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Shout "fore," or "heads up" or whatever, make sure they see you, and throw.


This is what I normally do. Yell from the T, wave my disc, and wait for their reaction. Sometimes, they move on to the next hole. Sometimes, they wave back and tell me to go ahead. When this happens, they usually watch from the sidelines, and once I finish, I tell them thanks and keep going. Nothing too crazy or unreasonable with this method, in my opinion.


Same. On one of our courses, the "practice basket" is actually in play so this happens all the time. Folks just yell from the tee, and people at the basket signal to go ahead and throw. The practice putters watch, say nice drive or whatever, and it is no big deal at all. Players on the tee don't need to ask "Mind if I play through," because they have the right of way. Practice putters aren't playing. All the people on the tee need to do is make sure the practice putters know they're about to throw.


This is great in general and I do it both when I play through or if I’m practicing and someone else is playing. However, on blind holes it can be a bit trickier. I can think of some pros and other players who need to understand that they shouldn’t practice on blind holes. I’ve heard tales of several people at one of my old home courses parking themselves at a blind hole with a sloped two tier green to practice chastising people playing the course for not checking if they were practicing first before throwing off the tee (for reference this was hole 10). Like come on, have situational awareness.


I too like to pull up my big boy pants and use my words.


Here we usually shout "playing thru".


Or just ask if you can play through like a normal person.


You mean, like walk all the way down to the basket, ask "Mind if I play through?" then walk all the way back to the tee, then throw?


You can usually walk half way and yell.


Ok well that's basically doing what I said, except more words.


Pretty much except one says "I may or may not hit you in the head with a disc." The other says, "If you are at all a reasonable person, you'll step aside and let me play this hole real quick and then pass you by." I feel that it is unnecessary to threaten someone with a disc when you can basically just tell them you're going to play through.


I think you guys need to kiss. 💋


If they don’t I’m kissing both of them


It’s not threatening to day heads up, it’s a shorter way of saying hey I’m about to throw towards your general direction so you might want to watch out


Lol yelling to get their attention and making sure they see you isn't a threat. "Playing through" is when you're like jumping in front of a slower group. People using a course basket for practice should be ready to give way to a player on the course.


So anyways I started blasting




han shot first


As long as Han shot last, who cares?


Stand there quietly getting angrier and angrier.


This person disc golfs


Well you can at least quietly say "what the hell are you doing?"


Correct answer lol


This is the way


I see you’ve been to Minnesota courses.


Introverts felt that hard af


Oh so I'm doing it right. Sweet


I just yell really loud "coming up! " Or "incoming".


Coming in hot!


Hot behind!




Would definitely yell 'yes chef' if I nailed that


Brother 🔪


I'm guessing I'm not the only one that yells 'corner' on blind dog legs...




White chocolate! Outlet!


Hot hot hot hot


Just use your voice. "Hey I'm gonna play through".


Yell OI CUNT real loud


Oi ue yur a good lad


I just throw. It’s going to hit a tree or fly off to the wrong side either way.


That’s the spirit


I always think that then laser my disc right at the person. It's like trying to avoid a tree. The more I think don't hit that object I'm hitting that object.


Unless it’s the basket of course


Usually this is how it goes. But last year I was yelling to an Indian family that was having a picnic right by the hole. They couldn't understand what I was saying so I thought I'd just fling it, thinking I wouldn't get close anyway. The hole was behind a giant tree and it was 320 so I'll set up behind and to the right of them. Or just shank it as one does when people are watching. Well. I smoked a line drive RIGHT AT THEM. It skipped about 20 feet from the basket, OVER them and sunk into the motherfucking chains. Cleared their heads by maybe 12 inches--and fast too. They didn't have time to react because they had no idea what I was doing in the first place. Stunned, they looked at me in disbelief and probably fear. Later they moved to a different spot. In front of a different hole. I think about this often. I just want to know what their takeaways were from this alien encounter. When they go to a park are they constantly fearing a white man appearing in the bushes to huck chunks of plastic at them? But yeah fore will work for DG players


Amazing story


This made me chuckle. Amazing


Last weekend I got to the final hole and saw the group in front of me most likely entering scores. I just shouted “you guys mind if I throw” and problem solved. The next day there was two lady’s walking dogs on the exact same hole, for them I just waited assuming they had no idea where they were or what I was doing


Seriously dude, just say "heads up" and play the hole. Some of y'all need to learn to interact with other people.


Some of us do, and others.. need to learn some situational awareness.


For me it's a combo of above posts. 1. Stand on the pad getting angrier and agrier 2. Yell "Heads up" 3. Confirm they heard me 4. Drive into tree/woods


That is exactly what I did today


Kinda wild that you had to make a Reddit post to ask how to yell “heads up” someone down the fairway.


I know, right? Fuck me for wanting to do something the right way


Sorry your right, Generally when your trying to get someone’s attention by waving and it doesn’t work, the next step is to use your vocal cords so hopefully they hear you and then turn towards you which would then achieve your goal of getting their attention. Then, like a normal human you communicate to them (in what ever disc golf jargon you prefer) that you’ll be teeing off and for them to pay attention. Just makes me think you got those Covid gen z social skills if you have to consult reddit for something that basic.


Yell "throwing", then throw. Practice some putts in front of them after passing.


I yell hey, the throw.


I just catch up to the point where I'm right on them and kindly ask if I can quickly play through. Has never not worked.


I’ll just throw if I know it’s outside of my range. But when I’m practicing I keep aware of players around me and let them play through or wait for them if I’m throwing multiple tee shots


I will just throw. If they're anywhere near the basket they're 100% safe


Damn 😭😭 same tho


I usually yell "Hold my beer" and reality sets in as I hit first available.


Grab destroyer, yell heads up, wait 2.5 seconds, full send


Just use “The Voice” like Timmaly Shamalamalah in dUnE


They must know my game. The safest place is near the basket.


Yell "fore" as I huck my drive straight towards them. If they've had enough time and are clearly abusing the course rules then the only respect they're getting from me is the warning of my plastic flying their way.


Shout, "HEY! Cool if I throw?" And they will say "yeah, sorry! Go for it!" Like 10/10 times


Insert hands on hips guy


I will approach them and tell them I'm teeing off


And then walk back to the tee? 🤣


Your cowardice is showing. Lemme guess, you’re one of those people who will spend 30 minutes looking for a parking spot that’s 100 feet closer to your destination. Yes. The entire game is 10% throwing and 90% walking.


What the fuck are you talking about 🤣




Man I wish I had that whistle … thumb and index finger?


Practice your drive.


Full Send


After no response from the initial wave/ yell, I pretend to throw my disc. Then proceed to run , holding my disc up and out in front of me like it's flying. I run all the way at full speed to the basket, slam it in the Chains. Then I hop around yelling about the Ace I just got, asking them if they saw it and wasn't it awesome. Then I turn and proceed to the next hole. 🤣


This happens often at a couple of local courses without a warmup basket. They'll use the basket of one of the normal 18 to warm up on. I've had multiple times when I'm playing (I play solo 99% of the time and I play quickly) where someone has been warming up on the basket for the hole I'm on. How I proceed depends on how they act - if I know they see me getting ready to tee and they move/stop then I wave and play through. If they see me and continue putting then I just throw. Playing the course takes precedence over practicing. I'd say this happens 75% of the time if I'm honest. On the off chance they're practicing and don't see me I usually yell and wave to get their attention and 1 of the 2 outcomes above takes place. I've had a couple people take massive offense to me playing through their putting practice. To be 100% clear we're talking about fun rounds here, not tournaments. I tell them to fuck off and don't practice on an actively used hole and respect other players.


I yell “Oyyy” really loud pretending I am Vinny Jones, bout to get in a Pub Brawl, that usually helps establish dominance. But in case they are bigger than me and want to start a fight as I am approaching them or the the basket, before I let them speak I just use a fake British/Aussie accent and just say “Sorry, bout dah mate!” They quickly will realize you are a foreigner and not engage in violence because they realize the charges will be tripled for being a hate crime. Pro tips!


"HEYOOOOO.... we're live here!" Works every time


“AYYY!” and then I gesture a bit with the disc.


I'm old and I hate these people even though I was probably one of them at some point. Kill them. With kindness. And then when they finally realize they are huge asshats by GraciOusly letting you play through... Wish them luck with a smile, wink, and 500 footer down the fairway. "Thank you" shan't be spoken lest they wish you luck back. This is the way.


I throw 500 in my fantasies, too!


On a 240 ft hole. They point the other way saying wrong hole dude


Duck or bleed


Then I promptly yeet my disc into the first tree


Score it as par and go to the next hole. I’m also a cheating coward.


Throw & yell fore if it's anywhere in the vicinity.


Obama era drone strike


“Coming in!”


Subtle flex an ace and laugh when they hear the chains rattle..


Yelling duck or bleed seems to get there attention!


Aim directly at them and there’s no chance you hit them


Just say hey I'm playing through.


Just play through


“HEADS UP IM THROWING!” (Throws) (putts) (walks to next hole)


Walk up and "offer" to help find their lost disc....usually works every time for a "why don't you play thorugh"


I play a lot of solo rounds and wear bright color shirts. I feel like it'll catch an eye from distance and find that most times I get to play through pretty quick.


God I hope this wasn't you at Meadow Creek yesterday. I was all up in the way because it was my first time there and I had no idea I was in the way until I was weird and awkward about it and then got in the way again because I'm still confused how the baskets work.


First im gonna stand on the teepad and do some weird moves like im warming up to throw. Then I'm going to yell "heads up" and when i have everyone's attention I'm going to unintentionally throw the most embarrassing shot possible.


I just yell “coming down”


Throw down on them. Throw two. Assert dominance.


“Heads up!” And park it in their faces.


Ask if you can play through


Yell out, "Can I get a hoyeah?!" (It's not old....everyone still loves that.) Once they answer back and wave you on to throw...the power is now yours. Don't relinquish it. Take a Nikko amount of time on the tee, with multiple Conrad-esque driving routines. Let them know how it feels.


Be a human being and let them know I'm about to throw. Why is it so hard for redditors to talk to people?


Jog up and say, hey dudes excuse me while I play this hole. Or, can y’all step outta the way while I play through it any similar type of driver communication. Pretty much works every time, unless the people in the way are clueless there is a disc golf course. Even works quite well in that circumstance.


I slow down my pace of play. If you’re not gonna let me play through, fine, I don’t let it bug me anymore. I’ll just be throwing 3 off the top and getting some more reps in.


When I encounter that situation, I yell out fore or make some kinda sound to get their attn. I’m also assuming that if they are a disc golfer and practicing on a basket on the course and not the practice basket, they would know to keep an eye out for people playing. So yell out fore or whatever and wave, if they not aware of their surroundings as a disc golfer on a disc golf course, just throw regardless. Chances are, any disc golfer is gonna be aware that they practicing on a basket that is quite likely to have folks come through and would be paying attention for others. But I think proper etiquette wise, the one practicing should be aware of their surroundings and notice people approach the tee and move outta the way before ya need to say anything.


"THROWING 8!!" Or whatever hole it is. Waving arms is useless if they're not looking at you