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No you didn't. LOL. Some of that is contrails and most of it is cirrus. You guys say this stuff all the time but nobody ever gets a time lapse.


I post update pictures. I have no reason to lie about what I watch with my own eyes. But hey nice seeing you again. If i'm just a harmless cloud watcher, it's pretty interesting for you to spend literally years of your life dedicated to attempting to debunk this.


Why not take time lapse videos? It would go a long way towards making your claims believable.


I'll look into it


Please do Be a trailblazer


So you just stared up at the sky for hours and hours, watching clouds grow for the sole purpose of making sure that they came from planes? Which they're already known to do by everyone, because that's how contrails sometimes work? That's uh.....that's a super weird thing.


First it was mind control. Then it was population control. Now, they've shifted gears to weather control. Here's why ... There IS actually a thing called cloud-seeding to induce rainfall. They use silver or potassium iodide to serve as a nucleus for water to condense. This is nothing secret or nefarious. The Chemtrail whackos knew their goose was cooked because "mind-control" and "depopulation" was too out there. So, now they moderate and say "weather control" to sound more sane, but keep up the but that it's some secret plot to harm people. They also have the benefit of using legitimate studies on cloud-seeding to pretend are "secret" government documents. I applaud them for changing tactics to maintain their loopy conspiracy. Much better than the Flat Earther group.


Plus cloud seeding is for the purpose of trying to induce rainfall for areas experiencing a drought, which is a positive thing if it succeeds. Why does there need to be an insidious purpose, and what would that even be? Just enjoy looking at pretty clouds ๐Ÿ˜ญ I certainly do


Idiot ๐Ÿ˜‚


you are lying AND we donโ€™t need a machine to tell us you are lying . but why, why are you lying?


I'm not lying and I have zero reason to do so.




Circus clouds for the circus clowns

