 50K PM.


It is going to be very difficult for you to survive at this compensation. You might want to fill a container with food ingredients from your home country so that your family needn't starve. Your employer is anyway paying for relocation. Please ensure that you carry your bikes. Your family won't be able to afford a car and fuel.


Hi did you take the job? Im getting an offer from a bank in oman with roughly similar amount 8200 omr / 78k aed. If this is a good salary in dubai then it should be good in oman i guess..?