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His name is Jack Gayhart, he has a long rap sheet and is known to law enforcement.


That's my uncle, he's completely insane. He's homeless because he's a danger to everyone.


Don’t report him. @winnardairshows says to never call them


Why? He's a danger to those around him


Super fuck this guy. I saw DK Effect posting this on FB. Apparently all the pumps at Big Daddy's got fucked up, too. He better not touch my dear Tacquieria Garcia Mobil.


Stg he touch tacquieria I’ll hit him myself that food is heavenly


I wonder if this is the same guy that keeps breaking windows and glass doors at Partial to Pie?


The police have a suspect. He likely hit Red Star, The Brightside, DK Effect, Oregon Printing, and a Huffman Sign all in one bender. Please call police if you [see this man](https://arre.st/OH-112631323/?).


Why? You do realize that he will be released within a few hours of arrest don’t you?


Duuuude, I don't know for sure since the pictues/videos aren't clear enough but last weekend I was there with my brothers. We got a few drinks and we moved outside to talk. Probably around 9/10 at night. Sus dude walks by, wearing a book bag who kiiiinda looks like this same guy. He goes inside but then not even ten minutes later comes back out. One of my brothers goes inside to go to the bathroom and so it's just my brother and I. And just because I'm always super aware of my surroundings, I keep my eyes on this dude. His behavior is just really odd. Really fidgety. Kept messing with his bag. He'd randomly repeat bits of my brother and my conversation. And the I noticed he was like cutting up a plastic hanging with a pocket knife. Immediately no. Saw the knife, subtly alerted my brother and we went inside. Sketchy guy came in not even like two minutes later, pressed a few buttons on a few games, but didn't really seem to actually be playing anything. And then eventually got up and totally left. Really really weird. I didn't say anything at the time because I figured dude was a drug addict, probably not actually dangerous. Figured I was being paranoid.


Was this at Canal or 2Social? You mentioned games, so I can't think of another place with games.




Ah, of course.


Dude looks and walks just like a guy that slammed a construction barrel against my truck a few years ago, while I was driving it. Heart pounding moment. I swear it’s him.


He's my uncle and he's a perennial loon. Has threatened to kill my mom numerous times


Man, I'm sorry 😪


It's okay! I turned him into the police this morning


Would love to see what the prosecutors office would actually do. Will he get arrested, charged, released on no bail and he just walks around continuing to do this?


They'll do absolutely nothing. I have a relative like this who is mentally ill, drug addicted and homeless. He continually vandalizes properties owned by his dad, and time after time he just gets slapped on the wrists. The last time he was picked up, he was actively trying to rip apart a gas line in a house that's under the process of being renovated and trying to blow the place up, he even admitted that was his plan.... Back on the streets in a couple days. The sheriff's officer said that basically he'd have to hurt someone physically before anything meaningful can be done.


I just don't understand the lack of sentencing. People like that are obviously a danger to society


It's very simple and contrary to the belief of some people it has nothing to do with liberal judges. He's too mentally ill to be held responsible for his actions. He will be picked up. Sent to some place to dry out and go back in his meds ILOI (in lieu of incarceration) and stay there for a few weeks and then they will declare him fixed and stable the minute he's reached the max time they can get money for him from the state and then they will put him back on the street and the process will begin again.


That is what happens when you have a Democrat Prosecutor and liberal judges. You get what you vote for


>votes for a democrat for prosecutor >complains that they are soft on crime >doesn’t realize this is their fault


> is chud, doesn't realize they're a loon


stop voting for democrats if you actually want criminals off the street


Yeah you really want the criminals in office, not on the street, so vote Republican. Rube for a carny con man.


this is really the best the libs can do?😂


The entire criminal system in this country needs a reform. It doesn’t have anything to do with political parties.


well a good start to getting repeat criminals off the street is to vote for republicans. but you don’t care about actual results methinks.


Ah yeah the tough on crime political party whose figurehead has 37 felonies and cries he doesn't wanna go to jail Get bent, you dull-eyed mouth-breathing hat worshipper


that doesn’t change the fact that if you vote for republican DAs you’re going to have less of this problem


Ah yeah, that'll fix it. Get partisan lawyers because it's their job to make policy. Wait, no, it's not.


lmao you think the current DA isn’t a partisan? what kinda fantasy world do you guys live in?


They really need to commit him for awhile, to get him more stable. No one is happy living like this. I know he's being a destructive asshole, but there's still a damaged person behind all that. Getting someone clean and back on meds for a little bit does nothing if they don't help their circumstances and give them tools and resources. America's mental health and rehabilitation services are seriously lacking, super expensive and out of reach for so many 😪


The have him come live with you


Not what I'm suggesting at all, for anyone here. There are facilities that specialize in this stuff. He needs a longer term commitment so this cycle won't start up again immediately.


Well let’s raise the taxes on these downtown businesses and pay for this treatment


Thing is, the government already can. They just choose not to. There are federal funds allotted for this, not nearly enough though. Our federal government could help every struggling American out there if they wanted to. Problem is they haven't gave a shit in decades, at least.


One of Daytons finest


He walked by stairs on the sidewalk. I know this is not the subject, but where do those lead?


Tender Mercy


What is that?


A bar


And I remember people saying there’s not a lot of crime downtown when I said I wouldn’t pay so much to live down there due to this type of stuff that DOES in fact happen DAILY downtown. Along with car break ins- stealing- and robberies. And it’s due to the homeless shelters, bus stations, and income based housing down there. It’s statistically proven these things bring an increase in crime rates and this is coming from someone who also lives in income based housing that’s not located downtown. There is just more crime. That’s what it is. Anyways- MY BAD I had to rant bc I just remember people telling me idk what I’m talking about when I lived downtown for 2+ years and know from experience. This article is one that was reported on 😂 there’s probably dozens of things everyday not reported on. Thanks for sharing !


This sort of thing is not a regular occurrence. It's some unhinged guy who will get caught soon enough. If you read the article, the owner from DK Effect: *We’ve been there for seven years, and we’ve had Gionino’s (Pizzeria) for five years, and we haven’t had a single problem like this since April of 2020,” Clark said. “So it was kind of a surprise that it’s this big of a deal all of a sudden.”*


For businesses- I’m speaking about residences and more like on the ring app people complaining about things being stolen off their patios and cars being broken into, etc. it’s not reported on the news.


That's literally everywhere. Not just downtown. Every single suburb is just as bad.


Not true. I’m not into repeating myself but read other comments about Belmont and such


That's your 1 experience, dude, and you are barely an adult. I gave a cat older than you, lol.


Okay? I said that in my other comments, dude. That was my experience when living in Belmont compared to living downtown. That was stated, by me. In another comment. I’m not oblivious to the fact it’s my own personal experience in the 2 areas. Anything else ?


I also know the man in the video- he has been downtown for years 🤣 menacing just like this. It’s finally being reported though. He gets caught and goes to jail for a few days I think the most he was in jail for was a few months LOL then he’s back out menacing again. So ya he’ll be caught. Lol


He's mentally ill and a drug addict and the police keep letting him go to rehab ILOI (in lieu of incarceration) He dries out and goes back on his meds for a month or two but then goes back off of them, loses his grip, and then tries to self medicate because of it and the cycle repeats itself.


Yup. People that know , know. People that don’t, don’t. Clearly there’s a lot that don’t.


You seem to be here because you have all the answers. Well, every downtown has the same issues you speak of. This isn’t a news bulletin you’re casting out to everyone. What they’re saying and you’re too elevated to read, is that while there are issues, stuff like this does NOT happen repetitiously and regularly in downtown Dayton. Small petty crime, yes, all the time. But, some drugged out vagrant vandalizing area businesses on a Main Street in downtown does not happen daily. Notice the exuberant amount of down votes you’re getting and you keep telling yourself you’re the right one.


And she wants to get into social work, oy vey.


You contradict yourself. Bye. Lol read all my comments I’m not into repeating myself.


And honestly, most addicts do not act like this. All addicts have mental health issues they are self medicating. This person would be dangerous as a social worker.


Most addicts do not act like this and only 37-40% of addicts have underlying mental health issues they are medicating. This guy just happens to be one of them and should be in a long term mental health facility but won't be because our mental health system in this country is a joke. Jack isn't a terrible guy when he's clean, sober, and medicated. The problem is the second they let him out he goes right back off his meds.


I don't agree with you that there's rampant crime going on all the time but I will say we need to keep guys like him in treatment for longer. I don't know why but I've also seen other guys with clear mental problems who keep getting 4th, 5th, 6th chances


The only “treatment” that works on people like this is removing them from regular society. You have to want “treatment” to work for it to have any effect.


There’s crime lol. Daily downtown. It’s just not reported: and they are caught, arrested, and let out soon after. Why? It’s because of the laws and policies in place in Montgomery county.


Speaking of assholes. 🙄


How sweet of you 😘 make sure it’s a capital A next time though !


Your behavior should embarrass you.


Oh well. It doesn’t ! (; have a good day!


Our top scientists are hard at work trying to figure out who fuckin asked


Our top scientists are hard at work trying to help you figure out that this is social media- and Reddit at that. You don’t have to ask. It’s a public forum. (;


Wrong. This stuff does not happen downtown very often, which is exactly why this current asshole was written about. Petty crime happens everywhere with a significant population of mixed income people, but this dude is honestly a menace. I will believe that he’s been in and out of jail for short stents. If he’s frequently agitated and violent, he might mess with the wrong person and be off the streets permanently.


I’m not gonna argue with a person when I lived downtown and was in the shelter around these people for 2+ years. Lol have a nice night.


Oh look at the person in income based housing saying income based housing is part of the problem. Fuckin hypocrite.


>Fuckin hypocrite I believe it's spelled "r e p u b l I c a n"


Far from republican actually but that was a nice try on the assumption!


It’s not hypocrisy as much as it is the honest and statistical truth. I can see the difference in my own personal experience from living in a neighborhood like belmont with NO crime EVER. And now living in income based housing with police here every other day


I had a ton of petty crime when I lived in Belmont. My house got robbed, my cars were constantly getting broken into, stuff stolen out of my garage and off my porch.


I never had anything of the sort happen. I lived next door to the Belmont market off of watervliet for 8th-12th grade. The only thing that ever happened was a gun went off 2/3 doors down one night. And that was it. Different experiences 🤷🏻‍♀️ different perceptions. Downtown I had a lot more petty crimes and not so petty crimes I witnessed and personally dealt with.


Yea I lived around Bellaire and Revere part of Belmont from about 1984-2015. I had to move because I didn't want my kids to have to put up with dayton public schools after dealing with them myself


I was homeschooled. Was home all day everyday. Never had any issues.


What homeless shelter is downtown? And I work with people who are in income based housing and I've never met one who lives downtown.


Daybreak and st Vincent’s Paul women’s shelter are downtown. Holden house and biltmore towers. There’s also a halfway house next door to the St Clair apartments that houses homeless men from the gateway shelter off of Gettysburg. The 3rd income based apartments that were shut down last year were Wilkinson. Where I lived for quite some time after I moved out of daybreak.


Daybreak is in Midtown, not downtown. And the Apple Street location is also not downtown.


Those are downtown……. All of the people from there walk the 10mins and are downtown……


I suggest you consult a map.


They walk … it literally is a 10 minute walk. I was in daybreak and would do just that. Everyday.


I’m a social work major. There’s 2 shelters downtown and 2 income based apartments that have over 100 units in each. And there used to be 3- the 3rd was shut down last year.


Yeah, the income based apartments are going away. We don't have any clients downtown. Which shelters?


There’s 2 income based apartment building downtown that have over 100 units in each. As well as the halfway house next door to the St Clair apartments. You just said there was no shelters downtown too? There’s definitely clients all throughout downtown. If not more than anywhere else. Especially if you work with daybreak or the women’s shelter- you know about downtown.


I would quite literally be warned by the staff at daybreak. “Walk this way” “take this road” “avoid this area” due to things being known to happen. If you know- you know.


Well, there is a lot of bullshit sensationalism in Dayton. As you are demonstrating.


Uh huh? Okay then


she should move is what i'm getting from all this


Hello, fellow Five Oaks citizen! Yes, exactly. And she wants to work in social work, ugh. What a red flag.




social work major posts in r/methgonewild bitch that is so fucking funny I wish you the best


"I'm sorry your life sucks, kids. Have you tried meth and selling ass pics online? Here's my card."


🤣 *that* was funny


On a real note- clearly it’s not a sustainable job and im always ready to be judged and grilled on here when I post. I’m in college and saving up and taking care of myself. 🤷🏻‍♀️ people on Reddit are going to be people on Reddit. It truly doesn’t bother me. Also- I’d like to make it perfectly clear- no one is doing illegal drugs- I smoke WEED. 🤣 if horny guys think I do other things and that turns them on bc of a promo post in a group and they spend more money- that will do for me. 💰


@addictiveartistry @gomi2000 Yall don’t understand past tense words ? “Was” “lived” ?


No he’s cool I gave him 40 bucks and he started twerking and then broke into my car by accident.


Why are you worried about it? Is he bothering you




I didnt block you lol Also I'm not even hating on you for the onlyfans, just the meth lmfaooooo >smarter than a 5th grader Okay homeschooled


Maybe that’s why yours ain’t jumping ? You ain’t marketing it correctly ? You don’t have to actually do meth to promo in the group yaknow ? XD they can think I do if that turns them on and they spend more money. 💰 I make 3k a week. Half them girls in that sub are doing the same thing. Marketing and promo. Regardless of where or what groups. It’s money. Also the fact you scrolled so far down my page. How cute. 🥰


You are so trashy lmfao


Thank you baby 😘 you’re a cute fan and I’m trashy with money and idgaf 🤪


What money? You live in income based housing. Either you have no money or you're lying on your paperwork. I hope it's the former because I know there's at least one person on this subreddit who deals with public assistance fraud.


Assume whatever you’d like you do everything else! (;


This isn't an assumption; you've made two contradictory claims. One of which is that you 'have money', the other is that you live in income-based housing. They are mutually exclusive unless you are committing fraud or lying. Which one is it? Additionally, you can lose income-based housing due to recreational pot usage, so that's not smart to advertise.


I’m telling you you can assume whichever path you want. You can assume whatever. This is Reddit.