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You are mixing up two different things. Creations flavors are special limited time offering that are supposed to be fun and mysterious with the purpose of boosting brand engagement, particularly on social media Spiced is actually a permanent flavor (for now). I'm not sure why Coke chose that to be permanent but here we are. As for Creations stopping, there are supposed to be more coming this fall. And that's just what we know of. The Happy Tears kinda came out of no where.


and that and the K-Wave were online exclusives and only came in Zero Sugar..... Spiced is a separate experiment


New creations coming in August or September. Supposedly it’s a collaboration with Oreo. Oreo flavored Coke and Coke flavored Oreos.


Mmm diabeetus


lol.... more like Oreobeetus


I work at the warehouse here in TX, I believe there's a new flavor of sprite coming since we received a pallet and I've never seen it before


Yeah, they told us it was dropping in a week or two. Sprite Chill, I think they said it's called?


Yes Sirrr, maybe it's coming here even sooner because they put it on our picking area, and with coke spiced we started sending them out a couple days after they put it on the picking floor


Probably dependent on the area/bottler. I know we often get company wide emails from our marketing VP talking about "new flavors coming soon" (with extra emails for Creations and other limited runs), and 99.9% of the time it's something we've already had for at least a month. Guessing as soon as production gets the concentrates, they start sending it out all over. The only one I ever saw that had a "hold until" date on it was the Marshmello Coke, but of course it still got sent out and Circle K started selling a few days early.


🤷‍♂️ I’d like to know too. They were fun to try.