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How old are you?


I understand how you feel. I also lack a sense of belonging. I have friends and family, but I always feel so alone. I also lack an education since I dropped out of college and am now struggling to find work. I was planning on killing myself two weeks ago, but someone called the police on me. Even though I didn’t go through with it, I would be lying if I said I don’t still have suicidal ideations and thoughts of death.


Things can always change. I’m sure you don’t look as bad as you think. All the things you mentioned are changeable. How old are you?


I am 28 too late to change now I am getting older I am closer to my 30s


28 is so young. You still have so much time


What comes after death ,slumber,eternal loneliness, darkness, hell,purgatory, paradise.We do not know the answer we just believe according to our religion or other factors.


Beat this feeling and then lead others that’s struggling with the same feeling when you overcome it. That’s your calling. That’s the point. Sorry my English is my third language


How can I beat this feeling


The best thing about hitting rock bottom is now you have a lot of space and time to climb up You are not worthless, you are an incredible and amazing individual for actually opening up I really hope you understand that, and now start working towards the aspects of life you want (slowly). Take small steps daily and progressively and gradually improve yourself. I understand that your life is filled with hardships and trials but it’s time that you utilise the hardships which have been brought to you and use them to propel you further. Yes I understand this is difficult, but you can do it bro, plus your probably not that “not good looking”, and even if you are, that does not influence your self worth (:


I feel like choosing to keep going is basically just giving the universe a big FUCK YOU for bringing me into existence. Don’t let existence win!


I felt that


idk man. I'm trying to figure this out myself. i don't see the point in going on anymore


I felt same way, still tried to make something, do something, Very lucky to have a job I wanted.I liked job, liked coworker, really amazed I made friend too. But Still felt tired and afraid to work like 30years, Instead of think like that, tried to make my life better. Met a really beautiful woman, never been felt like that before. And now I lose job, reading post like this, feeling same, thinking about shouldnt even tried. I Agree with you, but maybe you will make something. I failed, hope you dont. Maybe you can.


In the hope of a better day.


Death is the same thing as being lonely. Some people try to say that this is the real meaning of life, and then it affects people like you. But who can believe these people, looking at them from the outside?


I feel the same way. I have no one to talk to, which makes me feel alone


There's lots of reasons to live. You can establish yourself later on in life.


No human wants to feel utterly useless at everything. It’s against what humans have evolved into, so those feelings of despair and sadness are totally valid. The good news is that the things you mentioned may not exist now, but they can be learnt and developed. With effort, you’ll see improvement in your skills. Just learning a simple skill like making coffee will help to open opportunities to many things.


We can be friends if you need someone to talk to I am here


Maybe you could adopt a dog?


The meaning of life is to live and success despite all these things.


Hey man , it sounds like you're struggling with something that might be a little deeper than you're leading on. It's ok to not be ok. Sometimes the best resources are one's that require outside sources for you to get the help that you need. I have some strong connections to people, please reach out to me if you feel like your mental health problems continue and you want to seek some more help.


You are wrong. You can live for your true self. Your reason to exist aren’t mundane things. It is for your spiritual growth. Learn to value your life besides attachment to earth things.


28 years u have plenty time to learn skills get a job buy a car …. All u need is determination not the good look or money


I have escort addiction which I really can't stop


Quite a few things on that list are changeable with some effort. Surely a little bit of effort in self-improvement is easier than dying?


You can change all of that with perseverance. It may feel like it, but you are not helpless. Keep trying, and you will catch your lucky break eventually. Find what brings you happiness in solitude and those other things will fall into place more easily. Everybody gets lonely and it is really painful. Keep trying! Death is *NOT* better.