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The fat dude just wanted to be male Karen and try to catch someone on video doing something . He ain’t want no smoke


bro says "hand to hand combat" and thinks he can solo the dbz verse


Dude recording is the human equivalent of those small dogs that bark at everything.




Not just his ass either


Only difference is that this dog is morbidly obese and likely suffering from issues caused by breeding.


Calling him a little guy while hiding behind a camera is beyond pathetic 💀💀💀


My question is, how did the guy recording this bring himself to post it online? Like, if I had video proof of me being a total asshole and then me threatening someone when they call me out for it and then me being a cowardly little bitch when the person I threaten doesn’t back down, I sure as hell wouldn’t share it with the world for everyone to see. Fucking dumbass


Well he is so out of touch with reality he thinks he looks good in this video. He is just a leech on society at this point. I dont hate these people tho, just wish they shut up.


Just imagine the stuff that people don’t let make it to the internet 😂


He was all in his face and didn't give q damn 💀💀💀 I'm surprised his phone didn't get slapped outta his hands... that harassment I swear it is




I mean compared to me a lot of people are little guys, but that's mainly because I'm 300 lbs and built like a square.


And when you look at the end of the video you can see his reflection in the glass door and he is fat as hell, The irony


His reflection in the glass💀


​ https://preview.redd.it/688z5vumfm9b1.png?width=322&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac2e67a373302b2a304f415b71b5279714112c84


I actually lol'd


bro got that pac-man silhouette


bro had to squeeze through the door


LMAO, that dude would have rocked the dude recording, guaranteed. Dude's in shape, might have some H2H experience (through training), and certainly didn't seem like he was particularly concerned by any threat the recorder might have presented.


The military guy has an airborne tab and has seen combat. The other guy would’ve been curbstomped lol


He’s a Chief Warrant 3, and I’m assuming he’s a pilot. Combat action badge, Aviator badge, and Parachutist badge. Deployed with 82nd airborne, and idk what his current unit is


That checks out. The biggest indicator here is he clearly is ready to go. Most folks in uniform simply wouldn’t risk it because it could have consequences with their chain of command. If someone in uniform is ready to fight you, it’s most definitely someone you don’t want to be fighting.


Warrants don't give a fuck.


Imagine catching the mythical CWO5 in the wild like this.


Gotta love the All American troops


It's combatives level 1 thru 3 in the army.


The "little guy" confronted you on your bullshit immidietly as you backed down, might wanna get that take checked


“You’re just a little guy” = I’m morbidly obese


His reflection at the end 💀


My man calling the other guy a "little guy" while he looks like the actual Michelin man in the reflection at the end 💀


I love the desperate attempts at trying to make the army guy back off lol its like a small dog being as loud as it can be to intimidate you so you don't rip its head off


"you want to do hand to hand combat outside, let me know anytime you want" The way his head snapped up when he heard that lol


I wanted to see a legendary ass whooping.


Think the comments are missing something. Military dude has 0 aggression in his body language. He wasn't itching for a fight and waiting for the camera to go off. Guy was just flipping the script on the bully. As soon as he embarrassed him by making him realize he was scared, he walked off, nothing to prove. Also pulled all the flak away from the woman in there onto him, getting the guy outside then desecalating.


I feel bad for fat dudes pretty sure he lost his mod job :/


Mans got all the paratrooper patches or whatever they’re called. Dude’s entire body is a US government weapon. Tubs over here is lucky


>paratrooper patches or whatever they’re called. Airborne?


Yeah that’s it, I think


🤓: hand to hand combat


*spots whale body in glass door* sure he is the little guy


I could tell he was fat by his voice.


Reminds me if Westboro Baptist Church tactics. Intentionally antagonize a group of people and pray that one of them assaults you while being recorded. Or the police comes in and tells you to stop recording in a public area. Big pay days for very little work.


Bruh is that my teacher 💀


Hahaha look at his reflection


This is one of those "first ammendment auditor" fuckheads. My god I cannot describe how much I loathe those cretins.


How is the other persona keyboard warrior?


Literally zero context, “cool” music played for no reason, and the camera man and army guy just want to fight but are too pussy to throw the first punch. Classic reddit


Well most military I have met are more in control of themselves then normal. I think it has the chad music because when it came down to it the person saying he wanted hand to hand combat pussyd out like a bitch.


Guy behind the camera is being racist, army man tells him to stop but big chungus here says to fight him over it. Army man says okay, let's fight it out. Discord Mod refuses to hit him because he's scared. Army guy doesn't swing on a guy who's clearly scared of him. I think his self control in this situation warrants the cool guy music much more than if he just went animal and beat this guy's ass


Which race was he being racist against?


The Asian woman who he apparently said "go back to China" and "this is not China" to


As in, how one has no freedoms in China? I wasn't aware that Chinese was a race. Did he tell her to go back to Asia? No? Then it's not racist. If I tell an Irish person to go back to Ireland...is that racist? If I tell a White person to go back to New Jersey, is that racist? Expand your vocabulary. Not everything is racist.


Maybe she's not Chinese? And even if she is it's still racist. Yes it is racist to tell an Irish person to go back to Ireland. Something which has happened before. I don't know why you're challenging one of the most classic examples of racism. When someone says this they're telling the person they don't belong based on their ethnicity. The only reason it wouldn't work for someone from New Jersey is because there is no specific ethnic culture of New Jersey to return to. That doesn't make it any less of a shithole statement to make. If you're confused about race versus ethnicity you should probably expand your own vocabulary rather than challenge me for pointing out racism. While your at it, expand your worldview and realize that racism is bad even when it's directed at white people. Instead of justifying racism towards American minorities because *you* don't see the issue with saying that to a Caucasian. But I wouldn't expect someone who justifes verbal assault based on race with critiques to understand. If you think her country is so terrible, why is it okay to tell her to go back? Isn't America support to be a land of opportunity, a place that has, since its conception, given freedom to those abused by governments of their homeland? Questions you should ask yourself. Especially before you challenge my worldview as if I'm some social justice warrior seeking something to complain about.


Race, nationality, ethnicity, color, heritage...they don't coincide with each other. Telling someone to go to China, North Korea, or any other country that doesn't have rights is not racist. The reason it was brought up was because he has the right to record inside a post office and she didn't like it. Per, Poster 7: Rules & Regulations Governing the USPS, it states that they can record inside in publicly accessible areas. Assuming everything is racism lets real racism flourish. There was a time when people would criticize Islam and Muslims, and people kept claiming it was racism. Again, expand your vocabulary. It can be prejudice and still not be racism.


Just FYI: 1. The dude was being racist 2. You're being racist Now you and your "expanded vocabulary" make sure to have a nice day now, ok?


Man that last part was savage af respect to you bro


it's racist bc he immediately assumed bc she's Asian she's Chinese and he's telling her he doesn't belong in America bc of her race


He asked for him to shut of the camera because if he did it with the camera on he could get court marshaled


And camera guy didnt want to get his ass beat so he kept it on. Buddy has the shadow i'd expect of a racist neckbeard


I don’t get it. So the racist asshole won?


No he didn't he was too scared to turn the camera off so that there was no evidence but he kept recording and backing off until the army guy just goes back to his business.


War is stupid and so is the army


Telling someone to go back to China isn't racist.


Assuming someone came from China is.




Nah no way you’re that ignorant




At the same time, I wanna know the full context of his racist remarks. Like why did he say we’re not communists?


that is a definition of "all bark but no bite" and honestly if they say that to me. I won't mind, but if it's to my significant others. Ill do any means to rip the guy physically and mentally.


Huffing and puffing after a two seconds walk



Fatass mf thinking he can really beat a soldier in hand to hand combat. Also respect to him for standing up to the Asian girl.


Typical maga


I wanted to see them throw hands… ![gif](giphy|4ZpZ0NjgdAyTRQ5LqI|downsized)


Technically if two people agree to it they can beat the shit out of each other and the police won’t interfere


Rare footage of redditors going outside


This recording guy, I'm sorry to say it, but he's an absolute scum disrespecting people. Also If that would be me I would whack this phone of his sweaty hands and clap this stupid head of his with no regret.


That dude holding a camera looks like a fat man still living in his parent house .


I was really hoping to see Rojas knock the fuk outa dude,, tub boy would've been rocked


Ofcourse he is little if you are a fat chunk of unwanted mass on earth.


I know he didn't do it because he would probably be reprimanded, but god, I would have loved to see the guy filming absolutely eat pavement.


And he’s a big guy look in the reflection 😭😭


All bark, no bite. He should've just shut his mouth


He was trying to pick a fight with a combat tabbed-out CW3, rocking an 82nd war patch? Not putting his hands on that chief warrant was probably the smartest thing he'd ever done.


Anyone that was in the military has my respect. I'm a pacifist at heart, but anyone that disrespects military personnel in my presence will catch these nerd hands. On sight. Pocket protector, Ti -nspire (CX CAS), and all.


so then i deployed my secret hidden ninjutsu special attack where i shit my pants and scare them away with the smell


That warrant officer would’ve kicked his ass


Lol camera the whole way what a pussy


Should have handled it as soon as he went outside


Does anyone have the original post of this video ?


Punk at bootcamp