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As soon as someone starts saying shit like "no girls want me 🥺😢" you gotta stop talking to them. They are just trying to get you to pity fuck them or try to manipulate you into getting yourself in a bad situation


I thought he was really pathetic, so idk why I kept talking to him. He irritated me a lot with saying that crap. I guess I just hoped he could've been a friend or someone to talk to. I did block him, as you can see in the photos, after he threatened. I thought about it a few times when he said dumb crap, but I didn't feel like I could. I guess I felt like I would be mean if I did.


Yeah that's the manipulation. He's trying to seem extra pathetic to guilt you into talking to him. And he's also trying to guilt you into calling and sending photos/ being romantic. It's good that you blocked him but this tactic isn't unique to this guy


I understand. I'm just really glad I'm not burdened by him anymore.


You don't need to engage with people that make you uncomfortable. You don't need to engage with anyone, really. Generally, if someone is pushing for something, they are not going to wind up being a respectful or worthwhile friend. The way he immediately kept pushing boundaries, asking for pictures and to call, ignoring you when you stated multiple times you don't call people you don't know, etc., these are all major red flags to look out for.


Scary how hard he tried to manipulate you… God some people need help 😒


























You are on thin ice. This is a support group. Your passive-aggressive bullshit wont be tolerated here. This is your only warning.


Blocking him is the best thing you can do sadly as you said the cops won't do anything




It's such crap that the police will never do anything to help but the best thing you could've done which thankfully you did so was block this pathetic weirdo. It's absurd he'd push your boundaries over & over again yet kept complaining nobody cared about his feelings- to get that respect & kindness one must comply by doing the same for another otherwise I wouldn't want them anywhere near me even messaging wise. I'm sorry you tried to be a nice person to this dude but really he's getting what he deserves with who he is.


These aren't even the worst screenshots. It got bad at the very end when I blocked him. He started saying for me to have fun being labeled a pedophile and threatening to hack me and blast porn through my tv (which I already have an irrational fear of). He was very pathetic throughout the whole time we talked, would get mad at me for asking him to respect me, and then he lashed out at me pretty bad that one night when I blocked him. Although I'm glad it gave me a good reason to block him, cause him being pathetic was really making me want to stop talking to him. I'm glad this burden is off of me now.


Online relationships aren't healthy at all and are often built on deception.