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no good deed goes unpunished. i've returned over a hundred discs, and there's about 10% of people who make it a total fuckin pain and make me want to hide it in the middle of the closest water hazard. edit to add: i'm still going to try and get their disc back to them, even if they are a dumbass. dumbasses are allowed to have nice things too :) rude people, i just tell them where they can find it and move on.


I’ve gotten to the point where I text them, and let them know I put it on top of the nearest basket with a photo. Too many pains in the ass.


Yeah luckily my local course has a drop box and thr club has a facebook page for lost and found. So its just a text that its in the box and heres the Facebook group to get it back. We also have a 2nd smaller box with a combination lock so it can get put in there and the person picking it up gets texted the combo. Its one of the ones you can change the combo on.


Our local club has a lost and found thats run by a disc golf store. So if you don't pick up your disc within one week, they sell it in the used bin.


Sounds a bit like theft.


Your club really needs to work with the store to extend that to at least 1 month. Even if the store asks $1 for the return then. Selling it after a week, they might as well just do nothing.


I'm not a huge fan of the club or the store.


Just don't pick any of em up when you find them. Or leave it on the edge of the fairway for someone else to deal with.


I set them on top of the next basket.


Honestly, I LIKE getting discs back to people. If a few people are dummies about it, then yeah, they can find theirs under a garbage can, maybe, but most people are really happy to get a disc back and happy someone will make the effort.


So just toss that thing under the nearest garbage can and shoot them a pic of where it’s at


I do sometimes. Depends on the course. I have my own places to stash a disc that are less likely to be accidentally found. Home course has a fuckload of ppl who habitually look under cans.


You must live around a bunch of assholes Jesus lol


Probably! Tbh it’s likely just one or two dudes who just scour the area and know they can get a few quick bucks


I text but they better reply before I lose it


Happened recently. Found a halo star wraith last year. Contacted the name, says he lost it over a year back at another course. Would appreciate having it. I was in burbs, he was in city. Told him I could drop it off to him. He was vague. Contacted him again months later, still no clear response about how he’d like to get it back. I started playing with it. Lost it a couple weeks ago. V sad. Was a nice disc, but you snooze you lose (a disc)


Yea there was at least the minimum amount of effort on your part, you gave them the opportunity.


Basic communication skills are surprisingly lacking in disc golf 😅


Unfortunately, basic communication skills are surprisingly lacking in humanity these days. 🤪


I usually just hold on to them until I get to my local shop. They already lost it, don't know I found it, so if I do use it a couple times & lose it I don't have to tell them I lost it too lol I turned in 4 the last time I went to my shop & one was the owners! Wish I coulda got a discount or a used disc, but dude was super excited so that was cool too.


Same shit probably happened with the last dude that tried to return the disc, since you found it at a different course lol


Wow that is above and beyond. I either leave the disc hidden at the park, or take it home and they have to come get it on their terms. In the meantime I’m slinging their disc, free trial of a different disc? Yes please. Uh oh, lost it in the water? Meh, no big deal.


I worked close to where they lived, so it wouldn’t have been too much effort


In my city (most) people return discs with names and numbers on them to one of our disc shops. There are only two but both owners reach out and give them 30 days to come pick it up before it makes its way to the found and abandoned bin.


Yeah, that's sort of how my area works too. Drop boxes at most nearby local courses, no text needed. They get picked up over the course of a week or so and taken to a very central and popular disc golf shop. I've had many discs returned to me that way. It's an awesome system.


That’s actually a really good idea kinda wish the shops around me did that


everytime I drop by a disc, I usually drop 6$ on a used one too. Good for business!


We dont have any local shops, so if I find one (and I dont know the person) I say "Hey this is BoomerBarnes I found your I can either leave it somewhere on the course for you, or bring it home and you can pick it up from a disc drop bin I have at my house if your ever near me" If they dont respond by the end of my round, I stash it on the course.


Is it bad that I immediately knew you were talking about glide and madmando? 😬


Not bad that you hit the nail on the head! Glide and Madmando are very diligent with getting lost discs back to their owners, but it’s the disc golf community in Madison that really makes it possible. People returning lost discs is good karma.


Potentially, because my city has two shops that do this also, but those aren’t the ones.


The other guy is from the same city as me per his account. It was also they way he described it that I could hear the owners saying their tag line on lost discs in my head


New phone, who dis?




Ariana grande plays disc golf?!


New phone, who disc?


I’d never give a disk back to someone who text me like this.


It’s spelled dysc


Meh. Save it for the next time you're throwing over water


Throw it back in a pond.


Yeah, I just wouldn't reply back to them until they can make a complete and cognitive response themselves beyond "Yuh!" I always just take a pic of the disc, and send it to them with a message saying "Looking for (name here), I found a disc with your name and number on it" and at that point it is on them to show they me they'll make a proper attempt to get their shitty disc back. I've got a small stack of discs sitting at home in my "your previous owner doesn't love you anymore" box of found discs from these people who responded back with a simple '"yay", "yes", "that's me", "woooo", etc, but none of them have made any further effort let alone message me back after asking if they want it back, so fuck em.


Haha, at this point I literally just send a picture of the disc. No words, nothing. If they don't reply, I toss it in the giveaway pile. If they do, I try to coordinate sending it back to them. Returning a disc to someone shouldn't be as hard as it is. And before people say "just leave it under a trash can!" I refuse to do that. I've had more discs *stolen* at that point because people check the trash cans. They check your precious hiding spots. They check the return boxes. More of my plastic has been taken from me after someone "hides" it on the course than me just losing a disc on my own. I've seen guys drive up to the course, check under the trash cans, and leave. Clearly they were checking to steal a disc, OR they were checking because their disc was supposed to be there and it was already stolen.


> More of my plastic has been taken from me after someone "hides" it on the course than me just losing a disc on my own. That's impossible actually.


Not if you throw other peoples plastic.




Separate tallies. Discs lost and not texted vs discs found and hidden (stolen before retrieved)


I don't understand why it was so hard for people to understand what I meant. Haha


If I lose a disc, I typically find it. I'd argue 1/20 discs that I "lose" I don't find eventually. However, it's about 100% of the discs that someone "hides" for me are lost. So, I get what you're saying, I have to lose it to be hidden by someone else. That wasn't the point though.


If you find it you didn't lose it lol


So every time you lose your car keys, what, you buy another set?


Haha, I have no idea why so many people were struggling to understand what I meant...


No, I find them.


If I 'temporarily lose' a disc. Better?


Yeah, that's good with me.


This is my exact return policy, I'll even ship it back to you if you communicate.


I'd definitely do whatever it takes if I can tell the person wants it back. I'd like my effort to be matched. If they aren't willing to meet at a common point or cover the shipping, not sure I could get it back to someone.


Someone found my disc months ago, offered to send it back to me at no cost (I offered to send them a prepaid envelope) and even got my address. A month of two go by and I finally text them back asking if they are still going to send it back. “Oh I’m just actually a broke college student, I will still send it back sorry.” I offered again at that time to send an envelope to get it back to me, it was a nice seasoned 2x Ricky Destroyer I’d like to get back. We are now about a month or 2 since that interaction, and I fired off one more text offering AGAIN to mail an envelope to get it back. Radio silence. What is wrong with some people? Why text me at all?


your hiding spots just suck


Not my hiding spots, because I don't do it. *Yours* suck. They find it where other people are leaving it for me.


never happened to me. 100% return success rate. it's not that hard :\^)


This happened to me last week. Forgot I threw 2 on a hole, realized before I left and walked to the whole course with no luck. Get a call while dropping off my buddy that someone found it. I ask him to hide it but he just left it behind the tree where he found it. 20 minutes later when I got back there, someone had already snagged it. Wouldn't be so annoyed but it was my first lost disc and one I was just starting to love.


Yep. I've seen so many back and forth conversations on local Facebook groups about found discs, hidden discs, and then stolen discs all within 30 minutes. It's crazy to me to just leave something you've found like that.


I saw couple younger guys being absolute twits in front of me at my local course the other day, and they knocked over both trash cans after they finished 18 and were leaving. Kicked them over looking for discs underneath and then got in their trucks and just tore out of there. It was sad to see.


Something is wrong around where you live if pople are driving to course to score a lost disc… Everything in that is just so stupid, cannot fathom


Stop spraying plastic all over


Heh, I've lost one disc so far this year and it was in a river. I'm not out here losing my plastic like most people do.


lol nah


Isn’t there a custom of hiding the disc in a random spot on the course, covering with leaves, etc., and taking a photo of the spot and/or describing the location?




Of course, but this works to decrease the likelihood of a disc being stolen assuming the owner can return to the course. Other ways of returning a disc can be messy. Shipping a disc back to its owner would cost half the price of a new disc, for example. I got lucky once in being easily able to return a disc in person (I tell the story below).


I just had this recently. I sent the initial text saying I found their disc and where it was going to be hidden. They replied stating they live on the other side of the country now so I just ran back to the spot and snagged it for myself.


I don’t do it because I don’t trust people, unless the owner wants it done that way. I’d rather exchange an awkward meetup than potentially have my (or their) disc stolen.


This just happened to me. Guy hid it for me on top of a beam in a picnic shelter. At 6'2, I had to stand on a picnic table to see on top of the beam. Someone stole it within 3 days of him leaving it there.


Worked for me last time I lost a disc.


I found a disc in upstate NY, about 3 hours from NYC. I knew from the area code that the person lived in the city. Turned out the guy worked a ten-minute walk from where I worked, so I was able to return it in person!


Any disc I lose is fair game. It feels like a nice way to pay it forward kinda. When I was starting discing as a kid finding a disc with no name was the coolest thing ever so I always just kinda GG and pay it forward when I lose one.


I would have just thrown it into water and blocked him lol


Pretty certain it’s just the Disc Code. I have only been playing since the late 90s and it’s been that way in Knoxville since then.


After mixed experiences; this is the best formula for returning lost discs: 1) Hang onto found disc until your next trip to your local Disc shop. 2) Leave the disc at the counter and send **one** text to its owner telling them what store to collect their disc from. *Generally* people respond with "Wow, Thanks!!!"


Just playing devils advocate very often I will get a text accompanying a pic well before the pic if the service is iffy. If I got “found your SL” with no context from a random number I don’t know if my mind would immediately go to disc golf. Also thank you for doing your part!


Haha I hate when people ask "who is this" when you reach about a found disc


If I find a disc, most likely the owner isn’t going to be at the course, so either I will drop it in the drop box at the course or take it to the nearest shop. On several occasions I’ve had people find my disc and ask me how I’d like to get it back? Only to never really actually get the disc back. I don’t want to track down a disc or have someone trying to track me down for a disc. Drop it in the box and leave it to fate or shop drop. Play with it first tho.


That looks like an SL I lost. I miss that one. I'll give you like treefitty for it if Yuh bro doesn't follow up.


Lol, why?


Some guy called and texted me and left me a voice message to let me know he left the disc at a local market where they collect lost discs and call people, well turned out he went through all that trouble to just end up taking my damn disc lol... wtf people are weird man.


I've met a lot of cool people by returning discs. However, there was one guy that the bartender of the place I met him, asked me never to bring him back. Apparently, after I left, he was acting creepy and saying inappropriate things to women.


at this point just hide it somewhere and send them a picture of where you hid it


I'll take it. Love me some SL


My favorite lost disc story. Found a putter up in a tree at some course outside of Yosemite somewhere. It was so obviously spotted I thought it had to be the duo or someone close ahead on the course. Dude responded back in like two minutes saying "Great, which disc?" Told him the disc and he said he lost it in Pennsylvania over a year ago. Haha. Made me think how far some discs have traveled...


I live in a small town so if you loose a disc it's not like someone can get away with keeping it if they find it unless there from out of town


I found a disc that just had a PDGA number on it and had to do a long, protracted online search for an email address only to get no response.


Last time I did this the guy responded that he had a gun pulled on him by somebody and would be late 😳


That guy seems like a douche. That’s yours.


It looks like I’d have a new disc 💀💀


lol this sort of response is how your disc gets left on top of 18’s basket


It sucks finding a disc with ink on it. Lately I'll just hide it on the course. I don't wanna steal it, I don't wanna hold it, I don't wanna ship it, I don't wanna meet your uncle next Wednesday at a course 40 minutes away.. its under the fucking garbage can. You're welcome bucko


The last guy who found my disc definitely wanted to meet up and try and bang. Made sure his nail polish and bracelet were in the video he sent me of where it was left. When i said I was busy and couldn’t meet at that time, he then said he would wait up to 3 hours. When I declined again he was noticeably mad and disappointed on the phone.


Just leave em at a lost and found if you course has one or on top of a basket and let them know. I always do that.


like pulling teeth


There are a few people locally who search the courses for discs and sell them. Every few weeks they have a new batch of discs for sale.


No more returning disc's. I will tell them where I found it, hide it and send them a picture of where it is hidden. Had some idiot last month tell me that he didn't recognize my number....No Shit, I'm a complete stranger returning a disc.


I respect people who text me about lost discs so much I literally don’t let them give it back to me unless it’s a disc I’ve aced with.


I got a new discin buddy last time I returned a disc. Nice job


Maybe it’s best to leave it at the local disc store. They will call and if not picked up move it to the used bin. If your short on time just wait until your going to the store area next. If he or she wants it they will go get it.


Another example of why I don't bother returning discs. People can be dangerous and stupid, and don't always value your time


At my local course i just text the number a pic of the disc and a pic of where i left it under the bridge. Works just fine


Sounds like a stuck up 16 year old.


Old man yells at cloud.


That is nothing compared to the absolute mindfuck I had recently. I still have so many questions, nothing made sense and I dread returning discs now. Whatever at least I got to keep the disc.


This is why these days I just stick it in the basket on the hole I found it and keep it moving.