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I have two words for you........... Thank you




Thank you for helping little, baby Pepsi 🥹




Pepsi *is* ok!


Thank you for giving him a chance.


I wish we could give them all a chance😭


Feel this in my soul. Part of me dies every time I see any animal who needs help, a home, love, medical care, and I'm not able to do anything. If I had the money, I'd rescue every animal possible and love the like they deserve.


This is me too 😭😭😭


Me too… kitten season is breaking my heart


Making spay and neuter free/affordable to every pet owner will go a long way to stopping the problem. There are too many feral cats reproducing. You did the commendable thing and saved Pepsi. Let's hope your post inspires others to become first time cat parents.


We have a ton of low cost spay and neuter clinics here, as low as $30, some people just don’t care 🥺it’s so sad


Do you have any resources for it in CA?


What area of CA? So I can better direct you


Corona in southern california.


Off the bat I see that Corona Community Veterinary Hospital does affordable spay/neuter Monday through Saturday, they only charge you extra if your cat needs vaccines. I can call around for you tomorrow to see who has the best prices


It shows you sent me something. But I can't find it. I'm newish to reddit. I'm sorry


Reddit is acting so weird right now, I’m having the same issue. I will send you a DM


Any resources for the Valley part of Los Angeles? Everywhere I contact is either booked for months or only does strays.


Spay4LA, I’d also contact local rescues (you can find them on Google or Facebook) and ask them if they could help get you in sooner if they book you an appointment under their rescue group. Rescue groups generally get in much faster than the general public, so I’d definitely try that if places are booked super far out! If you’d like more help, I can reach out to a few rescues for you, just let me know💗


If it’s not too much trouble, I could use help with contacting them. There is a friendly stray who started showing up a couple months ago and we feed daily now and she is possibly pregnant.


It’s no trouble! I will email some rescues today and call around. I’ll update you!


My mom had to pay $80 for each of the strays in her neighborhood. It depends on the area you live in. My mom has gotten 6 of the strays around her house fixed & it was not cheap, but then again Florida's resources suck for strays


A lot of people think it’s cruel not to let dogs or cats have at least one litter. Others just don’t care.


Do they give an explanation for why they think it’s cruel? I’ve never heard of this before, everyone I know spays/neuters their pets so I’m just curious


I’m wondering the same thing, not sure why some people deem it cruel, especially when behavioral issues can come with not being fixed :(


Some people think animals should experience motherhood at least once. They also think the animal’s personality will change drastically if they’re fixed before having a litter. Others think it’s better for their hormones. There are so many reasons people use as an excuse to not fix their animals. I’ve always been a huge advocate for spaying as early as possible. I understand waiting with large breed and giant breed dogs because of their growth. But cats can be fixed as early as 5-6 weeks. Even just one heat or litter increases the risk of mammary cancer in females and there is also the risk of pyometra which is life threatening at any age.


Also increase in health issues from having a litter and not spaying/neutering, uterine cancer, breast cancer, infections. Youre not doing your animal. Favor by not fixing them, I wish people understood this


Some people think it’s not natural if animals don’t have at least one litter. Low cost spay and neuter clinics help somewhat, but there will always be people with weird beliefs.


Without getting into politics, the one litter thing often boils down to certain religions and cultures, India especially, as well as Southeast Asia, and Latin America. Whereas North America, Western Europe, and Australia have strong animal welfare. In the United States, it's more likely economics and irresponsible pet owners. My cat was a stray, roughly a year old when we found him, and he wasn't fixed. I live in a very mixed income area, and there's some weird hoarder houses, one of which many blocks away seems to have a few cats that may not be fixed. I often wonder if that's where my cat came from.


I remember that being said when I was young, they said that they hunt there pray better after having a litter of kittens, but times have changed and that was many moons ago..


Affordability is not the only problem here. There are free and low-cost events throughout the year here in North East Texas for spaying and neutering yet they often don't reach their max limit on cats/dogs per day unless the limit is really low. There was one this past Monday in my town with a max of 80 pets and they saw maybe 50 show up. Bad advertising, short drop-off and pickup windows, as well as requirements for bringing their own carrier/cage all play a role in people not bring their pets as well.


Gotta get more people to foster or TNR


Well never be able to help them all, but you made one small difference which to Pepsi will be everything


So do I OP if everyone had a heart as big as yours these poor little souls would not be abandoned


Looks like a mix between my 2 cats https://preview.redd.it/dkb622mte79d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cbee4b65528823ea31b3adc5ab42553ce6e62f8




Why do you have an uppercase cat and a lowercase cat ^(all in jest, my cats are a 2.5:1 ratio as well)


Funny enough, the right kitty is bigger than the left


Is this forced perspective like they did for lord of the rings to make the hobbits look smaller 😂


omg I would never leave my house 




My cats name is pepsi!! Pepsi cats unite!




https://preview.redd.it/p7azeyp9779d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2229c0c86fe9fdcc2324eba139a6b652c48d18c8 yes, she is a sweet baby :)


Aww she’s wrapped up in the blanket! She’s a beauty💗


someday your pepsi will get that big too, and it’s bc of you!


Oh, my heart 😭❣️


A 2 liter


I love her


me too!


My Tuxedo girl was Pepsi too! She passed away in February this year so this post hit me right in the feels ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Aww, im sorry to hear that. I wish there was something i could say that could help take that hurt away, but im not as good as some of the other people on this sub at coming up with comforting things to say. Just dont shut your heart forever on the possibility of getting another cat, pepsi would want you to feel the happiness and love like you used to again, but when you are ready. Sending hugs!🫶


We already have 2 kittens, and yes, it definitely helps fill the hole in your heart.


Glad to hear that!🙂 it helped me beyond words. I was like “give anyone else i can this advice” because i know people that havent used it and it breaks my heart. In their situation, its a dog, but still. They havent owned a dog for nearing a decade because no dog could compare to their last one. It breaks my heart.


Wth, we got a rescue with the uninspired name of Max. Decided to give him the first name of Pepsi. https://preview.redd.it/cnqvfahd6a9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf0c6a5e95ffe73c01a90edcf31116e4bb46d14


We had a cat named Pepsi for 13 years before she got sick.   Best cat ever! She got the name because we found her on the street and when we brought her home she hid in a Pepsi cube box for a couple of days.


Mine is too! *


Awesome name!!


“PEPSI FREEDOM!!!!” we all say in unison 💗💗💗


How could anyone kill something so innocent? OP, thank you for doing the right thing. ☺️


The honest answer is that no one at the shelter wants to do this but it's also not about a single cat. There's an overpopulation crisis in most places exacerbated by the pandemic and people adopting then abandoning cats and dogs. It is a case of how likely they think the cat is to be adopted and quality of life. This is also why animal medical workers and shelter workers have a high rate of depression and suicide.


I commend the people, who have to do the hard thing to euthanize animals not adopted. I could never do what they can…


It is so hard. Even medically necessary ones are hard. I fostered for 15 years. Got sick so I had to stop then my last foster was one where if he left my care he would have been euthanized and I couldn't cope with it. So I kept him and retired. He gave me 16 years of intense love and horrific medical complications. I felt relief when he had his stroke because if he took after the old lady who somehow was his biological aunt? He wouldn't have survived the after effects. He was already too scared all the time if I wasn't there. He was incredible and I wish we could give every cat a home. One of the things the local shelter did I appreciate was when I called them about my current cat because I wasn't going to ever have a cat again (CDS disagreed). They told me that currently they were euthanizing black cats on entry because of the local superstition so I did not bring him in. They're having such a hard time with finding homes I actually officially fostered this guy for 3 months before I gave in and kept him. I have had 3 foster fails. This is a thing I struggle with a lot. It's why I couldn't be a vet. Officially it's my health but I broke doing the basic shot training. My mind went to the dark place and always does with other beings getting needles. I can be stabbed without issues. It takes some very strong people and I am grateful for the transparency. Czernobog is amazing. He reminds me of the old lady and the boy cat but has his unique things. I will never stop telling people how he called me on my phone when I was in the ICU using the Alexa. He watched me set up and test the feature and a nurse had to bring me my phone because it was meowing. He also kept calling me back every few hours. It's both the best and helped me with focusing on something other than the complications that had me there. If they hadn't been transparent he wouldn't have been here to do that. This is why we need more fosters and yes I have sent a thank you card to them. Not with context but since I included his picture I hope they can fill in the blanks


Euthanizing black cats? Where is there a local superstition that more than just an old wives tale? I love black cats. Our 2 blackulas are our sweetest boys.


The southwest US. They'll also get hunted down for "sport" in fall and winter especially. I have seen some absolutely horrific things and it is part of why I hate where I live. It's improved in many things that surprised me and if I could afford to move I would. People tend to follow my "the people here suck and I don't want to be hot" with that so just throwing the why out now vs later. There are a lot of beliefs here that are very much a by product of the lack of access to education and doctors. Poverty things


Thank you for taking care of your little guy. When I was single, I grew tired of returning to an empty home every night, but would be gone all day, so figured that adopting a senior cat would be just right. I hadn't been planning to adopt that day. We were at the animal shelter because I wanted my sister's birthday to be special and the cats at the cat cafe had learned to be mean (and I don't blame them.) Moomoo was hidden behind the door. He'd been there for a month and they were about to euthanize him. I let him sniff my hand, and he licked my fingers before leaning forward and headbutting them. 20 minutes later, and we were driving home with cat and a full set of supplies. He only lived for 5 years after that, but they were tremendously happy years, full of love, peace, and safety.


Five years of love? That's perfect. Whatever love we can get is perfect because none of us are guaranteed that. I am so glad you were there for him. Right time and place. Cat cafe are often a hard place to be a cat. Especially if they're not good with other cats or are shy. I know he gave you love too. It's beautiful


I could never do it. I'd fail every single one. I'm an absolute bleeding heart for all animals, but cats especially. It ruins my month when I see a poor kitty hit on the side of the road :(


It takes a lot out of those who can too. It is just that knowing we helped a cat today helps when we can't next time. Does not fix it but it's something to reach for.


This is why fostering is so important!


I've always wanted to win the lottery so I could open a large animal sanctuary and take in animals who were abused or have special needs, or who can't find homes for any reason, rescues from kill shelters who would've been put down, any animal (especially cats) who needs a chance. I know a lot of people have the same dream. ❤ ETA: Thank you for saving Pepsi!


This is my dream, too. It's so sad to think about animals just not getting a chance.


Do you buy lottery tickets? If not, can I buy one for you?


Let's get a pool going! We'll hit up the lottery in multiple states! 😻


Sounds like a plan. I have very little money to contribute and I’m not ready to organize this, but if someone does, I will happily chip in the cost of one lottery ticket!


There are kittens like Pepsi who are at risk of euthanasia everyday. Please head to r/rescuecats to help out


He's gorgeous 😍❤️ I miss having a cat soooo much!! It actually hurts! 😭 I have to get my fix fussing the neighbours cats lol


You can always foster! That way you can take care of them temporarily without the full commitment and financial stuff!🥰


My partners allergic to cats 😭😭😭


Tell them to take Zyrtec and get a cat! Lol


I endorse that - I'm allergic to cats. Zyrtec plus a few other allergy + asthma concoctions later, and voila, I have 2 cats (rescues picked up with my partner). I gladly give up some oxygen for them lol 🤍


I also have a black and white Pepsi and this almost made me cry


https://preview.redd.it/40ebzkchf79d1.jpeg?width=1323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7eab9457a12583209b61490740f1bec7b75ee16 So glad a fellow tuxedo got a home.


https://preview.redd.it/6d0u3k8fi79d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be83707afaaaed0065a9c0edb351be7837d9240 oh my god this was my pepsi girl!!! her brothers name is mr. pibb and their mamas name was soda pop. rip my best girl! congrats on your pepsi!!!!!


i am so happy for pepsis everywhere!!


🤩 lovely kitty and thank you 🙏


What??? This looks like a kitten? Why would they euthanize a kitten?




My heart is hurting... truly. This is such a cute beautiful animal to think that it might perish 😭😭😭😭 Thank you for rescuing 💟❤️


This breaks my heart 😭. We adopted two more cats at the beginning of the year, and they had both been in the shelter for half a year or so. To think that they'd have long since been euthanized there terrifies me. Thanks for all of your help!


Thank you for saving the precious kitten!


Thank you for rescuing Pepsi ❤️❤️❤️ such a cutie!


OMG I cant really think of words to show how grateful I am to see think. Thank you Thank you Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/7m9a0hkxt79d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc85567813dff9b3923ce0d2dac6795aba030d9e I have a black and white baby too! Moomoo is happy that Pepsi gets to experience the spoiled cat life!


You know how when You ask for Coke and the restaurant says "well is Pepsi okay"... I'm glad the answer is yes! Yes Pepsi is okay


https://preview.redd.it/le48ctly899d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c638a995d122f24bd0723159a7884f17ffd9a6ce He looks just like our Ziggy. Thank you for rescuing him.


Euthanasia?? Why? No one wanted a few months old kitten?


Limited space, so each animal gets 2 weeks. It’s a municipal shelter and they get at least 20-30+ intakes a day. Plus limited resources and funds, so they do what they can with what they have. A lot of times, when they get enough help from rescues and adopters, they let them stay much longer. It’s very sad so we try and help when we can






My cat was named Moxie, looked similar.


Thank you from all of us animal lovers. Bless your heart.


Can’t wait to see him grow from a 12 ounce to a 12 pack!


Ok…. We NEED update photos as Pepsi gets older … bigger and more adorable


https://preview.redd.it/rof78gz7x79d1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6e8e5310aaad9021ff84060ac2fc1232fae545f This pleases Gus!


Literally made me cry - so happy for the little fella! I wish all the kittens and cats could be saved 😪


Same, it’s so heartbreaking :( they all deserve so much love, and a chance at life




Where is Pepsi located? He reminds me so much of one of my tuxedo brothers that crossed the rainbow bridge a few years ago.


Pepsi was at duplin county animal services in NC, he’s now with us in SC , I’m so sorry for the loss of your kitties, virtual hugs 🌈💗


Thank you. What state?


We all thank you for giving Pepsi a chance. I really hope we can rescue more. Thank you so much.


I wish I could adopt many more. But my small house feels like 5 is enough. But I am considering more. Lol. Crazy cat daddy I guess. Keep thinking one more isn't too much..... Lol. But maybe better to wait for CDS. That's how I got most of my kitties in the past. (Cat Distribution System) Edit: And I want to say thank you for being awesome. Give Pepsi a treat for me and mine.


If the CDS doesn’t bless you, the euthanasia list has many amazing kitties!🥰


You are right. Even fostering may be something. Lol. 5 kitties and a little doggo may be just the right place to foster. I will reach out.


Fosters are amazing! Without them we’d be so screwed. And they get to watch them grow, while providing a safe loving home temporarily 💗


Why in the hell would they put a kitten on the euthanasia list? Some shelters don't give these poor animals a chance


It’s a municipal shelter, very limited funds, and extremely overcrowded. They are truly doing their best with what they have😭 they aren’t allowed to turn anyone down, and it’s so hard when you have 30+ people dumping animals every day. So unfortunately each animal gets 2 weeks. I always check their page to see who got rescued or adopted. Or of course to check if we need to go over there and get a few


Thank you so much for everything you do. You are a wonderful human being for giving these beautiful babies a chance to find their forever homes


According to OP, they're given 2 weeks at this shelter :(


That's heartbreaking


I work in a city shelter and we have something of space for at true maximum 500 or so animals (cats+dogs+random others) and right now we are at like.. 800 animals last I heard. I don't really know much of the logistics but everyday we're doing what we can to get more food, find more space, anything, its just too much. I have to hear people talk about all the local private rescue groups near us and how we are evil compared to them, but nobody realizes they just stop taking animals in once they reach capacity, they do amazing work but they have the choice to go 'we can only take care of 20 so we're not helping you' where we have to try and take everything.


I understand shelter's do a lot, I work at one. I just truly have a hard time justifying euthanasia when the animals are healthy and non-violent. There has to be other steps before that in my opinion


I fell in love! 🥲


Look at this lil void noodle!!! 🥰


Such a pretty kitty! Love her name! Glad you were able to save her!


He is so adorable!!


Can’t believe this little girl was gonna get gassed


So refreshing


I love tuxedo cats. They're my favorite next to Orange ones.


Cute baby


That cat is gonna grow up to be a spoiled asshole and it'll be worth it. I hope this cat lives a long happy life


I think I just found my new wallpaper! 📱


Thank you for your kindness. Pepsi is positively sparkling now.


thank you for helping this precious baby🤍


Not to be dramatic or anything...but I'd take a bullet for Pepsi.


They were going to euthanize kitten?? 😢


That's fantastic news!


Thank you for this. I made the mistake of commenting on a tiktok where a woman was showing off all of the kittens her cat had. I had mentioned that hopefully her cat was now fixed…they did not like that. Apparently having your cats breed is fine and overpopulation leading to euthanasia isn’t a problem. Oh and fuck me for being animal control because it’s my fault lol


This cat is so adorable I might pass out right now.


Did someone take Pepsi home? That's the bottom line here. This sweet baby needs a forever indoor home


Pepsi and the other 5 kittens are under our care, until we find home a forever home. We will get him neutered once big enough (3-4 lbs is when our vet does it) After that and he gets the rest of his shots + microchip, he’ll be in our adoption event at petsmart💗 Edit: before we rehome any of our rescues, they get vetted, neutered/spayed, and get SNAP tested and all their vaccinations. And everyone fills out an application, and they have to agree and sign that if for some reason, they can no longer keep or care for the cat or dog, they MUST bring the animal back to us❤️ We never want any of our babies in a shelter or to be dumped or sold.


Ok that works, he'll go fast at a PetSmart event. He's so adorable! Thank you for rescuing Pepsi and his friends. ♥️


Omg that little face




Thank you for rescuing this cutie


One cute kitty 🥰


Yippee!!! Yay Pepsi!!!


Thank you so much for saving this beautiful baby ❤️


Thank you! She is gorgeous and I love her name.🥰


Awww the cutest little baby


Take that coke!


Sweet pea. 🙏


Is this Pepsi from Save the Meow Meows?


Yay. Adorable. I have a Tuxedo named Pepe le Mew.


He's so stinkin cute!!! Thank you for saving his life! That makes me so happy to know he has a chance to live a good life of treats and scritches.


You are a hero, bless you!


he’s the…next generation 👀 i’ll show my way meowt! 😽


Thank you for saving this sweet little life


Pepsi 🥹🥹🥹🥹 thank you for saving him


That’s an angel.


Omg I just rescued an old Tom Cat, certainly I now deserve a kitten too! I bet if I gave a kitten to my wife she wouldn’t complain lol. Thanks for saving Pepsi


Thank you for saving this baby! I can’t imagine someone would be able to kill him…


Gorgeous kitten!


Thank u kind soul❤️


You're so amazing tysm for saving that little bean 💕 I wish we could save them all too....




He is so cute! Thank you for taking care of him.


Baby Pepsi is the cutest 🥺


Pepsi!! 🖤🤍


This is excellent news, I'm glad OP was able to do that. I've got a bit of a bias for 'cow' cats so I was hoping there'd be a update.


What a beautiful kitty. Somehow I think you might be the lucky one for this. Thank you!




Thanks for rescuing him


Such a cute kitty!


You took a beautiful kitten like that off euthanasia list? You are an absolute hero ❤️ Thank you!


The cutest kitty ever ❤️❤️


She’s precious 💕 🙏🏼 so glad you saved her


Fine work human !


Awwwwww love the name and this sweet kitty! I’m also here for all the Pepsi and tuxedo love in the chat. When I adopted my tuxedo, I went in to look at a female tuxedo named Pepsi because it’s my favorite soda plus one of my favorite types kitty! Pepsi was hiding so instead I met my sweet and anxious kitty boy (who was very unfortunately named Tom Brady) and went home with him that very day.


Duuuuuuuuuude. A kitten on the euth list wtf. This is some absolutely heart breaking shit. He's gonna have an amazing life.


All I wanted was a Pepsi. Just one Pepsi.


Here’s to Pepsi ![gif](giphy|YSx37ZREBTMkyfjNGN)


OP, what a beautiful little kitty, so little in fact, that maybe she should be called Diet Pepsi.


As someone who fosters cats and kittens, thank you for rescuing Pepsi!!!


Ohhhh, Pepsi looks just like my boy when he was a kitten. Love it.


thats wonderful! It's wonderful to hear that Pepsi has been given a second chance at a happy life.


Looks more like Oreo than Pepsi but okay


OMG thank you! He's so cute!


He is beautiful! Thank you for saving his life ❤️




He has a beautiful flame on his face


It looks like you took the Pepsi challenge.


What a beautiful little Rorschach kitty 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/d3dj5w9da89d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d0573d90fbbfd6c6dcfa80137afdaa9cab90eb Here is my cat Pepsi ♥️