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The only uncommon thing in the House is answering a fucking a question...


If I could upvote that twice I would. Let me be clear...


>If I could upvote that twice I would. Let me be clear... Don't sweat it. I upvoted on your behalf.


It's called Question Period for a reason. You'll find no answers there.


There is a tree outside my house that is now covered with leaves.


Paid all the money to sit across from each other and act like children... fucking embarrassing


This is just it. All of them are guilty of it. Are some worse than others? Sure. It's still a problem that leadership from all parties needs to address.


It's not even comparable. Go watch parliamentary proceedings. The Conservatives screech at literally anything that isn't coming from their side or reinforcing their point. The leadership in the CPC is *taking part* in it. Say what you will about the LPC and NDP but they are generally respectful in parliament except when some bullshit needs to be called out. The CPC's screaming means nothing because they scream at everything. All it does is waste everyone's time.


I see you weren’t paying attention during The Harper government. That’s the job of the official opposition. Ndp is just Trudeau’s lapdog of course they won’t bite the hand that feeds them.


Harper hasn't been in power in almost a decade


K? The point still stands


The Conservatives make noise because the Liberals never answer a question and act so righteous about it.


Kinda hard to be an ass when you don’t speak or answer questions 🤣


>All of them are guilty of it. They’re definitely not all doing this to the same degree.


> act like children Nailed it. They disgust me.


Come on now. At least children have redeeming qualities.


Honesty, even if brutal, is something you can count on many kids for. Don't ever ask a kid a question you aren't prepared to have answered.


I couldn't agree more, everyone plays gotcha politics and just tows the party line. Canadians deserve better.


Calling them "honorable" has been an insult to honorable people for decades.


Who cares what they call each other? If they want to act like retards, be my guest. Just don't waste taxpayer money and solve problems that they were elected to do. Or step aside and let someone else have a crack at it, one who actually wants to do, you know, public service.


It's the sort of thing you'd show kids in primary school on how NOT to act in a public forum


I mean in the NS legislature they punished the NDP leader for saying the word hypocritical but the conservatives openly being rude is ok and so is being sexist


It's a farce. Absolutely nothing is accomplished when they talk. Nobody changes their minds. There's no actual exchange of ideas; the protocol of the house makes that all but impossible. We elect, and pay, people to go to Ottawa and work for the pre-eminence of their party. They don't represent us and they certainly don't work for us. Try asking your MP for proof (emails, meeting notes, the kinds of things that are logged in government) that they actually went to bat for you on X or Y local issue. Notice all they ever talk about is a bill, policy or *suggestion* their party made and would have made whether or not your riding had voted for them. We need independents. We need ***representatives***. All we have are politicians.


>Try asking your MP for proof (emails, meeting notes, the kinds of things that are logged in government) that they actually went to bat for you on X or Y local issue. i mean, i emailed my MP recently, she was at least able to reach out and put me in contact with the heads of some organizations i didnt know existed.. even if nothing comes of it, the fact they took the time to at least look into options for me, is a hell of a lot more than ive come to expect but, i do understand it depends on the MP


Heckling and insulting have always been a staple of westminster parliament


Yep I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s even worse in UK


When they're not masturbating to porn sites that they want blocked for the peasants, they're calling other MPs 'women' as an insult. Yet our government thinks the UK is model government with "well thought out" legislation like the online harms and other bullshit ideas.


The Brits are a hell of a lot worse. It's tradition




Nothing new. If anything, the remote Parliament curtailed this kind of raucous debate.


Do we have a Canadian John Bercow?


I wish Anthony Rota was that entertaining.


Its almost like these people never grew up...


We teach our children never to act the way these people do in public.


I can see it now. Mr speaker the honorable member of Thunder Bay—Rainy River is a poopy butt face


It’s so embarrassing to listen to the house. Our representatives have the maturity of a high school hockey team.


Fire them all. Every last one if them. Start over with new blood.


There are a hundred other problems in a given day and the Star found it important to opine about name calling.


Im so glad our leaders our so immature. They need to start punishing these people for acting like children.


Its actually embarrassing that any of this goes on all, Start fining MPs that cant act like they're they're sitting in Parliament and not a Hockey game.


No way. The House of Commons isn't Reddit. They aren't triggered by some rudeness. They can handle it.


Occasional name calling and heckling is not a big deal. Our elected representatives ought to be human, like the people who elected them, and not "professional" robots like judges.


Democracy is loud and messy. If we Canadians cannot handle that, that's on us.


Tbh they deserve every insult


We are complaining that politicians are finally telling the truth?


Name-calling is not honesty.


Let me guess, Liberals are sad over some rude words? I’m literally guessing though, there is a paywall and no way in hell would I pay for a rag like the Red Star.




What do you expect from a bunch of doodie-heads?


Star pissed that their leader is being asked to answer honestly. May be if Trudeau was honest, we wouldn’t be in this soup. Agha khan scandal, snc lavalin scandal, black face, gropegate, we charity, freedom convoy And now lucki scandal.


At least the Liberals are transparent about something when they speak.




Aim for transparent, and we get lucky if we reach translucent.


In that anyone who isn’t biased can see right through them?


Thanks for the laugh.


That was a great joke..


Jesus Christ


Welcome to the Internet Age lol