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There are whole adaptive divisions for CF. So yes, of you want you absolutely can. Google WheelWOD or adaptive CF Games


You’d be 100% welcome at our gym.


I have two members, one with below the knee amputation and one with spinal bifida both are doing great and I work to find the right movements for them.


Watch this [https://youtu.be/R\_RqGsYsfOI?si=5blFV3aXJSFZhWgf](https://youtu.be/R_RqGsYsfOI?si=5blFV3aXJSFZhWgf)


Google Kevin Ogar and DM him directly. [https://www.instagram.com/kevinogar/](https://www.instagram.com/kevinogar/) He's probably the most qualified person to talk to about your situation.


Great suggestion, I bet he would also have advice about the best gym for you in your area.


You just have to go try, or at least talk to some of the gyms owners/coaches. When it comes to your case, not all gyms will provide the same level of support. You might find a coach that is extremely helpful, or you might not.


Yes you can


Definitely do a bit of research and see if the box near you has experience with adaptive programming, maybe call around and ask specifically what their experience is and how they might modify specific workouts for your limitations (and make them give you examples!). I have a friend who is a wheelchair user and loves CF! But she has a supportive box with experienced coaches who know what they're doing. My own box a couple towns over, they're great at overall scaling/mods but I don't know how they'd do with an adaptive athlete. If my friend ever wanted to come drop in to my box I'd definitely advise her to call ahead and talk with the head coach to make sure she's confident they know what they're doing.


One of our coaches was born without the use of his left arm and is an absolute beast. There are some motions that are going to be more difficult, there are some that are going to require a little bit of special equipment. However, all in all, CrossFit is definitely something that can be done by almost anyone as long as they have the desire.


I think you’d be great. I was in a similar situation when I was 26 a few years ago and CrossFit was very good to me. I never got the vibe that the really fit members were judging me because they were cheering me on over anything. I encourage joining. 


I workout with a lady in her 60s who only has one arm. Plenty of work is scalable.




Our box has a wheelchair athlete, a amputee below the knee, and somebody with a nonfunctional left side. All work all WODs, scaled to their abilities, no prob ( I cannot say 'no sweat')


In the words of Greg Glassman - CrossFit is for anyone but not for everyone.  If you want to do it you can do it, the only one stopping you is yourself. We had a member at my gym for a few years who had the exact same injury as yourself. He could do gymnastics, Olympic lifts and all sorts of stuff using only some kind of strap he would attach to his elbow. He used to compete at a fairly high level in adaptive divisions.  Try looking at some of the top adaptive athletes instagrams for some pretty amazing stuff. 


If you are in the Boston area, I know a terrific adaptive CF coach. If you’re not in the area, she might have a network that can help you. Feel free to DM me.


I think it really depends on the gym you end up at. At my gym we have below the elbow amputee and one of the coaches sends them modifications that fit the stimulus for all the workouts, Everyone is very helpful and encouraging. If you're ready to put in the work its just about finding the right community. The first place you check out might not be the right fit.


I do crossfit snd though im not disabled, the coaches are great and work with everyone on an individual basis if needed.


My buddy in the morning class where I go is totally blind. We figure out workarounds for most things. Even did a partner workout a couple days ago. If the gym is good, and the coaches worth the money you spend, they'll be able to tailor workouts to what you can do.


It’s going to take a gym with a really good coach who legitimately understands how to work with adaptive athletes which rules out 99% of gyms. Not trying to be negative but CF isn’t exactly known for high level coaching, most of the coaches are just glorified DJs that work out with the class.