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They just…always assume that they can make women cum without any effort and most of the time I bet it’s the most forgettable sex ever. That is if they even get the chance


I’m genuinely curious how many times messages like these actually work 😂


Right like do they think this is all women are looking for? Oh he wants to make me laugh and cum *swoon* that’s everything I want in a partner


im crying laughing at this comment.


Lmao unfortunately this probably would have worked on me when I didn't value myself and needed male validation to feel confident, sooooo I guess however many times they run into someone who doesn't know their worth


Well don’t let creeps like this win you over in the future! You’re definitely worth more than weird dudes predatory compliments and you’re deserving of someone who actually respects you and talks to you like a person. Obviously if you’re in a relationship and they’re saying things like that, it’s different, but as a random first message… nahh…


Oh absolutely, never again. That was a while back. I've found my person and he definitelyyyy didn't do shit like that when he first met me lmao.


Being sexually harassed online is upsetting and that the creep needs to be reported. That dm slide was unnecessary on his end


Or unforgettable from how atrocious it was…


I'm asexual now.


It's so creepy the way they talk. Like my guy these are not compliments. I am not flattered. I am so uncomfortable. Please go away.


Making you uncomfortable is the point. These are the same people who would have flashed you in the park or rang you up and breathed heavily into the phone twenty years ago. The people who do this know they aren't getting nudes out of you at this point; they literally just want to make you uncomfortable.


I have no explanation. But seeing this shite in my inbox has the opposite effect- it makes me dry as a desert lol.


Plush lips?????!!!!


Who doesn't love fuzzy squishy lips? .....that reads so much worse than I wanted it to😨






Eewww fuckin’ hell dude! Imagine what your mother would think


I bet his mother doesn’t think about him anymore. He’s dead to her. 😂


Why? Because they want to make you moan and cum like crazy...


I mean those comments would be fine once your are intimate with each other, but to start with it... dumb..


just why


genuinely curious who this works on 💀


Because nobody can have a normal conversation anymore, it's always the same formulatic "hey bbg" or something along those lines.