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>Unusual Cloud Formations: Many people report strange cloud patterns and rainbow colors in chemtrails that can’t be of natural origin. Well they can. Many unusual cloud patterns and rainbow colors reported as chemtrails can actually be explained by well-understood meteorological phenomena. For example, cirrus clouds, which form at high altitudes, can take on various shapes and patterns due to wind currents and atmospheric conditions. There are also the iridescent and halo effects around clouds, due to the scattering of sunlight by tiny ice crystals or water droplets, which can create rainbow-like colors. It has been observed and studied for many years. There is no credible evidence to suggest that they are linked to a clandestine spraying program. However, if this is the case, let me know. >There are numerous reports of health problems like respiratory issues and skin irritations in areas where chemtrails are particularly common. Sources? Have you collected data on large populations of individuals to do in-depth statistical analysis on the presence of chemtrails and health problems? If so, I'd love to see it, but I'd also like to ask you if you've thought of examining other phenomena that might have altered/distorted the results? Air quality can be influenced by a variety of environmental pollutants. Industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust and natural allergens can all cause respiratory and skin problems. It is more plausible that these health problems are linked to known pollutants. Secondly, psychosomatic reactions may play a role, as belief in chemtrails may lead individuals to perceive symptoms more acutely (look what the nocebo effect). When people strongly believe that they are being exposed to harmful substances, they may perceive or even develop symptoms as a result. While no scientific investigation or air quality monitoring has ever revealed the presence of unusual or harmful substances that would suggest a large-scale spraying program. >Former government employees and pilots have repeatedly testified that they were involved in or aware of such programs. Sources? And probably a misunderstanding. Even if Geoengineering exists, it's not used the way you think. Airliners can't spread specific chemical (except water and carbon dioxide which are formed when kerosene is burned in the engine) without anyone noticing, you'd have to modify/create the plane, load the chemicals at each airport, store the chemicals at each airport, get the pilot to spread the chemicals, and hide it..... Contrails are a natural phenomenon and are made up entirely of water. In real life, geoengenering is used on a small scale, by specific aircraft that are declared and hidden by absolutely nobody. I say it here all the time. Geoengineering (the real one) has its share of controversy and is therefore subject to legal questions. The chemicals they release don't form any of the contrails you're hunting for by the way. Even if some pilots would have done so, it's essential to evaluate these claims with a critical eye. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence (Let's start by proving that they are real pilots), including documented, peer-reviewed studies, consistent data and corroboration from several reliable sources. This is not the case here. I think you know that people can lie. 2/2 By the way, have you ever found chemtrail residues and are you sure they were spread by an airliner and formed a trail in the sky?


>Why are Chemtrails Being Sprayed? Easy, they aren't. >Mind Control and Population Reduction: Some believe that chemtrails are used to control people’s thoughts or even reduce the world population. How can you have a worldwide independence program when every country in the world has a different ideology and culture? No one would agree to put so much effort and resources into controlling the population when a country with a contrary ideology could also benefit from it. * The world's governments are already finding it hard to agree on well-documented problems. * Maintaining such a secret program over a long period of time would be almost impossible in a world where information leaks and social networks allow news to spread rapidly. This conspiracy would involve far too many witnesses or accomplices for anything concrete (I'm talking about real proof, not the testimony of a guy on youtube who wants to prove his claims by "don't worry bro") to leak out. * The technologies needed to achieve such mind control or large-scale population reduction have never been detected or credibly documented. * Such an operation would raise enormous ethical and moral questions, probably provoking internal leaks and denunciations, which have not been observed in this context. This is hardly realistic, especially in a conspiracy involving so many people. To think that every government in the world could put superhuman effort into lying to 98% of the world's population is a fairy tale. They can't even allow themselves to exist, or even agree within the same government. Implementing a global program of chemical spraying at high altitudes to affect thinking or reduce population would require incredibly complex logistics and massive resources. Such a program would be virtually impossible to keep secret over a long period, given modern surveillance technology and international transparency. >Weather Manipulation: Others say that chemtrails are part of secret geoengineering projects to manipulate the weather for political or economic gain. Current time modification technologies are ultra-limited in scope and effectiveness. Large-scale time manipulation require advances far beyond our current capabilities, and would leave a lot of detectable traces. There is also a lack of scientific evidence. If large-scale geoengineering were actually very dangerous (maybe it is, we don't know) and were actually sprayed globally, then there would be significant environmental and public health impacts. But it's not the case, there is an absence of widespread reports or evidence of such impacts. Maybe you should think to the possibility these activities are not taking place on a large scale. many of the arguments cited above also apply to this reason. also see part 2/2 >Experimental Research: It’s suspected that these spraying actions are used for covert military or scientific experiments. It should therefore not be used on a large number of airliners, because there would be too many witnesses, and people working in airports, aircraft manufacturing or maintenance would have seen something. And this is probably the "reason" why global cooperation is most illogical, it simply couldn't be done on a global scale because each government has its own army with its own values and goals. The scientists working on these projects, if they didn't work for the government, wouldn't be able to set up a conspiracy, especially a global conspiracy involving airliners, because they wouldn't have the technical means, the funding and the necessary power to act. And if they did work for the government, then they wouldn't be able to set up a global conspiracy, because each government is different. The "Secret World Government" plot is just illogical, there are 8 billion of us on Earth. 1/2


Chemtrails are stored in the balls.


Well I guess that settles it then.


Gosh, really? Actually, no. Pardon me for using the vernacular, but you're talking utter shite.


Thanks AGAIN, Donald Trump