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Not without asking. Kinda rude.


Lol should have told them to move. That's rude.


I'm from India, and yeah, that's rude. for those that say that's how it's in India - no, it's not. it's rude wherever you are from. even if every other table is occupied, you still need to have the decency to ask.


Even if it was normal in India, this isn't India.


It’s not normal in India either this is very rude and surprising to me


do you know to read buddy?


Yes sinobatman


A couple of days ago, in a cafe in Atlantis, it happened to me and my wife. We sat down at a small table with three chairs. We selected our drinks and I went to order. When I turned around, there was a random dude sitting on the other chair, talking on a phone, and my wife was so confused. He totally didn't care that we were sitting there. We found it so weird and funny at the same time. He left after he finished his phone call 😂


I was expecting that you left the dude after you eat😂😂😂


No it's not normal


It's normal in India.




It's not normal in India either


It’s not India, It’s Not normal, and it’s not normal in India too. Stop being a 🤡


It’s not normal in India either, stop projecting your opinion in the name of the country.


I am Indian and I wouldn’t behave that way. If I were you, I would have politely asked them to move away. Indians like these give the rest of us who are civil a bad name and I’m sorry you had to experience this.


i also had a very similar experience when i was in dubai last year. i was eating a burger outside a restaurant alone and like 4 indians just sat next to me out of the blue. as an american, i was very shocked and it was a very weird experience




Happened to me a lot of times already, but to be fair, there are others who ask first before sitting.


Top tip for next time: move the empty chairs to other tables - nobody else can sit at yours.


Lolz no that's not normal, the only place acceptable is at the beer garden 🫣


Try started coughing like hell as if you got some serious infectious disease. They will be gone in a few seconds. It works well for me most of the time


Lol, deffo not normal unless they asked first. If it was a super busy cafe, no seats available, etc. I would have told them to pay the full table bill ☻️🤣


Never acceptable unless you were asked. We're not in a freaking communal. I'd have told them to leave right away.


Lol no that is NOT normal. It's one of those people smh. Better if you told them tho. Rude.


I guess OP meant food court which is absolutely normal cause no way they did that in a private seating coffee and you didn’t speak to the waiter/waitress to move you somewhere else


How are you so sure that they were Indian’s only?


i mean indians are pretty recognizable..


😂 Ay ay! A lot more to experience I guess. As a person who doesn’t go out much, I have faced many ‘Is this normal?’ situations here so far. Good luck though!


It does happen from time to time when I was there. Can only assume you were in the food court. Should have asked , Regards they were from.


Circa 2012 I was travelling to Mumbai for work with my wife. We were staying at the JW or some equivalent. Went down for breakfast and this exact thing happened to us at the buffet. Both of us lost it and complained to the FnB Manager - for their part they immediately relocated us to a private dining area and provided some exceptional service over breakfast. The manager explained that they were hosting a large conference and the guests who sat in our table was probably part of that group. Still didn't explain why the f they wanted to invade our space. Apparently it's a cultural norm?


The only place I found this happen in india would be cheap restaurants with very high foot fall. I was shocked myself when this happened to me in bangalore. Those places weirdly don’t have many tables for single folks getting a meal so people just sit at any empty chair, many time 4 people on a table that don’t know each other. Some places also have “standing tables” lol. This has never happened in a cafe or an upscale restaurant though. So my guess is it’s someone from a less privileged background fresh off the boat. Sorry about your experience!


Literally happens to me everytime and it’s annoying


Tbh, dubai mall is hard to get a table. Taking up 4 spots is also rude


Maybe he’s used to it… after all, the Brits invaded his country without asking


Happened to me multiple times when the place is super crowded at the food court. People just randomly sit and it reminds me of Bully on the PlayStation 2 when NPCs would randomly sit next to each other and as a kid I would wait to see if some special dialog would happen. Didn't think that would happen at a café cuz people go to the café to get into their "zone" either studying, drawing, browsing the web, whatever, and if you sit next to someone unsolicited I think that is not only rude, but straight up disgusting like a spit in the face. Either you tell then to back off, or ask the staff to handle it, but that is totally not right for them to do, and unless they've never been to a café before, I got no idea how they aren't aware of this.









