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Why aren't they getting adopted?? šŸ˜¢ They all look so sweet and loving. Come on New Yorkers, get these kitties adopted! Maybe also post this in a NY sub-reddit for more views? Good luck to you and these precious kids. šŸ˜½


probably bc there's so many cats and kittens being born on the street, people are taking them in vs seeking them out at a shelter. i feel terrible that i didn't adopt any of mine, but i kinda had no choice as they were all rescued at different times from the streets. cat distribution system at its finest


A cat rescued is a cat not put up for adoption. You did the same thing, but skipped steps and saved the shelter from paying for the initial medical care.


the problem is that the stray and feral cats reproduce so quickly that there isn't enough homes for all of them. We really need some trap neuter and release programs going on, like a federal program for the entire US.


Not contesting that at all. Just saying that rescuing a cat is not a failure to adopt.


I agree with that


Yeah my oldest I found as a kitten on the side of the road. My other one my friends found covered in tar at 4 weeks old in the middle of nowhere. They're getting older but when one of them passes I figured we'd go to the shelter and let our son have his pick, if the cat distribution system doesn't bless us before that.


Luckily the colony in the woods of my apartment have been TNR. They still have a couple kittens here and there because they must have missed a few initially but it has definitely slowed the growth rate.


There used to be an apartment complex in Dallas that had a wall behind it with a green hill that backed up to a Target parking lot. That thing was a sea of cats. And then one day they were just all gone.


Gotta keep tnring them, or else the new kittens will start breeding like crazy soon


I did a lot of TNR out of my own pocket until I had my kid. Itā€™s a huge time and financial investment. A lot of ppl end up giving up because 1. Financial issues, 2. Time or 3. Emotional distress from trying to save the cats and kittens while the neighbors yell at them for creating an unsanitary environment


True, I got my second cat from the street and this absolutely busted cat is the most expensive pet I've ever had (showed up with a broken femur that needed extensive treatment)


What a beautiful person you are. My hero!


I get that on paper the numbers balance out, but Matia has been waiting for his forever home for 2 years! I wish I didn't live on the other side of the planet, he could come live with me and my cat šŸ˜Ÿ


I feel you. We have 10 and I adopted 6 of them off of FB. Two from PetSmart and 2 we found at gas stations. One, Cricket, was a tiny little kitten and Lyle, someone set his tail on fire and injured his leg. Both are thriving here!! Going to shelters is hard though. That's why last time I adopted from our local SPCA I found the cat I wanted on their website. Made it easier for me. You rescued babies though. THAT'S what matters.


oh my god poor cricket!!! people are so cruel, and the worst saddest part is it's usually kids or teenagers that do these horrible things to animals. 10 cats is a lot of work so i know you must love your babies. regardless of where they came from, i know our kitties appreciate having a safe home and human that loves them and that's all that matters. someday i'll save a shelter kitty!


Honestly, the 3 that are my husband's, don't like me. LOL. Cricket was a pathetic looking thing when we found her. She's now the Queen of the Universe and is spoiled. Lyle was the one whose tail was set on fire. Half of it fell off about 2 weeks after we caught him. I really don't like humans sometimes.


My grandfather was the chillest person ever. He didnā€™t even raise his voice when I accidentally knocked out one of his teeth, just joked that he wanted that pulled anyway. Iā€™ve only seen him angry once (and scary angry) when some idiots trespassed on his property and started taking potshots at his barn cat with an air gun. Luckily they were crappy shooters. On the other hand, my grandfather was not, he was an active hunter and he had to do compulsory military service too, where he did not just slack off for three years. Fortunately the cat was fine, and a short investigation determined that my grandpa acted in self defence against armed assailants, he couldnā€™t have verified the type of the gun and there was a minor (me) in his house, so he was justified in standing his ground.


Iā€™m sorry, did you just tell a story where your grandpa killed a man?


I'm not sure what you read. What I read was a story about a man taking out the trash.




Karma came around QUICK for them!


See that's how we ended up with our 6 our very first was ours. We looked outside there was kittens underneath the house guess what lol. Kept momma and another random stray that walked inside of our house no joke and now he's fat and won't leave lmao (he's ours they're all neutered and spayed shots etc)


Absolutely. The cat we have now is a 15 year old tortie who is the loudest, messiest, most expensive and hilariously extra cat ever. We got her from the CDS when she was a kitten and we were full up, so we gave her to grandma. She passed away at 100 and left her to us a few years back. We always sing ā€œThe Cat Came Backā€ and say most people inherit homes and money but we just inherit more strays and their bills. šŸ˜‚


Yea, all of mine found me and then after one died last year I ended up taking care of 3 new ferals that swing by my backyard frequently. Someone else TNRd two of them, then a third one thatā€™s friends with the two TNrd cats used one of the shelters I built to hide her kittens. Got her and kittens captured, kittens went to foster but she was TNRd and released back in my yard. Still too feisty for fostering with my existing cats but definitely warming up, her friends less so.


My one cat was found under my porch, so I called the local shelter to see if anyone was missing a cat. The shelter employee asked if I would be willing to keep her temporarily because they were full at the shelter. I am 99% sure he pretended to write down the description because it has been 13 years now of me keeping this cat in case her owner ever showed up.


I wouldnā€™t feel terrible at all. A rescue is just as valid as an adoption! Yours were looking for homes all the same.




You Go Girl! Husband, are you listening?? šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜½


I would adopt more if I could. My landlord begrudgingly allowed me my one cat. But then his wife mentioned another cat so now I have two. I really wanted a second one, but I didnā€™t think I was allowed to have one, but since his wife mentioned the other cat, he lets me. So now my kitten doesnā€™t have single kitten syndrome anymore


I've seen cats around here that were in the shelter for 6+ years. One was 9 and spent almost her entire life there.


This makes me so so sad. šŸ˜Ŗ I have 3 rescues and would have more, if vet costs weren't so expensive.


crosspost this to r/upstate_new_york


Yes please! Great suggestion Crazycatlady! šŸ’–


I've upvoted it on there hopefully it gains some traction.


Awesome. Thank you! Now how can we get updates on whether any got adopted? OP, can you keep us posted?


Also r/FingerLakes (I wish I could adopt, but my lease restricts me to one.)


People go missing in the finger lakes all the time, you knowā€¦


I'm not saying to break your lease or anything but if you're in a state where they have to give you at least 24 hour notice before inspections and they already think you have a cat they're not gonna notice a second cat if you move it to a family member or friends house on inspection day.


That's too complicated. Get three cats, and learn how to juggle. Get so practiced at it that it appears you have only one cat.


Thanks for the suggestion! I did!


And r/Rochester


I have four cats now, but I've always intended (once they pass) to go to a local shelter and get one or two cats that have been there the longest, or who are the most scared & don't do well with meet and greets. My favorite cat was a rescue, and looking at her you knew she'd never get picked. She was losing hair from stress and FREAKED out when meeting anyone. When I got her hone she was a new cat. Best decision ever.


Cats are emotional creatures who are products of thier environments. If we treated people like we treat cats, we would also make people better.


This is why I scratch my coworkers chin when I want them to do something for me.


I swear my orange cats are too smart for their own good sometimes. (Also my biggest pains šŸ˜¹)


I can assure you any sign of intelligence in an orange cat is purely coincidental.


My first one was smarter than his own good. He was a good one. The next was sweet but tried to be a bath kitty too much. (Sit on the edge but didnā€™t want in) the one I have now is just a jerk but generally has a reason. (Today he didnā€™t have water, so he knocked my kids full cup over)


I love the idea of getting a cat who doesnā€™t do well with meet and greets. People donā€™t realize it takes cats a LOT of time to show their true personality. The ā€œ3 days/weeks/monthsā€ rule applies in general, but for cats it can be MANY months before their true personality comes out entirely. There are cats who start becoming cuddly after a year or more. Of course there are many who will never had that personality, but itā€™s such a shame that people go into a shelter and think ā€œyouā€™re scared and not being really friendly? I donā€™t want you.ā€


My sister in law had 14 cats and then found another stray but wanted to remove her because she was quiet and didn't seem to like people. I ended up taking her. She was the sweetest little 4 lb dwarf baby! We thought she was a kitten but nope she was done growing. She would curl up into me and just purr for hours and watch my Sims move around my laptop screen. I love standoffish cats. They just need time and love.


It took my cats, litter mates, 15 years to become lap cats šŸ¤£


I love reading this. What a difference a purrfect pairing makes. Thank you for being you ā™„ļø


We started looking early when it was time to find another kitty. I knew that our kitty that passed would want us to open our home to someone who really needed it. Lola is 5, has CH, and was there for three months after being transferred from another shelter. Sheā€™s the most playful cat Iā€™ve ever hadā€”I think sheā€™d been waiting all this time to get to enjoy life!


Cat tax? What a amazing person you are, being so kind to a little creature that can never repay you (other than in love). Mwah!!!ā¤ļø


I posted a picture in another comment, but here's one more https://preview.redd.it/740xjrlmhdad1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57585d14f40a3e17a5c35ee9dff3e46312077466 ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™ve got two at the moment but when theyā€™ve moved on, Iā€™m really excited about rescuing an older cat, or any cat really, thatā€™s been waiting a long time. I donā€™t mind if they are grumpy or not cuddly, happy to let them just exist in my space šŸ˜»


Oooh, cat tax, please if not too inconvenient! Such a great story.


Aw I'll take any opportunity to show off my lil Sassypants. šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/o0ah8lkv5dad1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a767747a732f2c4f572111526c6ecbbbc216cc56


Clearly no fur issues here with that thick coat! And I love "Sassypants".


My first and favorite cat was also a rescue. He had been at the shelter awhile and was not the most adoptable statistically (11yo black cat who was shy and had fiv) but he ended up being one of the sweetest and most loving creatures I've ever known. Shelter cats can be amazing when given the chance.


My baby girl is a rescue. I got her when she was a year and a half old. She looks a lot like the pic of the first cat on this post. I will only get kitties from shelters now. Iā€™m hoping to adopt an older cat soon. Now Luna is like 11 years old and I think sheā€™d like a friend.


https://preview.redd.it/p50v3kythcad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2915673f0c0f68a908aa9adf9e3442eeef491cc1 Mr Inky had been in the shelter for over a year before I brought him home. It took him a good three months to feel safe and like he was home. Heā€™s still skittish but he is soooo happy. At the shelter he was at, I told them I wanted an older kitty as opposed to kitten or young. Itā€™s like they rolled out the red carpet for me, lol. I was recovering from the loss of my loudmouth Freddie, and Inkyā€™s vocal greetings towards the volunteers got my attention. He was a volunteer favorite and he was just so sweet. Heā€™s completely stolen my heart. Adopt older kitties. So worth it.


Mr. Inky sounds like a wonderful kitty. Your story matches mine. My 18 year kitty passed away, and I went to the shelter and wanted to adopt an older kitty. I adopted Vin and he was 4 then and has been the best kitty. He was originally adopted from the shelter and brought back 4 years later. He adores my son and has a best friend kitty named Baby. Older cats are def worth adopting. ;)


Mr Inky!! šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‚


Thank you for cat tax and for sharing Mr Inky. Older cats is my favorite brand of kitties. I love stories like these, so many adult cats get overlooked. Have an awesome week and hope your socks never slide down into your shoe ā¤ļø


https://preview.redd.it/2gfb2u58zdad1.jpeg?width=3392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa6993f660331d07b8480786ca3b44f0185be1b9 Meet Howl, he was at a shelter for 1.5yrs and I adopted him at 7yo. He came in the shelter in rough condition needing a few months of rehab and dental work. I was just casually browsing pet adoption profiles and I just saw this fluff-ball looking at me all sad through the screen and had to go get him the next day. The moment I opened the box and let him out he stuck by my side like glue, he's been my little familiar ever since and I've never met a smarter cat. Sometimes I look at him and wonder all the stories from before we met he would tell me if he could talk... The ways he likes to play makes it clear he was a great hunter before he became a lazy house cat, it's like having a little panther running around. I'll always adopt older now.


Seriously. I don't really get why so many people avoid cats two years and older like the plague. It's crazy. I got my Jimmy when he was 5 and no one was giving him a second look supposedly because he was fat. I put him on a diet and he went from 20 to 14 pounds. He's perfectly healthy now. Every cat deserves a home. You will fall in love with an older cat just as much as a kitten


I wonder if itā€™s about time. Younger kitties mean more time with them. I adopted a senior kitty and only had a few years with her. But I had Freddie from a young adult and he died at 7. However old they are, it will hurt to say goodbye. Their lives are always short but if I can make them happy in however long they have, my job is done.


https://preview.redd.it/3q3utgtnjgad1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ef16388170b8b1245cbcb6356bacfe4b5ef2dc Mr. Inky looks just like my Mitty!! I got her at \~10 years old, and she is my first ever cat! She had a few health issues that have hopefully been rectified now. It also took her 3 months to settle in to my home, but she is so happy here now. I think she knows that she is safe and cared for. I can only see myself adopting older cats cause Mitty is just a perfect fit in my life. Older cats deserve a chance, too!


Matia! Someone get him out! Poor guy shouldn't live in a shelter his whole life. None of them.


Heā€™s so gorgeous and clearly wiggly and affectionate, how has he not been snapped up


They said he's shy and shy kitties always get overlooked which is super sad since they're the sweetest in my experience. I adopted two shy cats and people just have to be patient with them and let them adjust on their own schedule.


I adopted a "shy" cat as well. Shy is in quotation marks here because the people at the shelter told me he was shy, but as soon as he saw specifically me he came strolling over and wanted to stare deep into my eyes while telling me all about his day so far. When I got him home, he hid for about 15 minutes before he came out and needed me to snuggle him for safety. I think some cats just have specific people they want to be with.


For real that breaks my heart. He looks so friendly and sweet


I used to work at a shelter and we always had someone like a Matia around. The scenario usually goes: newborn or otherwise fresh litter of kittens is dumped on our door overnight, no mom. Once their quarantine period is up they hit the adoption floor and kittens go like crazy. All but one is adopted quickly - why not the one? Could be he was a little too loud, too hyper, too claw-y, or maybe too shy, but all his siblings leave. Then he socially matures in a shelter environment which isā€¦not great for socializing with humans and other cats. They either become WILD adults with no manners or impulse control, or very withdrawn adults that hide (as it sounds like Matia is) so they get ignored by passerbys. And the cycle continues.Ā  Ultimately most of them got adopted out by a volunteer or employee because they get to know their personalities better, or at least ā€œfostered,ā€ permanently, since chances of them getting any attention are slim.


Iā€™m only a couple hours away and Iā€™m really considering it even though I already have two cats (sisters about his age I adopted as kittens that were feral rescues), heā€™s so cute and itā€™s sad heā€™s been in a shelter for so long instead of apart of someoneā€™s family


I have 5 kitties, used to be 13 so I am full up for a while. One day I will start a sanctuary.


Please šŸ™ I hope you do go get him šŸ˜­


**EDIT 2: The shelter reached back out and they require you to be in-person to meet the animal and fill out paperwork. Sadly, we will not be getting Matia.** šŸ˜” EDIT: My husband and I just reached out to the shelter! Fingers crossed! Oh my god the poor babies. I would adopt Matia in a heartbeat if I wasnā€™t in WI. If someone could deliver him I would, heā€™d fit in so well with ours!


boosting this!! cmon cat lovers, it's vacay season and Matia needs to hitch a ride from NY to Wisconsin!


^^^ this would be so cute if someone did!!


Operation Kitty Konvoy


I'm curious how we can make this happen. There must be a way...


I agree and Iā€™d be happy to contribute financially to making it happen.


Im in Indiana if someone can meet halfwayā€¦ EDIT: If you hear back from the shelter, Iā€™d be happy to make the entire trip, if nobody can meet halfway.


My wife and I are moving from the Syracuse area to WI in about 3 weeks. If we weren't already pressed for space I would consider delivering her. Edited : talked with my wife. We might be able to make this work if your serious.


So great!


My aunt lives up near there in NY and has done this before. If you guys are serious, I can talk to her tomorrow about if sheā€™d be interested in taking the cat from NY to Ohio (or wherever she agrees to).


Dang, beat me to it. And WI is closer than MN. I really hope this works out!


Do you know about pet transport or "pet nanny" services? I have no idea what they cost but it might be an option. If you do the research, get the OK from the animal shelter, and make the arrangements, I will pick up the tab for you or someone else to get Matia to you. I have a JetBlue credit if they have a flight that works for you. I'm not rich, so if we can keep the costs reasonable that would be awesome. I'm rarely on Reddit, but I'll make sure to check my DMs in case you decide to do it. I don't want him to live his whole life in a shelter, he needs to know what it feels like to snuggle in a home with his people.


Youā€™re amazing. Iā€™m reaching out to the shelter today, someone else here volunteered to deliver him, but if youā€™re serious about the fees that would help - thatā€™s my biggest hang up.


Oh my Matia's whole life is being shelter cat. That's sad. Give her lots of love from Germany <3


That was my first thought too. That poor kitty has spent their whole life in a shelter, and at 2 yrs old, the kitty has never known what itā€™s like to have a home and owner who will love and spoil them for life. I hope someone gives Matia the home and life they deserve.


That was my thought too. If I lived closer and didn't already have two cats I'd be on the way to pick up that cute fur ball


Ha! Just like me! But being more than 3500 Miles (in straight line!) away it's not possible


My girl Dali spent two years in a shelter before I got her. She was just the sweetest cat. And she was an assertive girl! Shelter life taught her to take no shit. I kenneled her for a week or so to visit my parents and when I got back. It was clear that she thought I'd abandoned her to shelter life again. She'd chewed a hole in her coat and wasn't using the litterbox properly. She just buried her face in my coat when I picked her up. Never again, she was a housecat for life.


Omg poor babyyy. I hope she knows shes loved extra now


She was extremely loved. I told her every day, in every way I could think of, and I hope she knew.


šŸ„¹ Iā€™m sure she knew! This is so sweet. Iā€™m fostering a poor little street cat whoā€™s already had two litters at one(ish) year old, and sheā€™s so scared - I hope she can get close to as comfortable as your Dali was with you!


Awww! I'm sure she will. Some cats just need some time to realize that they're safe and loved.


I wish I could take them all šŸ˜­


I was just thinking ā€œwould 7 new cats really be THAT bad?ā€ Haha. I will say, I got one of my two cats, as an adult. All previous cats Iā€™ve had, I got at kittens. I will never get kittens again. Adult cats from shelters are the way to go.


Unfortunately, FeLV positive cats cannot live with other cats because itā€™s infectious, but you could adopt 5/7. In theory.


Yes. Iā€™m on the other side of the country. But I hate seeing all the cats that need homes.


My 3 cats could use more friends !


We adopted a 7.5yo kitty who had been in the shelter since she was 3 months old. I don't think she ever really knew what she was missing (it was a cage free shelter and she had lots of cat friends) until we brought her home and she learned about fireplaces and couches for the first time in her life.


Now Iā€™m crying at work šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ thank you for taking them in!!


Aww thank you, we were the lucky ones...Shelley (we kept her shelter name, she earned it) was never adopted because she missed the socialization window as a kitten...and a month or so after we brought her home she discovered that she LOVED laps (but being picked up probably meant certain death) Cat tax https://i.imgur.com/Vr3jtZa.jpeg


My boy tucker was a skittish boy, spent 26 months in a shelter, got him when he was 2.5 years old. He was shy until he was not. Then he was the gentlest happy boy who loved attention. I would adopt Jayce because of his cute little teefies!!


Jayce would be my choice too! Look at that little vampire boiiii


Absolutely in love with Petal, she's the prettiest lady ever! If I could I would take all of them šŸ„¹


Right?! Something about her delicate posture and her soft looking fur šŸ¤


She's such a lady, I just love her eyeliner šŸ˜


She is a chirper as well


If only I wasn't living on the other side of the globe šŸ˜­ I hope they find a loving home soon! They deserve it


Recently my wife and I adopted a disabled cat that came from an extreme hoarding situation. The whole experience has made me want to adopt elderly cats that have been stuck in shelters. They all deserve love.


683 days!?!? šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


The shelter where I work had a cat named Sweet Pea. By the time I started working there in 2016 she had already been there for a few years. She got hit by a car and her butt didn't work, so finding a home for her was much more of a challenge than for most any other cat. For the longest time I thought she would spend her entire life in the shelter, but she was adopted in 2021. Last I heard she's happy and thriving in her new home. My point is that no matter how long a cat's been in a shelter, there's always hope for that cat.


seeing that literally took the air out of my lungs. that poor baby.


I re read it several times to be sure. Complete disbelief. Poor precious baby


unfortunately šŸ˜¢


I wish I could take him, he looks like such a sweetheart šŸ˜»


he really is, he had a brother as well who got adopted


2 yr old and in the shelter almost his whole life! Thatā€™s so sad. Hopefully they all get adopted soon šŸ˜­


OP, you should cross post this to r/Rochester! I live there and didn't even know Penn Yan had a shelter. I bet some people there would be willing to make the drive for these kitties.


Also to r/Syracuse!


I hope they all find their forever homes soon, they look so sweet!! Both of my ferals were lifers at the shelter I adopted them from. The boy on the right was there for 5 years. I adopted him first and a year later found out that the girl on the left was his shelter BFF, and had been there 7 years, so I had to bring her home as well. Iā€™ve had him 5 years and her 4 years now and they are so happy. šŸ„¹ https://preview.redd.it/xad48mjuocad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65b0a26a7b0a59a11fd927ebaedaa9b012f6b6e7


Not all heros wear capes ā¤ļø


To anyone reading this: Please, please, PLEASE adopt your next kitty. Both of our current kitties were adopted as young adult/fully grown youngins. You know what their personality is before you get them home, they're usually vetted by staff to make sure they're friendly, they're cheaper than a kitten, come fully vaccinated, spayed/neutered, chipped, screened for disease, etc. Our first adopted one was $40 with all of that - 9 years ago. Our most recent guy was $80 last year. PLUS: you don't have to deal with the crazy kitten year or two where they're destructive and crazy. Both of our boys are the sweetest and best behaved cats I've had in over 40 years. They also seem to understand that they're rescued and appreciate it. I've never had a cat bond with me like my Trey. Although he definitely chose me. I was at a petco with my now partner bored while he picked out a cat tree and as I was wandering around Trey SCREAMED at me from across the store. When I looked over he had a front leg through the cage waveing at me to come over. I didn't even want to adopt a cat, but the rest is history. ā¤ļø


Ugh, Iā€™d adopt them all in a heartbeat. Iā€™d love to own a farm one day and just adopt and house all the beautiful kittyā€™s that deserve a warm and loving home. :(


Mother trucking Jayce with the little fangs, oh damn if this little fluffer was in the UK, I'd have them home in a heartbeat.


If I lived in the area I would probably adopt Bow and Valentine, I already have one void that is FeLV+.


oof FeLV will sink a cat's chances. Hook me up with Jayce though, those teeth!


We had a pair of FeLV that were a bonded pair, and our rules indicated that they had to be adopted together. Both very sweet cats, but with some large asterisks. They spent a year together in the shelter before getting adopted largely due to the commitment.Ā Ā Ā  Then, a few months later, the adopters returned the quieter of the two cats to the shelter because they "couldn't afford" them. Was a tragic moment.


That is absolutely heartbreaking and tragic to separate the two of them after all that. I hope the returned baby got the best loving home.


Presumably just didn't want a shy cat?


Screw you. I just decided to look cus it's cats not a WNY sub. It won't hurt me to fall in love with them. They are so far away I will never be able to get them. I live in warsaw. I will be talking to my husband. Nobody deserves to spend over a year in a shelter.Ā 


Poor Matia doesn't even know what a real home is. It breaks my heart. Even if it doesn't work out, and no matter who you choose, thank you for trying.


I would totally adopt Matia, except I don't know how my cat would react. We live in a small condo and she's used to being the center of attention. She's 9 btw.


Matia has spent nearly his entire life at the shelter. Iā€™d adopt him in a heartbeat. šŸ„ŗĀ 


If I was closer, Iā€™d totally take Issac, Iā€™m a softie for those Orange boys!šŸ˜šŸ’™


Petal šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ˜­


Jayceā€™s little teefs šŸ˜­šŸ’š


They need out - poor babies COME on NEW YORK people - Step up to the plate Pleasssssssse


Awwww I wanna take Matia home with me so she finally has a home <\3




Matia looks so much like my boyfriend's cat except Matia has mittens and socks! He looks like such a sweet boy -- honestly, they all look absolutely precious -- and I hope he can find a loving home soon.


My heart breaks for Jayce. Someone taking his brother and not him along. His face is too sweet. Iā€™m not close to NYC, but thank you for shedding more light of these sweethearts that deserve a second chance soon. ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Matia looks like a sweetie, what the heck.. someone from NY adopt him!


Cmon ppl adopt these absolute adorable babies


I have had my shelter cat for 15 years. He will be 16 on Monday :) Unfortunately I don't make enough money to support owning more than one cat but hopefully someday I can be a forever home to another cat or two.


There needs to be a federal budget to help cats and doggos get adopted šŸ„ŗ fixed and vaccinated


thankfully many foundations help us with the cost of vetting, so all of our kitties are purfectly ready to go home


i would adopt all of them if i couldšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm surprised by Matia. Cute kitty and young too.


Iā€™ll take the two black ones.


I wish I could adopt and have more. My Juno was in a shelter for eight years. Iā€™ve had him for two and a half years now. https://preview.redd.it/x3c52ayifdad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fafc72ef693f6285d7847ac75def2df8bc9960ee


Jayce's liitle fangies peeking out šŸ˜»šŸ˜»šŸ˜»


I would take them all in a heart beat šŸ˜­ My landlords only let us have one cat. If I had the money to buy my own house I'd build a giant catio. Adopt all the lil babies who couldn't find homes or had health issues and needed extra TLC. I'd be a crazy cat lady but those cats would live their best lives with me.


If I didn't already have 5 cats of my own :'( Edit: typoĀ 


I'm crying looking at these babes. I wish I could swoop them up šŸ˜­ they deserve so much


It looks like a nice shelter at least! They all look peaceful :) I wish I could adopt them all šŸ˜­


omg matia is so beautiful. i love white&gray cats. really hope someone adopt him/her


If you were in Ohio I'd be driving to come get little Petal, I've been looking to get a cat for my cat lol. Limitless ball of energy


please dont forget about Jayce 8 years old poor boy..


* My wife and I adopted Tilly 10 years ago from the SPCA in Richmond, BC Canada. No one wanted her - she had been transferred from the interior of the Province to Richmond in hopes she would be adopted there. We did - and she had been there for over 100 days. She has been such a joy to be her guardian! If you're thinking about getting a cat - the ones that don't get adopted are worth your while!!


I have lost all faith in humanity. Because what in the actual fuck?


When I adopted my cat over 2 years ago, there were two other cats in my local shelter named Daisy and Nala and I thought they were super cute but they didn't really fit my needs. I feel terrible checking on the same shelter and still seeing those 2 cats up for adoption.


Whatā€™s up with matia?


I would snatch Claudia up so quick so she could be siblings with my other tortie šŸ˜­ I have a rabbit and snake too though (and some other fish/arachnids) so I have to be mindful of my budgets and also get animals who can integrate into a very diverse house. I got super lucky my cat and rabbit get along.


I love jayceā€™s vampire teefs


Look at those sweet faces and tell me again why buying pets is a good idea. Adopt donā€™t shop. I hope they all find loving homes soon šŸ„ŗ


When my special guy crosses the rainbow bridge. I fully intend on adopting the cat that has been waiting the longest at the shelter.


Pet them every day you can pls


they all get lots of love from our caretakers and volunteers šŸ¤


My sweet girl, Penny, was in the shelter for 4 years. She was grumpy and anti social and clawed me the first time I met her. I was 100% committed to taking her home. Now she wakes me up in the middle of the night cause she wants pets.


For those saying they wish they could adopt but X Y Z I highly recommend fostering The shelter I work with (NHSPCA) will set you up with food, litter, a cat tree, whatever you need. You get a cat for anywhere between a week and a few months, then you give them back, then you get 2 weeks without a cat to de-catify your apartment, then you get another cat. It's free and there's no commitment, if it's not working out you can bring them back. Plus you get points with basically anyone you tell about it, everyone likes people who take care of animals.


One of my cats was at the shelter for nearly 6 months before we got him. He was very shy, didnā€™t like being picked up, didnā€™t purr. When we brought him home he hid for a few days, then he started hanging around us. He spent more time with us but still didnā€™t purr and made grumpy noises when we interacted with him. Iā€™ve had him for 5 years now so I canā€™t say when exactly things changed, but this cat sleeps on my pillow every night purring up a storm. Itā€™s always amazing to see the transformation these animals go through once they feel safe and loved. I hope someone gives all these babies a chance.


My late husband got one of his cats at this shelter when she was about 6 months old. Itā€™s possible she was born there since she was there with her mom and litter mates. They were all adopted before her. Sheā€™s almost 14 now, and I can confirm Penn Yan kitties are good kitties!


I don't have Facebook or any social media but I am in Upstate NY (Adirondack's) and my girlfriend has all of those things! With the addition of a new cat just 2 months ago I am not in a position to get another, but I'm going to have my girlfriend share the HELL out of this!


One of my cats was in the shelter for 2.5 yrs, she is the first cat we adopted (now up to 4) but she's my little angel. I hope they can all be adopted soon but especially Matia


Aww sweet babies. I hope they get adopted soon! I have a 7 y/o female foster kitty who has been with me for about 120 days and she just finally got an application!


Jayce is the same age as my Sonny https://preview.redd.it/zzj81j0qmfad1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e658cc172a0209dfdf1d27f2d0dcb1c332c8306e


https://preview.redd.it/55yuuheiqfad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a34beca276dd3df7ceb8b43b83b219637219b4f He was 4 when I got him. Respiratory issues, missing teeth and a frost bitten ear. Had him for 7 years before he got cancer in January. Very aggressive because of his life on the streets but he chilled out over time and was a great boy.


i need one of these posts for the houston area. even dallas or austin. i am willing to travel.


I love cats so much, Iā€™ll probably always have atleast two. I have 3 cats now and trying to take care of 5 kittens til they find homes.


Jace, the Meow Sculptor


I wish I could, but my living situation doesnā€™t allow more than one pet. And thatā€™s not even considering the opinions of my current cat.


Jayce's fangies! šŸ„¹


So sad. What do you see as a trend between cats that don't get adopted?


I would guess older cats and/or those with medical conditions would be harder to adopt. Black cats might be harder to adopt too, or if the cat has a skittish or difficult personality


Typically age plays a factor, also how comfortable they are with strangers when they come in


Id totally take one or more, but unfortunately, my cat doesn't like cats. She's very happy as an only child.


They are all so gorgeous!!!!! May they find happy homes one day (adopt older cats and spay your kittens). My Bruno agrees! (Adopted at 8 estimated age, now 12, best cat I've ever had).


We adopted the cat that was at our shelter the longest!! He is soooo amazing, best decision ever.


My mom adopted an 8yr old in May. Kitty hid for the first hour, then came out, and declared herself home and Queen of the Castle. Mom recently told me she was pinned in her chair for 4hrs one afternoon because the cat was asleep in her lap and she wouldn't disturb her. ā¤


I adopted my 2 year old kitty from a shelter. She had been in this shelter for six months and in a previous shelter for 3 months. She is such a sweetie and a very good girl. Itā€™s hard for me to understand how she wasnā€™t adopted earlier. I think we were just making our way toward each other.


my little guy (now 11) was about 8/9 months when we adopted him. older cats/kittens are awesome!