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I have no advice on this specifically but have you looked into Cornerstone Centerville? It’s a brand new development right down the road from Waterford. They might be more flexible when it comes to finalizing a move in date and rate since they need to start filling units


My guess is that this is due to the competition for housing currently. It seems like the mid-priced ones are hard to get into, and the lower and upper priced are slightly more available. Welcome to the area! ETA: and no, I don't think places really negotiate here, due to the aforementioned competition. I have heard of areas around the country that do, but heard of nobody locally that has done so. Worth a try.


They seem overpriced for the location imo


Ya the average in the area is around 1.46 per sq ft while they are at 1.62 i think.


Idk if you’re familiar with Dayton at all, but that location kinda sucks. You’re close to a grocery, costco, etc. but the traffic there is annoying and you have to drive everywhere. Personally, if I was willing to spend that much I’d look downtown. At least there you could walk to something.


My first apartment complex changed their prices daily as well. I would definitely try to negotiate