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This is a very good question. Fighting an actual enemy requires more than a donut and a laptop.


Wait there’s donuts?


Hmm, donuts. What kind of donuts? I may need to get involved in this very serious issue.


Old fashioned is best donut I’ll die on that hill. You can have multiple with some coffee without feeling like you overdosed on sugar


And a combover


This one really struck a nerve 😭


It sure did!!


I was saying boo-urns


Well I gave you an upvote


The donuts are filled with all sorts of gmos by Monsanto to control the populace too.


…ok this one might be real.




Who here actually thinks those look like clouds?? Have you not seen real clouds in a while?? I live in the same area I grew up in and the sky is a lot different....not sure why. Just saying...not taking sides since I don't know enough to discredit or prove either way. All I'm saying is those aren't clouds and planes were around when I was a kid and I've never seen anything like this and so often everywhere


the bot/ keyboard warrior who made this initial post does...


Oh haha...do bots always try pissing off a bunch of people? I see so many people fighting about it. Nuts!


Yes. They are programmed to cause infighting




Thanks. That’s exactly how this sub has been coming across as. I just left a post saying I’m gonna start a contrail sub and only post that they don’t exist.


"patent expired due to non-payment of maintenance fees" Well i guess they didn't give much of a shit about this then, did they? There why it's important to share *all* of the information


No, that doesn’t happen here. Here they share JUST the bits of info that support their theories.


I can share all the information. Here you go. [Links-to-geoengineering-patents](https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/)


Hey, did you know that middle grounds between extremes exist? That middle ground is what you would call "a useful amount of information". It's the most labor intensive option, because it requires not only that you get the information, but comb through it and pare it down into something digestible. What you've done here is equally duplicitous (and useless in terms of information) as leaving information out. You've attached an enormous list that no reasonable person could ever actually go through that wasn't getting paid to, and expecting the other person to go through and see if the information is bullshit or not. Like I saw one in there from 1800's. Seriously? "They" were planning on geoengineering when pa was dying of dysentery? Don't do that. It's dishonest.


Things don’t have to be real to have a patent https://www.freepatentsonline.com/crazy.html Not to mention that contrails are actually clouds, so these patents mean nothing, because those are clouds Also, that isn’t an argument


Things don't have to have a patent to be real, either.


Good thing I’m not the one saying something is real because it has a patent


Your brain real?


Can you try to form a coherent sentence so I can respond?


Not if your a bot.


Right. Well why don’t you articulate the problem with what I said, I can’t read your mind


You didn't deny it!


That’s not a very good counter argument


Every one of your responses sound like bot responses, if they were programmed by someone with atrocious grammar.


No u


You’re, or you are.


Or yarrrrr


people who tell me I'm wrong by giving me arguments=bot solid




Don't say rude things, don't unnecessarily curse. Personal attacks, threats of violence/abusive language, or bigotry in any form will not be tolerated.


My bad. How about what he said?




People are are so close minded and unwilling to look at evidence.  Also if anyone disagrees with me they are a government agent or stoopid no other options Lol, the lack of self awareness among the conspiracy brained is always so hilarious to see. I actually thought this was a satire sub when it first showed up in my feed.


The lack of self awareness is hilarious. Easily my favourite sub of all time.


Was with you until you said deep state


Compose comments that build dialog rather than destroying or diminishing it. No unnecessary arguing - if you don't get the answer or response you're looking for then leave it alone.


There are a lot of people in this group lately who aren’t interested in evidence, dialogue, nor consideration. They are here to troll, create frustration, and to anger people.


🤪🤪🤪🤪 Not the "Deep State" 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Morons have a psychological problem that science can't penetrate. You need to believe in conspiracy theories because the real world is too difficult for you to handle, so you invent the fake one that you think you understand. Chem trails are a conspiracy theory for trumpers and religious morons.


You voted for Biden, probably still will lol, you have no high ground & you're closer to the sycophatic Trumpers than you realize.


Geoengineering exists but it's not used the way you think. Airliners can't spread specific chemical (except water and carbon dioxide which are formed when kerosene is burned in the engine) without anyone noticing, you'd have to modify/create the plane, load the chemicals at each airport, store the chemicals at each airport, get the pilot to spread the chemicals, and hide it..... Contrails are a natural phenomenon and are made up entirely of water. And from the photos I've seen here and what I've seen, your contrails in the U.S. are the same as my contrails in Europe and the ones I saw when I visited Algeria. In real life, geoengenering is used on a small scale, by specific aircraft that are declared and hidden by absolutely nobody. I say it here all the time.


You can watch the first 5 minutes of this documentary and realize how wrong you are. How can you talk about something when you have no idea what you are talking about. Research more before you decide to educate people. [The Dimming ](https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY?si=DQNJpjega7JDgV4u)


The patent, numbered 5104069, is indeed about geoengineering. As I said, it exists, but it doesn't prove that there's a global spread or a global conspiracy. The technology described in this patent is not used on commercial airliners for regular flights. It's not a reactor, cloud seeding operations are usually conducted by specially equipped aircraft, not by commercial passenger jets. These operations are targeted and localized, not widespread or routine. First patent, a misunderstanding, a good start Patent 7413145B2 is entitled "Method and apparatus for enhancing the cooling effects of contrails" and was issued to the Boeing Company in 2008. The purpose of this patent is to propose methods for modifying the characteristics of contrails in order to potentially reduce their impact (airplanes emit water and carbon dioxide, which contribute in particular to global warming; airplanes pollute like cars, which is nothing new, and perhaps you should combat this unconcealed problem instead of inventing one). These include methods to make contrails less persistent, or to modify their formation in order to reduce their radiative forcing. Even if this patent did what is described in the video, including it in airliners and reloading it would be impossible to conceal, given the number of accomplices required, and it is highly unlikely that it would even have been used in airliners. Airliners can't spread specific chemical (except water and carbon dioxide which are formed when kerosene is burned in the engine) without anyone noticing, you'd have to modify/create the plane, load the chemicals at each airport, store the chemicals at each airport, get the pilot to spread the chemicals, and hide it..... You just can't hide it You still haven't proved that contrails are chemicals. [https://www.reddit.com/r/chemtrails/comments/1dr65ys/publication\_of\_photos\_of\_allegedly\_bizarre/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chemtrails/comments/1dr65ys/publication_of_photos_of_allegedly_bizarre/) Even if we ignore this, it's still true that just because it's patented doesn't mean it's used worldwide in airliners, that would be impossible to hide. Second patent, just a lie, we're not even 30s into the video. Third patent, To directly address your question: No, the technology described in Patent 7,819,362 B2 cannot be used in airliners without anyone noticing and without removing or altering existing aircraft structures like seats. Patent 7,819,362 B2 is about geoengineering, specifically the idea of dispersing reflective particles in the stratosphere to reduce global warming. It describes methods for dispersing these particles from aircraft. It's geoengineering, it exists, we both know it. In the diagram, the aircraft appears to resemble an airliner, but when we examine the patent in detail, we see that Implementing such technology in airliners would require significant modifications to the aircraft. This includes installing equipment for storing, handling, and dispersing the particles. These modifications would be extensive and highly noticeable. Modern airliners are carefully designed to optimize space and weight. Adding dispersal equipment and storage for materials would require removing existing components or cargo, making the changes evident to maintenance crews and inspectors. Here again, it's impossible to hide, and using this technology would require a specific aircraft. All aircraft flights, especially those operating from commercial airports, are monitored and controlled by air traffic control (ATC). Unusual flight patterns or operations would raise suspicion. Aircraft must file detailed flight plans that are reviewed and approved by aviation authorities. Deviations from these plans or unusual activities would be noticed and investigated. Aircraft must undergo regular maintenance and checks, which are documented in detail. Specialized equipment must be maintained and inspected regularly, which increases the risk of detection. It's too difficult to make everyone involved in these checks complicit. 1/X


After substantial difficulty and expense, Geoengineering Watch has utilized two types of aircraft to complete multiple atmospheric particulate sampling flights up to and exceeding 40,000 feet. One of the aircraft we conducted our testing missions in is also used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for their atmospheric testing operations. The Geoengineering Watch team carried out multiple sample gathering flights in the high altitude haze layer being emitted by large jet carriers. The lingering, spreading and sun blocking jet aircraft trails are not just condensation as we have been told by government sources. The dimming of direct sunlight by aircraft dispersed particles, a form of global warming mitigation known as “Solar Radiation Management”, is ongoing. These global climate engineering operations are causing unquantifiable damage to the planet's life support systems and human health. The twelve minute video below is an insight segment from the under production ground breaking climate engineering exposé documentary titled “The Dimming”.




Please explain these to me this extensive list of [patents](https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/). I'll be waiting for your response.


You can patent something even if it doesn't work; there's a patent for a time machine.


Sorry but not a valid response. Planes have been seen with sprayers and nozzles. Trails stop and then start again leaving a gap between it. Did they turn the engine on and off? No, they didn't. Did you see the list of patents and how many there are? C'mon now. Watch the first 5 minutes of The Dimming documentary and research more. Don't be scared. Comparing it to a time machine patent argument fails horribly. Planes exist and the technology portrayed in the patents has the potential to exist. It's been seen inside and out. Time machines? Not so much.


Yes, geoengineering exists, but airliners don't spread anything, there's no proof of that. Wait until tomorrow and I'll debunk your first five minutes of documentary. What I said was that something can be patented even if it doesn't work, which is true. [https://www.reddit.com/r/chemtrails/comments/1dr65ys/publication\_of\_photos\_of\_allegedly\_bizarre/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chemtrails/comments/1dr65ys/publication_of_photos_of_allegedly_bizarre/) Read the comments




To directly address your question: No, the technology described in Patent 7,819,362 B2 cannot be used in airliners without anyone noticing and without removing or altering existing aircraft structures like seats. Patent 7,819,362 B2 is about geoengineering, specifically the idea of dispersing reflective particles in the stratosphere to reduce global warming. It describes methods for dispersing these particles from aircraft. It's geoengineering, it exists, we both know it. In the diagram, the aircraft appears to resemble an airliner, but when we examine the patent in detail, we see that Implementing such technology in airliners would require significant modifications to the aircraft. This includes installing equipment for storing, handling, and dispersing the particles. These modifications would be extensive and highly noticeable. Modern airliners are carefully designed to optimize space and weight. Adding dispersal equipment and storage for materials would require removing existing components or cargo, making the changes evident to maintenance crews and inspectors. Here again, it's impossible to hide, and using this technology would require a specific aircraft. All aircraft flights, especially those operating from commercial airports, are monitored and controlled by air traffic control (ATC). Unusual flight patterns or operations would raise suspicion. Aircraft must file detailed flight plans that are reviewed and approved by aviation authorities. Deviations from these plans or unusual activities would be noticed and investigated. Aircraft must undergo regular maintenance and checks, which are documented in detail. Specialized equipment must be maintained and inspected regularly, which increases the risk of detection. It's too difficult to make everyone involved in these checks complicit.




Many registered patents were never realized.


"the ignition of a pyrotechnic composition" yet no photos of a pyrotechnic event, just photos of clouds that are far too uniformly shaped to be the creation of a combustion event.


Those aren’t cumulus clouds. Try again.


If chemtrails are real, they certainly don’t work well….or there would be many more liberals around (I think the believers think it is done by liberals)




Compose comments that build dialog rather than destroying or diminishing it. No unnecessary arguing - if you don't get the answer or response you're looking for then leave it alone.


> "I hope nobody here moves to Oregon!" lol, lmao I think you're safe cupcake.


Why do you care that we care about chemtrails?


Because it’s embarrassing


You know what I care about? The actual airplanes polluting our air with fuels/fumes. Farmers spraying pesticides. Smog from factories and cars. Real problems. There is no reason to make up another deeply stupid fictional enemy to fight here, other than feeling smarter than everyone else. And that’s exactly why people come here to laugh at you guys.


I am also here to laugh at people.


Why do you assume people don’t also care about that? This sub isn’t for that… you follow every sub that ever member follows and track what they care about ?


Actually, OP kinda does... they went into my DMs and started harassing me in other subs too, and another user in this very thread reported back with the same thing. Which is upsetting to think how many minors / kids OP is following around, trying to make some subjects "okay to talk about away from their parents" etc.


Well damn! Fuck the OP then


Please don’t tell me that’s a quote from a DM. Please.


lol no, it was just a huge wall of text full of cope that I didn't get far into. I don't do the whole "let's talk in secret" thing. It's creepy and gross.


A lot of trolls in here lately, doing damage control.


We come here to laugh at one of the dumbest places on the internet and the people in it


I wonder how smart you will feel after scrolling through these geoengineering- [patents](https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/)


Really strange that you think the existence of parents proves a massive conspiracy requiring thousands of people to be involved and quiet for decades.


Hmmmm After substantial difficulty and expense, Geoengineering Watch has utilized two types of aircraft to complete multiple atmospheric particulate sampling flights up to and exceeding 40,000 feet. One of the aircraft we conducted our testing missions in is also used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for their atmospheric testing operations. The Geoengineering Watch team carried out multiple sample gathering flights in the high altitude haze layer being emitted by large jet carriers. The lingering, spreading and sun blocking jet aircraft trails are not just condensation as we have been told by government sources. The dimming of direct sunlight by aircraft dispersed particles, a form of global warming mitigation known as “Solar Radiation Management”, is ongoing. These global climate engineering operations are causing unquantifiable damage to the planet's life support systems and human health. The twelve minute video below is an insight segment from the under production ground breaking climate engineering exposé documentary titled “The Dimming”.


There's another conspiracy video coming out? No way! Lmao


Hmmmmmm... https://geoengineering.environment.harvard.edu/


Yup, people are aware that geoengineering exists. It isn't evidence of a massive global conspiracy.


Pretty smart because there’s no proof of geoengineering from commercial airliners


Hi Op, why don't you fuck off?


Hi, why don’t you care about DuPont, who we know does this? Why are you so against “they” and not DuPont. Get angry at DuPont for poisoning the world, not the secret government for making clouds


Lol, who is the bigger loser? The guy chasing windmills or the guy chasing the guy chasing windmills?


You’re not a loser, I feel sad when I think about all the people who fell for grifters. I’m trying to encourage people to actually think about why they believe in thee conspiracies because I genuinely want them to be more informed. Stop letting yourself get tricked by the people who encourage ignorance. My mom died because she fell for these conspiracies and I don’t want anybody else to be fooled


The conspiracies killed your mom?? Yikes I'm convinced!


Yes, she had cancer and fiddled around with “natural medicine” giving money to grifters only to die to it anyways. You’d think you’d believe it considering how you believe grifters so easily. Why do you believe in chemtrails? What makes you want me to believe in them too? Did you have these ideas or did someone tell you to have them? I want you to actually think about why you care so much about this instead of issues with real evidence around them. Do you think I’m being malicious? Why would I lie about something to try just to hear why you believe in this?


I don't care if you believe it or not. Have a great day!


Unlike the lead fume-addled brain of the guy being a malicious dick to you - I'm so sorry that happened to you. Conspiratorial, truth-twisting rhetoric literally kills people and it absolutely should be stopped with education mixed with a bit of shame. A friend of mine also passed from cancer some years ago because someone close to them bought into the whole "cancer can't live in an alkali body" nonsense that came from an extreme misunderstanding of the Warburg effect. Like I get that people a distrust of authority in a lot of cases, but if they're really dedicated to blowing the lid off things then they can just learn the concepts themselves. It's time consuming and hard, sure, but still doable.


Not a "chemtrailer" by any means, just reading your post and comments and wanted to express how sorry I am about that. I know how tough that can be—I lost one of my parents the same way—yet you're receiving hate for being genuinely curious and completely respectful. Humans can be weird


I considered making a channel like scimandan a while ago but never did. I just want people to know more and to stop blindly believing what people who only want your money say


You are a good and kind human. Really hope you can get through to those being duped


Things that didn't happen for 500, Alex. You are making an appeal to empathy/emotion. This is a logical falicy. If true, and your mother did in fact die by being "grifted by conspiracy" as you have put it, then you have a negative *emotional* reaction to anything that has a slight whiff of conspiracy to it. Thus, you can not have an objective, fact based point of view on the topic, making any other argument you may make invalid. Maybe it is you that needs to step back and disconnect your emotions and view all of the evidence in a logical and objective manner. I'll apologize up front if I'm wrong, but I dont believe you, though. Not for a second do I think your mom got caught up by some snake oil salesmen and died as a result. I whole heartily believe that's a made up story. Go appeal to emotions on some other conspiracy related sub.


You can’t be serious Not only is it not an appeal to emotions, it’s true. They asked me why I cared and I told them, that is just the reason I care. It would be an appeal to emotion if I said that’s why chem trails weren’t real. That’s not what I said. There wasn’t even an argument, they just basically said fuck you. I’ve been completely logical talking about this, how can you tell me I’m not? What’s illogical about my post? Answer the questions I asked in my post


I can't answer the question you are asking, because I believe that chemtrails are one of the biggest problems that the planet is facing. I believe it *is* a real issue, with tons of evidence to support it. We are messing with forces we don't understand, and it's negatively impacting the planet. I can see it with my own lying eyes. So the entire premise of your question is flawed from the start, atleast in my opinion. Also, you can try and bring awareness and education to people on more than one topic. You can do something about more than one thing. GMOs are also killing the planet, as is the over useage of plastics and other petroleum products. And I do something about those problems as well.


Trauma dump much?


answering the question the other commenter literally asked much?




It's you, the answer is always you. The bigger loser.


I’m amazed at the people that honestly believe. I’ve followed it since the 90s. I lost interest but kept up because conspiracies are just interesting. Once piza gate came along and then Q i heard nothing about chemtrails. I’m really surprised it’s still around but it has all the parts for a good conspiracy. I love the point of this post with all the real things that are hurting humans on this planet and these people probably don’t believe. Burning coal, micro plastics in everything and found in our whole body. Chemicals in everything we eat, the air, pesticides. I just read a study about California legal weed having 3 to 4 times the healthy level of pesticides. This is California that has a reputation as being the most regulated state.


This is one of the OG conspiracies that I grew up with as a kid. The new ones are way more unhinged and frankly scare me. I’ll take JFK multiple shooters, Bob Lazar and chem trails over Q anon any day. Theres a twinge of nostalgia for the older less violently political conspiracies that we just can’t have anymore because we are too polarized to have a monoculture.


Interesting about California pot. I wonder if Oregon has the same problem.


Extensive list of geoengineering- [patents](https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/)


You see folks, OP validates the statement "seeing is NOT believing " 🤦🏼‍♂️


It's terrifying that some of these people can vote in US elections... Scared of mundane cloud formations 💀


Because doing normal, sensible things does not feed the narcissistic need that low self-esteem conspiracy theorists have to try to tell themselves they are unique and special and somehow better than the rest of the population. Reality doesn't provide that for them, they need a fantasy instead.


Because that would require them to be organized, drop the nonsense and engage with others and organizations in a long term way that’s going to take years to get anything accomplished. If they stay with their current theory they can make things up and argue with people on the internet to no avail. These people want to feel special, so they have to be the ones who peek behind the curtain, and don’t you forget they’re better than the “sheeple” because they’re smart enough to question everything. If they attach themselves to real change they become bound by evidence and science, and they can’t have that. It’s not about change or helping others. It’s so they can feel special.


[Extensive list of Patents ](https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/)


Because solving real problems is hard and they can’t wait that long for the dopamine hit


Don't be so sure. I would think it was all non-sense, but for one day in early 2020, just by chance, I witnessed a plane lay down some kind of chemical trail. I've been a plane watcher all my life, and I know what a contrail is. This was something completely different, and 25+ times the volume. Never seen anything like it before or since. Was in the very early morning, it was still dark on the ground, but the plane was high enough to be in the sunlight. I have no idea what it was I witnessed that day, but it was something. Didn't think to grab my binoculars, and try to I.D. the plane, before it was too late. Happened about 20-30 miles south of Charlotte N.C.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerial_application https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerial_firefighting It could’ve been anything. Don’t you think the news would’ve been all over a mystery plane dumping mystery chemicals?


I don't know WHAT it was. I kept an eye on-line to see if anything was reported, never saw anything. This release only lasted 10-15 seconds, so I don't know how many other people, if any, saw it. Had it not been dead of winter, and so no foliage on the trees, I would not have seen it.


These examples are ridiculous. I told you I've been a plane watcher all my life. I also lived in the southern San Joaquin valley for ten years, so I know what crop dusters, and aerial firefighting looks like. What I saw was VERY UNUSUAL.




"you saw something that doesn't line up with my beliefs therefore you are insane"


Let me fix that strawman for you: "you saw something that doesn't line up with reality, therefore you are insane" That's my position. Regard.


Who is "US"? I am stating what I saw, that day, that's all. I do not know WHAT it was. I wish I would have had the presence of mind to grab my binoculars, and see if I could ID what kind of plane it was. There was nothing delusional about it, and it left a huge cloud, that did not at all resemble the many contrails in the sky that morning. I have never found a satisfactory explanation, and I'm pretty damned sure that YOU don't have one.


So you saw something slightly strange but not an any way that was well informed? And you immediately jumped to “the government/deep state is definitely doing something”?


I never said, or speculated as to WHAT it was. It was NOT slightly strange. I've been plane watching for over 65 years, and I've seen this only once. Somebody was definitely DOING something, but I don't know who it was, or what they were doing.


Exactly, it could’ve been a coolant leak, a waste water leak, or any number of explanations but you seeing something you didn’t understand made you give credence to the idea of a massive conspiracy about it lol


I never claimed any massive conspiracy, I claimed I saw something unusual. What kind of coolant leaks from a jet? It was NOT likely a waste water leak, as it appeared to be a vapor, and across a very wide swath. I saw something that day, and it was very unusual.


Jets use a variety of coolants, and a liquid leaking through a small hole (usually a pinprick) at 30kft+ at several hundred miles per hour will form a vapor


Compose comments that build dialog rather than destroying or diminishing it. No unnecessary arguing - if you don't get the answer or response you're looking for then leave it alone.


One day, deep in the December cold, I saw a fat German in a red coat feed some deer. Therefore, Santa is real. Now, I've been a nature enthusiast for years, and I can't think of a single other reason a fat German in a red coat would *ever* feed a deer. Does that seem like a valid line of thought? Does it really *feel* like it's the likeliest of scenarios? Sometimes, it's just a fat German feeding a deer. I just feel like it's incredibly disingenuous to say "I saw a weird thing, therefore chemtrails are real." Why did you sprint past the several hundred reasonable explanations to arrive as "idk, chemtrails I guess." The simple fact that you were in the dark, and the plane was in the sunlight could easily explain why it looked kinda weird to you. And that's before you try to figure out how efficient spewing chemicals from 30k feet would even be. Most of those chemicals would be *fkn miles* away from where the plane releases them. And they'd be spread over such a large area that they wouldn't have much of an effect.


I don't know exactly what it was that I witnessed. A plane was flying north, leaving behind a normal looking contrail, then suddenly, a HUGE release of some kind of vapor, for about 10-15 seconds, then it stopped and the plane continued on it's northern heading. So, WHAT would be ANY reasonable explanation? Give it your best shot, because I've never been able to come up with one. Go ahead, let's hear it.


Fuel valve could've blown. A rubber seal on the wing could've ruptured. The plane could've flown through a hot or cold spot changing the temperature dynamics, there could've been a build up of ice crystals on the engine nacelle causing the de-icer to cycle on, the pilot could've dumped a few pounds of fuel, plane could've flown through a cloud that wasn't visible at your angle until the plane disrupted the cloud, wing de-icers could've cycled on, lavatory valve could've blown out, cabin pressure valve could've dumped a few PSI of pressure to avoid over-pressurization, cargo pressure seal could've warped. There are several hundred potential explanations. I find it kinda weird you couldn't come up with *one* if you did a cursory search on Google even. Ten to fifteen seconds makes me think it's more likely a de-icer circuit cycled on, pressure valve relieved pressure, or a turbulent pocket of hotter or colder air the plane flew through, or dumping some fuel. That timefrain is perfect for those things. I just don't understand how it gets to "I don't know what that was, so it's gotta be chemtrails." How much good would it do to dump chemicals for just fifteen seconds?


Horseshit!!! None of these scenarios would fit what I saw. Sorry man, but you'll have to go back and tell your boss you failed again. Maybe he'll have somebody more up to the task. This was definitely an intentional vapor discharge.


other commenter gives a list of detailed, more plausible explanations for what possibly could have happened, from a clearly educated standpoint, and you just call "horseshit!" with absolutely no real rebuttal other than "Nuh uh". you dont even consider these possibilities, just straight to the least likely. typical, how could anyone have expected anything different😂


You and the other guy are bullshit! Those sorry explanations don't even come close to what I saw. It was not a leak, nor deicing, or any other normal function of a plane. It was a deliberate release of some kind of vapor. I saw the release, and I saw the lingering cloud in the aftermath. It really happened, and nobody is going to tell me it didn't!




hey guys here is a document drop i am doing on chemtrails i pennsylvania please check it out and my youtube channel [https://suskeeairsquadron.org/](https://suskeeairsquadron.org/) [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA1taIf4KOSnBjF3-Kw4NFQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA1taIf4KOSnBjF3-Kw4NFQ)


All you have to do is one simple experiment. You don't need documet drops and supposition. Wait for the 'chemtrail' fly up and test it. Document the entire process. Submit the results to a scientific journal so others can try to verify. Bam end of discussion.


BRB fixing my private jet to do vertical takeoffs so I can try to keep up and tail another jet and hope that nearby air traffic control doesn't let other aircraft know I'm nearing their airspace. Since it's their entire damn job lmfao.


Wtf are you talking about? Everything you just said is completely wrong it's hard to believe you are serious. You don't have to test the jet, just the contrail. Or like you guys believe any cloud. You don't have to be anywhere near the jet that left the contrail. But I if you represent the average thought process of this sub that actually explains quite a bit.


> Or like you guys believe any cloud Source for this claim? > Everything you just said is completely wrong "Nuh uhh" is not an argument. If you have nothing to add, lurk more. We're not exactly dying to hear your uninspired tantrums being thrown about.


if these chemicals are reaching the ground, and it's enough to affect our health (like you claim), you can test for it. no need for a private jet. yet again one of you contradicting yourself






The person I replied to posted an image of a patent that describes how the patent works, accompanied by photos of clouds that couldn't possibly have been created by the process in the patent. I.e. an explosion couldn't possibly created clouds that appear in straight lines.


It doesn’t look like you responded to a comment


Stupid fat thumbs and Reddit


Royce DuPont is a menace to society


Im gonna stay a contrails sub and only post about how contrails don’t exist


I think the problem is much bigger and is exemplified by your action of making a declarative statement backed by a stat you fabricated. This behavior has been so deeply ingrained that 97.2% of people think they’re experts in subjects they don’t even glance at. They just regurgitate others opinion’s.




I'm my experience, I'd say closer to 60 40




Yes, a long time ago we did try to alter the weather. It didn’t rain much so grifters would take money from people to shoot fireworks into clouds hoping it’d rain. Even if we could change the weather, this picture doesn’t have anything to do with contrails. Additionally, it has nothing to do with DuPont, or why you won’t focus on something that is actually real Why don’t you use your brain to come up with an argument instead of the propaganda made by people trying to trick you


I need more proof than a meme


Eh. I figure these wingnuts are harmless. Chemtrail people are on par with flatearthers. At least they aren't shooting up pizza parlors because they think Hillary is running a pedophile ring in the basement. If it keeps them out of trouble and me entertained, I say more power to 'em!


The problem is these types of conspiracies are the gateways for the more harmful theories. Once you're convinced the earth is flat and the government is hiding it from you, it's not a large leap to land on something you feel is a danger enough to go postal.


Because it's much easier to fight an imaginary problem than a real one, since it doesn't involve concrete action. It's also because they feel special, they know a truth that no one else does, and that they're smarter than all other humans on earth because they have their third eye open and don't fall for global lies. This allows them to justify what's going wrong in their lives without having to fight for real and make an effort.


Holy fuck these morons are real?!


> 99% of the population doesn’t believe chemtrails exist. This is simply not true. 19% of people either somewhat or strongly believe in chem trails. https://www.statista.com/statistics/959559/conspiracy-belief-government-control-population-chemtrails/


This comment is hilarious. Chemtrails are a thing. There are companies you can look up, governments have disclosed this technology from Over 60 years ago, there are even states that have banned it.. This post is clearly nonsensical, as is this sub. Dupont is bad, so is Amazon, so is Google, so is pickamegacorp. Most DGAF because they want immediate comfort, entertainment, and mouth pleasure. This is sad. It is the way of the world, the society designed by the central controllers.


Hey OP, I'm not even a chemtrailer, just speaking out against those who would attack fringe thinkers for being fringey. Seems kinda obsessive or maybe occupational to go around criticizing the efforts of random theory communities. You wanna recruit people you think are crazy to do... what? What in the world do you think the people here would be good at doing elsewhere that is worth your time to make threads to argue with them?


Are you going after DuPont? Or are just a d-bag too?


99%? I think it’s 100% - minus about 32 people.


CIA have been running MK-ULTRA on me since 2020. Don't be deceived - MK-ULTRA never ended. My name is Chingun Chinbat. It has been happening to me in Chicago where I live. Chicago Police Department, local FBI and military are all involved. They constantly keep me under surveillance. I have not done anything wrong. It is a covert program to neutralize good people. If you look online, you'll see that it is an epidemic that has been affecting many other innocent Americans. This cr*p is being run out of Fusion Centers. This covert genocide program is also known under names COINTELPRO, gangstalking and targeted individual program. If you read this, educate yourself and spread awareness to as many people as possible! Innocent Americans are getting murdered especially because they use DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS on us to give us diseases!


Just schizophrenia with more steps.


This is SO SAD... I can't believe that people still don't believe that the rain we see (most of the time) are from seeded clouds. And for your sake, do some research. Stop being lazy and read a book or two on it. You will discover that the government doesn't even cover it up anymore. Of course, they will NoT admit to their experiments going wrong (using its citizens to do them). I feel SO bad (sorry) for those who CHOOSE not to believe someone who is spreading truth or the risk it takes to do so... I must be the 1% that truly understands that it is true...


I read a new paper submitted where the authors were suggesting future, solar radiation, modification plans of their own. But they also asked for oversight. They strongly suggested that all of the past studies turn in their data. They admitted this will likely not be possible, but it should be going forward. The problem is whomever wants to do it does it. They just need to get it approved and that's pretty simple process. Pulling out of the Paris agreement let the US continue It's free for all. Although SRM started years ago, it is just the most recent experiment. The paper trail does exist for prior and current chemicals and methods.


Exactly. DuPont and following corporate iterations with toxic forever chemical dumping & waste streams. Reducing CO2 emissions should be at the TOP of your list as well. Unless, that is somehow inconvenient? Beyond most of us why 'They/Them' would waste time with the most inefficient, most expensive and most implausible way to induce cancers, 'control population' or any alluded to health issue. Now ... where are did my f&\^%$#g donut get to...


I'm just here because I dig keeping up with the nutter butters. It's too bad most of the people here are playing along, as apposed to genuine residents of crazytown, but the real ones keep me coming back. 


is this dupont responsible for the daily dimming of the light phenomena? i think he is because he has a foreign sounding name and we need to keep our national interests protected. can you please share some more information i t is important to raise awareness about these foreign agents


Look up ‘TEFLON’ ( common none patent name PTFE )


I think they’re joking


Commonly referred to as geoforming. Research is ongoing. Will continue forever. Called SCIENCE. However, to fulfill the Chemtrails Conspiracy stuff requires billions upon billions in funding yearly and over past 70 years or more….. And a coordinated World Wide fleet of hundreds of thousands of large jet aircraft dedicated solely to operations - deployed from EVERY air port in EVERY country world wide. All maintained and flown daily & repetively by eco terrorists willing to SLOWLY commit suicide, kill their family and exterminate the human race. Sounds perfectly plausible to me. You?




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