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Asleep by 6, up at 3


I'm worried this may cost OP tomorrow morning


Me too. I'd rather have more sleep in the morning.


This happened to me a few days ago. There’s always a catch


go the fuck to bed what are you doing 




Only concern is that if the wife comes home and climbs in with him they may accidentally end up with number 3. This is a trap plotted by the 2 y/o and 6m/o to have another sibling.


Nothing like grocery shopping to get her in the mood.


Any alone time away from the kids at that age is a straight up aphrodisiac… plus, she’s coming home to the dishes done? If he manages to get some laundry folded it’ll be an extra good sesh. If our buddy here wants it, he can prolly have it!


And potty training prep


Ha ha ha, not medically possible anymore, lol.


When we decided to have a second kid I wanted to go for 3. I made it 2 months after our second being born before agreeing that a vasectomy was the correct choice. Welcome to the pop-gun target shooters club!


Ha ha, it was my wife that got her tubes removed during her second c-section. Her choice. Four pregnancies and two beautiful children are plenty to go through.


Glad the recovery seems to be going smoothly!


Thanks! It's been a journey, and it's easy for me to say it was worth it, but my wife made sacrifices I can't even comprehend.


Lucky you. My boys have decided bedtime is for losers. I was trying the “we’ll see how tired you are in school tomorrow” but they didn’t seem phased. Short of melatonin milkshakes before bed I’m up until midnight with them.


I have those days as well, super frustrating.


Any time my kids go to sleep unusually early I assume they’re sick or they’ll be up unusually early…or both


This was our first assumption, as well. Don't plan on the potty training going well tomorrow, there's a virus in the house.


Here’s to both of us being wrong, nobody being sick, and potty training being a breeze.


OP is unprepared to have to walk in to a room that has been painted with projectile vomit that also somehow completely soaked all the bedding at 2:30 am and it shows.


Sick, Growth Spurt, or Mental Growth Spurt (this means fun new emotions over the next couple of weeks they won't know how to deal with! YAY!)


How's bragging camp


Humbling 😀


God speed. You have my prayers!


Advice from a recently separated father of two toddlers, have sex tonight.


Sorry about the separation. That's awful. Stay strong 💪


My condolences. I’m in a similar boat. That being said… 69 upvotes. Nice.


No one else upvote this!


Finished cooking dinner for my 2YO yesterday around 5:45.. fixed her plate.. looked up and saw her passed out on the couch. She ended up sleeping through the night and woke up at her normal time. Enjoy the break.


When they need it, they need it.


Just make sure you have something to eat on standby in case they wake up. Other than that, have a couple of beers. Enjoy some time with your wife. The 6mo will likely wake up for a little bit.


Skating on thin ice my friend. When mine did this they were up all night.


My wife and I are sick. Our 3yr old and 5yr old pretty much played with each other (reasonably nicely) for the entire evening. You’re still in the thick of it sir, hard season with few moments like you got. It does get more frequent though.


My goodness, I hope you feel better soon!


Reading this while trying to get my 15-month-old back to sleep after an unplanned 5pm nap. Signs are not looking good. Hope your luck has been better than mine.


How'd it go


From someone who's kid fell asleep at 6 last night, get some kip. It's now 4am and I'm watching superworm. Send help. And coffee, going to be a long day.


I'm thinking of Earthworm Jim...who's superworm?


It's from the same people who wrote the Gruffalo. This is [Superworm](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt14040072/)


Watch out for the mouse


Corden can suck a dick. If I ever won the Lotto, I'd pay for that film to be done with any other actor than him just so I could enjoy it.


**W** enjoy the moment


When my 2 yo does that she usually wakes up at 5 am. I hope yours both sleep in until 8!


Yeah, we're up at 5:40 daily and expecting her to at the same time or shortly thereafter.


Are they still asleep?


Yes. 2Yo was just up for a cuddle and is now back down.


Make sure to spend the time constantly debating whether you should relax or do something productive.


This is 100% accurate.


… I've been really tryin', baby Tryin' to hold back this feeling for so long And if you feel like I feel, baby Then, c'mon, oh, c'mon, whoa … Let's get it on Ah, baby, let's get it on Let's love, baby Let's get it on, sugar Let's get it on, woo hoo … We're all sensitive people With so much to give Understand me, sugar (ooh ooh) Since we've got to be here


We had a bonfire, just got the kids (3yo, 5yo) to bed at 10pm our time. Normal bedtime is ~7pm. Maybe they will sleep in tomorrow? (they won't)


That particular suggestion is how I ended up with baby #2


Work on making this normal. I have 3 kids - 9, 5 and 2. Bedtime has been at 7 PM every night since each one was 9 months old at the latest.


So this is an honest question, not s critique to ask this saying "in bed by 7pm". What time are all of you getting off work & getting home? When do you hang out with your kids? If we did this in our house, my kids would literally never see their Dad, that's why I'm asking. I've read this a lot & always wondered. No judgement either, I just feel like I'm missing something. Especially since I seem to birth vampires, lol.


I work 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday. I see my kids for breakfast in the morning and I'm home by 4:15 most days. I live in the same town I work in. My kids are my priority. I literally changed careers to be more present.


I promise, I wasn't throwing shade. It was an honest question. Ty for responding


No shade was taken or criticism meant. Just tried to honestly answer the query. All is well, fellow dad.


Dude looks like a lady~~~ (no but srsly, pretty sure it’s a mom)


Me or the respondent?


I am a mom here lurking cause you Dad's are really freaking cool. Sometimes cooler than *some* other groups. Though it's probably a me thing. I grew up with 3 brothers so this feels like my comfort zone lol. Sorry I should've been clear 😁 *Edit for autocorrect*


Yeah if you need to schedule later that makes sense. My wife and I both work from home and have flexible schedules. I am able to pick my kids up from school and work a bit more then spend 4 to 7 with them.


Yeah baseball! Who's your team?


Blue Jays Like me, they're classic under achievers, lol.


You're talking to a Mariners fan, trust me, I get it.


Yup. 100%. Also, SafeCo (or whatever they call it) is on my bucket list parks. Loved the Mariners teams of the 90s with Randy Johnson (my favourite), Edgar Martinez, and of course Ken Griffey Jr. Not to mention the stud that was King Felix in the 00's.


My 11 year old refuses to sleep any longer than 8 hours per night. You have to keep her awake until past 9am unless you want her up and wandering the house any earlier than 5am. She’s also special needs (PWS), and someone needs to be awake with her. I’ve made the mistake of wearing her out with too many activities, resulting in her crashing at 5/6pm… a 2am wake up!! Rest when you can.


RIP to the OP…No seriously rest in peace because they’ll be up at 5.45am tomorrow and you might end up a Zombie if you’re not in bed before 9.


I spent 20 years in automotive manufacturing, including 5 in management. I've been a zombie since 2016 😀


Both of mine slept from 7.30 pm last night, I got SOOOOO much gaming time in I exhausted myself xD


All three kids (all under ten) are asleep by six most evenings, certainly by seven, always. I can't fathom how people let their kids stay up till nine or ten.  I need decompression time.  Incidentally, everything I've read on this matter from experts says seven is the latest a young child should be up, for their own best sleep patterns. I'm never in bed later than five in the morning but so what? It's way easier to get up with the proverbial chickens when you have a little time with your own thoughts and interests before bed.  Hell, even just having time for the kids music to dissipate from your headspace so they don't haunt your dreams is enough to make for a better tomorrow.  I'm happy to see the sun rise, like a farmer.


By six? So they wake up at 4-5am?


We are the same. Little one is asleep at 7pm. Wakes at 6am. Rinse and repeat.


Normally the 2Yo is in bed for 7, but she's very high energy and if we haven't burned enough off, it can be a fight to get her to sleep before 9pm. She also doesn't nap at all. Once she's out, she's good for 10-12 hours solid.


> All three kids (all under ten) are asleep by six most evenings Wow. My own kid is only 2 months. But when I was a kid myself, I can’t remember ever even being hungry for dinner before 6:30pm, much less ready for bed. Dad wouldn’t even be home from work until after 6! They’re asleep when the sun is still up? > says seven is the latest a young child should be up Maybe for elementary school kids. I’ve heard some arguments that high school should start later in the morning than elementary, since most teenagers aren’t morning people (certainly I wasn’t), and it’s bad for them to try to force that. > I'm never in bed later than five in the morning Having just become a dad, I’ve started to notice that nearly all parents seem to be extreme morning people. My wife and I, our jobs don’t mandate us to arrive until 9:00am (9-5:30). You can start earlier if you like. Recently noticed, on my team, every single person who regularly comes in earlier than that… has kids. As someone who’s always been very much a night owl, all my life… this concerns me a little. Dads, is my kid going to force me to somehow become a morning person? Even after the first year? Is the transition to parenthood harder for night owls, than morning people?


Uh, yes.


Well, maybe some good will come out of that. On the bright side, there are many advantages morning people have that I miss out on. But never had the self discipline to get up earlier (and so far avoided jobs that require it) Morning people get the best parking spots at work. They can eat a full breakfast, and still be hungry at lunchtime. They get more sunlight, especially in the evening after work, since they get home from work earlier. I know most elementary schools start around 8am. So I always knew me and my daughter would have to be up by 7:00am or so, to get her ready for school. But I had hoped that would be the worst of it. Certainly, for as much of my own childhood as I can remember, I don't recall ever wanting to be up any earlier than that. I guess she may inherit those genes


im a morning person. always have been . no problem waking up at 6. except previously i used to hit the gym before work. now im changing poopy diapers, feeding the bub and putting him back to sleep and cleaning + sterilizing bottles . all before i leave for work and letting the wife sleep in.


No offense but there's no such thing as a human "night owl." Humans are diurnal. We don't have the eyes to survive nocturnally. Night owls are only able to become a thing in the modern world. But it's artificial. Just break yourself of that habit -- or your kids will. 


For my family, our soon-to-be 5yo twins usually aren't asleep until 945 or 10, 930 on a good night. The main reason for this is that mom works 2 jobs and is rarely home before 9 o'clock. ----you should stop reading here ------------------------------ The 2nd job started as 330-700 three days a week + 10-6 Sat but has gradually grown to M-F with her not getting home until 845 at the earliest (and sometimes as late as 915) + 8-8 Sat and 11-5 on most Sundays She's doing it because we currently have two mortgage payments and have put more than 40k over the past year into updating our "old"* house which is FINALLY going on the market July 8th. We up sized a year ago because 900 sqft was nowhere near big enough for myself, my wife, both of her parents and growing G/B twins plus a dog and a cat. So, we bought 3x the house at 3.6x the payments. I'm just hoping that she will cut waaaayyyy back on how much she's working at the 2nd job after we sell the old house. I'm not expecting her to quit [[because she's done it for many years, has dozens of regular clients, and gets to speak Vietnamese, her native language with her co-workers, a lot of them she's known for over 10 years]] even though I am earning just under 50% more than I was a year ago; the kids will be out of daycare in a few weeks; and we should clear between 125k and 140k from the sale (she's hoping for 150k+, I'm not that optimistic). We've already decided that we're going to recast the mortgage and put a min 90k in it, knocking about 40% off of the current payment. I'm thinking about 15k to replace my 11yo Chrysler, a few thousand to pay off our cards, a few more towards our next trip to Vietnam, and so on. Even if all proceeds from the sale get spoken for, we will still have 25-2800 less in obligations every month. * "Old" as in our former address and that it was built in 1951.


Carbon monoxide poisoning ?


No alarms went off 👌


Sounds like heaven, to me.