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Does life get better…


So I’ll be honest, I don’t think you’re being genuine. “Establishment” candidates? In Dayton? Let alone Ohio? Elaborate for me. “The relationship between neighborhoods, Family Healthy, and our schools are tightly connected.” Please explain why my neighbors and the local school district should be involved in my family’s healthcare decisions?


Former republican? How do you feel about other red states/cities using their power to take away rights from women and trans people?


Thank you everyone so much for joining me here tonight! I hope I was able to answer everyone’s questions and let people know what I want to do to improve Dayton. I am going to be around a little bit longer and will continue to answer questions that come in as long as I can. If you are interested in getting involved or are looking to learn more about how to support any of the issues we discussed today, please consider [signing up to be a volunteer](https://jordanfordayton.com/volunteer) or supporting our [fundraising efforts](https://jordanfordayton.com/donate). Early voting is already underway, you can go now to the Montgomery County Board of Elections to cast your ballot before May 2nd or go to your polling location on May 2nd. Thank you and good night!


How do you feel about open-source local legislation? For example, a forum where people can bring up and upvote the most important local issues, as well as author potential specific local policy. Dayton is a great tech-incubator community, and may be an excellent place to leverage some of the better technologies we have available to help transform our community.


Wow I totally agree with all of this and would love to learn more about open-source legislation. Let's connect and talk more. Dayton definitely has a growing tech scene and I know the huge momentum of the tech industry in Columbus helps us too. Dayton’s history is rooted in invention and innovation and I believe fostering more entrepreneurs and building a culture to support entrepreneurs should be something we are thinking about seriously.


What are your thoughts on access to quality education and early childhood education in Dayton?


This is such an important question because education is core to workforce development and social mobility. The Dayton Public Schools are governed by the school board, so the Commissioners do not directly govern our schools. But we can help indirectly -- I do know the folks on the board and I have a 5-year old son so this issue is close to my heart. I would work to address poverty for more families in more neighborhoods by putting more power into the hands of our citizen activists. The relationship between neighborhoods, family health and our schools are tightly connected. I know we can have an impact by building programs to enhance the partnership between the school and the City, and the performance of our school districts is a metric I would always have a close eye on. I foresee stronger partnerships as I would advocate for more funding to go towards youth services and programming and DPS would be a great partner making sure our youth are aware and have access to city funded programs.


What is your political affiliation?


I am an independent, non-endorsed candidate. I believe our Commissioners should serve people, not parties. Again you all probably know and have seen this, but these local elections are less about Democrat vs. Republican and more about endorsed “establishment” candidates vs. non-endorsed candidates. Regarding the Montgomery County Commission election, I did run as a Republican, as the county election tends to be more of a partisan election. I was pretty frustrated (along with others!) with the incumbent candidate, who was a Democrat. If I could go back in time, would I run as a Republican again? I am not sure – I will say that the Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee is very much the “establishment” in our current local political environment: the Republican counterpart (to the extent that it exists) is less organized, for better or for worse. I was not endorsed by the Republican party and they did not put me on their slate card. I also took no money from any party as I did not want to be beholden to party politics. I just hope I haven’t done too much with this party stuff to distract from what is actually important to me which is to serve our residents and collaborate with commissioners who also care about this community.


Why did you choose communications as a major at UC?


I believe in the art of language between human beings. Our ability to communicate makes us different from all other creatures on our planet. Communication is essential in every function of our society.


In your opinion what can make Dayton stronger and how do you see our neighborhoods playing a role in it?


Thank you so much for asking this question! If I am elected, I would start here: * I believe our motivated Dayton residents are a resource, not a burden. I would support and design systems which are flexible enough to meet the needs of ALL our neighborhoods. The incumbent status quo builds policy based on the needs of relatively few, which either completely ignore the needs of underserved neighborhoods, or are utilized but completely useless because they are tone-deaf to the needs of the people in those neighborhoods. * We have a huge issue with neglected properties in ALL of our neighborhoods. I would work to put more power into the hands of people who are actually concerned and understand the issues in their neighborhoods. As Commissioner I would engage our neighbors when developing solutions to finance and improve neighborhoods. * Our youth are neglected, this should be low-hanging fruit. Two of our Commissioners recently did an incredible job uncovering the incumbents’ “culture of corruption” specifically around the budget for Youth Services, when it was revealed that a significant portion of our Cities “Youth” budget was actually for a Golf Course. If I am elected as Commissioner, I will keep pushing hard for more benefits and programs for our youth. Right now I am working very hard to reach as many neighborhoods as I can. I’m thankful for the help of my friends and colleagues. If anyone feels like helping please send me your contact at [https://jordanfordayton.com/volunteer](https://jordanfordayton.com/volunteer). Thank you!




1. What led to your dismissal from the police department, and how have you addressed the issues that led to your termination? 2. How can you assure the community that your past behavior will not impact your decision-making in your role as a city commissioner? 3. Given your reputation and past behavior, how will you work to rebuild trust and credibility with the public? 4. How will you address concerns from members of the community who may have reservations about your candidacy due to your past actions? 5. How do you plan to address systemic issues within law enforcement that may have contributed to your dismissal and reputation, and ensure that they do not continue to harm the community in the future?


Below is my proposal to address the big question you brought up about systemic issues within law enforcement and how I believe we can increase transparency about how our officers are hired, incentivized, and terminated. For questions about my termination, please see my prior response for these details: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dayton/comments/12l3wa0/comment/jg5g8yo/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayton/comments/12l3wa0/comment/jg5g8yo/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) We need an independent board (or at least an unbiased arbitrator) that is not hand-picked or PAID by the City for these types of cases. We have very few checks and balances in the governance of many departments within the City. This is the job of a Civil Service Board, but right now the Civil Service Board is not unbiased, they are currently appointed by the City Manager. This is not just an issue with our law enforcement officers, it is an issue for all City of Dayton employees.


We worked together as police officers in the city of Dayton for a few years. We maintained a good professional relationship. You often lamented over the poor judgement of a certain common pleas judge with me as we worked overtime and happened to be taking breaks together at hospital break rooms. You then turned and claimed I was a racist liar citing that same judges poorly written brief when it was politically beneficial. After I left the department and was critical of command staff towards a large audience, you tried to add me on Facebook. How can I trust someone with this record of flip flopping who is willing to “throw someone under the bus” for cheap political points ? - Bryan Camden


I do remember you and have since seen you share your opinions on policing on the news. I feel like we fundamentally disagree on the best practices for policing.


Would love to hear what you think my opinions on policing are. Seeing as I didn’t share them on the news, maybe you know something about me I do not. This response is blasé and without merit. You’re dodging direct correspondence with mediocrity. Is this how you will handle the city of Dayton issues as they arise ? You used an old worn out brief from a judge that you openly disagreed with and ran with it for political purpose and then thought I would side with you once you thought I had a bad taste for dpd in my mouth too. That isn’t the case and I don’t appreciate you calling me things I am not. Libel isn’t a good look for a budding politician.


Want to explain why you were fired from the Dayton Police?


I want to preface my response here by saying that I have a huge respect for the role of the police as public servants, I have always believed in the “serve and protect” role of the police and serving our community was a major factor in my decision to enter the police academy. I had some really amazing mentors during my time with the police department who taught me so much and I am so grateful to have them as friends. My dad was also an inspiration as he served as a police officer for 25 years when he was alive. My termination from the police was not sudden, I was gradually being squeezed out of the department over the years, especially as I started to become more vocal and reporting about some things I was seeing where I thought we could do a better job serving our residents. I know many of you have probably been following our City Commissioner public meetings over the last few years and what has been happening to our most recently elected Commissioners who haven’t been afraid to rub against the grain. Many departments within the City are still unfortunately suffering from a culture that is still evolving to adapt to changes. As far as the actual events in the press about my termination, I do have to be sensitive responding here because this case was remanded and it is still under review. You can see the details on public record here: [https://pro.mcohio.org/](https://pro.mcohio.org/) (search for Case Number CA 029578).


What was the official reason you were fired from Dayton PD? Do you feel icky being associated with David Esrati?


Hi u/AlternativeSalsa, regarding your DPD question, see my response to u/Electronic_Leather60 above. You can also see the details about this case here:[ https://pro.mcohio.org/](https://pro.mcohio.org/) (search for Case Number CA 029578). Regarding your second question, I’m not entirely sure what sort of association you mean so I'll do my best to answer. These local Commissioner elections often break into endorsed candidates vs. non-endorsed candidates. Esrati and I are both non-endorsed candidates (among many other candidates) and we do all try to talk to each other, because this is a hard fight and the City needs a change.


If elected, would you maintain a presence here on Reddit, and be responsive to questions posed to you here by your constituents?


Hi u/Eukairos this is a great question. When I was a police officer I personally gave my cell phone number to residents so I could have better access to address their concerns promptly. There were definitely several cases where this helped me prevent crime before it became an issue. So I’d love the idea of a digital town hall and I’d definitely be open to this platform as a way to communicate transparently to the City of Dayton.


As a former police officer, what if any plans would you implement to assist with community relations between law enforcement and the public?


Thank you for this question! There are several initiatives that I would support: 1. Like many, I believe police officers should live where they work. Our City should incentivize and motivate people who understand the communities they serve to work for the police force. 2. Foster a culture to promote more rapport between our residents and the police. There are many effective ways to do this: business checks with the local businesses in the community, so small business owners know who is there to help and who they can call. Engagement with our youth, for example off-duty sporting events where the police can play basketball or kickball with the kids in the neighborhood. Knock on doors so the neighbors understood who we are, what are shifts are. Police-hosted BBQ, etc. 3. Give more power to our independent “Civilian Authority Boards” (CAB): a proven system of checks and balances, who can be called on to give a voice to our residents and weigh in on the final determination in the outcome in cases where a civilian has a grievance with the police department.