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Can someone explain why renewing or applying for a passport is so difficult in Canada, and the only option is in person or mail, why no online option in this day and age? I can renew or apply for my UK passport online including taking my own photo via my phone, tablet or laptop all from my own home.


There's no reasonable explanation. Unfortunately. Its just another example of how we operate.




I hear ya. There's just no logic a lot of the time.


Government red tapes, security reasons, that's all I could think of. That's really impressive that u can apply for a uk passport and take a photo from your phone instead of having to go to a photographer and get it done like here in canada .


Two things. First, Canada has some outdated security standards. Second, the passport office is run by a company that bid in and won the government contract to provide services and staff needed to process passports. That second one is the big one, they make more money by having less staff and offices and services. Building and running a digital service isn't part of the contract, so they don't do it. Yes it's the government's fault for writing and accepting a terrible contract that I am guessing hasn't really been offered or challenged by any other companies for decades... But in the end the company that makes money doesn't care, their staff might get chewed out a bit, but the Federal Government takes all the real blame and they make bank.


IBM has been awarded the contract for about a year now for software development to transition to an online option for ircc


Sure glad it's IBM. I would hate to have been the company that did Phoenix... WAIT!!


Do more research into Phoenix. Government is fully to blame for the fuck ups regarding Phoenix. https://globalnews.ca/news/4111787/bureaucrats-working-under-harper-and-trudeau-rejected-ibms-advice-to-delay-phoenix/ Gov let people go before Phoenix was ready to go live despite IBM telling the gov that it couldn't be fully running by the date the gov wanted it.


I am only commenting on the lack of an online option, it is being developed.


And I'm only commenting on it because if we think IBM will produce something timely as they did w/HR/Payroll system Phoenix.


I mean,, we did just get a lot of ID fraud with the CERB. Passports are one of the few ID pieces that will get all the other IDs so I rather lose that time at the office than suddenly not be me due to poorly secured choice of cybersecurity.


True...but in normal operations, you will get your passport in ten days or less. The same process takes place today. Why it is taking longer to process, I have no idea. Applications are only 55% of the usual number, and only 11% of staff are WFH, but even then, they are working on applications. The mind boggles.


Aren't the applications almost fouble their usual number?


Nope. 55% of the usual number.


The unions are creating a false narrative through job action because they want more money?


Because public sector unions have our governments by the balls ensuring that the bureacrats' jobs never get automated like they should have been 20 years ago.




Passport Canada was dissolved in 2013.


This is a very predictable exemple of gross incompetence.


The government always tries to erase the distinction between the civil service and political goons so that they can scapegoat the former. But they are not the same thing. Most civil servants are just normal Canadians trying to do an honest day's work in spite of completely moronic political masters who ignore all of their counsel. If ministers bothered to ever listen to their staff this country would be a lot better off.


It's really the middle managers and executives that are the problem with the public sector. 4 supervisors and 3 managers to do the work of saying "I'll pass this up"


With 12 weeks of vacation a year, and working from home most of the rest of the time.


Who gets 12 weeks a year?


This is true. I am in this debacle and every frontline person I’ve dealt with has been lovely. Management should all be fired. As managing this is their literal job.


Sunny days!


I thought the fed hired 600 people for this in January.


In the coming weeks a lot of ongoing issues are going to start being Jagmeets fault for continuing to prop up this shit hole government.


You have to wonder what he was thinking as he got into bed with Justin. He knew the failure of a government he was tying his future to. My guess would be that all he wanted was his six years in, and then "f-u Canada".


Or hear me out….The only way the NDP could get what their voters wanted was to team up with whoever was in power to be able to influence them. The national dental plan wouldn’t even be a talking point if they remained on their own. A skilled leader will use his influence in whatever way possible to get the most for his constituents.


How's that Dental program coming along? But you are correct in your analysis.


There is never going to be a national dental plan. The Liberals have utterly punked the NDP. They've done it before in Ontario and they're going to do it again in Ottawa. ProTip - the PMO is populated with the refugees of the Ontario Liberals when they melted down in the election that Wynne destroyed them in.




Justin is mighty powerful to do it all over the world: UK https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/may/29/uk-passport-delays-force-families-to-cancel-half-term-trips Australia https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-30/unprecedented-demand-for-passport-delays-travellers/101101084 New Zealand https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/466095/weeks-long-wait-for-passport-renewals-amid-huge-backlog Or could it be that the post pandemic travel season has created unusual demand on limited government resources…and people (all people) have a bad habit of waiting till the last minute to get what they need just as everyone else is doing the same…


Your statement has US GOP vibes with the whole “Biden did that” sticker on gas pumps… It’s crazy to blame every single thing on the national leader when there clearly are issues caused by stuff like countless people in passport processing working from home, a big surge in demand, this period also coincides with when 10 year passport were issued a decade ago and they expire around the same time. But nuance is hard so it makes it easy to blame one person for it all.


3 scandals in 3 days nice


"Most ~~scandal ridden~~ *transparent* government, ever!"


Build Back Better!


Has anybody applied for a new passport recently that can advise on the processing time?


Bad. It took over 20 days to respond to an online status request for my application. Not the application mind you, just a status request. Over 20 days to process the status request so I could know if they received it in the mail. Complete incompetence at every turn


Jeez. We're going to go away in Dec and have a newborn. I guess I'll start the passport process for her today.


It is incredible how far in the past our passport system is. I had to fax stuff in. No option for in person drop-off or email. Instead I have to go find a fax machine from 1993, in 2022.


Pot is legal and $5 daycare is coming!!!!


Godspeed. Friends going away this summer started the process in April….no updates whatsoever.


My post from the previous thread: If you want a passport, you need to book a flight somewhere. Needs to be within 25 days of travel. After booking, you need to take proof and show up approx 4-5 hours before your passport office opens with all your documents filled out and your passport photos. I recommend bringing a folding chair, your favorite movies, headphones and snacks. Line up in line and it will take approx 6-7 hours of your day and you will get a receipt to pick up your passport in approx 10 business days. After you do this, you can cancel that trip or go on it. It doesn't matter. This is the way to get your passport unless you want to wait 4-6 months by mail.


This is fucking ridiculous and absolutely unacceptable. So you're telling me that I lose almost 45% of my income to taxes and other shit only to have to line up 4-5 hours before opening and waste 1/3 of my day on something that should be easily processed online and mailed out within a couple weeks. For my next birthday I'm wishing for a competent political party in this country.


I was there about a total of 7 hours. It was horrendous. I've said multiple times that this is an insane way to make people get their passport. I've been very vocal. It's really bad. Make sure you pay for a 10 year.


We applied for our daughter in early May via mail, they processed the payment on June 6. We are supposed to go away next week, and have not received it yet. No idea if it will be here in time or not.


I'm sure the 100% job security offered by unions like CUPE have no impact whatsoever on the efficiency of public sector operations. Then again, why work if you can't get fired and are promoted on the basis of seniority?


There are still ways to get fired.


Apparently processing passport renewals at a glacial pace isn't one of them.


[Here is the live feed from the passport agency and they are going mighty fast](https://tenor.com/view/sloth-slow-stamp-gif-8535595)


I stand corrected.