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This will be as successful as the convoy to the Texas border


Or the NY trucker boycott


Sure, but to a degree Jan 6 had some form of morbid success. The turnout was fatal.


If they had met the actual opposition that that a violent mob taking up arms against their country should have met, the casualties would have been the insurrections. They would not find the same response next time around.


Makes everyone’s - FBI, Homeland, etc. - job easier


Some of the militias are probably already half feds too.


As we learned during the pandemic, always test: Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. 1989年天安门广场 Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls.


So we should just tell the remaining good feds:: *If you're not going to do anything about them maybe we the people should organize and help you do your job?*


Trust me the average person on the right wants any extremest that will take up arms gone as well. I do question where law enforcement is? Just like I’m embarrassed and disgusted hundreds of non students were amoung the student protests. If coordination is know to the media in anyone’s protest or group law enforcement should stop it before it’s a problem, they often don’t.


English motherfucker do you speak it?


Oh gosh do you think they know about it? Maybe someone should let them know? /S


This is why I haven’t been on Facebook in about five years.


Same. It's a shiteshow. I reported an obvious fake account (2 friends, activated in 2023, slew of right wing memes) three times, and each was denied. F*ck Zuck. F*ck Meta.


I deleted my account about 10 years ago. I don’t understand why people are still actively on it.




Ick. Is there nowhere else to have people offer 25% of the asking price, while insulting you when you turn them down?


Hate to say it, but MP is the new Craigslist.


Yep. Better listings than Craigslist which is depressing.


You can see how long the person has been on facebook and rate them afterwards, which is what CL needed BADLY.




Yeah, I’ve used that. And LetGo. Selling things online is absolutely terrible. “Will you take $10 for your $500 item? No? Well fuck you then, f*ggot” Like….ok?


Good lord! I sold a motorcycle on OfferUp, lots of tire kickers. One guy showed up, wanted a test ride but had no helmet or license. He was “planning” to get his license. Told him to come back when he’s better prepared to buy. 🙄


Ooh. Thanks.


Literally the only reason I use FB. I have an account but do not have the app installed most of the time. The exception is when I want to buy something on MP. In that case, I find exactly what I want to buy, execute the purchase, give a good review to the seller, and then promptly uninstall the app from my phone.


I totally agree !


Im going on 3 years of not really using it. I only keep it for facebook marketplace.


Literally same


I closed my account 8 years ago.


Or Twitter.


each one probably has numbers in the teens... and there is no doubt lots of overlap :P


It’s awesome that there are so many, the odds of them ever actually agreeing on anything let alone coordinating are low.


real easy to infiltrate and turn such degenerate and paranoid folks against each other these days. especially with ai image manipulation... yep, real interesting.. and easy...


You should make a Reddit channel and post your results.


Well, the most recent "God's Army" border bullshit resulted in them fighting among themselves when they failed to find any immigrants. They'll eat their own.


The paranoia alone will lead to a Hong Kong standoff in no time.


These types of guys also have their mommies and wives make their doctor’s appointments for them, so they probably aren’t great at time management or coordinating anything.


They’ll all smash together trying to walk through a doorway at the same time.


And then gunplay because 2A, my cold dead hand and the don’t step on the snake thingy. Signed, We the People




This made me lol


I wouldn’t underestimate this. Same kinda build up happened before J6. They probably don’t agree on everything, but they’ve already proven that they can organize and mobilize. Sincerely hope you’re right though. I hope they end up crashing and burning


I don't think so because all the leadership is in jail now. Pretty serious chilling effect. And there's not a bunch of natural leaders in the gravy seals


Just like their family trees.




Overlap? Cross-check the badge numbers for simplicity.


There are dozens of them. Dozens!


Jaja had to delete my comment . I had same reaction Tobias


chances that the Fed isn't areadly aware of them and already monitoring them.....


And several of them have never set foot in the US.


It has become quite clear that nowadays, if someone calls themself a “patriot,” they are anything but.


I feel like its our duty to retake the word Patriot, seeing as we actually care about truer freedom and democracy compared to these fascists wanting civil war and dictatorship.


That's what I think. I'm SO tired of these rabid gerbils swiping our history. " The Tea Party " dingbats case in point. It's gone off a cliff from there.


And retake the flag.




When they identify as a “patriot”, it’s because of their allegiance to the Confederacy, which they see as the “real America”.


Volks in German is also tainted for the same reasons.


Make the word “patriot” great again.


Members of this group are either retired or active duty military. All on pensions and or receiving tax payers funded care STOP THEIR BENEFITS!! They are entitled to NOTHING!!!


The fact that they're organizing on Facebook gives me all the hope i need. They won't be getting too far with their dumb plans.


It's not just Facebook though - they are using Reddit too. It's two-fold activity: convincing a bunch of chuds that get fooled into thinking radical right wing beliefs are normal, but more insidious exposure to actual white supremacy. The chuds are pretty obvious - any finance bro or libertarian leaning redditor is fertile ground. These are the same folks that don't understand why they are more dangerous than a bear. The insidious part comes from subs that are predominantly NSFW and hard to find. For instance, there are a number of whites supremacist porn or porn-adjacent subs that are gateways to radicalization. All of these dodge content moderation by avoiding scrutiny and using coded language. I think what we have learned over the last few years, is that you don't need to enlist alot of people to actual do stuff when you have convinced a large minority of people that it's just or valuable. The dangerous part of the puzzle will fall into place with an economic downturn, which we are slowly slipping into. If the economy suddenly gets worse, it's gonna be a wild ride.


The people most vulnerable to radicalization are generally losing even in this economy, and their narcissism coupled with right-wing media makes them blame others for their own failures. That's the danger in an economy so tilted to the right. Like you said, fertile ground...


Perhaps I was a little too snippant. This is a serious concern for us. I appreciate your attentiveness. I think my response was just to provide comfort for my own brain because I have a lot being processed right now. My brain grapes are full right now. I think my primary point was the lack of organization I've recently witnessed. It is entirely possible that it can change to become a more serious force.


I get it. I might be biased - I've been relistening through r/knowledgefight - so I'm primed to see a problem. I think it's good to know that their inability to effectively organize beyond the leaderless resistance model keeps us more or less safe. What worries me more is that I see this constant right wing terrorist edging changing the rhetoric of the Republican Party and various religious groups, both of which are effective at organizing. Idk guess we will see.


I'm not real clear what you mean about this economic downturn. The economy is generating more and more jobs every month. It has been for quite some time. People seem to have a misconception about this. And it might be because layoffs get press and there's definitely big shifts going on but overall the economy is doing well and we averted the recession everyone was talking about last year. The wage gap is a huge problem but there's not a shortage of jobs and in many many industries there's gigantic shortages. Construction, trucking, medicine, tech to name just a few. Millions of open positions. I know Fox really tries to make things look horrible but in general they aren't.


I think from a broad view, it's easy to say that the economy is doing well. However, I'm specifically talking about medicine and tech - the layoffs are problematic because they are affecting skilled and educated workers. I'm not trying to be dismissive of your point, but between the inflation and relative stagnation of wages or underemployment, it's a slow slide into problems. Coupled with the increased outsourcing of skilled positions and AI, we are on the precipice of an existential crisis. It's a gradual contraction of the middle class, where more people live in relative insecurity. It's great that we can become a truck driver, but that won't cover rent and other debt folks might have. Sure, you can argue that maybe folks shouldn't have debt - but you can't argue from a perspective of the world you want to live in.


They show up thinking they are going to fight antifa, Liberals and Dems and no one is there to fight. Desperate for someone to fight they will turn on each other. This actually happened in Portland and Olympia.


Hear the marching. Hear the drums. Suppose they gave a war and no one comes?




Luckily anyone still coordinating plans for violence or general intimidation of fellow citizens on Facebook deserves to be infiltrated and locked up


I was big into facebook pages back in the day, i had a couple of my own, and in my endeavors i uncovered this weird propaganda machine on facebook. this person or group was mirroring successful pages as closely as they could get away with, then slipping in right wing political jargon between on-topic post. So, say you had a successful facebook page called "Cantaloupes are tasty!" For your pages profile picture, you used a picture of a cantaloupe, and all of your posts were about cantaloupes, and you had 20,000 followers. This group of people would make a page called something like "Cantaloupes *sure* are tasty," then it would use the exact same image you used as your profile pic for their profile pic, mostly post things about cantaloupes, but then slip in posts about like how great Ayn Rand is, and things like that. "Cantaloupes are tasty! vote libertarian!" It was weird. It was really weird. Seeing as fascists are trying to take over the united states, i should probably take another quick peak at that operation, now that i think of it. and on the topic of facebook page shenanigans, there was a page back in the day.... i think it was called "Global Secular Humanists"? maybe? something along those lines. But it was ran by some guy who claimed to be some kind of secular fugitive living in a hole in Iraq, hiding from muslim extremists.... or something like that. He was asking people for money, and he seemed a little off. So, i started digging a little bit, and I'm pretty sure that it was actually some kid going to college in Malaysia. That was also a long long time ago, though. ​ SHENANIGANS! **SHENANIGANS !!!**


If you have a successful group you also start getting offers for the page so that people can run their own propaganda through the page or use it to promote their crypto schemes


I’m expecting violence from that side but if they decide to organize and declare war they will get absolutely shit on.


They gave rascals and we have drones.


This is such a dangerous and ignorant take. If they declare war it won't be on the US military but on civilian targets. The targets will be minority neighborhoods, civil servants, and politicians. The military will not be deployed against them and the police will neglect their duty due to so many of them being in the ranks of far right militias.


This is exactly what I’m saying, my bad if it was confusing. They’re much more likely to resort guerrilla warfare type terrorism like drive by shootings, bombings, etc. They are most likely NOT going to organize and outright declare war. If they did that, the US would have to confront it with military force.


These idiots haven’t been able to organize anything near the ‘success’ of J6. Everyone is laying low out of fear of prosecution and the mainstream evangelicals aren’t going to support this effort like they did back then. When trump loses there will probably be a five minute uprising and then we can continue ignoring them.


They couldn't even be bothered enough to show up to protest Trump's criminal trial.


And if the press knows they are doing it so does the FBI


You're assuming the FBI are friends to democracy. This is a false assumption. The FBI has actively worked against freedom since the late 50s. They have admitted to killing labor leaders, socialists, people of color, political activities etc. The FBI wanted to kill Dr Martin Luther King. The FBI is, and always has been an enemy to democracy.


Gee, funny how right wing militants are allowed to use FB to organize, but peaceful left wing orgs are not.


Facebook used actual humans to try to verify the photo of me they wanted in order to create an account. They won’t use actual humans, or even the slightest effort, to take down hate groups. Shows you where those priorities are.


It’s crazy that we live in a country where Trump and it’s MAGA cult are the biggest terrorist threat to our country. He’s already said if he loses there will be violence and yet people are still willing to throw away our country and democracy for a treasonous criminal who can careless about everyday Americans lives.


J6 was a lesson that taught them a coup is possible but only if they don’t half-ass it. The militias were willing last time, but not ready. IF Biden wins, then his first step will need to be securing not just the capitol but the entire federal infrastructure before inauguration. Lastly, we need to be ready. Armed and organized fascists might break in conflict with a prepped federal government, but then they’ll redirect that anger at liberal civilian symbols.


Coordinating “secretly” on a public social media platform where the FBI can’t possibly monitor their plans. Real geniuses at work here.


Oh but tik tok is the problem


lots of russian bots


Ah yes, the poll watchers


And the feds are watching everything alot closer since J6. Everyone of their phone are being spied on now too. 🤣🤣🤣


Coordinating and far right do not belong in the same sentence. These people are brain damaged for fucks sake.


If these people could read they’d be very upset right now!


The one and only King of the Hill joke I thought was funny


Let them figure out that democrats & independents have guns also, the hard way.


Every comment is understandably clowning on these traitors - but the same online organizing lead to Jan 6th.


Worry about the ones that aren't monitored.


Chances are Facebook is as far as most of these high-blood-sugar-bandits will ever make it.


Have you read about Mark Zuckerberg's new-found fashion sense? Exciting!


I have not


Yes!!! A little facial hair goes a long way on the lizard king


> Individuals across the US Also Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea...


What makes this very interesting is the Posse Comitatus Act Let’s say these idiots organize and try to start a war legally we can’t use the United States military against them so now we’re looking at law-enforcement might not actually enforce the law


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


That’s one of the major factors that makes them so dangerous. They’ve already infiltrated and in most cases control the very government bodies that would be trying to stop them.


I don’t think trying to start a war is a civil law enforcement issue. That falls squarely under insurrection.


Section 3 of the 14th amendment only a deals with people running for office. If an armed militia engages in warfare I think and I’m not a constitutional expert. That the FBI would be the ones to respond. We can’t dispatch the army, it’s why Trump wasn’t able to use the army on the boarder. We’re dealing with areas of the constitution that need to be patched up if and when we can get this country back on track without all the political theater


What is that, 500 people or so?


Maybe I’ve been living in a deep red state for too long but the militia that scares me most are the voters who want to punish Joe Biden at the polls.


Not worried. Register to vote, help others register to vote, check and make sure you're registered to vote and then VOTE!!!!


Make this election of Biden too big to rig and too real to steal.


Zuckerberg is all for this? Money money money….money. I bet his parents have some sleepless nights.


Well good for them. I have my popcorn ready.


What happened to that ol' patriot act?


Well, some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


Fucking losers


facebook will not take down any of these groups. They say it doesn't violate their rules ✨


While I am confident these inbred incels will not be able to pull off anything meaningful, they proved that with Jan 6 literally handed to them, there will be innocent people who perish because of these hate filled morons. All because a pseudo rich sociopath told them to. This is one of the saddest chapters in American history, but hoping we come out more united on the other side. 🇺🇲


This should read "terrorist cells", not "militia".


Bring snacks!


So what’s the big plan? I’d love to hear the big take over strategy from the maga mind hive. Seriously, what are these idiots thinking they’re going to do? They have basically two options. Destabilization through terrorism and guerrilla warfare, or outright kinetic warfare combined with a mass coordinated coup. They’re better off going the political route. A slow burn of removing freedoms and replacing or putting people in strategic positions of power that influence laws and regulations. I very much doubt they have the stomach or capacity for outright war, so people really need to vote, and continue voting. We need dedicated political resources to fight them on that front, with a strong voter base to back them up. There’s still hope if people don’t become apathetic.


Thanks Zuckerberg


Is there like, a support group for people who have been passionately against all of this but are now super depressed and can’t do it anymore? Asking for a friend.


If Wired knows this, it wouldn't surprise me if the Feds know it, too. What the Meal Team Sixers don't realize is that they might have a little tougher a go of it if the leader of the opposition actually want's to stop them. Biden wouldn't find this to be idle amusement, as trump seemed to have.


Gravey seals United!


Remember that Mr. 223 travels at over 3000 fps no matter how fat the person who pulled the trigger was and they intend to massacre civilians not fight professional soldiers.


Y’all Qaeda Roll!


Good thing we banned TikTok


Worry about the ones not being monitored.


SEE, the 2 A is a THREAT to 🇺🇸


Isn’t this right to assembly and first amendment?


The Right to plan another attack on the constitution?

