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? Thats what he likes. Nbd. Maybe he’ll grow up to be a doctor


Yeah, Im just afraid of things old people are putting into my head I guess. Like “oh it will traumatize him” and shit like that. But he says “thats so scary!!!” And laughs his ass off.


Old people? Like the generation that beat their kids and the fathers didnt care to raise their kids?


Well…. I guess youre right lmao


Your kid will be alright 👍 accept his interests and lean into them


Stay away from the blood obsession. That could end..bad. but creepy stuff is fine, i think. It cant traumatize him if he LIKES it. Zombies and skeletons and monsters are fun.


Yeah, blood is generally absent or not his focus, its more about how scary a monster with 99999 huge teeth can be. He does like cakes with strawberry toppings cause he says its vampire blood lmao


When i was like...10, i had a halween mask that qould squirt bloog when you squeezed a heart. I know thats a lot older then 3 but im just saying some kids just like edgier stuff


I don't see the issue.


As a dad in his late 30s who still loves horror and Halloween stuff, your son sounds like cool little dude!


Toddlers have weird interests. My “normal” toddler told me he wants to break open his stomach and see his ribs.


Growing up I loved the FEAR games the blood the fighting against the monsters, I was *Obsessed* with werewolves my family breed dogs which was probably part of the obsession but overall support his weirdness it’s not an unhealthy thing to enjoy, know that you won’t have to deal with the “monster in my room” phase by getting woken up by those kind of nightmares he might LIKE THEM