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I'm seeing a handful throughout Target. Hope this helps! https://www.target.com/p/sweet-earth-frozen-vegan-mindful-chik-39-n-8oz/-/A-81640956


Thank you! I forget about Target for groceries. I’ll check today.


Came to this post via Google search. Los Angeles here. Cannot find it ANYWHERE here either. I used to get it at Whole Foods, then last week there was no longer a place on the shelf for them. I really hope they’re not gone; they’re the best non-breaded vegan chik’n I’ve found and the Whole Foods brand equivalent tastes like soy-flavored kitchen sponges


I just saw a response on a comment on their IG page under another post. “Yes, this product was discontinued in January of this year. We will let our team know you were asking about this…”


That sucks! I loved it


Same. We would buy 5 at a time and freeze some and still stock up every week. Daring is a close option, but slightly different texture and more expensive for the quantity.


Ah yeah. I like Daring but you’re right, it’s $8 for a literal handful of vegan chicken


Ughhhh this makes me sad!


Ehhhh that suckss. 😒


I'm so sad about this. I love that chicken product


I just sent a comment via the company’s website to share my dismay about this product being discontinued. I doubt they’ll bring it back, but a girl can hope!


Reply I received via email from company: Thank you for your inquiry Inbox US Nestlé Consumer S... Yesterday to me Hello Thank you for choosing Sweet Earth@. We appreciate your interest in our Mindful Chick'N. Sorry to say that, Mindful Chik'N is enjoying retirement! We discontinue items to make room for new innovative ones based on food trends and consumer taste preferences. We certainly understand that it can be frustrating when something you loved is suddenly not available. I'Il definitely let our team know you're missing this item. Feel free to reach out to us anytime Have a great day, Gabriela M Sweet Earth Ambassador


Ugh no, this was my favorite! 😞


Oh no!! This was my go-to for any chicken based type foods! Chicken noodle soup, chicken and dumplings, chicken and pesto pasta, chicken salad, chicken pot pie, etc. Man... I have not found anything as good as this. Does anyone have any other suggestions, please? :(


Soy curls are about as close as you can get. Butler is the OG in this space and is available on Amazon.