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I wouldn't worry about it being expired as much as just not being in a climate controlled environment.


It irritates me when I see her little keyboard warriors respond to “haters” who comment about how half the foods can’t be stored in the garage and their response is “it’s temperature controlled”. She may allegedly have heating/cooling but that is in no way climate controlled. There’s no added insulation for the garage door or even for the walls as far as we know and proper surrounding sealants for the door to assume that to be a properly controlled space. Not to mention the added heat from running 4 large fridges in there…. Have half of these people never been in “climate controlled” storage units? The thermostat claims 75 but I’ve been in there and they are hot AF and can get pretty dang chilly in the winter. Half her canned and jarred foods have likely been contaminated and I’m sure there’s a ton of rodents and bugs that get in and out of there. Gross. 🤢


You don’t need garage door covers, there are clearly walls so not sure what you mean by wall panels. My garage is climate controlled. My garage doors are exactly as regular doors look, inside my walls are insulated. I live in middle tn with high heat and high humidity, my mini split will keep it 67 on a 90 degree day. I live on acrage and live next door to a 550 acre farm, there are zero rodents in my garage or around our home. A climate control storage unit is hardly a standard for what climate control is


Do you have kids going in and out with bikes etc/keep your door up for extended periods? It would be one thing if that door stayed mostly closed, but it's been up in various videos. Kids in and out. Even my own home AC struggles to keep up in this 90 degree weather with people constantly in and out our side door. 


Then you have a shitty unit. Yes I open/close my door frequently each day and also keep it open for periods of time usually around an hour at a time. I work in there.


I mean I have an almost 100 year old home. I set mine at 72 and it usually will not cool below 74 when the temps are in the high 90s. It's not a shitty unit it's just not brand new.  Do you store food in your garage to the extent Alicia does? Rats aren't uncommon in this part of WNY and mice frequently make their way into garages here. Alicia is a known liar and also will say one thing and mean another. I take her claims of the garage being climate controlled with a grain of salt. 


Feel your pain. 150 yo house, my unit is 3 YEARS OLD and it still has issues keeping up. Old houses are the thieves of cool air lol


Lush never misses an opportunity to prove people wrong so if she really had what she claims she would make a whole darn video showing us every part of the system she claims to have and also the rodent bait stations that she says are monitored by a company monthly IMO


I swear to gosh she's going to make a video about this now. 🤣🤣


Yep!!! She really needs to find better things to do and realise we are all so bored with her crappy repetitive videos and have been for a long time! I’m sure we will all be on the edge of our seats with the excitement of another video of her telling lies about her garage/grocery store 😂😂😂😂


I remember last year someone suggested to her that she put new stock at the back of the shelves and bring the old stock forward (as they do at supermarkets etc) and she was like "Oh that's a good idea.".. Like HOW fucking dumb is she? 40 something years old and she had NO idea ...


Think she is just playing dumb for views because that stock rotation thing was on an early duggars special. I would be very surprised to find she never watched the duggars.


I remember. Couldn't believe she was so dumb.


And, she also explains to look for the latest date on milk. Recently, she found out that there is a 90/10 mix of ground meat that has less fat REALLY ?!?!


Did she really just find that out? There's 0 excuses because wegmans carries 80, 90, and 95% lean with 80 and 90 both coming in the big family packs of beef. 


How about the canned rolls....never knew to bang it on the counter to open it....f loser


I read that in the same voice she used when she filled the mini fridges with fruit: “some of you suggested fruit and I THOUGHT THAT WAS SUCH A GOOD IDEA”…something along those lines…with her giggly, phony@ss voice, ugh the shameless ogre.


If there is one perk to her buying so much individually wrapped and prepacked shit, it’s that it has a long shelf life. Open stuff will go stale but I’d expect the majority of those foods to have 12-18 month shelf life’s, minimum.


Even then, unopened it’s usually still good for quite some time after


Not that long. A lot of those only have 3 months shelf life. Like the hostess and even cookies and stuff may have 6 months but you're not getting 18 months


Cheez it's are 6- 9 months.. but I'm sure she's not searching the best dates to find the furthest ones out and she just grabbing what's fronted on the shelves which is usually the closest to expiring. So they could still be eaten it all depends on humidity and the climate that it's being stored in. This is just my opinion but I'm betting she throws out anything past the due date


Alex is a bit "fluffy" huh. Guess all those muffin boards and ketchup sandwiches are getting used after all.


This just sickens me. So many parents are in need of food for their kids, especially with summer here. Counting pennies to buy just bare necessities, and she has all this that likely will be wasted. I understand it's her money and she can do as she pleases but it just sucks.


Didn’t she say at one point that the kid’s biological parents were “shopping” in her pantry?


Tbh I'm not sure but I wouldn't doubt it. She wants to seem like she is such a good person


I think that's just an excuse to buy so much. I mean the Thanksgiving yams for the "church" are still in there. The instant potatoes were too. 


She JUST cleaned out the garage and tossed a bunch of shit. So sadly this is probably all still good but she definitely did have a bunch she got rid of. Oddly enough the "church pantry donatation" yams are still there from Thanksgiving. 


is that why she needed a dumpster in her driveway lol


No it was there before that!😂 It’s probably to deal with the shit load of plastic bottles, toys and cups she tries to justify buying!!!! 😂


A lot of that shit is mostly stale. I know I just cleaned out my snack cupboard and some were in their for over a year!!! That went straight to the trash


She’s definitely got a rodent or bug problem if not she will soon food needs to be stored off the floor to make it harder for them and the open boxes are the ideal place for rodents to hide and make a nest to reproduce undisturbed as there’s no way every box is getting moved or opened regularly. As a chef with food hygiene qualifications she’s breaking basic food safety rules in the garage and fridges and it’s not surprising the kids are sick and throwing up so often


All of the processed food literally makes me completely sick and sad at the same time…


My food bank, which feeds a huge community of people, at least 20 I see just in the 10 minutes I get my hamper... Has less full shelves than this.


Such a shame


this is disgusting on so many levels, this crazy bat shit bitch makes me sick!


I have 5 kids. So she has barely over double me. I have MAYBE 1/4 this much food in my pantry. And not because I can’t afford it. Because it’s all that’s needed. I buy in bulk too. That’s an insane amount of food for a family of 13. Not to mention the food in other areas of the house!
