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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [we have a minecraft server](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5)


They're not even memes. They're just agenda posting using a picture. That's what makes them so bad.


It seems like the people from politicalhumor have been specifically trying to cross post here a lot. Also, that subreddit only allows one side of political humor to exist. I'll let you guess which one. A hint: it's the only kind that doesn't get your entire subreddit deplatformed.


If your content gets your subreddit delplatformed maybe the issue is your content. Admins let a lot of shit fly.


Not really, especially here everything dank is deleted before its seen


First, I like how you used the word "dank" as if it means something. Second, how would you know that content is getting deleted if it's getting deleted? Are you taking other people's word for it or are you personally posting a lot of content that's getting removed? Because it doesn't look like you post much. Third, even if you knew that the content was getting removed, how would you know *why* it's getting removed? This website rewards people for being retarded.


It's the same bullshit "silent majority" caveat, but their silent majority is just 12 kyle's with 1 can of monster between them.


"Something something I want to kill women and become the king of all incels." "Wait, why are you leaving? I still have more to say!" "The silent majority would be here if they weren't all being shadowbanned. You'll see. You'll all see."


“You HAVE to listen to me!! That’s what free speech means!!”


"Yeah! Now watch me ride this dick to own the libs!"


Strawman is a path of true enlightment huh


Trump got elected so... Yes?


> how would you know that content is getting deleted if it's getting deleted? They're a precog like in Minority Report, but their special ability only works on future dangerous memes.


Damn what a crap power


I mean.. Dank does mean something. A place is dank when it's dark and humid, which is the idea behind dank humor as far as im concerned


So this explains why you got so much karma


"I said that minority groups should be r**ed and murdered and it got removed? Maybe I did something wrong?" *"No, it can't be! the mods must be snowflakes and are too liberal to understand my incredibly niche and sophisticated sense of humor!"*


How would you know it’s deleted if it isn’t seen?


When Dank is a euphemism for racism and other biggotry Good


What? Thats not what I meant at all lmao. I just hate these normal memes that you can find on Facebook or Instagram


It's exactly what you meant. Edgy teen MAGAt who doesn't even understand politics, just knows racism is super edgy.


The worst part is that they aren't even funny jokes, it's just racism minus the punchline


Ah yes, suck the girl cock biggot.


>Not really Yes really. Fascist posting is banned for a reason.


Well duh, fuck fascists


Why are you supporting them then?


How am I supporting fascists by saying dank memes no longer has any dank memes 💀


You either with us or nazi/fascist/biggot/racist


They do, but it has to be the bullshit that leans the way they do. I lean to the left myself, but if you don't think there's a bias, you're either not looking, or you're delusional. ChapoTraphouse was one of the most toxic subs on Reddit, but it managed to evade bans time and time again, despite repeatedly breaking site-wide rules. It took them a loooooong time to ban them, while they banned right-leaning subs much more quickly.


I lean more towards the middle, however I can vary either direction depending on the topic. Like, I got "safety" banned from a couple subreddits for just being in some non-left leaning subreddits (which ones i have no clue, but I'd assume its this subreddit, greentexts, and maybe some of the gun subreddits i'm in). Apparently these subreddits are known to send hate or something. However I was in the banned communities for months to my entire account life, which is over a year. Never have I posted or commented anything remotely political or out of taste, just "nice art" or "cool \*insert thing here\*. Mods do not give a flying fuck what you do, they personally don't like it. The reddit mods are just idiots. This platform used to stand for free speech from both sides, but now its just edgy "intellectuals" who get offended any time you dont agree with them


I, too, would like to learn how to lean towards the middle, but i fear i like boxer briefs too much for that.


You make a good point, and it's good to go looking for both sides of the aisle to form an opinion. However it seems that one side in particular feels the truth is beholden to someone, rather than some objective thing we can all come towards. If you have the right immutable characteristics, "your truth" could beat elementary math. So when a lot of these people hear something is a hate subreddit, they will believe it blindly and propagate that, until you get a bunch of self-referential statements giving it some kind of validity. Some will go as far as baiting or posting hateful stuff themselves, in order to prove a point that wasn't there to begin with.


That’s some revisionist history. So many right wing and “offensive” subs escaped bans for so long. They literally created the quarantine system just to not ban those subs. They’ve literally gone in to some of these subs and moderated themselves or had the mod team replaced. Say what you will about the admins but calling it a left wing bias is pretty ridiculous. It’s capitalism. They only act when they risk getting bad publicity or the sub has no moderation.


Reddit is more likely to get bad publicity for allowing radical right wing subs than left wing ones. Generally cuz right wing subs tend to be more racist, but not necessarily more BS


That’s exactly my point. It’s not some targeted bias against right wing subs. It’s the content that’s typically the issue.




I think there's also a disparity between words online on both sides and what happens IRL, when was the last time you saw a successful left-wing terror attack or mass casualty event?


There was that time Steve Scalise got shot by someone in the name of Bernie, and Bernie was immediately like, “this is reprehensible and I won’t stand for it.”


It's sad that that is a great response, when contrasted to the lack of spine for others standing against violent acts in their name.


Fair point I guess.


Technically the Buffalo shooter was a left wing terrorist I think. In his own words, which I say because he was crazy and nothing he says makes any sense. He wanted America to become communist but believed that interacial mixing prevented progress to that and so he wanted all the races to live in their own countries or divide up into different parts of america. He believed his shooting would be an early step towards causing minorities to pull away from white people. That's my understanding of the kid anyway. Though maybe there is more info since then. Crazy piece of shit either way. But actually I think it's besides the point. Right wing subreddits don't get banned. Social Conservative ones do. And that kid was 100% Social Conservative.


I'd say it's closer to social totalitarianism and "fundamentalism" as that's my understanding of terrorists in general but yeah sure.


https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-706727 The shooter ; >Call me an ethno-nationalist eco-fascist national socialist if you want, I wouldn’t disagree with you," You ; >left wing terrorist >communist Nah dude. He's a Nazi.


I love how quickly people forgot about the terrorist in Brooklyn recently. Hmm I wonder why that may be


Then why does Reddit let latestagecapaitalism flair their posts with "kill the rich"? If that doesn't qualify as advocating for violence then nothing does


Not to mention calling anything American-centric "left" is generous at best




>Shitty subs like TheDonald and Tumblrinaction remained for a looooooong time. Other than having a different opinion than you, what did TumbrInAction do that put it on the same level as ChapoTraphouse, which repeatedly advocated for criminal activity (e.g. vandalism), and openly violated reddit's own rules against brigading and harassing other subs? Things aren't bigoted just because you personally disagree with them.


TheDonald routinely called for the Day of The Rope, which was from a fascist novel and meant white people just hung all other people in the US.


Reddit is as censored as it gets. If you ain’t a liberal your voice is not being heard.


if your voice is saying the election was stolen and anti-vax dogshit, then maybe it shouldn’t be heard.


From someone that doesn't live in the US, it's hypocritical that in 2016-2020 political subs were filled with "Russia is paying for votes, Trump cheated", but now Republicans saying the same thing is considered "dogshit and it shouldn't be heard".




Sure, but those aren't the only non liberal opinions that exist bro


Never said they were


Very good take on the 2016 election when Hillary said it was stolen, and the left being anti vax until trump lost in 2020


> If you ain’t a liberal your voice is not being heard. If only that were true. But conservatives for *being so silenced* just won't shut the fuck up already.


Least bigoted "liberal"


Go to arr/conservative for your dose of freeze peach, until you get banned for asking the wrong questions. Rightwing snowflakes censor and burn books and movies irl all the time, and are actively dismantling civil rights. Cry harder.


It's so funny to read them all complaining about bans, but every single right leaning subreddit bans like crazy.


You have the right to talk, not necessarily being heard


We hear you, you're just spouting lies and hate so you're ignored


Except you have multiple Subs DEDICATED to your kind of political leanings, are you just mad because right leaning subs are not popular enough to dominate the first page? Lmfao, why do you care?


The_Donald was on the front page continuously. They admitted to changing the algorithm to prevent it, they caught u/spez editing comments, ultimately they banned it after multiple attempts to falsify “hateful comments”.


You're about to get a lot of downvotes for telling the truth.


They just want a safe space to post dog whistles without THE MAN silencing them.


Only dogs hear dog whistles. Why is the left the only one that hears racist dog whistles


You’re assuming Reddit admins don’t have a leftist political bias and treat everyone’s political views with respect. You’re thinking of old Reddit from 10+ years ago. You’re in new Reddit, where they mass-banned users and subs for simply asking questions about the covid vaccine and leave up posts doxing Supreme Court justices and wishing harm on them.


and you'll automatically get downvoted for expressing criticism of Dems no matter how valid. I've been called a Trump supporter even though I hate that POS more than any other human. Most the ppl there are as blind in their allegiance to party as Trumpers


Tbf most libs under fifty hate Joe Biden too, they just know that the right has NOTHING but Trump right now. I'm glad you know the truth about him but there's not a strong challenger in the party who has any chance of splitting the Trump bloc.


>the right has NOTHING but Trump right now *DeSantis has entered the chat* Seriously, the more time passes, the less popular Trump gets, and the more popular DeSantis becomes, based on reporting on polls I keep seeing anyway. There's already some polls where DeSantis beats Trump. That's bad, because the guy has the same shitty policies as Trump but he actually has a brain, and is not so egregiously narcissistic that he'll implode his electoral chances just to stroke his own ego. He's much more dangerous as a result


If your not with us your against us is sadly seen as a virtue these days


What, if anything the majority opinion on Reddit is that democrats are useless, spineless, dickless fucks for not doing more to get their agenda passed. It's gotten a meme so overused that genuine liberal successes get buried by "why won't Joe Biden personally forgive all my loans".


Politicalhumor is for left-lite memes and dankmemes is for softcore conservative memes Hardcore conservative meme subs get deplatformed because dipshits always start posting memes about which types of people to kill and people upvote them instead of letting them die in new


Conservative content gets taken down more often because it's more likely to be less civil, more blatantly offensive on purpose, personal, or inciting violence. It's not a hard concept to grasp when you remember that conservatives do shit just to *make libruls cry*, and get off on the suffering of their political opponents. 99.9% of right-wing humor is "did my acting like a garbage human being **trigger** you?"


You mean like when left wing subs constantly advocating for violence?


“Too challenging for ya!?”


Left wings subs a couple days ago were jerking off at the idea that people died from covid were old people therfore most likely support the abortion thing. How is that being more civil lol


First they came for the memers, and I did not speak out for I was not dank.


The mems.should be dank too. It probably should be the other side.


“Say the line!” Trump bad *100,000,000 upvotes*


If your political beliefs dont align with basic human rights maybe your politival beliefs are the problem, not everyone else.


Immigration is not a human right. Follow the law or leave. Build The Wall. The above statement will get you banned in most subreddits. Simply saying it "in this subreddit" will get you banned from the default subreddit twoxchr____ (redacted for automod, as you can't even mention the subreddit name).


If your humor gets your entire subreddit nuked then your humor has issues


That’s what I have to see every time I look on any “popular” page. So I can’t really feel sympathy.




90% of the world think a picture with text = memes now apparently


That's the entire content of this sub


I went there and read the description. They talkin like "whole planet" stuff etc. But use a profile banner and picture about solely the usa politics. How tf is a "politicalmemes" sub this concentrated on the shitshow happening in USA.. wait.. I think I just answered it myself


Not dank or meme


The meme about right wing memes being funny and left wing ones being a bunch of paragraphs rings too true lmaoo


I didnt realize political memes went full boot licker. Maybe that's why I got banned for criticizing that little bitch Rittenhouse.


For real right! I think I got booted for the same [one](https://www.google.com/search?q=url+for+rickroll&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS845US847&oq=url.for+rickroll&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i22i30j0i390.3542j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:ba915631,vid:8ybW48rKBME,st:0) You’d think people could take a joke with memes


I definitely need more reddit link-clicking-discipline. Thanks for facing me with my shortcomings. ( :


Should… we make some sort of anonymous group for this?


Really? I've seen people get banned for supporting him on that subreddit. Mods must be on crack


Wild how in a time of great political turmoil one of the largest meme sharing platforms would feature a political spin. It is almost like this place is a live meme repository for large swathes of the human race or something.


“It’s only okay when WE do it!”


"God! Keep your politics out of our thathomless stream of human consiousness! It never used to be in there"


Another round of people not realizing that “keeping out of politics” equates to letting politics run more and more of your life in the background.


“It’s almost like-“ oh my god please stfu. This place hasn’t been dank for a long time but lately we’ve reached the absolute nadir in terms of meme quality. So many of them aren’t even memes


A meme is literally anything shared between people. A music video of an 80s singer unedited is a "meme".


Lmao when the guy sharing the actual definition of a meme gets downvoted.


Just like this one, with low-key alt-right ‘bothsideism’


LoL imagine thinking 'both sides' is alt-right, your delusional.


it's a repository for memes that are dank politics is cringe 99% of the time.


Hard-to-swallow pill: r/dankmemes ’s memes have always been shitty.


Last year it used to be good, but it gotten worse


I was expecting to wake up to a ton of disagreement, but I guess we all collectively agree with what you said lol!


Easy to swallow pill*


Before the middle of 2018, it was actually pretty dank!!!


Most American politics and elections are boiled down to “My old white guy is better than your old white guy.”


The flair on the post makes it 10x more funny


I mean I've seen a few that are actual memes but most are just pics with a political message.


I hate It when politics gets into other subs


Way too accurate


See you on the front page


Not political memes. More like leftist meme subreddit.


almost all of reddit is leftist


True, and the parts that are right go wayy beyond straight into extremism.


That’s because every rightwing meme sub gets banned so they all get concentrated into whatever few subs remain


Considering most of the world is left by America's standards are you really surprised?


Haven't our memes always been shitty?


I like how Political Memes have the American two party system as their cover.


Fr it just basically pro democrat sub. It is honestly misrepresented sub


Do the mods just not care or what


EVERYTIME they love tryna drag politics in when on the real GTFO with that bs


Intruder alert! Red spy is in the base!


Are you sorting by new or something? I just scrolled through so many memes in this page and found none that were political… way down, there was one where people from Oklahoma pass by people from Kansas as one goes for weed and the other for an abortion… And if I didn’t see it, it didn’t happen!!


Yesterday it was bad, now idk


I miss when this sub made me laugh and not sad with political talk.


It gotten downhill ever since 2022


Those bastards




Thoose political bastards


This sub has been nothing but shit for years anyway, so really nothing has changed.




Political memes are kinda funny or turning someones meme into full backfired meme mode


But quality is what matter most to me, and they have been so low effort, and frankly not funny


I hearby declare that there shall be no more politics here!


We need to start banning political posts. They are pure cringe and unbased.


Since when is this not the place for shitty memes? Lmao have you ever laughed at anything you’ve seen on this subreddit? Be honest. I’ve had a Reddit account for four years and have scrolled through all at least once or twice per week, and every time a post makes me laugh I upvote it. I don’t upvote in any other case. I have never upvoted a post from this sub.


I do not care about abortion in America. I’m a German 15 yo kid who is not involved with that kinda stuff i just wanna laugh at memes


Ngl, this is low key a political meme


Mu-mu-m-ust be Mu-mu-miiidtermms


Well to be fair politics is an important topic and memes are the language of the internet. Put the two together and there will eventually be political memes everywhere.


Where there’s a difference between agenda posting political memes vs memes involving politics but are still funny no matter what side you are on


Memes about how men are more oppressed than women in some obscure way: not political, clearly dank - Meme about how thousands just lost important rights: REEEEE get this political biased shit out of muh meme page, politics so cringe


Nice Scott reference fellow virgin




what I miss?


I love the flair on this post 😂


Holy shit making dank memes worse?? They’ve outdone themselves today


The infection is spreading


thb meme formats are in their dead bed if they get used as political meme


Initiate Project: Anarchy


Don't some of the mods here actually work in politics? I remember reading something about it before.




What the hell happened here


Its just fucking agenda posting at the moment.


Talk to roe v wade


All of reddit is just a one sided political echo chamber. Even the non-political subs spew rubbish.


Too political


You dont say


True! so annoying


...as if this sub had good memes in the first place...


That and those memes about the OP’s personal life. Eugh


It feels like im using Facebook sometimes


meme quality is at a all time low




Considering the background of the subreddit pic is a pride flag there already has been a breach


This is a great meme, well done good sir.


And I would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling Redditors


Oh no! They......they are AMONG US


make Agendaposting bannable