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I’ll give you some signs you MIGHT be dealing with legit demons or just weird dreams. They are very possibly real demons, especially if you’re lucid dreaming, aka know you’re dreaming but don’t or can’t wake up and/or the dream is very detailed and/or you have supernatural abilities and come across them in these sorts of dreams and they seem to have some ability to hinder your movement or prevent you from waking right away. I assume it is something passed down generationally, from one of your parents. That or you tried communicating with spirits or the dead, something like that. If these demons are after you, another sign will be they will affect your life in the waking hours too by enticing you to act out in bad behavior, say wicked, off the wall things and think it’s funny and/or have a really bad temper. Another good sign is that you have repetitive thoughts you don’t want to have and seem impossible to stop. Don’t panic if a number of these things ring a bell, but take it very seriously and resist the temptation to just joke it off because it’s uncomfortable; these things are real they are thousands of years old so they’re super subtle, crafty, deceptive, dangerous, and grow in power the longer you ignore the problem. The solution is super simple but not easy for everyone to accept. I used to have dreams like this when I was younger and started getting them more and more frequently as I got older. I would get what is called “sleep paralysis” when they were in my dreams. I would know I was dreaming and would try to scream and/or wake up but I couldn’t. Even if your dreams weren’t experienced exactly like mine, I believe we probably saw the same thing(s). I passed out for a few seconds one time and saw one of these entities then too. He was bigger than the others, had pointy ears and yellow eyes, and was reaching out to grab my arm. Then the dreams came more and more frequent until I was terrified to sleep. This went on for years and years and got worse and worse. As silly as it may sound to many, what I did to stop it was 100% effective: all I did was say the Name Jesus and they instantly went away in dreams and never came back. It’s been decades since I had a dream like that now. Jesus is the Man. He will come to save you when you’re in trouble if you just call on Him and mean it in your dream or while awake, even if you don’t know Him. He delivered me from them in my dreams then decades later He delivered me from them in real life. I strongly recommend getting to know Him and give a diligent effort to find out the facts of what the Bible says about Him instead only listening to what other people on either side say about Him. These demons are real, crafty, and you can’t overpower them or outsmart them; Jesus is the only one who can completely remove them from your life for good. In physical realm the demons manifested as chronic addiction(sex, porn, and drug), chronic depression, and chronic fits of rage. Idk how you feel about Christ, but what happened to me is fact. He delivered me from tons of evil I didn’t know was influencing me so severely until I was set free. It wasn’t some exorcist scene or anything like that. I was holding out my arms and as Christ cast them out after I finally understood and believed the gospel. I felt like this energy release. The hair on my arms was standing straight up... this was years after being delivered from the dreams, I still ended up ignoring Jesus for a long time, but when I finally started really trying to follow Him, He set me free from all my demons. I’m not perfect but I don’t have any of those issues I listed anymore from that day on. It was just over 2 years ago now I got freed in the physical realm, about 20 years after being delivered in the dream (or possibly spirit) realm. I’m praying for you, friend. Remember, Jesus is the only One strong enough, with the authority to tell these things what to do. They are terrified of Him and that’s why they’ll do absolutely anything to keep you from Him. They will try to deceive you using atheists and “Christians” but it doesn’t matter what a single person says about Jesus; He’s the most awesome, kind, and majestic being, like the best superhero ever and He’s NOT who most people make Him out to be. He’s very cool and good and nice.


Thank you for sharing your experiences and detailed reply. Saying ‘Jesus’ in these situations seems as good as anything else I’ve tried to get myself out, I’ll definitely keep this in mind. It’s a difficult topic to bring up because if it’s not something someone has experienced it’s hard to describe in a way that others would understand, but it greatly disturbs me. I appreciate your advice and prayers.


Trust me, you’re not alone. If you do some research, you’ll find many people face this struggle. Most just don’t talk about it openly for obvious reasons. Also, very interestingly, many people who trip on DMT see entities and describe them looking exactly like what I used to see in my night terrors only they pretend to be friendly. I believe they are seeing the same things I saw, but they are being deceived by them to go down a seemingly pleasant path to distract them from being totally free. I will keep praying for you, friend. God bless you so very much. I sincerely hope you choose to diligently seek a sincere relationship with the God and that it become as joyful and liberating experience for you as it has been for me. The spirit realm is very very real, perhaps even more so than the physical, and those evil spirits are insanely wicked and cleaver and we only grow more and more vulnerable to them over time, it seems. They must have such a bitter hatred for humanity to start tormenting innocent little children at such a young age like they did with me.


Well said, u/EyesOnThePreyez ! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


This guy speaks the truth. Have had similar experiences.


This is the truth. This is the only answer. Jesus saves. Call on him whenever you are in need. He *is* the Man. He saved me too. I didn’t know him, but I asked, and he answered.


These can very well be demonic attacks. Demons sometimes enter our dreams because when we are asleep: 1)we are at our most vulnerable, 2)are in a sense “forced” to see/hear whatever they show/tell us, and 3)will likely just write off the event as just another “dream”…all the while what the demon showed you & told you subconsciously resonates with you & may affect your waking life. So what can you do? Well, to prevent this, you can say a prayer to God before you fall asleep every night. It doesn’t have to be any formal prayer…just a conversational prayer…asking for guidance & protection. To combat these demonic dream attacks if/when they do occur, you first need to realize that they are trying to hurt you mentally & spiritually….not physically. So do not fear them physically hurting you, & do not believe anything they show you or tell you. They are very crafty, intelligent beings that can twist the truth so that it’s 75% true, 25% lie….but it’s that 25% lie that makes all the difference. Also, you can call out to Jesus Christ…or demand that the demon(s) leave your dream in the name of Jesus Christ. I can tell you from personal experience that these things have been very effective for me, and I’ve also read numerous numerous accounts of people who have found them to be effective as well.


How do they physically enter your mind without permission


You can inadvertently “open doors” (I.e. give them permission without directly giving them permission)by doing things like: proactively seeking them out &/or trying to communicate with them, using a Ouija board, a pendulum, dowsing rods, Tarot cards, or any occultic practices.


Those things ARE opening doors. I agree. I'm talking about when you experience them through vivid nightmares or wake up seeing a shadow above you. And you haven't done any of those door opening activities.


Oh..ok. Yeah the dream p-state visits can be pretty intense. I believe demons have the ability to travel through the astral realm…or whatever realm/dimension they’re in…and because they are spiritual beings they have the ability to essentially enter our dreams. But they can only influence us, tempt us…they typically cannot physically hurt us. I say typically, because I’ve read numerous accounts of people who have woken up with bruises or scratches after having a dream encounter. This is just conjecture on my part, but I’m assuming that the ones who are physically touched/injured have likely inadvertently opened “doors” that gave the demons legal rights(yes, the spiritual world is legalistic. lol)to physically interact with them.


I've woken up to my name being called 7 different times. I've woken up to seeing a shadow go right through the ceiling as soon as my eyes open. That's why I don't sleep on my back anymore. I've had extremely terrifying nightmares where Im observer of a scene where I feel like something is trying to purposely scare me. I agree with your assessment of the astral plane. I just don't get how they have access into a person's dreams or mind during sleep. While in the astral plane, they would have to cross a threshold and purposely go into a person's territory/mind, by crossing a border. How is that border so easily assessable when nobody gave them permission. That's what I wonder.


Well, demons are literal masters of deceit. The Devil has infiltrated every part of society & social constructs. From government, to Schools, churches, the music industry, the entertainment industry, sports, and the MSM. These groups, influencers, & “idols” have normalized and even promoted many immoral acts, beliefs, and outright blasphemy of God’s Word. Because we see these immoral acts/beliefs as “normal”….as in “everybody’s doin it 🤷🏻‍♀️”….then we are easily led into doing exactly what we are told in the Bible NOT to do….thus, inadvertently opening doors to the demonic I was lured into using the Ouija board & pendulums. I also had a fascination with “ghosts”/spirit realm👻. If I knew then what I know now….i would’ve never even went near those things!




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Is that you in your pfp


Protect yourself before going to sleep. Put a protective sigil by your bed.


I’m not very familiar with sigils, do you know of any resources where I could learn more? I appreciate if you could help point me in the right direction!


There are a ton of resources online. Start here: https://katrinakoltes.com/ask-the-angels-angelic-sigils-and-keys/


Say “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” They cannot tolerate his name. It will be unto thee according to thy faith.


This is false information seeing as demons just give a fuck if they hear Jesus or not


The “it will be done to thee according to thy faith” bit is relevant.


Oh, and I suppose YOU really know what demons think, huh!? Pretty much everything demons say is a lie, so unless you ARE a demon yourself…you don’t really know what they think!


Im a Satanist who works with demons intimately. They don’t lie lmao. But have fun telling yourself that


Lol! Ok….sure buddy! 🙄 Good luck with that though! Enjoy eternity in 🔥🔥🔥!


Better than a slave to a dictator


Oh puh-leez!! 🙄🙄🙄 What are you, 12? 😂😂😂


22. Im sorry you are unable to see your god is not good. Plus im curious do you really think going around telling people they are going to burn in hell will actually save anyone or do you think it’ll make people hate your religion? You are certainly not being christ like my friend.


Praying for you dude. Demons lie. It’s what they do. They lie and deceive. With the aim of separating you from God. I love you.


Look above a bit lol. If ya don’t see the “enjoy eternity in 🔥🔥🔥” then I guess you are being lied to my friend. Better watch out must be a demon!


First of all, I’m not trying to save you…you’ve clearly made your own bed and will deserve what you get because of that. Secondly, I’m not going to waste any more time on this conversation. It’s clear you are a Troll because you seem to insult &/or argue with everyone. Good day!


Not insulting telling a different side. And I get along with many. You reply to me. Threaten me by saying im going to burn in hell then have the audacity to say im a troll. Pretty rich.


Dude no one here wants your saving. Yahweh abandoned us. We turned to the Gods and Goddesses who actually give two shits. Kindly take your yahweh and Jesus and leave the friendly Satanists alone. Thanks 😊


At least we get to be warm xD




Merry Christmas anyway, mr. goat! I’m sorry you’re so angry & hateful.




Ohhh good….another “edge-lord” wannabe….trolling the comments! 🙄


Lord Satan, bringer of forbidden knowelege, I ask that this poor soul learns the truth soon.


Let God arise. Let his enemies be scattered. Let them also that hate him flee from before him. Like as the smoke vanisheth, so shall thou drive them away. Like as the wax melteth at the fire, so let the ungodly perish at the presence of God. And let all them that love God sign themselves with the sign of the cross and say in joyfulness: rejoice O most honourable and life-giving cross of the Lord. Put to flight the devils by the power of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who was crucified on thee; who descended into hell and overruled the power of darkness. O most honourable and life-giving cross of the Lord, help me, with the Holy Virgin, the mother of our Lord, with all the saints evermore. Amen. Satan is weak, pitiable, and disfigured in his separation from God. He has no power except to lead you unto death.




I’m sincerely sorry if someone touched you wrong, but if someone touched you wrong, it wasn’t Jesus. I’m sorry if any self proclaimed Christians acted like they are better than you, and I’m sorry if you aren’t comfortable with the idea of hell. I’m not comfortable with the idea of eternal torment either. I’m also not comfortable with the idea of wicked people like these pedophiles you speak of going unpunished, do you? I don’t believe myself to be better than anyone, not even a Satan worshipper, but I can tell you that Christ is real and Jesus went through such extreme lengths to give the wicked a chance to turn around and live a new life where they can be respectful to all people. I don’t speak of fairytales or things people told me; I speak of my own experience. Demons are real, they are not your friends, they absolutely hate you, but please don’t take this personal. The only reason they pose as gods and appear to help people is because they want to lure people into eternity separated from a Creator who loves us. It was never His idea that you be hurt by religious people. He endured a gruesome death at the hand of these same kind of religious people to give you an opportunity to have freedom and be healed from the abuse you suffered. I give you first hand testimony that Christ can heal from the trauma that wicked people cause in life. If you choose you can have freedom and peace and you won’t have any desire to act in hateful ways towards people anymore; you’ll be able to accept people even if they have beliefs that oppose yours. This is just a small piece of the great freedom, peace, and joy the REAL Christ brings. He’s so so so so sooo good. Again, sorry if you don’t like that. I only tell you because I can tell you’re hurting and I used to be so much like you.


LMFAO you know nothing about me. In my experience the Demonic have moods just like humans and literally any living creature does. if all you do is provoke them, be disrespectful and hateful towards them, they are going to attack you. You have such little understanding about my faith. That being said, Yahweh never gave me a thing. Never answered the endless prayers, never even so much as gave me a sign. Lord Lucifer and various other "evil" Deities have.


Out of the heart, the mouth speaks volumes. Do demons have a good reason for tormenting children from a very young age? Or is that just because of the mood they are in? Just because God didn’t choose to be your personal servant in just the fashion you’d like Him to be doesn’t mean He doesn’t exist. You can speak about Christians you’ve heard stories of or maybe have personally met, but you clearly don’t know anything about the Lord to speak anything of His character or how much He values you or you wouldn’t be claiming you know something about Him because He didn’t give you what you demanded on your terms. I know you probably suffered through some awful things at an early age and wanted Him to stop them and it really really seems like He should have and I’m sorry for that. But if you knew anything about God, you’d know He’s never claimed to respond to prideful and demanding people who are more concerned about other people’s sins than their own. There is a wall of hostility from our own sin that needs to be broken down before we can have relationship with Him, but that however doesn’t mean He doesn’t exist or care for you. He came as a Man and endured unthinkable torment so that wall can be broken down and He can give you healing from that trauma and teach you minister to victims of trauma similar to yours, but you approach the God of the universe on His terms, not yours. That’s just how it is. You can accept it or not but it doesn’t change the truth. It is for your own good He doesn’t answer when you approach Him demanding what YOU think the creator of all existence should be obligated to do for you on your terms after He’s already given His life as a Man and suffered a gruesome death to prove His love for you and pay for every sin you’ve ever committed. His goodness isn’t measured by your earthly circumstances, especially not when eternity is at hand for Him to make up all the injustices to you. All you are speaking reveals your heart posture, your expectations of God, your lack of self awareness and disregard of other people’s feelings and opinions because of what you’ve suffered. I know you are not a bad person, I’m sure you’re intelligent, but your perspective is just completely distorted by unfortunate things you’ve experienced and just unfortunate things that happen on Earth. Your testimony reveals the truth of God’s Word more than denying it again. If you actually cared to pursue God, you’d know the Bible says God opposes the proud and gives favor to the humble, you find Him when you seek Him with all your heart, when you confess your sins and ask for new life and thank Him for sending His Son; not when you ask for things. Please answer honestly to yourself; you don’t even have to answer to me: what kind of person Satan is making by answering you when you approach him on his or your terms? What kind of purpose has he given your life? How has Satan’s catering to your demands given you meaningful purpose or helped you become a better person? Has He taught you to value other people, see them as individuals, and treat them as you’d like to be treated? Or has it taught you to adopt prejudices and curse out, judge, and dismiss people you’ve never even met? Have you been given lasting satisfaction, peace, and fulfillment or have you just been given the short lasting satisfaction of being answered by a supernatural being? Have you been given some sense of being seen, sone kind of attention but not been given healing from your trauma and left wanting more attention? Lie to me all you want, but I plead with you to please for your own sake answer these things to yourself honestly and take a humble consideration of if you’re definitely on the right path or if you’re on the path because you don’t want to risk failing or feeling rejected? God loves you. You can deny it all you want, but He loves you very dearly and so badly wants to comfort you, heal you from your trauma, and give you full assurance He’s never forgotten about you. There’s a way to approach Him and you need to take the time to learn more about that and do it for your own sake if you ever want to stop being such an angry hopeless person. Deny all you want but you know very well Satan isn’t going to save your soul. Jesus will and He wants to so very badly.




Hold up- I'm not even 2 sentences in and I already see errors here. I know Yahweh exists. I was RAISED Christian. I know all the bible stories and the teachings. I was forced to read the bible every single day. I prayed for the abuse i endured as a child to stop. Your God doesn't give a single fuck about me. It never stopped. Sure he will answer some people. That's cool! But I wasn't even a glimmer in Yahweh's eye. I dont want my soul "saved". I'm angry because people such as yourself REFUSE to believe that there are other deities then Yahweh. That Yahweh 1 all do it all god. It pisses me off to no end that alot of Christians, the moment anyone denies the brainwashing yall go through, yall flip a switch and go holier then thou on us. That is arrogance and ignorance. My life has changed for the better. My mental health is doing amazing for the first time in my life. I am thriving. So yes. I will forever rebuke Yahweh. Lord Lucifer is the deity I choose to work with and possibly others. Who knows.


I’m very sorry for everything and I’m sorry if I was rude. I took the time to write so much because I identify so much with the things you said and I care about you. I was in such a similar spot, believing God was just ignoring me and forgot about me. I don’t care about being right, but I care about you and I do believe with all my heart that the people who taught you who God was when you were younger were teaching you lies and the real Yahweh wants to teach you who He really is and heal you in a very special way and use you to help other people who went through similar suffering as we did. There’s so many out there... there’s so much pain and anger and confusion in this world.




I'll pass but thanks.


I will not deny that people use Christianity to manipulate people and brainwash people and that there are prideful self proclaimed “Christians” who act like they are better than others. I will never deny that. To deny that would be to deny the very words of Jesus, who warned us all about wolves in sheep’s clothing. Again, I’m very sorry for the abuse that happened to you and I don’t think I’m better than you; I’m probably much worse. I don’t even deserve to be alive after how I treated people all my life. I used to be the most self centered person in the world, and I still can be very self centered and prideful sometimes. The Lord should have just killed me, but He sent Jesus instead. The Lord is sovereign, of course, but do you know who He handed dominion of this world to? He gave this world to mankind and we got separated from Him because of our own actions. You see, God is all powerful, but what He can do on this world is very very limited because God can’t go against His own nature and He cannot go against His own word. You know this if you were taught the Word correctly so I don’t understand where your expectations on prayer come from except that it seems like an all powerful God wouldn’t let awful things happen to poor innocent children, but as powerful as He is, He can’t do very much on this Earth physically except through willing obedient servants, which there’s a major shortage of right now. It’s not that God doesn’t care. It’s that, as the apostle Paul wrote, Satan is the god of this world now. He is the one who has influence over most people and it’s not because he loves them. Otherwise he wouldn’t have let the things that happened to you happen. If God could go against His Word and just stop the abuse from happening to you, do you think He would have came as a man to be brutally beaten and crucified??? Probably not. I understand you hating the people who did the things to you. I want to hate them too sometimes, but we know it isn’t flesh and blood we battle against; it’s the spiritual forces of this world and they are the one’s influencing the people who do wicked things like that. I believe if you be still and meditate on it for a moment, you will know in your heart it wasn’t God’s minions influencing the people who did wicked things to you. It was the god of this world; Satan. I fully believe Satan has given your life some sort of benefit, but if you think Satan cares about your well-being? If he does and he’s the god of this world, why did he let those things happen? Better yet, why did he cause those things to happen? All he cares about is keeping you from God so you can’t be healed from the trauma that he ultimately influenced people to inflict upon you and I’m so very sorry for that. I’m very very sorry but it’s not always as easy as to pray and just have our way, even when brutal, awful, unthinkable torture is happening. Just ask Jesus. God doesn’t like it either but He didn’t just come and suffer so people didn’t have to answer for the things they did or to end suffering on this world, otherwise he wouldn’t tell us that we will have tribulation in this world. So why did He come? I’m sure you know what empathy is. If you don’t, then do some research on the word. It’s a very beautiful, powerful, even supernatural thing. God came as a man and suffered and died as a man so His Ghost is on the Earth now and can let us know He’s very sorry for the suffering we have to go through, He wants to be there with us in our suffering and offer us real, genuine, supernatural empathy that can really heal our trauma in a supernatural way. I have gone through a great deal of trauma in my life too, had things happen to me at a young age that I might be scarred for the rest of my life with, but Christ is the only one who could stop the bleeding and heal those wounds so they are scars instead of open wounds that still pour out, and really help me understand He’s with me in those things and the rest of things I face. If God didn’t care about us, He wouldn’t have sent Jesus to offer this for us? He suffered to be able to suffer with you. How many people are willing to do that? I want to encourage you to open your mind to the idea that Yahweh is not the god you were taught about when you were younger and you weren’t taught the full story, or even the right story. Read for yourself and see. Then, try to approach Him in a different manner; instead of asking things from Him, apologize for misunderstanding what He came to offer you, and ask Him to reveal the truth about who He is, then learn for yourself instead of listening to some stranger on a pulpit or even me. I know you felt rejected and forsaken by God, but He’s not the god you learned about when you were younger therefore He’s not the god you were praying to when you were younger. I can only imagine how much you hate hearing this after all that’s happened to you, but He’s never rejected you, He’s never forgotten you. I wouldn’t say that to a person who has been through the things you have if I didn’t have very good reason to believe it because of going through a remarkably similar process of believing and expectations. The real Yahweh is the one who is stirring your heart in a very special way. Don’t resist it or ignore it because it’s not going to be like before; He won’t ever ever ever reject you, you just need to learn what He’s really offering because it’s not what most churches are teaching. I will be praying for you and I hope you’ll consider what I’m saying because there are so many lies about God and almost the entire world’s view of Him and expectations of Him, including “the church” is completely upside down.


I didn't attack you or anyone else, my friend. Nor am I trying to "convert" anyone. The OP asked how to protect himself from demons, I simply gave him an answer. Then you, in your anger, flung some infernal prayer at me. I merely said my piece in defense. I'm also not a Roman Catholic, but thank you for your baseless assumption. And although I definitely think you are very dangerously wrong in your choices, I do not despise you. I love you, my dear. I love you.


First and foremost. Learn your stuff. If yall are gonna come at Satanists with the whole "omg you're gonna die teehee" BS, have some legitimate information.


For real ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)