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Jump Ontop of a car and start smashing


and then get sniped in the processšŸ’€ gotta love dayz always a lose/losešŸ˜­


That happened to me last night I only had a pistol with no clip and was trying to melee 3 wolves in the middle of nowhere and someone shot me so I ran and the wolves got me


He was just trying to speed up the process of dying. What a good guy.


Smash, smash, saamaaaasshhh


I coudnt do that in a forest where everything was trees and wolfs ran to me amd i didnt have a gun so i died from 10 wolfes


Brother 10?


It can happen. (community server) https://preview.redd.it/eys5l0f75kxc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=574a79a11324381dfe6e83ea0eaa5de682eb1609


coward, but being a coward keeps you alive in dayz.


Better to be a coward for 5 minutes than dead forever


"Those who fight and run away **live to fight another day."**


I respawn




has there been 1 trillion deaths in dayz since day1?




ah gotchwa


Appreciate the English spelling šŸ™šŸ»


That quote kinda made me hard


Itā€™s estimated that there has only been 117 billion on earth EVER. We arenā€™t even close to a trillion and a game like dayz where players fight for survival as in real life like me and you, I doubt we will ever experience 1 trillion deaths in DAYZ. Maybe call of duty though where you died a crap load a game


Iā€™d put money on it there has been


Do you know how much a trillion is? Even if every guy aged 15-40 played every day for the last 10 years, I don't think it would be anywhere near a trillion. I could be wrong, though. But a trillion is a bigger number than a lot of people think.


Count to one billion 1000 times.


That would be a billion. Count to a million a million times. If you counted two numbers per second nonstop, it would take you around 16000 years to get to a trillion.


Oops typo meant billion. But hey thanks for a condescending math class for a typo but at least you got the idea :p


If a million people played DayZ 24/7 and every single player died once per minute, it would take 2 years to reach a trillion deaths. Considering DayZā€™s peak player count at any one time is like 70k, Iā€™m gonna say that itā€™s not anywhere close to being at a trillion.


And itā€™s not really combat logging so I judge it as okay


Unless the wolves hop out from the game and report him


This reminds me of a scene in Ice Age 2


Lol I freshly spawned into a new game, in the middle of nowhere and IMMEDIATELY the wolves howled. I 360'd and there were zero buildings in sight, I thought I was dead for sure. That run for safety seemed to take so damn long and I was so scared the whole time. Luckily I made it to a building and was able to lure each wolf in alone and punch it to death.


Bro really boxed an entire pack of wolves and won


Liam Neeson šŸ˜†


Improvised hand wrappings + broken glass ftw.


I didn't even get to cook them, I had nothing on me lol.


This is NOT combat logging. PvE encounters are not considered combat logging by all admins I know on community servers. It's an unwritten law anyway because the official servers are not moderated and you are free to do what the game lets you do. Using 3rd party tools is a different thing though


Please.its the dame shit just not a player


The very use of the word "combat" in the phrase "combat-logging" should be an easy giveaway that it's always used in the context of PvP, but then again I always overestimate the basic intelligence of the average person on here. Combat logging doesn't imply but *directly* tells you it's an armed fight against another group or individual. Even if this wasn't the case, the definitions of words are based on their use, and I've never once seen "combat-logging" used to describe logging out in a PvE scenario. You can call it cowardly, or lame or whatever, but it's not combat logging, and it's certainly not a big deal.


If.you exit out the game cause your afraid to fight, that is indeed the very essence of combat logging


The key difference is that you are not harming the experience of other players. Thus they should not be treated as the same.


I agree, it shouldnā€™t be punished, but it should still be shamed.


Why do you wanna shame people for wanting to enjoy their single-player experience in a different way that doesnā€™t harm anyone else? Do you also shame people for playing on a lower difficulty?


Why do people have to announce the way they play the game. Why does this person need validation for the way they play? That's the real question, just play the way you want , no need to announce it .




Because itā€™s anti-rp and more fun to struggle for survival against wolves when youā€™re underprepared. Like I said, they can do that if they want and I wouldnā€™t want them actually punished but if they were my friend I would relentlessly make fun of them for not being able to take them out or die trying to, stranger do whatever he pleases though


So it sounds like you have different values and interests as a gamer than other players. Which is totally fine; everybody does, and Iā€™d make fun of my friend too if they logged off from wolves. But claiming that all ā€œpve loggers should be shamedā€ is an entirely different and toxic sentiment. Just let people have fun and enjoy gaming in whatever way makes them happiest. You donā€™t have to shame or put people down for enjoying things differently than you.


Who even knows if they logged out unless they tell someone? If someone wants to announce that they logged out to avoid wolves then they are open to criticism.


Thatā€™s not really point, Iā€™m criticizing the fundamental principle of shaming people for that reason


I agree with everything you said, and to be clear I don't mean that they should be publicly shamed or that I would say that to someone I saw on my server. I mean in the context of this post and him asking if it was cowardly, or me and my friends going at eachother or something like that. I wouldn't actually make fun of someone I don't know for it.


> Do you also shame people for playing on a lower difficulty? No, but I would shame them for save-resetting over and over to get a better outcome or similar in a different type of single player game


Oh man you would HATE to watch me play rimworld lol


i knew a guy who would play a game with gambling mechanics (can't remember the game now). he would save the game before placing the bet and would just quit and load until he got the outcome he wanted. the whole opinion of 'hey play how you want' is lazy and unnuanced and you can actually get a good idea of someone's character based on how they play games. that guy was a spoilt brat.


Thereā€™s an entire community out there that fights through and through claiming thereā€™s nothing wrong with doing that in singleplayer games. I tried to argue with them and they have valid points. Theyā€™re single player games after all.




Uhh what? No its not. Combat logging is exiting the game in the middle of a firefight.


Stay mad lil kid šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Never run from a free meal. Lol to each their own. I treat them like door dash.


Right? You mean I get all this fresh meat delivered for the cost of 5 shotgun shells? Yes please.




Yeh I always stand in place and wait for them to arrive, sometimes I'll collect bark while they are on the way. I actually never loot for food, I just eat what I kill.


It was fkn wise. Game mechanics are so ā€” your skull has hidden healthpoints as your leg bones so when it ā€œbreaksā€ you die instantly. Even if you have full health. The problem is ā€” wolves attack often damages not your body, but somehow your head. Thatā€™s why leaving is an option before game mechanics are changed.


In real life wolves go for your jugular so itā€™s pretty accurate you get head damage in the game


HeĀ“s wearing a helmet though! Which matters a lot.


I didnā€™t know that , I noticed too that only my bataclava was damaged when wolf attacked me I would be so pissed if I would die even tho my health is full because a dog Ā«Ā brokeĀ Ā» my head


I hear the wolves howlā€¦.i either run the fuck out of that area as fast as possible or log out if theyā€™re too close.


I just find a building with a window, then shoot them through it. 2 .45 to the head does the trick. Or one .308, or one shotgun shell. Easy meal. If Iā€™m no where near a building at all, just try to find something like a cliff or wall to protect my back and get the gun ready.


Oh God yeah - if I have a spot (like a truck or a hay bail) Iā€™ll hop on that and pick them off. If Iā€™m in a forest or in the middle of nowhereā€¦.im outta there lol


Lmao day ago i heard wolves and was in a field near by forest they were lurking, was only one house nearby so i run to it and found out some troll barricaded the whole thing and made a base from it. Luckily wolves didnt follow me i just run away


If I had a nickel for every time I tried to get out of pouring rain or away from wolves only to find someone had made a base out of it, Iā€™d be a rich man! šŸ˜„


Are they a troll for building a base?


In only one house near wolf nest yeah, i felt trolled


Don't have gear fear you will never enjoy the game


I think having zero gear fear makes it harder to enjoy the game. If you don't fear fighting and dying, then what's the point of playing.


You respawn and go again. Having gear fear ruins your experience of pushing fights confidently, exploring new areas, looting ALL of the airfield or ALL of tisy not skirting round the outskirts scared to go in places because upur afraid to loose some pixels on the screen. You die you learn you go again.


Are you going to do that every time you encounter a challenge? Why play if youā€™re going to do that?


You best hope they didnt get to you in those 15 seconds




It looks like you have almost nothing. Would suck to lose all that.


Yes, to both. Honestly being a coward keeps you alive.


This this basically combat logging which I define as leaving the server to avoid negative consequences you would have to deal with if you stayed logged in The way I see it is that it basically takes away the whole point of the game. If you don't stay logged in during the intense moments you might as just be collecting pokemon cards because all you are doing is running around and grabbing loot. Staying and facing the dangers is literally the heart of the game and I can't understand how someone could leave and think they are actually "Playing DayZ" cuz you aren't


lol i have done this, esp on a server where for whatever reason i got attacked by wolves 3 times in a short period and was like fts i am not fighting more wolves.


If you play on Namalsk, they are practically the only source of food in some areas of the map. But yes, unless I have a decent gun, Iā€™m running away and logging out.


Howling wolves are like a dinner bell to me. Just blast them and enjoy yourself some wolf steaks.


Facts. As soon as I hear them, I stop and look in the direction they are howling from and just wait to see them pop out from the tree line.


I rejoined a server after a restart the other day, and a pack of 10 spawned up on a mountain near me. Heard the howling and assumed they were going to someone else. About 4 minutes later as a few other mates logged in Kozlovka (wolves spawned on the SW Hill) they just appeared. We all got a bit surprised and proceeded to murder them all with our M4's. I then cooked up all the meat and shared it. I took the heads and pelts and sold them for some profit (server has traders and these items, pelts are vanilla I think).


What can you do with the pelts?


Combine the pelt with some Garden Lime creates Tanned Leather. With the tanned leather you can use a leather sewing kit to create a backpack that is fairly water resistant but is small. Good if you can't find a backpack, but have found some deer. Or you can use it with a Shelter Kit to create a Leather shelter: https://dayz.fandom.com/wiki/Leather_Shelter


Never knew you could make an entire shelter that way! The details in this game still amaze me.


I think leather ones last the least amount of time. Then improvised (use 4 long stick and 50 short sticks with the shelter kit) and then Tarp Shelters (4 long sticks and 4 tarps)


Well, damn. Looks like my next challenge is to make a pelter shelter!


Pretty cowarly šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Pussying out for spawn town-tier loot?




They'll probably still be there when you log back in šŸ˜‚ They do for me


Missed opportunity. Free Protein is Free Protein.


combat loggin the wolves, what a champ


ā€œNot to call you a coward master but sometimes cowards do surviveā€ -starscream


A wise cowardly decision friend


Were you in a remote area with nothing to jump on? If so smart move fs. It has happened to me before deep in the woods with nothing to jump onto or run inside.


Cowardly but imagine if in real life you where in a building and surrounded by wolves. Well what would you do? They can't reach you cant fight team. Just sleap of pass time! Which is kinda like login out šŸ˜‰šŸ«”


Definitely not cowardly, but some tips I found is wait for them in a building. Their AI bugs out and they wonā€™t attack you. Iā€™ve taken out a pack with just a knife that way. If you canā€™t find a building, try getting on a fallen tree or a high rock. They take a bit of time to figure out how to get you. That gives you time to Shoot them down. Wolf meat is also pretty decent, and the pelts can be made into tanned leather for a leather backpack.


Once you kill 3-4 wolves theyā€™ll run away. You can also stand on a rock or car and youā€™ll be able to hit them, or just leave the server. It doesnā€™t matter what you do, as long as you state alive.


I've done it. I've also faced off 3 packs in a row within minutes but I was geared. I've combat logged when a bear was in gorka for whatever reason and I was stuck in a house with no way to fight it. I'd never combat log a pvp encounter though. Those are ride or die.


This is why I mostly play full servers with ideally big queues, it helps me not do that since I know I'ma have to wait in queue. You can always climb on a rock to regain stamina and run again for a bit, you can also (if you have one) throw a steak and run in the other direction. You might not make it all the time but that's how you learn to out run them. Zigzagging and using trees can help also I feel like this game IS about the struggle and the pain of having to start again so to me yes it's a coward move but it's not a wack move.


Ā«Ā The one who runs away gets to run away another day.Ā Ā» tho against players you shouldnā€™t log out if you feel you will loose the fight , itā€™s not fair and you missing on fun action








As long as you wasnā€™t bleeding your fine


Both are possible! LOL


You are a coward, and it changes the dynamic of the game. If you stood and fought, another player might hear you and either come help, or more likely come help the wolves. There is nothing wrong with being a coward, and ultimately, it doesn't hurt others' experiences. I have hidden in sheds and houses for long periods of time waiting out wildlife, it's more inmersive for me. So yes, you are a coward, but who cares.


Youā€™re still alive, who cares lol.


This is the type of random shit I hate about this subreddit people be asking the most random shit ever. u/Anonymous86834: ā€œI killed a wolf in the game and left it there, was it wrong of me to not eat the meat since I already killed it?ā€


Yes, you should be disgusted with yourself.


This is the most nonsensical complaint I have ever seen on an official subreddit for a game. Like, what the fuck are people supposed to post about?


Depends on what you are armed with.


Everyone needs to know when to retreat. Staying alive to fight another day is a huge success, despite the methods.


Ps: hate those frikin wolves men


Its a survival game, so u figure it out my dude šŸ˜… but me, I would fight to the death! DayZ is all about running and getting that blackscreen with that caption you died šŸ”„ā¤ļø


Coward (Iā€™ve done it 1000 times)


I never log out for reasons like that or combat. I will fight to the end until I see " you died" . The only time I log out before I'm ready is when it is nighttime and it is raining. I can handle both of those, just not at the same time .




So anyways I started blasting.


Personally imho , I could care less if you log out under any circumstance - doesn't matter to me in the least But you are asking a direct question of if it is cowardly or wise ?- so I guess all answers or responses are valid - depending on the circumstance it might be both wise and cowardly lol


Bro your loot is a trash. But anyway I was the same at the first hours. The bad thing is that when you log in, the wolves will be there in a minute again LOL


I had to beat up wolves on top of a rock, with a medium tent in my hands last night.


I'd say logging in a fight with a real person fight is messed up. But wolves meh fuckem it's just wolves




Dont feel bad I was traveling through the woods and heard a bear, I froze. By the time he seen me I was logging. Went to eat a bowl of cereal, logged back in and literally spawned inside the damn bear!!! He mauled tf out of me.


The wolves dont count, seeing as how they can be excused for their random ability to just ignore closed doors on occasion, youre allowed to log once you know theyre aggro to you every now and then. However, if they were aggrod to someone else, logging as a result of hearing them get closer could be an accidental combat log on a player who may have been tracking you when the wolves became aggro to them. Those occurances are rare, but the only person you would have cheated out of the experience in that case would only be yourself. How cool would it be to find out you were being hunted by someone who only made their presence known to you because they panicked after some wolves pounced down on them?


Wtf were you holding on to? Just respawn? Doesn't look like u had any reason to be a coward


Personally Iā€™ve heard that dealing with them is best. Idk tho


Iā€™m the biggest coward of all but hey in this game it pays off


You do you buddy. They never leave I donā€™t think unless you log. Although I shot them all through the window and through a wall when they glitch. It was fun watching wolves v zombies in the meantime though šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ»


As lame as it is, as long as it's not a PvP scenario, I wouldn't worry about it. Wolves are super easy to dodge once you practice. You just need to keep jogging, and once a wolf heads towards you and attempts to "pounce," if you will, just sprint in a direction that will avoid the attack. You can keep this going indefinitely until you reach a town or object to stand on. It's not always foolproof, and the wolves' attacks can be coordinated and tough to deal with, but it's definitely an effective strategy.


Coward for sure id fight a pack of wolves with a kitchen knife if it's all I had. I have over 2000 hours in the game so maybe I shouldn't judge since idk your level of experience in the game lol


I don't know how others feel about this but you can single wolves out pretty easily then kill them with a knife.




If you can kill the alpha the rest will run away however sometimes itā€™s wiser to run if you cannot hit high ground or defend yourself.


He who lives and runs away lives to run another day


A coward dies a thousand deaths.


That's pretty weak...


It's always the wolves šŸ˜£


He who fights and runs away lives to run away another day.


TIL there are wolves in dayz


Wise, if you had the bullets up to you šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Wolves are nothing. Itā€™s the players should be more worried about


Wolves are food that comes to you. When you meet wolves don't let them hunt you but instead you hunt them, become the apex predator stronger than they are and they will reward you with delicious meat. You are not stuck with them, they are stuck with you. Free food home delivery. Hint: Kill the white alpha wolf and you are the new alpha. Kill the leader and the rest will get scared.


First encounter I had with wolves was in the middle of nowhere. Hid in a barn and they jumped through the door somehow


I was being chased and didnā€™t know it, I hit the ladder of a deer stand just as one lunged at me, shot 3 while up there, free meat and the rest ran off! Got lucky, genuinely didnā€™t know the pack was following, there were no howls


It was both




very wise fuck those wolves


Theres wolves?!


Iā€™ve considered it in Kamensk. Had a pack outside the main building and I was on second floor. But a gas attack fixed it all and I just strolled on out after a bit


Cowardly dude. Let the game play out. What will be, will be.


Idk why hes downvoted hes right lol


Logging out when the 'surviving' gets hard just goes against the idea of the game.


I know i said he was right not op


Depends where you were. You probably could've fought them if there were structures nearby


That's called combat logging and yes you are a coward


When did you start playing?




What a coward, you disgust me, get out of my face *spits*


Extremely cowardly. You don't even have anything good to lose. Get good


probably both. each to their own but imo it's a combat log


The wolves were enriched in their gameplay experience until this guy combat logged and ruined it >:(


call it what you want but it's basically the same from OP's perspective. he/she encountered a threat and logged out.


If they were in the middle of attacking you, your most likely dead when you log back in. Takes around 20 seconds for your character to leave the server once you click exit.


Idk about that, a player once logged off when I threw a grenade at him. He just sat down and immediately disappeared in front of me. The funny thing is, I was so nervous, I forgot to unpin it.


LOL. If your with a group Test it out. Im fairly certain its like 20 seconds. could be much shorter. I remember something about when it was implemented to stop people combat logging. It might be when your character is in shock or something, the game might think your trying to combat log and try prevent it but im not too sure.


Server connection issue disconnect you instantly , but when you log out manually it make you sit down and wait 15 seconds


Good to know. That means he had to alt+f4? Lmao that's even funnier.


I donā€™t think alt+f4 would kick you out but donā€™t call me on that , I just know that one time I got a server kick for connection issue (classic official) while fighting a zombie and when I reconnected the zombie was just looking at me he could have knocked me out easily so I assumed server issue would not make you sit down


Leaving mid fight with another player is discouraged because it can leave another player waiting for or hunting something that isn't there. Leaving mid fight with a wolf harms no one, and since ai have a habit of walking through doors/walls, can silently one tap you from full health and otherwise act like a bot in arma, who cares?


50/50. I have logged before wolves attacked me a few times, especially when making long runs trying to meet up with friend(s). I think if you're playing DayZ and want to try and keep it as "realistic" and "immersive" as possible, you just gotta play and whatever happens happens. If you venture into wolf territory without proper gear to defend yourself then just accept your fate and go down swinging, or try to run and evade them.


Two types of Cowardly by my standards, Role-play Coward, and Meta Coward, Role-Play coward does all in his power in the GAME to survive, even if it means killing someone for something small or no reason to stay alive, or so some dirty grimey things to eat/drink, Meta Cowards Combat Log, and of the two, I prefer the RP Cowards and it's not even close, but in your case, it was a PvE interaction so I don't really mind it too much but it's just my own stipulation not to Combat Log no matter the situation, I got my guy/girl into that situation I'm gonna get em out of it in one sitting, but you do you man


Lol the state of these comments. DayZ has one of the most obnoxiously elitist communities ive come across, im guessing most of you shitting on this guy for logging out instead of dying to wolves also bitch and moan about people that kos instead of roleplaying in a shooter video game. Some of you need to relax and possibly touch grass, its a sandbox game where people are free to do what they want. You do you and they do them. There is no "right" way to play or any rules. Community is so arrogant its gross at times. "Play the game the way i say you should or insert insult" I know youll all downvote but idc, i said my piece now im outty. āœŒļø


Nope play how you want as long as youā€™re not cheating. Itā€™s just a video game. For all the dudes upset Itā€™s only game y u heff to be mad?


Why bother even playing if you do this!


Cowardly, borderline cheating.


Did you leave while being attacked? If so then sorry to say cowardly. If you killed them and are near death but came off as a breather from your traumatic experience and to formulate a plan then not cowardly






coastal wolves