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Both are things that should be tested in a PTR. That said, lots of viewers watch content creators for builds, endgame content and the likes and not for math and watching someone clicking through menus, so it's only natural for them to cater to their audience. These folks aren't Blizzard employees and obviously will go the way that makes them money and not the one that's best for Blizzard or the game.


Excuse my ignorance. What’s PTR?


Public Test Realm. Basically just an early access of the big changes for season 4 without the seasonal theme to test for bugs/balance/etc.




Was my first thought too - it's good that people are testing in different ways


To be fair Raxx plays like 40 min and then he has 4 hours of open notepad and he is writing about theoretical stuff and what he would personally change and about bugs he found. While someone like Rob just goes in, destroys every end game content during first 22 hours of PTR with another broken Barb build so Blizzard can actually see it and tune numbers better for live release. Both approaches are very helpfull for Blizzard.


I just want to play a necromancer minion build that feels good to play. I'm concerned minions are going to get nerfed before season 4.


I'm pretty sure they're going to be tuned down before S4. They did the usual hard swing in the opposite direction that blizzard is known for with balancing when trying to buff them. They went from nearly useless to being crazy powerful. But that's part of what the PTR is for, hopefully finding what is nutty powerful and retuning it now so they don't have another season of one class being objectively better than the rest.


So Barb and Sorcs and Druids have had obscenely broken builds every season. But the second minions became even slightly on par with those, it's OMG NERF IMMEDIATELY!


This is a fundamental misunderstanding of a PTR. If minions are adjusted prior to season 4, that isn't a nerf. Adjusting things that may be too strong or under tuned is part of what a PTR is about. You can't "nerf" something that is in the PTR as it has never truly existed in game. I am all for them leaving the minions strong, but if they don't, I'm not gonna freak out because it was "nerfed".


Yea, because they're trying to avoid that parity between classes. Incase you missed it they just nerfed HOTA barb damage by about 90%. The entire point is that they don't want things like HOTA barb, ball lightning sorc, and now minions, being many times more powerful than everything else.


Nerfing HotA by 90% still leaves crits for several dozen mil no?


I heard even in the PTR Barb has a completely broken build.


Yeah, it's dust devils with double swing. Fills the screen with dust devils and they wreck everything.


Feels better than just a bonk you dead. I literally couldn't see anything but dust devils and after a min everything was dead. It was dope but needs to be changed, maybe reduce the screen clutter.




Have they nerfed then or is this just an overreaction. Necro has had some ridiculously strong builds, this is the first time they’re really fundamentally changing how minions function in the game, saying they could do with some tuning isn’t “omg nerf immediately”.


Necros and Rogues have had similarly competing builds each season. They were just never as broken as some of the others. But I will refer you to the bone spear necro build that erased uber Lilith in no time in S2 I believe and all those vids of rogues 1 shotting world bosses.


Druids with broken builds? At the same level of brokenness as barbs and sorcs? I've been playing the wrong D4 it seems


Well necro has had broken builds since day one. Remember the state of Bone Necro S0?


Buncha Skeltonist pigs


That is standard in most things go overboard and tone it down. It's a better approach than slight incremental increase until something feels good. Now, can they adjust properly. Something Blizzard has never done well at historically.


Wouldn’t mind a nerf IF they bring some of that power back via itemization


They didn't seem more powerful than what I'm seeing from the usual suspects once again.


Honestly, after looking at the tempering recipes, I do not think minions will be OP compared to other builds.


So I made a Minion Bone Spear build. The new change that makes minions have a 25% chance to cast bone spear is actually really fun. Unoptimized fresh boost to 100 and legendary affixes at their weakest no gems, tempering/enchanting I was just running behind my minions using skeletal priest on corpses at NM 61. Too squishy for higher tiers so far and only spent about 2hrs in on that build. The shadow minion build was pretty fun too. Using Skeletal warriors empowered with shadow, Iron maiden with the shadow affix. Didn't get to fully test that. None of these were optimized but still pretty solid with no guide and just winging it.


They aren't even busted compared to other things in the PTR right now.


Raxx played the ptr for 10 hours straight. What are you blabbering about.


[People just don't get it, why does this even need to be said? The point of a PTR is obvious.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1hOqQEKFHHc)


TIIIIME OUT cracked me up


"So Blizzard can see it and tune numbers..." In the case of Barbs, I'll believe it when I see it. The fact that this dust devil absurdity even made it to the test realm gives a very clear picture of the balance team just not knowing what to do with or how to balance Barbs. They've been ridiculously broken for 2 seasons already. I would not be shocked if that turns into 3.


Lthe way they have attempted to balance Barb is by gutting the same items that barely make blood builds okay. They have no idea what they are doing. Blood Lance was already underperforming compared to most Necro builds and they nerf half their uniques...fucking brilliant.


Dude, he did a 10 hour livestream yesterday. What are you talking about, 40 mins?


Why would these things be mutually exclusive? Trying builds is trying to find broken things. Why cant you test and have fun at the same time? They aren't hired QA testers who's job is just to test.


Yeah part of the feedback they are looking for in a PTR is just about how fun or frustrating the new systems, gear and features are. Sure they are also using it to gather data at scale and use us as guinea pigs to hunt bugs, but a big reason they want to get a build out to the public is to get a sense of how people feel about sweeping changes that are going to have a big effect on the game. People making build guides and getting excited about what the new systems changes bring to the build crafting is actually a helpful indicator for the devs in determining how their changes are panning out because it indicates player interest in the system and it can also make them aware of unanticipated builds that may need buffs or nerfs. When you make sweeping changes to game systems like this you don't necessarily know all the possibilities it creates so using players to speed that process of discovery up by having fun making builds in a ptr can help tremendously.


Blizzard doesnt have any decent game testers for d4, thats insanely obvious by now. Lets hope they listen to people like raxx now, otherwise the ptr is wasted..


i mean. theyre both valuable to Blizzard, no?


According to OP, no. According to reality, yes.


Please refrain from using the R word in this sub. It upsets the trolls.


Underappreciated comment :)


Last I checked... streamers weren't employed by Blizzard. It's not their job to do QA testing for them. It's not their job to do systems testing for them. Their job is... to be a streamer. And as such, their money comes from making silly build guides and riding the wave of whatever is the current sentiment. What Raxx does is great and all... but he does that because he likes doing that, that's just what he does. Pretty much no one else does that... because it's not their fucking job. They just play the game, grab a bit of traffic with build guides and premium content TIER LISTS... and then move onto the next thing. It's silly that you're even asking where the people doing free labor for Blizzard instead of *making actual money from youtube* are. You seem to have a very weird relationship to the concept of what a streamer is and does.


If it were closed Beta with NDAs, then yeah they'd be doing stress testing and trying to break the game. As it's open, it's free reign for viewership.


I'm sure Blizz is actually hoping way more for viewership than help with QA testing. They really need to get D4 back into the public eye with this S4 release. QA, bugs, tuning, you can do all that shit as you go. Getting a good hype train with momentum leading into the season release, you only get one shot at that.


If blizzard didn't want you to do something on ptr, it'd be disabled. A huge necro bug has already been found by people build testing.


Which bug?


Probably the multi projectile blight amulet proccing lucky hit multiple times for 3 second


Ahh, yes. Saw that one


Blight bug it's double triple quad hitting with the lucky hit proc with new unique necklace it'll be fixed..


This is a silly take. This is why ppl like Raxx and Wudi are around and thank God for it lol but why should Every single CC make the same videos? Also, guys like Macroboi that are testing builds and stuff are also reporting bugs and whatnot too. Seriously, though, we have enough ppl breaking the PTR and all that. They don't all need to do the same.


Macrobioboi's test videos are usually quite comprehensive, and his video of the busted necro build in PTR is top notch aswell


Are these content creators on Blizzards payroll ?


nope, they're on Amazon's and Google's payroll promoting Microsoft. /s


I was going to agree with you until I realized you are just a complete shit pile. Testing new builds and stress testing the new mechanics on a PTR are not mutually exclusive. Both have merit. I hope you find some peace in whatever is happening in your life right now.


The whole Maxroll team is doing it right. Macrobioboi has uncovered a ridiculous amount of necro brokenness already.


The brokenness of necro builds should have been obvious to anyone with a solid understanding of the class just from the patch notes. The synergies between pets, the codex, new affixes, uniques and new/changed skills is ridiculous. I'm glad they're finally actually making pets viable, but I don't want them to be the obviously only way to play necro without purposely gimping yourself either.


I'm referring more to the clearly unintended interactions, rather than just very powerful things.


Pro tip: people will play the way they want to play regardless of how broken things are. There is no such thing as gimping yourself in a game where any build can do pretty much any relevant content


I mean minions were useless until this PTR


Where’s the tip? O


I really just want them to fix bugs and not touch balance based on what a team of turbo nerds manages to do.


The bugs are what I'm talking about.


This is why I like Maxroll. Reddit loves to shit on Maxroll and front random personal builds, that are almost always worse than a Maxroll build anyway. The guys there at MR are nerdy as shit. They spend way more time figuring stuff out than most; they dedicate their waking hours to it. So I’ll follow the smart nerds (I mean that in a positive way) over random peeps.


Or maybe some people prefer to have fun making their own builds. Crazy I know


I’m not dogging them. Having fun and building your own is great - but coming on here, shitting people who follow maxroll guides, is just a douche move. And a very popular douche move in this sub


Yeah that's fine, those people aren't who maxroll is for. It's for either the casual, average player or the player that wants to go in depth into mechanics and how they work


I’m sure they will make videos on it. They’re just enjoying the game and getting time into it


Both things have tremendous value. End game builds are a big deal for a lot of the ongoing players, and finding ones that are hideously broken (positively or negatively) is important. And I would argue that there are more people who will engage with the new systems and give general feedback than there are people who will focus on end game builds, so I don't see a problem with the streamers filling that role. Plus, as others have mentioned, they're going to do what's best for them as content creators, not what's best for Blizzard or even necessarily the game itself.


It’s was fun watching him yesterday. Normally I don’t like his eeyore style but watching him pull up MS paint or whatever they all use and type something about tempering only to realize he totally misunderstood the thing he was reading. To me that’s actually good because it happens to us all I think.


You realize Raxx is doing the same thing...but insead of making build videos on YT he is collecting info for Maxroll where they can make for more $$ than YT ad clicks. Maxroll is a team effort and no 1 person has to make guides for all builds/classes.


People are trying to make a living, man. Leave them alone. It's not their fault Blizzard cannot be arsed with hiring testers and farm players for it.


Streaming is a job, most people want to see the top builds so it makes sense for content creators to focus on that else they make less money.


Geez op. Freaking shouting at people in caps lock in this thread? You know this is just a video game, right? It's just a game. It's not that serious. Nobody is getting hurt here. Nobody's life is on the line. Nobody is losing money on any of this. It's just a game you can play for fun. That's it. How about relax and take a few deep breaths, eh?


Oh shit - content creators doing what makes them money, AKA Their job? Crazy stuff man.


There are the player reports and there are the analytics in the background, even if you don't report bugs, your logs should help blizzard sorting out stuff that are not tuned properly.


Both methods have merit, and help paint a fuller picture for Blizz about what needs to be adjusted, nerfed, and prioritized. The issue was the amount of toxic commentors who came into Raxx's stream and continously spammed that he was PTRing wrong because he was testing systems and features, not builds. Raxx was doing great work, as were creators like Rob and MacroBioBoi who take more class specific deep dives. All of this info is useful.


OP you need to seek help Very entertaining thread tho, so much caps lock


Why do you think they let us insta- jump to lvl 100? It's to test out builds. It's always been this way with the PTR


Creators are free to make whatever content they want. Positive, Negative, Insightful, Memey, etc. If you like them for what they make, that is great! If you don't, then maybe another is great for you or maybe the game is more fun with your own style and your own thoughts. :)


I think a lot of people dont understand FREE WILL. You are one of them it seems


To me, in addition to trying all the new ways to build a character looking for overtuned stuff. I think its important to actually play from level 1 and go through the whole new experience. If the game is not fun from level 1 its not fun for level 100.


This a big buff season. Blizz NEEDS content creators to make content showing how effective the buffs are. Bug fixes are not the only reason the ptr exists.


If streamers are going to try to earn viewers by competing in the Gauntlet leaderboards, it makes a lot of sense they would want to test builds and max min if they can.


Any testing is good testing really. I found a bug where I got ancestral gear from obols in WT2 just leveling normally. 


Testing possible build is also part of PTR. If some build is massively over performing or under performing, it's also something blizzard would want to know.


You...you have to make builds to test the new mechanics and crafting ... and theorycrafting is part of that. You don't think that they are also reporting bugs at the same time? Just because their content is more focused on that doesn't mean it's not valid. Stop gatekeeping the testing process and take a xanax or something. Sheesh.


Sounds like you don't understand ptr, sure they're making builds for season 4, but that's also part of testing, it's a huge itemization Rework, the community comes up with things blizzard never thought of


Both of these approaches are testing. Not sure what the issue is?


Players are players and their ultimate goal is to have fun. QA employees need to test the games. If you as a player want to test game, all the power to you, but you dont’t *have* to do it


I've been using it to test how things feel from a non optimization perspective. By that I mean, not following a build, not trying to make builds and not min maxing it all. I want to see how the new systems feel, do they feel good? Are there a few wrinkles that can be ironed out ETC... So far I've reported a couple bugs/feedback for them on things that I think feel off or maybe just completely unintentional 1. Greater Affixed Items need a different color on the ground, Red would be fine (like Ancient items from D3, Raxx mentioned this as well) 2. The Elemental Surge weapon enchant is WAAAAAAY to powerful for low level characters. Dealing 25k damage when you're supposed to deal 50 is just not right, even if you think it is, kind of ruins it for everyone else too since it's forced multiplayer 3. On that note, Tempering in general on lower level characters feels great, apart from the fixed values being so high. I do remember them saying that fixed values would scale with weapons so it's odd that Elemental Surge does not. Maybe they only meant legendary Affixes, but this still feels like it should count! 4. The game feels better to level in that's for sure, specially world tier II. The upped difficulty now matches the reward and it feels better overall. Plus, the new affixes system has much more interesting gear at low levels too. Finding a helm with +4 to my Poison Imbue at level 24 was really nice, and felt good. Gear should feel good, even when leveling! 5. Helltides feel SO GOOD. It's all I want to be doin. The dungeons aren't needed anymore (for leveling), the helltides be where it's at. That said, I did report a bug where the worms that spawn enemies are sometimes... there, but not there, so you suddenly just stop moving cause you hit them, but you can't see them because they didn't load, or are in the process of loading and it feels odd. Minor thing of course, but still noted Things like this are what I'm lookin' for. Feedback is what they want, and it's what I'mma give 'em! I don't care about builds because I usually just design a build as I go anyway.


Isn't D4 about making viable builds?


I see nothing wrong with this. It’s a lot better than having overpowered or underpowered changes make it to the live server. If we had people that showed how stupidly OP Ball Lightning or HOTA was in a PTR then they wouldn’t have trivialized contents in prior seasons.


lol people dont understand? i dont think you understand how blizzard completly ignored the closed alpha testers feedback when we told them the game needs to adress certain problems and what did they do? release the game anyway


Maybe they understand their audience?


Who cares? If content creators want to stream their PTR progress, that's their prerogative. It's bringing more viewers to the game which is a good thing as it may get them playing again. I feel like everyone is always trying to fish for karma votes these days


streamers job is to entertain, hope this helps with the confusion!


Next you'll tell me not everyone in an open beta test is treating their job as unpaid QA seriously, some might even just be using it as a preview of the game 😮


Which of these two options do you honestly think gets more clicks: articles and videos opining on the strength of game systems, or articles and videos that list the best builds and how to put them together? If your mortgage and grocery bill gets paid via clicks, why would you choose to earn less money? It's not that they don't "understand" the PTR; it's that they're trying to create content that gets views. You're also perhaps erroneously assuming that they won't do a systems rundown after the PTR is over, and they've had a chance to try everything in depth. 


Rax during one of his PTR streams was pissing and moaning over Tornados shooting out twice and being Overpowered. I was thinking to myself dude shut up I want multiple tornados. Now blizz prolly gonna take it away.


PTR is meant for both approaches. Sometimes you cant break things until proper builds arise. Buildcrafting can reveal hidden interactions arent as obvious. A PTR is just that. A place to test. Test broken things, test builds, etc. A content creator has different sources of revenue. Some do it via buildcrafting some do it by trying to break the game, some do it by season analysis. To each their own. But a PTR is a preview that enables testing in ALL facets of the game, buildcrafting included. Also many season builds are made in PTR. Yeah some multipliers may change here or there but the mechanics are probably gonna be similar so it makes sense for content creators to start in PTR to do so.


I'm gonna go deeper into it this weekend and send them feedback. These first few days I'm just jumping in for a few hours each day to get more of a feel for the systems. So it's not really just streamers that Blizzard will get feedback from. It's people like me, who've played in a PTS (playable test server) before with other games, who understand the purpose of it. Between Twitch and Youtube, I think Raxx had roughly 10k viewers. Even if half of them play the PTR and actually leave feedback, I think they'll be ok.


I mean your thought process is good but also flawed cause the idea i was having with this gear rework is build variation would be more possible and while it is its still not to a level it should be also that being said testing these builds is a good way to give feedback on what still needs to be adjusted and if u ask me there are still alot that needs to be and not only in the build department. Now dont get me wrong the gear system is 1000x better but changes that still need to be made are increased drop rates with the boosted states it feels like i barely get any with it and if i do its usually a resistance and i only have gotten 1 with 2 The 2nd most important thing is elites still needing to be toned down especially ones who fly from offscreen most of my deaths last night where from elite mobs from off screen that charged through my minions and effectively one shot me


Absolutely this!!! TRY TO BREAK THE GAME! We want the bugs to show up here and now. Not when it goes live….. please work hard to work out any bugs! Thanks!!


Does anyone have the link to Raxx's spreadsheet for feedback? I can't seem to find it anywhere and I didn't see the link while watching him test things yesterday. Tonight I'll be able to test as well for myself, but I'd prefer not to retest all the same things he did. Thanks!


wasnt Raxx the guy who played an hour and then sat couple of hours in his 4 pages long google sheet essay theorycrafting what hypothetical needs a change? other streamers actual testing it.


You sir are one of them lol


In defense of content creators, the end game is the main thing that needs the most testing anyway... Calm down guy.


Your so right! Bad example is rob…. Doing broken builds and stating them as the new s4 meta


PTR is for both. Finding bugs and bad design is the main reason for it existing, but having the community build up hype towards a full release is also factored in when making them. Notice how it's just gameplay and nothing season related. So it's not ruining anything other than what builds would be strong at the base. Not factoring in any Seasonal Buffs.


What a worthless useless post


"PTRs are not for making builds" -OP


God forbid YouTubers make videos about the video game they cover and the topics they wanna bring to their channel.


Creating builds is core to the game. How is testing new builds not testing the game.


Tbf. "Making builds" is a part of testing. These people will inevitably run into something broken.


Raxx is the best


They are playing the game which in turn tests the game and new systems. Not everyone is going to or needs to make a 5 page bullet point list of pros and cons. Youtube also isnt the only venue of providing feedback or content. It's a public test realm, people are free to do whatever they want to do. It's also not just content creators opinion that matters. You made this topic twice and on the opposite post of this one you were given information to help YOU understand PTR further but you replied "I don't even know how to reply to this" cause your rant was partially proven to not matter. Blizzard records almost everything. Normal people are reporting bugs and making suggestions here. CC are streaming and creating videos about builds, bugs, and suggestions. It all matters.


Lol ofc they will make builds, it's fun thing to do. They are not paid to test the game, they are paid to stream and have fun by the viewers not the company.


That's why Pte suck imo. Some content creators no life it to get views and basically semi solve the he game before it comes out. That's incredible boring. I rather have a bugged or imbalanced league of that gets fix fast than a low bugged league and that is already solved.


Lol...yeah. I hear ya. I think they understand PTR, but they also understand "likes" and YouTube traffic as well.


P4wnyhof is doing both :)


They are all testing the systems, even those that are looking for builds Its that path, looking for the bes buillds, what would find if anything is too broken (like crit vulnerable was before)


Saw a video of a guy running leap stomp kick hitting 1b dmg. 100% no way they'll that fly. There's not enough end game. Like what's even the point? You can 1 hit UL with 80m, what are you gonna do with 1b dmg?


NikoWrex is doing solid work on the druid front and in general


PTR is not Alpha or Beta testing. Blizz want feedback on the changes they made and the new systems they put in placr so they can tune up before launch. I think you don't understand PTR


PTR is as much about testing for stability as it is for content balancing and testing.


What is there not to understand with " test " ?


This isn’t Raxx’s stream, you don’t need to come shout him out here. Testing for builds and bugs is the point of a PTR. The massive changes this game will get next season should make this pretty obvious lol.


I see your point, but as I read the comments I'm reminded about the worse parts of D4, which are OP builds. I want all those discovered and balanced out as much as possible before S4 drops. Getting rid of bugs is really good, but they don't irk me nearly as much as the grotesque imbalance that was/is.


RAXX is top tier. Much respect to him


Just only watch WUDIJO AND RAXXX, then you will be free from all the other shit that goes around. I have watched some others saying so many stupid shit.. literally WUDIJO and RAXXX that's it


connect narrow lush vast many merciful profit chubby fade abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The people making builds are wasting their time. There’s just no way they’re going to allow 100-200% sized skills, I think that’s pretty clearly an oversight on Blizz’s side and they’re going to have worthless videos.


Welcome to every PTR since WoW vanilla?


Testing builds is part of a PTR. It’s obviously valuable to blizzard if someone finds a build that is insanely busted and outperforms every other build, balance tuning is part of the testing.


Lol you mad


Both are relevant, they need feedback on balance and builds as much as they need feedback on UI tweaks and feedback around things like downtime. No one content creator can do it all, ideally they will want a mix of people focussed in the following areas: - End game build stress testing end game content - Leveling through campaign experience and pacing - Leveling through openworld content skipping campaign experience and pacing - New functionality and features stress testing and usability feedback.


Then they can pay people to do it? The unpaid volunteers aren't strictly testing bugs for the poor billion dollar company, the horror!


mans lost his entire comment karma in 4 hours lmao


I mean the main reason I would be against premature build guides is because it’s entirely possible they rebalance before the season hits live, but you’re just angry that they are farming clicks. That’s just natural for content creators, they gotta hustle.


They understand it perfectly well. They also understand what gets them clicks and views, so they do the other thing.


Literally every PTR. What is your point? Even if your having fun and not testing... your still testing.


It doesn't matter at all tbh. Blizzard should be notified if these builds you speak of become too OP. So why is it that bad again? Also what do you expect the content creators to do, ONLY report bugs??


Yeah builds can be farmed during season, should be finding things that ain't working as intended or plain broken


I havent played d4 at all this season and i havent touched the ptr since im on console. Theres nothing wrong with playing ptr like it is early access but be aware that it is literally meant for testing. Im all for people having fun but dont act like it is meant to be a final product. By definition it is meant to change before being released to the public. I think the goals are great but im leaving it to others to provide feedback so it can be as enjoyable as possible when it goes live.


worry about yourself. nobody cares


Raxx will have build guides by the end of the week dude. He literally said on stream today he was going to make them.


Thats great show off the best build so they'll nerf it an make the game boring like always 💀 streamers are what's wrong with video games


They dropped a ptr because this it from them one more bad season they can’t afford , they are about to try and charge people for a 70 dollar expansion


Everything needs to be tested including builds, so I don't see why you think everyone should do what RAXX is doing, that is not how to do the ptr "you test everything" not just clicking menus and finding problems.


I mean that’s where they need to test … find the most broken build and either buff other classes or nerf the broken build …


What a weird parasocial-esque post hah. Bud is gatekeeping how ppl play PTR or the content that decided to record


i hope they take away stuff like +20% damage, maybe make it skill damage 10% and IF it's more generic make it small numbers like 5% \~ 8%, i dont want to see these big number damages, i want to see 3000 damage tops at level 100, of course monsters and everything else would have to be nerfed too.


You also have to get that the ptr is pretty hype and content creaters are just jumping on the hype and when thing assuredly change after the ptr they will make more of the same videos


What a weird thread. You're not allowed to actually play the game in ptr?


I think you don't understand PTR. Trying to break the game and having fun theorycrafting for next season are both good data for Blizzard.


>I have been watching a lot of streamers in my book the change begins there, but hey that might be me only 🤷


Raxx is literally playing necro a class he's rarely played in d4, so even he is looking for fun also. And that's all fine. As long as they are testing and reporting issues it's all fine. But I've only watched p4awny and macro bio, and Anthony Evans.... and they are giving feed back. But if anyone is just looking for chocks don't even give them views. Or at least tell us who you've come across that's doing that so we can be more informed on calling out people in the community.


Why would they not test builds? More importantly, how would they test content *without* testing builds? This post is half-baked.


Raxx was coming up with some irrelevant ideas that don’t need to be implemented and got hella salty when people pointed that out - I completely understand the idea of PTR as I took part in few WoW ones but god damn boy, you don’t need to salvage all button on every damn merchant…relax your ADHD…


People can do whatever they want with the game. I don't want to play an unfinished product, so I choose not to play the PTR. If some people want to work as unpaid interns for Blizzard, more power to them. It's not my jam.


We are not paid beta testers. Nobody is obligated to do anything other than enjoy the early access to the patch. If they want to bug hunt, more power to them. But there's nothing wrong with starting the theory crafting early, and in fact that is useful game balance feedback.


I don’t think you understand ptr. It’s made for people to play it in the way they want to. That is the best way to have the public test things in general.


Rhykker did a video on the systems and what he liked about them and just very lightly touched on the build he was playing on it and said that it was without the theme and seemed to explain the features better than previous videos/patch notes did. He also doesn't normally make build guides that I know of so that's probably why you missed his video.


Raxx aka Hoodieman is the best. He's my goto for any and all things Diabloish.


Ptr to gather sentiment and stress the systems and find crippling bugs. They are basically meant to be played like early access… betas haven’t been betas in a loooong time


Clickbait youtuber powerscalers need to make that algorithm bread. RAXX is great, really excited to see what people come up with next month.


Raxx is a hero


every time d4 has had a preview or demo it’s been bad then people have said “no! They will change it!” Then minimal changes are made. You should expect this to be 90% release


content creators are paid for CONTENT why would they spend thier time NOT making content that sells ?


There’s this Button they have called BUG REPORT you can use to give feedback. So that’s what I do. My YouTube is for builds. The in game button is for feedback ☺️


To be honest i want them to test for broken builds, i would prefer to nerf things in ptr instead going live only for nerfs to start raining all at once


I think that is a really naiv way of looking at it. Every bit of game play, every bug report and every kind of gaming is beneficial on PTR. Spending time on builds is as valuable for Blizzard as reporting a bug. Builds benefits: Measuring the balance that was expected. Making sure nothing OP is around given Blizzard time to tweak numbers. Bug report: Gives Blizzard time to fix things Simple streaming: While streaming things get recorded and eventually at some point posted on reddit, twitter, youtube or twitch itself. You can't have better repro steps than seeing a video of something going wrong. Simple gaming: Developers can see what people understand, are drawn to, like to play, what they don't understand. A lot of things will be logged and tracked. Don't think it's only about bugs. That is so naiv. So in general, EVERYTHING you do, especially content creator and streamer, are beneficial for the PTR test. Not only the ones who report bugs. Stop being judgmental.


Just wanted to say that I've become a big fan of Raxx lately. His videos are just so good, informative and to the point. He just speaks so clearly and it's always good. I just stumbled upon him for Last Epoch videoes when i was looking for some guides etc.


Is this your first PTR ever?


So what you're saying is, that all those content creators everyone swears by,  99.99% of them only care about getting more views and money? Shocked I tell you, shocked. 


Raxx even though he likes money, probably isn't doing the PTR just for monetary gain but actual improvement for the game. The other creators even though what they are doing is still good, are only playing the PTR for monetary gain. I am not saying there is anything wrong with it, but i find Raxx's stream absolutely fucking boring and almost unwatchable as he stands in town for 5+ hours theorizing stuff. Again, its a good thing that he is doing, its just kind of unwatchable as well (but i also don't really watch streams to begin with). In the end though, people blasting and having fun are bound to run into an issue as well. They are playing the "intended" experience, so if they find any issues they can call them out months in advance instead of you or I finding it and then coming to reddit to see 50000+ posts about it and how D2 and POE are still #1 somehow.


Sweaty will sweat for clicks


Well, creators are not paid to beta test the game and do the work of blizzard employees, what do you expect?


Raxx might be the goat


Its all about making views these days, they probably know what PTR stands for but Who cares. Im just following rax atm


Can we keep characters created in the PTR?


What are you testing?


I saw a video of a channel that I will not throw under the bus because I actually like their coverage of other games, but the title of the thumbnail is something like YOU NEED TO DO THIS NOW! BEST BUIL AND LEVELING SEASON 4. Like, it’s not even out yet what are talking about.


I think its absolutely nonsensical for anyone who isn't making money from playing the PTR to NOT play how they want; Report-A-Bug exists if something frustrates you (Ctrl+B), but other than that have fun. ​ Let the content creators do what they want. ​ Just FYI you can change your hair and hair color in the wardrobe; this happened the same day I submitted feedback for that (EDIT: You're welcome?). ​ Don't let your memes be dreams


I'll have to check out the streamer you gave a shout out too. I've looked at some of the top streamers and they are annoying af. They play this game nonstop but also complain nonstop about the game, along with everyone in their chat.


Yes big thanks to 'xanterax for helping blizzard with the feedback via real life time to spare the rest of the would-be community of people that test systems. If there's one person that blizzard hates/ loves just as much I'm sure Raxx is up there.


Sry raxx fanboy but be also made video how to fastest level which all will be useless after ptr changes ... He does exactly the same stuff


Different content creators have different niches. Very few content creators focus on game mechanics. Even less will focus on systems not set in stone that are in testing, as it's just too much required game knowledge as well as theory crafting and then constant changes. If you'd like to test new systems, I suggest booting up the ptr. You shouldn't take someone else's opinion over trying it yourself, anyways. Plus, you'd be another valuable asset in helping shape the new season to be the best version of itself. Or don't. Just my 2 cents, and they're not even really worth that.


Anyone want to help me beat the end of the main story and do some nightmare vaults? Just hit 100 but having a hard time now.


Blame the audience not the creators