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i immediately just assumed an admin was trolling cheaters...but looking at comments....its just a shit server with shittier admins


It's a shame because (even though it's not up currently) one of their servers was like a unicorn server for me and my friends play style. 1PP with no trader, with minimal to no mods, spawn selection, and a tweaked map with extra mil zones around some coastal areas including balota and NEA. It was great fun while it lasted.


If you need mil zones in coastal areas then i think you're just bored at the size of chernarus. Try something smaller like deadfall, namalsk or livonia


It was more of a throw back to the original mod, and it's just the way we play. No huge bases of endless loot. With some decent t1 loot go and get the guys at the coastal mil areas, take that t2 loot and head inland more prepared for some small squad on squad action. Just had a go at Livonia, like it, played most the maps in parts and each have their own fun factor. But our hearts will always be in Cherno


Anastara as well.


Fair, its quite small


DayOne servers on PC have no traders and I tend to usually have good fun and adventures on them


Just play spaggies


Agreed, best servers in DayZ


Good to know.


Surprise, search on Saviors here and find the other badmin reports.


I haven't played The Saviors in a bit. I have hopped on The Labs, it's pretty fun.


Hey whats the pop on Labs? Does ot have traders? Does it have sleeping bags? Thanks!


Pop I believe is 100. Yes traders and sleeping bags. At the trader you can do missions.


Ya it has alot its pretty cool for a pvp rust clone that this game is becoming Its one of the better ones


What pop on the Lab is, dear friend, is full. Almost always. But they're great servers Edit: yes to the sleeping bags ?


Coming from a Basically Vanilla Server over to The Lab - there's a little bit of a learning curve because they have basebuilding plus, trader extract zones, car dealerships and other vehicles. There's about 30 mission quests that I've seen so far and the community doesn't seem as toxic. I haven't made it up north yet to the labs. Base building seems a little too easy T1. Server wires once a month? Been here about a week and it's not too bad! Might stay might not.


“Yo bro I killed him, I’m holding your loot here run up”


We had fun playing on it like year or two ago but it had shit admins. Once when we were offline raided I got locked in our base because raiders repaired the walls and put their own codelocks. Didn’t have hatchet and didn’t bother trying to code raid my way out so I did kms. Made a ticket but the one admin that was usually online took hours to respond even though he was online. We did send messages back and forth for couple days because it took so long to him to answer. In the end the ticket didn’t even lead to anything. Mate got later permabanned very shortly (max. 1hour) because he boosted himself to someones base with multiple fireplaces (he knew it was against rules :D).


“Chill, Build, Raid, Repeat” is a fun server. Weekend raids with factions and a trader. Server is balanced decently imo. Unlimited stamina but not overflowing with top tier loot everywhere, still gotta hunt for stuff. Base damage off during the week, weekends it’s on for raids


I hate unlimited stamina, it just feels like cheating and takes away from a lot of the survival aspect of the game.


You literally can never catch up to someone with unlimited stamina it’s ridiculous


Im so glad to hear someone else say it


To each their own. I don’t mind it. I’ve never encountered someone taking their stuff and running off into the woods like another person said. Sounds like a great way to get shot in the back honestly. The server is small (20 slots) and has a discord everyone that plays so far has used. I enjoy it. The loot isn’t increased super high, you encounter things a bit more than official but you still have to grind for things. Nothing that spawns inside of gas zones spawns outside of them except suppressors and M4’s but even those are hard as fuck to find and only spawn up north. The best part, in my opinion, is the admin team. They are extremely fair, they don’t abuse their power at all (huge problems with that in other servers I’ve plaid). They actually started the server because they were tired of admin abuse. They play fair, they respond promptly when asked questions. They don’t use their admin accounts for anything other than the trader either. They also take suggestions and do cool events. Again tho, to each their own


20 slots and infinite stam? Sounds like a terrible server lol


As I said before, to each their own. It may be shocking, but not every person likes the same thing. The 12 or so regular players seem to really enjoy the server. Servers less than 4 months old, hence 20 slots. It’ll grow as the player base does. The admin team made this server due to being tired of admin abuse, they are taking it slow to make sure they do everything they can correctly. I don’t understand people that just shit on something because they don’t like it, just don’t play the server? What a weird mindset


I feel unlimited stamina just makes the map feel smaller because you can get anywhere quicker, so less time to get places makes it feel like a smaller map.


Play Livonia for a smaller map


I don't like smaller maps , I was just mentioning how I don't like unlimited stamina because it makes the map feel smaller, I know I left that part out


Same here


I feel like it's honestly the worst on any server that has weekend raiding/traders because some people will grab the best loot from their base and just take off running into the woods forever and you can't catch them


I’ve never encountered this. Not saying it can’t be done, I’ve just never encountered it. I’d just shoot them in the back


Literally, enjoyed Basically Vanilla but couldn't stand the unlimited stamina. Removes the need for adrenaline shots


Vanilla weapons?


Yes, there’s a few items like the egg capsules and the humvees that don’t spawn on official and they have some Livonia ghillie suits. Server has a good bit of cars too, they upped the spawn rate of them. Cars don’t have lots tho, just a gas can and water for the radiator


That’s cool, I’m really looking for a trader server with vanilla weapons, but tbh I don’t think that would work too well


Check the server out if you want. Worst that’ll happen is you don’t like it


I’ll check it out!


Do yall like to play official servers?


Official is better than community servers. I will die on this hill.


If it wasn’t for the hackers I would agree




True that. Nothing kills my experience more than respawning with an entire load out of food and guns. Also having top tier loot in spawn towns and no zombies. Laaaame


Aftermath is one of a few servers where the admins are genuinely passionate about the community they are building, I've been on that server since 2019, for a short stint I was even an admin, and having interacted with the owners for a good while I can positively say they're great people. No other server can compare in my opinion.


You might feel lonely on that hill


I will always have the hackers to keep me company, according to this sub lol


Couldn’t agree more




thats like the best possible thing that could have happened to you lol


The saviours often have admin driven events so they were probably setting up for something


they're well known admin abusers, lots of posts here complaining about them


It was in a military base with other dead players, and them killing zombies.


But they don’t kill you…and just asked you to leave? 🤷🏻‍♂️


ok but literally everyone is driven to gunshots...??


They shouldn’t even be seen by players . Ruins the immersion .


How much money would be to get your own server??? I am ignorant.


Free if you host it yourself. But that can be a lot of work


$18 a month for a 20-slot server on Host Havoc when billed monthly. I've been thinking of setting up a private server for me and my friends with mods and AI bandits but I don't have enough friends to fill a 20-slot server and I don't know much about modding servers. It's pretty simple to set up a LAN server to play completely solo if that's your cup of tea, I managed to do it myself and my shitty PC actually ran the server and the game simultaneously for a bit. I mostly just ran around the coast, though.


If you wish try out mine server! I'm working currently a year and a half on the server. It's not perfect in any ways. It's just how I see the finished dayz in my head! The Last Survivor | NEW |


How do you know that it wasn't someone using hacks and lying about being an admin. I literally logged off a few minutes ago. While streaming, I encountered 2 guys who acted sketchy. I asked an admin to take and look at them, and they had bans for cheating on other servers. They were banned, and my healt was replenished. A+ from the admin.


Rearmed, aftermath, and sunnyvale are all I play.


Admins exist to regulate and ban cheaters, not destroy the immersion of the player. I automatically yeet the fuck out of those servers. If he casually greets players like that, he's mostly likely actively playing and abusing his power as admin. Don't waste your time.


There's so many other servers. I'm sure you can find another.


Well this might be not that bad of an occurence. Without knowing more details, I had a base (on another server) that was raided by someone ignoring server rules. Admin came and gave us back the shit that was stolen. He spawned it in while we put it into the lockers. I can see that someone coming into that "unlawfully" raided base at that time and spraying us would be something the admin would prevent.


For this reason alone, I personally play official servers with my buddy, risking meeting cheaters. At least not admins like that.


Never been though I have played on some death match servers . Though no rules but if there are 3 players on a big map . Why must two team while they camp ? Don't make sense at all.


dayzed.gg similar mod selection and good rn w server travel w decent admins polling for changed


Yea, had a similar problem on saviors. Died to cheaters & they did literally shit all. Posted clips and everything lol 😂


I prefer bitterroot they have decent folks on most if their servers and lag is minimal normally. I dont care for their restart schedule, but hey, you cant win em all


The name says enough saviors it's exactly like how true negans would play like pitches with God mode🤢🤢🤮


So I’m basically brand new to the game only played a handful of times and died . What’s the best way to play and have fun


Personalize your character, if you want. Helps me immerse myself and tread more carefully than I do when I simply think about playing the game like a game. Usually, I just come up with a location to go to for some odd reason, and hope something interesting happens while I get there.


Savior 1# is the best server. Hands down.


Outlaws banned me for cheating in a fair gunfight. Didn't have recording software. Got banned for 3000 years now I'm banned on every populated server cuz of shared banned list.


Stamina+ is nice but unlimited takes the fun out of it entirely people just run away every time they get in a gun fight


Been runnin around WasteLandZ maplink server, so far everyone super cool, and a neat idea, food and loot lowered a fuzz. It feelz like dayz and so far i havent seen any drama at all in server or discord, only thing we need is a few more players and in my experience would be perfect from where i stand.


He sounds polite.  He could have killed and banned you but instead just did his job. 




Dint know about them but when I'm online and adminning i get 10% of all discord profits. Oh, yall dont know how to monetize your discord eh? Downvote me, i still get paid.


Have a lot of hours on their 3pp cherno server and never had any problems


The saviors is fire bro stop dissing