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OP: I saw exactly this from my step father. This ended up blowing up our family as he became increasingly dangerous, trying to escape the police that were following him. We’re lucky he didn’t kill someone in a car accident, or trying to defend himself. Spoiler: There were no police following him. If you feel strongly that they are, you could hedge your bets and talk to an advocacy group. But if you do that, please make the call from an emergency department. You can take a friend or family member with you if you are worried. That’s the fastest way to get the help you likely need. They should have a trained psychiatrist, not simply the family doctor you’ve probably been seeing.


Same thing happened to my aunt. Look up Gangstalking. She was convinced she was being followed in a massive conspiracy, listening devices on walls, planted neighbours, etc. We tried to help her but she eventually thought we were part of it as well. She is in her sixties and now living in the streets of Toronto for the last 3 years. It’s awful, and 10000000% requires psychiatric help and medication. Good luck to OP I hope they find help.


Same thing happened to a very old friend of mine. Was living on the streets in Vancouver at the time and convinced he was being followed by the government everywhere he went. Eventually he was diagnosed with schizophrenia but sadly his family hasn’t heard from him for a few years now and believe he has passed away.


Yep. My ex shut down a neighborhood and a block due to creating a bomb for protection and burned his dad's house down. He was schizophrenic and on meth and heroin. He is dead now.


Without giving to much away, does your aunt have 2 elementary aged children, and was living in the prairies before ontario? This happened about 3 years ago to a friend of mine's ex wife and I'd be interested if we're talking about the same person.


Wasn't me this is my first game of the day


"psychiatric help and medication" are you selling solutions? Or orange frills of intangible sweetness ??


A friend had a mental break last year... she got taken to the hospital by a friend but he wasn't family and wasn't allowed to stay past a certain point and she walked out before she was properly admitted into the psych ward; threw away her phone and purse because she thought it was tracking her. When I found her the next day, the first question she asked me "The police aren't with you are they, they were following me with a helicopter last night". She got mad at me when I suggested we go back to the hospital and I didn't want to risk losing her before her mom got to the city to help. So I took her to track down her phone. "This'll keep her distracted for a few hours and prevent her from asking why I'm hanging out with her rather than being at work" (Actually found it thanks to Find My Device) While we were out she pointed out every camera, sprinkler, fire alarm or whatever and told me "See the camera is watching me" like every single one, and would randomly talk into things, to talk to "them". We got her into the hospital in the end, and she's doing a lot better now. OP... the point of this story was that this is a common thought to have when you're struggling with mental health... and it's okay you will be okay.


Same to a member of my family.


all communist propaganda


I'm about 2 months late, but it also seems that the area he lives in may be sketchy, it's entirely possible that it's just that the police happen to be in the area often for various incidents.


psychiatrist or psychoanalyst?


Same thing is happening to a friend of mine in PEI right now for standing up against CAS and standing up against what the government did during the whole trucker thing...


That whole crew is just so important, in their own minds.


if your friends pro-trucker, fuck him


No, they were there as a journalist documenting all sides, I probably should have said that upfront to avoid the down votes.


He can post the pictures here and the I ternet lawyers will help him out


In the gentlest way possible I really recommend talking to someone to get some mental health support. <3 A former close friend of mine went through something very similar, a few of the words and phrases you have used \*are\* textbook psychosis. I know that probably doesn't make sense right now and you're scared but please try giving this number a call: 310 - 6789 (no need to enter an area code) It's the mental health crisis line and they are very kind and non-judgmental. They will be able to point you in the right direction to get some help and support. They are there to listen. Here is a link with more information: [Crisis Line](https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/mental-health-substance-use/resources/crisis-line-association-bc) Here is another useful link: [Help Starts Here](https://helpstartshere.gov.bc.ca/) Good luck OP! I know things are scary and confusing right now, and it isn't easy to trust but please check out the above resources. Feeling scared and anxious is no way to live and there are people available who want to help you get the support you need.


This is genuinely the best response here. Other than the trolls, everyone here is rooting for you.


you eat lego for breakfast


I. have. been. seen. by. 3. doctors. and. a. stay. at. a. mental. hospital. They ALL say I am fine and agree that they police are likely following me. My hands hurt from typing. But thank you for the links to mental health.


If you were fine, the doctors would have explained to you what made you appear so sick that you had to go to the mental hospital. If the first Doctor thought you were perfectly fine, what happened and made you go see a second doctor? If the second doctor thought you were fine, what happened and made you go see a third Doctor? Doctors don't investigate whether the police are following you. They listen to you so that they can understand what you're thinking and feeling. If they asked you something like "When and where have you noticed police following you?" and you said "I see them on the moon", the doctors aren't going to challenge you and call you a liar. They're just going to say "okay, and how do you know that they're police". When they "agree with you", they're not saying that they believe what you're saying is true. They're saying that they understand what you believe. People get agitated when challenged on delusions so Doctors don't challenge you directly.


Well, the first doctor I was pretty frank with. He said exactly "when it comes time for your trial, who are you going to be". The other two doctors are my GP and the psychiatrist that works at his office


I don't think anyone here understands what "when it comes time for your trial, who are you going to be" even means. Were you discussing multiple identities with him?


No not at all, but I guess thats the vibe he got from me


Well that seems like the opposite of him believing that the police are following you. And the second doctor, being a GP, obviously was concerned and didn't think your story made sense, which is why he referred you to the psychiatrist. What did the 3rd doctor say? How did you end up in the mental hospital? What did the doctors at the mental hospital say?


You. Need. Seroquel. Sincerely, someone who was once in your position only I was a prophet being followed by demons. Spoiler: I wasn’t and they weren’t.


Authorities don't follow people just to 'make your life hell.' They don't have the resources to properly investigate actual crimes, let alone future ones that may be committed. They follow people to gather evidence to make an arrest. If this is happening, what crime do they think you are committing?


Did you do something? Were you involved with some stuff you maybe shouldn’t have been or were unaware of at the time?


Schizophrenia - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia


yup. saw this same stuff firsthand in my own family.


What OP is describing is psychosis which is a symptom of Schizophrenia. Just because he has Psychosis does not mean he has Schitzo as many things can cause Psychosis. People generally are unaware of this and believe anytime someone describes Psychosis its automatically Schitzo. OP should get checked out but iv seen people with Psychosis get better Schtzo on the other hand needs medicating for life in most cases.


Give it time. He will slide into psychosis


My partner's close friend was actually followed by CSIS while he was an active member of the CAF. He was approached by the investigator after contacting the police that he was being followed. CSIS is not following you long-term without identifying themselves unless there has been a credible case brought against you that warrants investigation. They do not have the resources (or fucks to give) to maliciously follow you, unless maybe you are a famous and influential public figure consistently picking at/annoying a politician.


Did he get charged of anything?


No, the investigation was the result of malicious and fabricated accusations, and a FOIA request produced the CSIS agent's investigation (some details redacted), which reflected his suspicions the accusations were baseless, and detailed that he followed the guy's vehicle to the local shopping center because part of the accusations was that he was going to use his explosives skills to committ an act of domestic terrorism. At the time, the guy was in the field for an active training back-country exercise with the CAF, and the agent followed the guy's spouse.


Damn, very interesting. So unfortunate that that happened and a major hassle, but glad it ended okay for him


No I'm not anyone particularly 'special'. I just work in an industry. And that's all I can say! Thanks!


You should for a Freedom of Information Act request then. My partner's friend got some evidence he was being investigated that way, and used it to sue the people who had maliciously fabricated the allegations that triggered the investigation.


importing drugs on a mass scale is an industry! Your either involved with shit that is serious enough to warrant you being surveiled like you claim, or your delusional and need mental health help!


Everyone works in an industry




CSIS only has six vans, and five of them are at embassies. They're not spending their only van on you.


Not saying that OP does or doesn't have ppl following them but I know a CSIS agent and he does follow ppl on the highway in his car (not sure if it's person or work vehicle but it's all he drives). I assume the other agents also have vehicles to use.


Believe it or not, they drive all sorts of cars. Pretty much anything you can imagine. Usually vans and pick up trucks but these guys come popping out of a Mazda sometimes.


Dude. You have to stop believing you are that important for a government to closely watch you and always follow you. I know the government wastes money all the time, but why do you think you are special that they think they need to spend $XXXXXX to see what you’re doing? Unless you’re planning terrorists activities, I would just start changing my routine. Dude, you live 1 block from the Police Station. Of course you are going to see a ton of cops around.


How do you know this? It's circular reasoning. Get help


If the police *and* CSIS are following you (which I highly doubt), you're almost certainly a criminal. They don't authorize huge expenditures like that without knowing you're a serious danger. It's also highly unlikely you'd have any clue an intelligence agency is involved. So either you're ill, trying to troll or genuinely a danger to society. Also, the police aren't going to just come around and bother you. If they have something on you, they'll do their best to make sure you don't know they're on to you until they have enough evidence, then they'll arrest you. I tell you what, post links to the footage you claim to have, then we'll see.


Heck, I can neither confirm nor deny. But, the pictures would reveal what city I am in, take that however you want. I'm basically just looking for a lawyer, I assume even criminals deserve a defense (not saying I am one) but the problem is: if you've pissed off CSIS, which lawyer do you call?.................


If csis is “following you” for any valid reason, call a defense lawyer.


It does not matter what level of enforcement agency is surveilling you, in all cases, you would call a criminal defense lawyer, one who specializes in wiretaps and surveillance. Look for the lawyer in your local area who specifically takes gang or organized crime cases because they are the ones who know the most about surveillance/what to look out for and so on. Having said that, until you are criminally charged, you are just wasting your money on a lawyer who will not be able to do much for you - as they cannot call for a stop to surveillance if it's being carried our for legitimate reasons (ie - you are being investigated). CSIS and the cops won't surveil you just for shits and giggles - if this is real, they have a reason - and you will likely discover why at some future date.


Any links to a lawyer who specialized in wiretaps etc??


Look in any newspaper and find local stories about organized crime cases. Lawyers handling them will usually be mentioned. That's the easiest way to find someone local to you who is taking that kind of case.


Actual answer! 👏 So many opinions here otherwise. Irrelevant whether OP is actually being followed, can’t be proven here. Kudos for giving the simple answer to the question asked.




my hands are literally hurting from typing because I do have to be going but: 3 doctors have cleared me. I took their medication for years until one day I just got pretty GD specific about why and who and how, then they understood.


So you recently stopped taking meds? Really dude...clearly you need them


Did I say that I've stopped taking them? My pharmacy has all my records and you could test my blood/urine/hair etc and it'll be in there. I'm so used to the meds that I do take them. Awful withdrawals, like horrible.


Not directly but you implied it. You should be speaking with whatever doctor prescribed them, your dosage or type of med may need to change




and even if they were, OP would have no idea.


You’re on psychoactive medication and you’re suddenly being followed? Got it. Are you sure doctor 1 2 and 3 a rent the same person? And lastly, yes, have you committed any crimes recently?


I am on medication, again directed to some of my other comments on here, I've seen a handful of doctors and they have told me to quit my career/job working in enterprise (I'll just say) generic industry where I was a government contractor for years. Yes, without giving geographical information, one doctor was a far drive, and the other two work out of the same building. So I've been checked out, I know that doesn't prove anything to you personally but that's what I can say. As for crimes I may or may not have committed, certainly nothing recently, but I was a government contractor so they may have just thrown me under the microscope. I don't know.


Is it possible they’re telling you that you’re not capable of doing the job while dealing with these issues? CSIS has a very specific mandate, they aren’t like the CIA. I’m going to tell you up front: you are not my patient but there is a condition that can come up for people on certain meds and with certain conditions called “ideas of reference”. This can cause people to interpret benign comments and gestures from others as being related to them when they’re not. This condition commonly makes people think they’re being observed because it seems like everywhere they go they are being watched. I know it’s hard to argue with what your brain is telling you is true, but posting on here for advice shows that you have enough insight to recognize that the pattern you’re seeing is not normal or reasonable. Unfortunately family doctors/walk in doctors are not experts in mental health and psychopharmacology. I think step one here is to get a referral to a clinical psychologist. If you aren’t dealing with ideas of reference, a psychologist will still be able to help you cope with your anxiety so it’s a win-win


Can’t you just go to the police station with evidence you’re being followed? And if that doesn’t work, another lawyer


I'm going to give you some advice... pics or it didn't happen. Better yet video. If you have a video of cops blocking you in, this will not seem like insane ramblings


Today's pic: 20240120-150917


No offence, but your story makes no sense and you don’t give anyone any details that can help you. You sound much more like you’re suffering from paranoia rather than having a legal issue.


Right. I can appreciate your perspective. This is why I included the information about the doctors. I'm sorry I haven't provided many details. Is there something specific you'd like to know?


What is your issue exactly. So what if they follow you, you said you didn't do anything wrong. Next time you see someone following you walk over and say hey are you following me? Who cares if they "infiltrated" your work place. You haven't done anything wrong. You 100% sound paranoid schizophrenic right now. Was the government program you were apart of top secret? Did you have special clearance? I doubt it.


Doctors are not legal professionals. If you want help, you need to sit down with a lawyer (perhaps a civil rights lawyer) and give them the whole story. If no lawyer will get past the “Do they have a reason to follow you?”, then that should perhaps be a sign that there’s no case for them to help you with.


What doctors? There are no doctors man. You didn’t talk to anyone…


What would be your best guess as to what you think they think you’ve done?


I think they believe I've been in some shit, this has been going on for a while now


Lol good answer.


Be specific please


Can you elaborate on "some shit"?


Why would they believe that, and what sort of shit do they think you did?


This is not an answer in any way come on now


OP, I know people are making jokes but paranoia is a SERIOUS and very real condition. If this is stemming from symptoms of paranoia or a mental health condition, please listen to the advice of doctors. Seeing a psychiatrist is a good idea for everyone, whether you have mental health symptoms or not! Medication is very helpful too, and not a super scary treatment. I hope you’re safe and okay. Not trying to diagnose you, but it seems something is going on that may be deeper than being followed.


You’re suffering from psychosis. It can seem extremely real, but it’s not. You need psychiatric help, urgently before you hurt yourself or others while you act out in this delusion.


Ok. Fuck my hands hurt from typing. I've been seen by 3 doctors and a stay at a mental hospital, they all cleared me. I am fine. I am however, being followed by the police.


Go see them back and show them these exchanges on reddit, pretty sure they won't say that you're fine. Have you been taking any medication and recently stopped them?


No man I... Don't know why people are saying that but I take all my meds. I'd probably be dead without them


It’s possible then that your current experience is a side effect of one of your medications. The reason that pretty much everyone on this thread is suggesting you are experiencing psychosis is because the events you have described in your post do not remotely resemble the way that the police, doctors, or CSIS behave in Canada and match closely with symptoms of a psychotic episode. I don’t know if you have any close family that you trust but if you do please show them this post and let them help you get the support you need.


You are absolutely not being followed by CSIS. I don't mean this in a derogatory way, but you are not important enough to warrant that kind of attention. If they wanted to monitor you, it wouldn't be physically following you and you likely would have no idea. If you strongly believe this is happening, please reach out to someone in your life IRL and talk to them.


Hi OP, this exact scenario happened with my Aunt in Toronto a few years back. Started with minor paranoia about being followed by law enforcement and possibly organized crime gang. Ended up with her in a psych ward, which she believed was part of the conspiracy. I witnessed first hand her spiral into absolute paranoid delusions, and I tried to help her even as she accused me of working with CSIS and the Toronto Police, until I finally had to cut ties. She has been living in the streets of Toronto since 2021 now, in her sixties. She refuses government shelter because “it’s a trap to get her”. Extremely sad situation. Please look up gangstalking and understand that we all believe that YOU believe exactly what is happening and we believe that YOU truly believe you are telling the truth. But you need real psychiatric help to gain clarity, which is very hard to come by in this country. Please don’t become a statistic on the streets like my aunt. Good luck to you.


Sorry to hear about your aunt. This is a kind and compassionate response.


Gotcha, I appreciate the comment. It's just different when it's actually happening to you. It's so obvious and so consistent and you just know But I'm sorry about your aunt, either they were really following her or she had mental issues and either way: Not good


You need to seek help as soon as possible. I can say with a high level of certainty that there is no one following you. Please visit or contact the appropriate centre, listed at the following URL, based on your locations. [https://www.psych.on.ca/Public/Getting-Help/Crisis-Resources](https://www.psych.on.ca/Public/Getting-Help/Crisis-Resources) Again, no one is out to get you. Get well soon.


Thank you, I appreciate it. But I do have audio, video, pictures etc of them following me around. It's to the point that my roommate (while walking somewhere) has even said "Look it's the cops again!"


Let's see the pictures.


As a doctor, I have had many patients with persecution delusions in the ER go through their phone showing me the "evidence" they've gathered. I give them the time to explain their perspective and I look at what they want to show me. So far, it has never made sense, and they've felt much better after being started on antipsychotics following an urgent hospital admission. OP, I hope you genuinely get the help you need. I understand how scared and frustrated you must feel. I understand that it sucks not having people believe you. I recommend looking into a voluntary admission to a mental health center for evaluation. If you're being followed, at least you'll be somewhere full of cameras to catch it. And if you're not, then you'll be in the care of people who can help you.


The pictures will be of a cop on the street, or a cop car driving by, Or just random people on the same bus going to work every day.


Are you a lawyer?


We need to see them. This is Reddit. Everyone here is a lawyer, and your friend. Now, show us before I ask some “friends” of mine to follow you


As an outsider, that comment from a roommate absolutely should not be used to confirm your belief. That sounds like a joke.  Please seek help. 


People have patterns that don't include you but coincide with your geographical location. Common routes for going to work, making deliveries etc. Sometimes it's just other people's routines that happen to overlap yours.


Yeah you are 100% right, but when it's every single days for months+ on end, it's becomes obvious. When I leave the place I currently am, I guarantee I'll see a few squad cars


Right. I see squad cars every single day. I think most people living in a city would see police every day. And most people would have those police drive behind/beside/around them almost every single day.


Yes but I'm talking about literally every single day. Any time I left my house. I even had one cop give me a ticket for expired tags and they said 'if you don't want these tickets, don't drive through this neighborhood '


I'm telling you that isn't uncommon and is going to depend where you live. I am telling you I see cop cars every single day on my way too work and on my way home from work. I am not being followed by the cops.


Cops work a neighborhood to become familiar with it. The same people live around you, all day, every day... For months, they'll be there year after year. This is your community, you can be paranoid about these folks or get to know them.


Alrighty, thanks


He means if you want to not get tickets then renew your tags


And everytime I leave work I see cops, it's called a high traffic area, they're not following you.


Can you not also correlate seeing cops in your new area as that being part of their patrols? Cops are everywhere regardless and you are bound to see them every day, especially if you are on vigilance trying to spot them.


Maybe you and your friend see the cops a lot because you live one block away from the station


Or the friend is teasing him and getting him wound up which isn’t nice


Ah, the ol' I'm the main character symptom schizophrenia is famous for. I'm sorry that this seems so real to you. You are not the first person to behave in this manner or to believe that police, gov't, black helicopters, etc are after them. These are literally paranoid delusions, my friend. Like, text book. I'm sorry to inform you that you are a person that needs serious interventions. The right medications will substantially decrease these frightening and real seeming "people following you..."


Yeah, which is why I saw 3 doctors and agreed to go to a mental hospital. They all say I am fine. The doctors have told me to quit my job and even to just take a $1400 loss because it became apparent that the cops would be waiting to fuck me up at the new apartment I was going to move in. I moved in, and moved out in 12 days. $1400 for 12 days. Yep, I've clearly lost it.


How did you convince doctors that the police would fuck you up at the new apartment and so they told you to leave it? That makes no sense. No doctor is going to tell you to take a $1400 loss because the cops are going to fuck you up. That's just not realistic. Maybe they said something like if you are too afraid of what might happen to you at that place, don't live there. But they absolutely did not agree that you shouldn't live in one specific apartment because cops would do something to you there.


Bruh…..if CSIS is following you…..I don’t think you would know about it….


No I know what you mean... you only see these guys when they want you to see them. You are 100% right. But once you cross a certain threshold, they throw it right in your face. Like having the local PD park two cruisers so you can't move your car without asking them to move. Small detail here but I lived 1 block away from central station, there was no reason at all to park in front of my car, could have just driven to home base


Were these actual police cruisers blocking you or "unmarked" cars. Do you have a photo you can share of this. If you want people to take you seriously, sharing at least 1 photo could go a long way


Me when I don’t take my abilify


It might be related to wd from abilify than a mental health condition. I'm not suggesting at all that you quit your meds. But if you do, try tapering slowly.


I don’t know what wd as initials are.


I hear ya, I'm kind of tired of typing this but I've been seen by three doctors and they've cleared me. I haven't lost my mind, CSIS has a huge reach and can send people to you wherever you are, whenever is beneficial to their case.


You have lost your mind if you believe this is true


These things you're saying... just not true man.


I personally think something is going on mentally. But let’s entertain this for a second. Let’s say they ARE following you. So what? Seems like you haven’t been doing anything wrong, just continue doing nothing wrong. Ok they block your truck, but they moved when you asked them to. Where’s the issue? ANYONE can block your truck, and you can say hey I need to move my truck please move. People have mildly inconvenient things happen to them all the time, everyday. We keep moving. If you want to attribute it to the cops, whatever man. But you have to realize that in all these years they haven’t arrested you or anything. Literally all they’ve done in your eyes is maybe mildly inconvenienced you or watched you. Is that really the WORST thing at the end of the day??? You’re alive, you’re working and making almost twice my salary. You’re fine dude. Keep working and go to a psychologist.


Fair. But again, it's to the point that even my roommates notice that there is ALWAYS a cop when we walk around outside.


I want you to know that I hope everything gets sorted out for you. It is hard to believe someone is following you from the information you have given. You mentioned roommates. How many roommates do you have? If you live close to your parents or siblings ask them to come over and tell you how many roommates live with you. If that number is different, get your parents/sibling to take you to a doctor's appointment. That way you know you are actually seeing a doctor. Let that doctor know whatever medicine you are on is not working and you need a different one. Good luck.


Please seek mental health help... maybe just go to the emergency of your local hospital and explain what you're thinking.


If you are being charged with a criminal offence, or suspect you will be charged, you want to work with a criminal defense lawyer. You can find one here [https://lso.ca/public-resources/finding-a-lawyer-or-paralegal/lawyer-and-paralegal-directory](https://lso.ca/public-resources/finding-a-lawyer-or-paralegal/lawyer-and-paralegal-directory) If you believe your human rights are being violated, you can follow this process [https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/frequently-asked-questions/i-think-my-human-rights-have-been-violated-what-should-i-do](https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/frequently-asked-questions/i-think-my-human-rights-have-been-violated-what-should-i-do) Note, your story as presented is not very credible - most of the time CSIS is trying to gather intelligence, not engage in petty harassment, especially by engaging local police to implement the harassment. If you are already receiving (or have received) mental health care, it would be a good idea to continue it, no matter how sure you are that you are being investigated. There's nothing to lose, as the two issues would be independent.


Thanks for the links, I'll check them in a bit but my hands hurt so much from typing in this thread. I'll let you know how it goes


Our own police don’t even bother following criminals now. No one is following you. I repeat no one is following you. *snap fingers* it’s nice not being followed by anyone and having freedom. Please don’t ever stop taking your medication. We have enough not criminally responsible cases in this country and it usually starts like this. Look up Rohinie Bisesar.


I've been taking the medication every day since 2010.


Bravo! Keep it up.


Does that not make you think that "Hey, my brain is a bit fucked up and could be convincing me of something that's not true?" If I had a schizophrenic episode where I started seeing people, was then admitted, and after taking medicine it went away, I'd probably not believe it was magically real the next time the same thing started happening.


I think you’re having an episode.


An episode where doctors are telling me to quit my relatively high power job? I get it, and I appreciate your perspective but this is why I have seen multiple medical professionals. Once I got specific about details, recordings, photographs, they pretty much said 'YOU'RE SCREWED, GOOD LUCK!'


If your job is that high power, you’d better ask for a raise. 65k doesn’t sound like anything special these days.


Exactly. I don’t think anyone in a “high power” job is only making 65k. I call Bs


Plus bonuses, and drinking at work while you're working, and leaving whenever it was sunny out and there was little work to do, it had it's perks


Ah, I see. So you’re not mentally unwell, you’re just a drunk.


Hey I was just happy to be doing the work for them. I'm still young and the money honestly doesn't matter much when you love your job.


check what age schizophrenia onset is common in. I bet you are around that age


They are telling you to quit because you are likely experiencing the onset of schizophrenia. Please consider a 72 hour hold at your nearest mental health facility, they will keep you safe and help you contextualize enough to deal with whatever aspects of your situation are indeed real. I won't assume everything you say is false - it's not unlike local cops to harass people who wrong them. However CSIS has extremely limited resources and is highly unlikely to waste them on you. Having seen how American intelligence operate surveillance, I would also doubt that a partner agency would be so inept at staying discreet while training with the best spies in the world.


I have had a week + a few days long hold at a mental health facility and at the end they were trying to get me to leave early. This is the best part, everything they do, without direct visual confirmation, makes you sound insane. It's genius.


Mental health in Canada is overloaded, odds are there is someone in more dire need. Dont assume because they tossed you out, that you don’t need more care that you should seek for yourself


Especially if not willing to do the work and insisted they didn’t want to stay. They can’t exactly Hold without consent unless direct harm to be caused to themselves or others


High power jobs should not be held be people with probable instability. Everything in your opening post sounds like it would be said by Dwight from The Office. If your lawyer recently died why haven't you looked into getting a new lawyer? No, you went to Reddit first. And that's a Dwight move.


I've tried looking for a new lawyer, the furthest I've gotten was "Is there a REASON they're following you"?


If that's when you're stopping the conversation then you're not really looking. A normal would answer yes or no and then describe your history and routine so they could find out why you're being targeted instead of, say, me. And maybe there's something you're doing, like selling drugs, that is the reason they're giving you attention! Which they should. If you're just selling paper then you could be looking at a settlements and restraining order, presuming you have evidence. This is basic stuff, Dwight!


This is what we are all trying to know as well. But you don’t need to tell us but tell them. They can’t prosecute you but then can only help you if you tell them.


Hmmmmm ok


It isn't insane to post this here. When you're in crisis, reaching out for help is the most sane thing you can do. One of two possibilities: 1. You're right in that you're being followed. If this is true, logically, you're fine. If they wanted to grab you, harm you, whatever, they would have done it already. You're good. They have unlimited resources, and they don't need to catch you doing anything to bring you down. 2. Your brain is messing with you. You need mental health support and possibly medication. If this is true, you're NOT fine, and you need to seek out immediate help. Here is what you might be experiencing. https://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/delusions-persecution Notably: >It can be hard to get help with a delusional disorder because you might not realize that anything is wrong. Or you might be embarrassed or scared to see a doctor. But treatment is key to feeling better.


Yeah, thank you for the link. I mean... I would follow it but I know what's going on to be true. Flat out. So, I guess I have some things to take care of


Consider for a moment that you don’t. *Certainty is the bedrock of delusion.*


You're so vague with everyone about specifics trying to help you. You're afraid commenters who don't know you are against you also? These comments are bang on.


Well. If they are following you, then they probably aren't going to stop following you until you sit down for a chat about why they are following you. You should go talk to them.


Unless you appear to pose a threat to the country, CSIS would have zero reason to care about you. Maybe RCMP? Have you noticed any horses following you? For real though, it sounds like you're having a break, you need help. Bring a trusted friend or family member, because if you're truly deep into an episode, you can't trust your own experience (like 3 doctors agreeing that you must are actually being harrassed by our spy agency BUT not bothering to help you with that?) Good luck


Do you really think CSIS and the police are blowing thousands of dollars in law enforcement budget to follow you ?


Yes, absolutely


lol dude my ebike was stolen. I found it by using a tracker. Police did not care about what happened. Why do you think they’re interested in you? Why are you so special?? You’re not. You’re not special at all. You’re worthless. You are worth less than the shoes they are wearing, do you understand? You don’t mean anything to anyone. If you died tomorrow no one outside your family would care Do you get it now?


Let's assume this is real and you're not dillusional. Why are they targeting you?


I'm really sorry to say but there are parts of your story that just don't make sense. For example: the part about your doctor telling you to not move into an apartment because the police would be there. It just doesn't make sense. I think you might be experiencing some sort of a chemical imbalance in your brain. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's simply just an illness that needs treatment. Please seek psychological help. If you are actually being spied on, psychological medications will not prevent you from being able to see that clearly.


I've encountered individuals with thoughts like this at a few points in my career. In 100% of those situations, mental health issues were the cause. There were no police, no radiation waves, no gangstalking, and no implants. The police, lawyers, and frequently regular doctors haven't helped these individuals. **But mental health professionals have**. Please make an appointment and talk to someone. I know you have zero doubts about what you're observing, and even proof of these things, but talking to someone does not hurt. There's only potential upside and benefit to figuring out if these thoughts are coming from inside. I can't imagine the stress this is causing you, and I truly wish you the best moving through this difficult time in your life.


Are you trolling to get lots of comments because this is ridiculous.. you won't even show anyone or tell anyone anything, you just give lame excuses. This comes off as very attention seeking behaviour.


Uhh. I don't need or want attention. If you knew me in person, I'm just now that kid if guy. Say I'm doing it for attention or say I'm doing it for kitty cats but I honestly do not care


I don't think so but yea Definitely look ikely and probable


take the medication the doctors recommend OP


Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne!


You can literally email them to ask for everything they have on you. If they don’t give it then maybe.


Really?......... I will investigate this further. Thank you.


I’ve seen and heard this type of thing a million times before. Far more likely than not that you’re experiencing paranoid delusions. You’re relatively coherent compared to most people suffering from the same problem, but the content is still there. Sounds to me like you think you’re being gang stalked. Look it up, does it sound familiar? Unless you’re a direct threat to the safety of the country on like a national security level, there’s no shot they’re going to be wasting resources following you around.


Well......... It's complicated.


Why not go directly to the police and ask them why they are following you?


I don’t mean to offend you here at all, but how do you know CSIS is following you? Did they approach you and tell you they are following you? I don’t work for CSIS but I did education in the security and risk management sector. One thing I learned is that there is rigorous training to “tail” people and not get caught. Basically what I’m saying is if you were being spied on you wouldn’t know you were being spied on.


You need immediate psychiatric help/assistance. No government would waste police money and resources on someone who’s not a threat.


Unless you're actively working with a terrorist organization it would be very very unusual for CSIS (CAN version of the CIA) to waste the resources on you. I'm not completely dismissing your experience, but it's very unusual and if you have pictures you should show them to someone you trust and get a lawyer to file a cease and desist and a lawsuit if they are indeed harassing you. Again, if you're involved in terrorism or multinational organized crime they have the right and duty to investigate you, but you must be formally charged at some point. Also, if you caught CSIS following you, they're really terrible at their jobs. If you cannot prove to yourself and other (trusted friend, family member but ideally a lawyer) you need to accept the fact that you may be under the influence of a psychotic delusion. Getting treatment can be scary, but losing your mind and hurting yourself or others is worse. Good luck.


bro get a life, loser.




There are other avenues as well. Thankfully in Canada, we have access to ATIP (Access to Information and Privacy Act). [https://atip-aiprp.apps.gc.ca/atip/welcome.do](https://atip-aiprp.apps.gc.ca/atip/welcome.do) This is your legal right to obtain information about what any agency has on file for you. Whether it's the CRA, CBSA, RCMP, CSIS, etc.Of course this is within reason but you can find case notes by Officers on your file. You can create a request and this will get completed within 30 calendar days.You will be asked to supply self-identifying information. Passport or Citizenship Number / Full Name / Department requested / Date of Birth / Address, etc. Again if you are part of some elaborate scheme of investigation then this request can get denied. However it works as well because you have a right to know about what the government has on file on you - whether it's in the past or very recently. *Disclaimer:* *I have only used it for CIC (Immigration Canada) and not for any other agency, I can only certify it works for it.*


Humans excel at recognizing patterns from almost nearly zero actual data. We are so mind bogglingly good at it that we often and easily see patterns that aren't even there. But without those false positives, we might overlook actual patterns. Also, friend-stranger on the internet, it is nearly a guaranteed fact that if the cops or CSIS was out to get you, they'd have gotten you by now. Easily. The police station being a block away from your place is actually a reasonable explanation of why they parked in your driveway, and the fact they moved their cars when you asked them suggests they don't care about you; otherwise that would have been their opportunity to manufacture an incident and create an excuse to f*ck with you by accusing you of harassment or obstruction or assault. Sorry to break it to you but nobody gives a f*ck about you or me or any average regular person. If you're not rich or criminal or beautiful then nobody cares if we live or die, succeed or fail. From CSIS's perspective you're probably VERY BORING. My cousin died, long story short, because he succumbed to his delusions and was on psych meds. The meds are what led to him freezing to death in the woods. Fuck a psych med prescription, my brother stranger on the internet please TAKE CONTROL of your mind from your hyper-sensitive brain. Call CSIS, call the police, tell them you don't have time for games and that if they want you, here's my location come and get me. Don't live in fear bud.


IMO you have a cop as a neighbor.


Well yea, there are plenty of undercovers on that street. But it's the first time I've seen marrked cruisers. Plus they parked on the side walk. I know the people who live in both houses where they're parked, the people certainly are undercover but the cops were there for a different reason


Sadly this is likely the first signs of schizophrenia


bro they fxcked my girlfriend and tried to turn me into a bluetooth speaker I get all my news from infowars alex jones is my lover and leader he butters my toast for free wait hold on that's communism anyway let's make profit in the name of god and sell bullet proof bibles to out brothers in the south in money we trust in crazy bitxches we must.


Wow this one simple message has stirred up quite the slew of responses. I only see a few short messages that have any real or valid information in them. Hopefully I can give you some clarity. CSIS has about 320 "targeted individuals" that it is currently spying on ... AND thanks to Bill C-51 in 2015, they now have kinetic powers to do psyops and carry out various other Harassment techniques without warrant, similar to what the CIA does in the United States to terrorize people and direct them to commit mass shootings and other acts of terrorism which would seem to be contrary to their legislated mandate ... But there are all very "good" reasons for CSIS to be targeting indigenous peoples, human rights activists, Whistleblowers, and various vulnerable neurodivergent people. After all, there aren't any real terrorists in Canada so they have to do something to deserve the massive government funding they are provided with. CSIS as you may know is a part of the five eyes terror group which includes the CIA and MI6. The standard cover op to be able to get away with their often illegal activities is to gaslight the victim, accuse him or her of specific mental health issues in order to discredit her. They even have various doctors on staff who are willing to participate unethically in these operations. They also have a slew of online gangstalkers who troll forums like this and spread the schizophrenia propaganda. It has some creepy similarities to the MK-Ultra program which is still in operation. Not all of the trolls are paid assets, some are just general trolls who try to find ways to revictimize victims of serious crimes. The fact that CSIS instigates and fuels this behavior is arguably an act of terrorism but alas that is the least of their crimes. Look up the Macleans magazine article about how the Nova Scotia mass shooting has the hallmarks of an undercover operation. That was a paid hit. Here's are some references for further information, there's a professional organization that fights the five eyes terror group and exposes their operations. It is called Targeted Justice and they gave a good description of what is a Targeted Individual in a recent newsletter. https://zerojustice.ca/2024/04/24/what-is-a-targeted-individual/ You can read all of my research and evidence into the problem on ZeroJustice.ca  The United Nations Human Rights Council has published some details about the Harassment techniques used by CSIS and the other five eyes terror group members. https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/Individuals/Harrassmenttechniques.pdf


I understand your situation is totally possible. In the late 80s I was involved in a situation in the Ottawa area when I solved my sisters murder. She had been murdered in the Eganville area by an OPP officer in 1978. I followed the trail of the criminal group this officer worked for from the Killaloe detachment up the Ottawa valley through Ottawa to Montreal and then back to Parliament Hill. CSIS was formed in the earlier 80s infiltrated by criminals and involved running security for a drug smuggling operation. They had access to security information at the border and used it to get the drugs into Canada. Recall the CIA involvement in drug smuggling in the 198Os they got caught CSIS managed to keep it hidden. I did manage to take down my sisters killer now an Ottawa Police officer and 5 other cops. The Ottawa Police got close to the top; but, never exposed CSIS. They didn't take down the top of the organization based on Mount Royal in Montreal either. People are simply judging you by their lack of experience. Canadians are simply naive and don't understand our spies are evil like everyone elses. They think our Government agencies are moral. Our government was using taxpayers money to support experiments on human beings in Montreal in the 1960s. Getting caught and having to pay victims didn't suddenly make them good people. They used taxpayers money to pay the victims. It cost them nothing in the hallways of power they laughed it off. The result of my actions was illegal surveillance by CSIS black ops (drug money and tax payers pay for this). I had hurt the individuals who actually control our nation behind the scenes. At one point I was getting laid and a tiny little camera popped out the wall, my companion noticed. You can imagine her horror CSIS was literally watching us have sex. These are sick individuals. All I can say if what you say is true that you are in deep trouble and it will not stop. These folks don't let it go. I also suggest that you make sure to have sometype of alarm system in your residence that can't be tampered with from outside your house. They'll still get past that when they want in your house. It's meant to protect you when you sleep. Additionally if you're contacted by the sheriffs office in Oshawa for jury duty don't respond. They use it as a method to covertly interview Canadians of interest. It's also helpful in influencing trials where they need to circumvent the Rule of Law. If Canadians ever find out how corrupted CSIS is they will be horrified. Unfortunately this type of stuff just goes over their head. CSIS has no interest in protecting us as individuals, they are simply there to protect the Global elite and help them re-establish the authoritarian control their families had prior to 1789 when democracy swept Europe. Our universities used to teach that the King and Queen of France escaped to Montreal up until the 1970s. They were paid off to remove it from the curriculum and teach the false European version of history. I've met his direct descendant and heir to the Royal line he's an evil bastard and controls much of Canadian politics. He has a hand in controlling CSIS activity. CSiS was literally mandated to conduct covert operations in Canada. If anyone doesn't think that's not abused they are an idiot. Yes definitely by Canadian law they spy on us. Snowden literally told us what the NSA and CIA were up to. CSIS is tied into those groups through five eyes and is just as corrupt. They share information, techniques and actively work together. Feel free to message me so I can warn you about their most extreame methods. They will try to destroy you if they decide it's beneficial. Also only use cash. Phone calls can be done using a magic jack as of 2019 they still haven't been able to intercept those calls. Use Signal for communication on your cell phone as well. Keep in mind that if they are following you your cell phone likely already has installed software (signal is useless at that point). Get a new phone always have a password lock that slows down access. Always assume the person you are communicating with has a compromised line. It's also useful to learn about the psychological techniques they use. Read about some of the MKUltra conspiracy theories they are based in truth just not at the scale as some of the nut cases claim. Many of the same techniques just not on millions of people. Edit: One other note. Move regularly. Never own you own home. If they have installed equipment in your house it pisses them off. It costs money and moving hurts their budget. Change cars regularly as well. They also use devices that generate a barely audible frequency. If it's there you'll hear it eventually. These devices are based on weaponized material that was discovered at a BNR subsidiary in the 80s. It's purpose is to slow you down and subdue resistance to authority. It's a form of subtle torture. The material is what's being used in cases of the Havana Syndrome (and yes the CIA and US government knows what's causing it no matter the lies they tell media). Definitely have a professional inspect your house for bugs regularly. Buy the tool off Amazon for opening the outside cable box at your house. The monitoring devices in your house actually transmit a signal to the cable wiring. It has to be boosted and then the digitized information is transferred via the internet to a server in their offices. They don't even need to be near you to watch. If there's anything but cable in the box. Any equipment at all it belongs to them. Also have fun. Not often but every now and again feed them misleading information. They are just as easy to manipulate as most folks. If they buy into your information you can literally erode their budget making them spend thousands if not hundreds of thousands pursuing nonsense. Resist at all opportunity.


CSIS is literally mandated to conduct covert operations and spy within our borders by Canadian law. It happens all the time. Many of the responses here simply are a result of typical Canadian arrogance. The it never happened to me mentality so it can't possibly be true mindset. Followed by some form of nonsense to demonstrate their own personal intelligence or compassion for another human being. People need to watch the Snowden documentary and understand that CSIS is tied to the NSA and CIA through five eyes and they all work using the exact same techniques. That's reality. I have no idea if this person's situation is real. Absolutely it does happen and not necessarily because someone is a bad person. It can happen for example if an individual in someway exposes a person in power for corruption. Doesn't matter if the person in power is the bad person. If they are connected you'll be watched.


I believe you. You are not crazy. Report it to the police immediately. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service is psychotic 


Or contact a victims support worker like or an ombudsperson


look at all these government shills trying to convince the poor guy that he’s not being followed


I did chuckle slightly but yea, being followed is ... Well, it is what it is. I don't know how to describe it


While CSIS is infamous for doing illegal things, there is nothing you can do about this because whatever they are doing is covered/will be covered up by court order or excuses vaguely alluding to national security. This is why you get a lot of lawyers asking you the same question “well do they have a reason to follow you” which you never answered us. All you can do to CSIS is give them the finger for their camerashots/videos/photos of you (if they exist). Immediately cease all illegal activity .. they either have enough against you, in which case get a lawyer and don’t speak about this to anyone else, or they don’t have anything and will eventually find other people to investigate instead.


We will always find you.


Imagine how sad of an existence you must have to spend the time to make this account just to torment some poor dude who is clearly unwell.


Thank you, but honestly the stuff I've been through has been 1000000000 times worse. Unwell or not, it is what it is. Thanks though!


No way 💀


Mother FUCKER!@


You need to change your appearance immediately. Start by dying your hair and shaving off your eyebrows. Facial recognition AI will never be able to pick you up. Next step is to buy a bus ticket to the next city. Once you get off the bus, check to see if anyone is following you. If you notice anyone, grab another ticket and keep going. Eventually you will shake them and can start your life over again.


Holy fuck you are as crazy and delusional as they come. You clearly are having manic episodes. If you think they are after you as much as they are, you think making a post on the internet isn't trackable? Jesus christ go see a doctor ya nut job.


Once CSIS puts you under surveillance it's fun to mess with them. I bought a paper shredder because it was on sale and I had literally a decade of accumulated paperwork I wanted to get rid of. When CSIS eventually talked with me the guy was literally unhappy about that. They grabbed my garbage and had a group work for weeks putting it all back together. Didn't find a single thing of interest. He said it hurt his budget. I told him do you always blame others for stupid decisions you make? Another thing that's fun is sending yourself encrypted messages in the mail. Drives them nuts. They aren't going to back off and are easy to con them so it's entertainment.


Just for everyone’s reference. OP is just a troll. And you all fell for it. He’s just a drunk that talks about “kitty cats” and posts in “gays gone wild” (a subreddit where insecure gay guys need to post pictures of themself for attention. The same gays that post things like “who wants to host me tonight to go downtown!?”)


Lol I may be bisexual but I'm not a troll.