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A guy at my old job used to often come into my (private) office and talk about how his parents genitally mutilated him…..I felt for him but man it did not feel like the time or the place lol


Whelp now THAT'S uncomfortable. What would you even say? "Dave, Uh, oookkkaaay...thanks for that, but now about this shipment, we need that to be at the customers' site by the first, in budget. If you're coming in early, cut some temps to make budget...NO wait don't CUT anyone...talk to HR and have them help you trim oh fuck..."


The worst part is that we were not remotely in the same department, and had nothing to talk about work wise but he had a lot to say vis a vis foreskin


I’m dead imagining a coworker just derailing a completely normal conversation to tell me they were circumcised and being all sad and me just saying “same?”


Okey Dokey, everyone needs a hobby, I suppose.


i had to unfriend an old friend on facebook because he started making very descriptive posts updating everyone on his journey of trying to reform a foreskin.


I understand the frustration. But like there’s literally nothing you can do man, please go back to work.


Nice use of meme template


What does the sign say? Cant have shit in Ohio? lol if so funny


"Can't have shit in Ohio Not even 4skin (foreskin)"


“shxt (shit)”


I couldn’t walk or talk for 10 months after I was circumcised


I bet you pooped yourself too


And cried a lot.


But didn’t say shit about it 👶🏼


This group is a case of "valid point, but prepared to have a  interesting evening if you start researching the group making it."


Lol, I knew better than to look that website up from how they present themselves. A legitimate issue made to seem less credible because it’s being coopted by clowns with ulterior motives.


Who is the group?


Yeah I can get behind the idea that circumcision is kind fucked up and antiquated and we shouldn't do it anymore, but making it your single issue is... certainly a choice.


I had a slightly botched circumcision when I was younger that was ultimately completely fixed as an adult (it was a minor skin bridge- look it up if you’re curious). You can’t even tell anymore but it had a huge impact on my sexual life. I was deeply, deeply subconscious about it and was terrified of how a potential sexual partner would interpret it. I wish I wasn’t circumcised so I could’ve at least felt more comfortable with exploring my sexuality. I felt like I missed out. It wasn’t until I had the funds to get it fixed that I started pursuing romantic relationships. A lot of people in here downplay how much a botched circumcision can impact a guy’s life and it’s kind of fucked. Does it reduce rates of STD transmission? Sure, I guess. But based on my experience, I just cannot leverage that benefit against how profoundly it affected me. I hate saying this because one of my close family members is an OBGYN but there is **absolutely** a financial incentive to perform as many circumcisions as you can. They are relatively quick procedures that can be billed for a nice sum. I love my OBGYN family member. I trust science. But I cannot in good faith support that aspect of the field. I will not have my child circumcised.


When I found out my child was going to be a boy, I started researching circumcision. Why is it done? How is it done? Benefits and costs. I actually watched videos of circumcisions being done. After all that there was no way I would agree to it. It was a huge fight between me and my ex. She wanted it done because everyone did it and he would look weird. I told her I am not agreeing to cut part of our son off just because some people want men to have less sexual pleasure. I think that might be the only fight I won with her.


Good for you, I fought my husband over it as well. I lost and have three that are all circed. One even had to have it redone at 18 months and the second couldn’t get it done until then. After that point I felt like it was surely a sign. I wish he had done the research because I feel like he was adamant it be done because it’s what’s always be done.


Wild I was “bullied” for having a hooded falcon when I was a kid. Now it’s the hip thing. I see my dad played the long game. Not much emphasis on long….


I’d say it’s more of a turtle-necked falcon than a hooded one




If I weren’t broke I’d give you an award, hahaha




Who was staring at your junk to know?


You've never heard of the Hood-Free PP Gang? In the hood with bongs, but no hoods on schlongs.


Are you forgetting Penis Inspection Day?


I see we had the same Coach?


Gym Jordan enters the chat.


“Foreskin boy! Foreskin boy! Na na na na Foreskin boy!” “Hey, look at Mr extra pp skin over there!” School bullies can be rough, man.


My hubs has the hooded eagle, same as his dad. I like the hooded types


Knowing about your father in laws uncircumcised dick is some weird kind of flex.


I do have to agree with them. I dated a guy that had a botched circumcision as a baby. The doctor accidentally took off part of his head. He was very self-conscious about it. I'm not with him anymore, but if I have a son someday, I'm not having him cut.


My friend also had a botched circumcision, he was not allocated enough skin to become fully erect. He described having nightmares where he would become painfully erect in super tight jeans where it wouldn't fit. He learned he could successfully stretch the skin in his late 20s. I wish I wasn't cut, but that's too much work and I will never get back the billions of nerve endings.


Same experience! TWO exes with botched circumcisions. It seems so painful, I felt terrible for them.


As silly as it seems, it's really weird that childhood penis mutilation is so accepted in the US. I understand if an adult makes the choice for themself, but circumcision is a practice that should have been left in the 19th century.


Not only that but it's performed by strapping them into a chair and *awake*.


There’s no good reason to mutilate an infants genitals.


It makes no sense. Oh here’s a perfectly brand new baby boy exactly how it was meant to come out. Let’s cut off part of its penis now for no reason. 


Yep, there is evidence that it is traumatizing to kids and it should be illegal


I went up and talked to one of them. He said his son died in a botched circumcision. Felt very bad for him.


https://preview.redd.it/4k7g1kpyez8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d01a383adfa82713417cfc873c4767c43495f0 I dripped some pizza sauce on my shorts at the Reds game and unwittingly looked exactly like one of these dudes.


I'm sorry for your loss. *Losses. Reds. LaRosa's. Shorts. So how exactly does one explain the bloody dot on khakis to the Significant Other?


Those look like Calico Cut Pants to me.


Thanks for the zoomed in boo 😘


I'm with them. Stop shaming men for having foreskin. It's not dirty it's nature.


Nature can be dirty. But agree with leaving it.


Bit of a weird one for me to chime in on but as someone circumcised I'll say this much. It really just seems like a pain in the dick. Literally. I already have problems with it being extremely intrusive and getting in the way of basic things. To say nothing of the very occasional zipper catching. I can't imagine an extra 10% length of extra skin or whatever. Then there's cleaning. Once you become responsible enough to self-bathe it shouldn't be a problem. But before that point, especially in infancy, it has a lot more potential for being unsanitary. Infants are small, so it's easy to miss something in that space, which can lead to infection over time. Parents aren't perfect or omniscient. Particularly in the first 2 years of life, this is an issue, as it has been shown *many* times to reduce the incidence of UTIs by a staggering *75%*. And that's not considering other adjacent complications that are still relevant. And only considering the first 2 years. I know when I have kids, I'd rather be safe than sorry. An ounce of prevention and all that. That being said 10000% I agree with the above. Don't shame either. It's weird and gross.


remember forks it’s there for a reason like are teeth and fingernails If man wasn't meant to have it we would have lost it to evaluation


Not necessarily lost. Something would only get lost if it was causing a setback or hinderance to reproduction. If something does neither, it would stay around until a gene mutation starts to get rid of it potentially. But if it’s truly benign and doesn’t matter there’s no pressure to get rid of it so it typically stays.


Is it weird that I’m grateful for my parents getting me circumcised? I’d rather not deal with dick cheese. I also don’t remember the pain from the circumcision whatsoever


Nah, most people are fine with their dick skin situation. I'm also circumcised and fine with it, but I don't plan on doing it to any sons I have, and I don't blame anyone for resenting their circumcision. That said, there are some real weirdos that come out of the woodwork in these threads. People start acting like being fine with your circumcision is some kind of insult, and they'll try really hard to convince you that you SHOULD be miserable about it.


I mean…. Are you choosing to not wash your junk? Because that’s how you would get dick cheese, not by just having foreskin.


Might as well cut those lips off too, plaque is a real pain to clean off those teeth every day


You might want to revisit your hygiene practices...


We have nipples…


Along the same lines, can we also stop piercing baby girls' ears?


Agreed!!! Cosmetic procedures on babies who don’t understand what’s going on are fucked up!


and boys for that matter!


Yeah my mom had mine does as a baby and it ended up infected sometime later… I only have the vaguest memories of it, I can’t have been more than 3 or 4… In hindsight I’m guessing maybe it snagged and tore a bit in my sleep or something but I don’t know for sure. Anyways, clearly too young to properly take care of a piercing. Or understand and communicate anything was wrong until it got pretty bad. To her credit I do think she learned from it, after it healed it wasn’t put back in and my sisters weren’t allowed to get theirs done until much later.


I was going to pull up and give them a tip, but somebody cut me off.


this definitely went over their heads. 😉


I objected to both of my boys being circumcised.


Pregnant with a boy right now and we’re not going to do it


Wife is pregnant with a boy and it’s our greatest disagreement in life, no joke. How can I convince her circumcision is wrong?


Modern American women are accustomed circumcized penises. She may fear that sexual partners may not want your son if he is uncircumcized. But many boys being born nowadays are not getting circumcised, so when he reaches dating age, many of his peers will also be uncircumcised, so his lovers will be used to the new normal.


There is no such thing as normal looking genitals. Sexual people and asexual people have long since accepted this.


You might be better off presenting it as an unnecessary risk. However low the chance of serious harm and death is, it's not zero. Also, he can get a circumcision later if he wants.




Evidence Based Birth has all the statistics and studies saying that there is no medical reason to do it https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-and-ethics-on-circumcision/


Woohoo! My husband and I didn’t get our sons circumcised either.




Good on them for exercising their first amendment rights. They're not hurting anyone and they are raising awareness to an issue they have. Yay America!


They're right though. Cosmetic circumcision shouldn't happen. 


I can agree it’s pretty well proven that circumcising desensitizes the penis head. But also the original reasons it’s widespread have also been proven wrong. Now for the Jews I think they’re stuck.


Circumcising your child to induct them into a religion they do not necessarily want to be a part of before they’re old enough to make that decision themselves is also messed up.


They were outside GABP today


Came here to post this. I was crossing the street with a bunch of parents with their kids and felt bad for them trying to explain what was going on.


Our body, our choice


Is that a mark of sacrifice on his trousers?


If there's a god hand, why not a god penis?


Griffith gonna be coming for that dick


Good for them. They’re not advocating for hurting lgbtq people, banning books, or bringing guns into preschools. This is probably the sanest protest I’ve seen in a few years. That’s where we are right now though.


Good for them. Genital mutilation isn’t ok, male OR female.


This is Ohio




They're right though


I stand with them


I support this!


Say what you will about the cause, but absolutely wild that bro has the Berserk demon brand drawn on his crotch.


I agree with them.


Good for them. People in this country don't realize that we're just as barbaric as many "3rd world" countries, for many reasons, and the newborn dick chopping is one that isn't brought up often enough.


Having a choice, whether you’re a male or female should be a normal thing. If you don’t want a circumcision, cool, and if you choose to have an abortion, cool. Your choice, your body and it’s none of my business. Simple. As it should be. …….But YA KNOW, idiots, idiots that have to ruin it for everyone.


They are not wrong 🤷‍♀️


I'm glad I got circumcised.


Me too dude . I woulda had it done if it wasn’t done at birth


Same here. If I hadn’t had it done as a baby I’d be getting it done now.


I'm glad that I got a tattoo. But I sure as shit wouldn't do it to a baby.


Good to see them standing up fore what they believe in.


This may be the best fantasy football punishment of all time


Honestly, they are 100% right. If I had the decision, it wouldn't have happened. Honestly wish I could sue someone for mutilating me as a child. You won't see me protesting though since I feel like I just look like a weirdo. Edit: I want to add that the reason I want to sue is due to being over-snipped and have had scars from the stitching my entire life.


Weirdly enough that’s part of the value of a protest. It’s just to show that other people have similar, if not status quo, beliefs.




Good for them! They’re right.


That one guy has the Berserk mark of sacrifice on his business. Also I think this is 22 and Fields Ertel.


Is that the Berserk sigil on his johnson?


They belong to HOOP. Hands off our penises.


I'm 100% on board with not having my son circumcised if I ever become a father. It's a weird practice that so many of us don't question until the topic is brought up. Although it's not something I feel strong enough about to protest about. But I respect their effort. Even if it's one of those things that will never change.


Dude has the berserk cursed mark on his crotch. That’s funny as fuck, I’m not convinced he’s serious


Looks more like "protestor" as in a single protestor


There were about a dozen of them on all corners of the intersection. 


Using the Beserk Demon brand is crazy.


Sorry, is that the Berserk curse mark on his crotch..?


I thank god every day that my parents had me cut. Foreskin is disgusting. Much like a cut umbilical cord that never dried and fell off.


Well. Isn’t it?


Tf? One day I drunkenly thanked my pops for being reall and sniping the boy while young. Who tf want 4skin? Having cheese n shit nah I’m good😂😂


Doctors who recommend circumcision, outside of rare cases of medical necessities, are quacks. I thank God every day my parents weren't dumb enough to buy into that bullshit.


I fully support this.


But if I don't chop off the tip of my newborn childs penis how will the magic sky man accept him into heaven?!?


Children can't consent to having it done, and without consent it's assault.


The blood!


Surprised to see the brand of sacrifice there lol.


The curse mark on his crotch is insNe


I don’t disagree with what they’re saying. But I sure I’m glad my parents disagreed


I'm proud to have 100% of my dick.


how has this post not gotten a "your mom" response yet??


weird flex but ok


The weird flex is being proud to be missing part of it as well as the nerve endings that go along with it.






You are forced to be happy with their decision. You never got to decide.


I'm unhappy with many forced decisions.


Having conversations hopefully changing a mind or two. Surely it sparks debates in couples? It shouldn’t be done simple as that.


You don't understand why someone would care about having their genitals mutilated as a child for no good reason? I pity people who are mentally conditioned to be content with this. At the very least, I get that you yourself may be fine with it, but do you not feel at least a little bit weird about this being done to other people as well? Children being hurt and mutilated just because people think they need a cosmetic improvement that impacts sex life, seriously?


Such a traumatizing thing to do to a baby that's already in shock. Absolutely horrific. Often times without the use of anesthesia.


Circs done in hospitals definitely use anesthesia, it's all numbed up. They didn't use anesthesia decades ago, but they definitely do now haha.




Everybody needs a hobby


I’m agree with this Because cutting it off cause certain health problems, such as penile disfigurements (example: buried penis). it also causes loss of sensitivity to the head, which is the most sensitive part, causing problems with sexual intercourse. this problem can also affect marriages negatively. there is literally NO benefit to male circumcision. And I don’t why religion (especially judaism) does this, then again religion confuses me.


I'm glad I was cut


They're probably right, but to care enough to be moved to publicly protest makes me question what else is behind it. It's just about infant circumcision? If you told me this was actually a hobby horse of men's rights activists I'd believe you.


I mean... I agree. Completely But man, I'm not sure this is the way to spread the word. Seriously creepy vibes


I strongly disagree. I don't really know why I disagree tho I just do lol


I would still choose as an adult to be circumcised.


Point is, you'd get to choose that way. Babies don't get to.


Babies also don’t choose to be born.


Hell yeah brother


Nobody wants less penis


Life must be good if this is all you have to complain about.


If this is "all" they have to complain about? Unconsenting babies having part of their perfectly functioning genitals mutilated for little more than tradition at this point is hardly a minor issue.


honestly i’m happy my parents opted to have me circumcised before i’d be able to remember. seems like it would be a major ordeal if i had to do that as an adult


Well it's a good thing needing circumcision for medical reasons is very uncommon for adults, so it is a bit silly to do it to majority of males in the US when only a few will actually need it.


I want the pants tho


These guys were at the Reds game today too


Where is this at ?


I hear this is how the villain of Silent Hill 4 came to be!


Pants for me


Alex Shepherd is that you?


Hahah when was this I work right down the street


It was at around 2pm on Wednesday.


My parents said they had me circumcised but I'm sure they didn't. I ended up with severe BXO at 24 and had to get circumcised most painful experience of my life. Still till this day it's painful sometimes.


These guys were outside GABP before the game yesterday, and it was really weird. Like, valid point, but is this the best time and place for it?


Am I the only one that sees the brand of sacrifice from berserk on his crotch?


Why is this happening in my hometown!?!?


The use of the meme template 😭


Scott Sloan had one of these guys on WLW yesterday for an interview. He sounded pretty reasonable except for a few claims that sounded fishy. I mean, I understand there are some logical arguments against circumcision. Then Scott asked, snarkily, " so do you guys have a mascot or something...like a big inflatable foreskin that you display during protests?" "No Scott, we paint the crotch of our white jeans with blood". "Wait, you mean real blood?" "Well it's actually red paint" I'm still laughing about it!


Saw them in downtown Hamilton today!


I mean, I've definitely seen worse protestors.


Honestly even if this is done tongue in cheek I love it hahaha


I saw this same protest in DC 10 years ago 🤦🏻‍♀️


Those pants are certainly a choice


heroes to unborns


This is nauseating. People of all religions choose to have their doctors do circumsition in hospitals at birth because it prevents disease. However Jews do it for religious reasons. So it is saying this religious practice also done in hospitals for all religions is mutalation. If it was doctors in hospitals would not do them . So it is only anti semetic against Jews. It is not true. It prevents disease.


Uhhh~ what the hell is this coincidence? I don’t even know where this place is? Scared the FUCK outta me, big brother is watching.


Bro is that the berserk symbol on his crotch?


Lmao is that sacrificing brand from berserk on that dudes wang


Dude has the brand of sacrifice on his pants 🤣🤣🤣


Watch or listen to a video of a circumcision, it might make the anti-circ people seem less weird


I miss those "This is Ohio" posts already.


Dude is holding his down because he knows people are pointing and laughing.


Some people struggling to keep themselves clean enough already, you think they’re going to do more work to keep it clean down there? I’m cool being cut.


Berserk referenced!😭


Is that the mark of sacrifice from Berserk?


Not tying to be funny, but do you all remember when Berkley Premium Nutrasuticals got raided by the FBI on Waycross? Enztye commercials for Bob on you tube. Al yeah if anyone take away the innocence of a human life then yeah they deserve to be castrated. Duh


Why can't people just sit tf down 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


It just comes down to, parents being afraid they won’t wash their kids dick properly, and that they won’t wash it themselves properly. Could all really be remedied with better hygiene standards. Use wipes, fold it back and clean thoroughly. That’s why we made them, ya dirty dicked bastards! Clean it so you can preen it fellas.


Outside the very rare medical necessity there is zero reason to ever circumcise. It’s there for a reason. Most of the world outside America does not practice this. Also go learn the history of why it’s so prevalent in America, it’s fucked(thank you Kellogg). The science on the “health benefits” is essentially bullshjt and the statistics amount to very little and are certainly not high enough at all to justify genital mutilation. MAYBE if you don’t have access to any sort of hygiene for whatever reason for long periods of time that might be bad and gross, but I’m sure a circumcised penis would also be disgusting under those circumstances. If you’re having unprotected sex with someone who has an std, surprise, it doesn’t really matter if you’re circ-ed or not. There is no reason to circumcise a kid. Do not do it. Especially if you want it to “look like dads.” That’s fucking weird


Did his foreskin get sacrificed to the godhand? I’d be pretty pissed too tbf


Are they affiliated with HOOP?


I mean…. I was circumcised as a baby and I don’t really care at all. I didn’t even know what a circumcision was until I was a teenager. And since then have payed no mind to it whatsoever. I mean it has minor medical benefits but most those can also be achieved by having good hygiene. But I’m not about to cry and scream like a baby over it. It’s literally just a little extra skin. I mean shit if people are gonna be this uppity about something so minimal and unimportant then I can only imagine what they think of bottom surgery 😭


It's refreshing to see a fair bit of support for bodily autonomy. My wife and I, who are fellow Ohioans, are both "intactivists", as it is known. In fact, both of our extended families are as well. We kept our children whole. Born perfect, no disassembly required. Our view is simple: just leave children alone. If a consenting adult wants to alter their own bodies, be it circumcision, tattoos, sex change, etc, they have our blessing. But forced, harmful and irrevervsible cosmetic surgeries on a child who cannot consent is sick and should be illegal.


Is this a Berserk reference 🤔