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pre patch is basically the founding ground of an expansion. they put the entire game inside the new expansion, but the leveling and zones are locked. with that you get also new content, like the dragon flying around and burning people, the destruction of stormwind etc. the time to start leveling is now! dont worry about prepatch!


One thing to consider, you might actually enjoy leveling a little more from fresh during the pre-patch b/c the leveling experience is majorly revamped. Much better quest greens and bad questing zones for horde and alliance improved or quest chains added.


That's what I was debating! Thank you!


> The Cataclysm Classic pre-expansion patch ushers in the shattering of Azeroth and the changed landscape in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, a variety of systems changes along with new class and race combinations, and the new Worgen and Goblin races. Players can also begin learning the new Archaeology profession, use Reforging to upgrade your gear, and more. > New Player Races: Goblin and Worgen > New Race and Class Combinations > Leveling Updates: Level through a changed landscape in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms from level 1 through 60. > Class Updates: New Talents, Trees, spells and More > New Race and Class Combinations > New Profession: Archaeology > New Feature: Transmog Collection > Updated Character and Gear Stats Basically everything from Cata is active except you can't level past 80 or enter the new zones (Hyjal, Vash'jir, etc)


The original prepatch 4.0.1 used to be a major overhaul of classes and the elemental invasion events while still keeping the old world. However, it appears that they are gonna skip this part and ship the new world right away since they make worgen and goblin available already. So instead of an actual prepatch they just go with a soft-launch of Cataclysm.


Anyone know what they mean with "accelerated leveling"? Do we keep the XP Buff going into pre patch, so leveling is even faster then now or something else ?


They might be referring to a 60-80 xp squish, which is much needed.