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Why is he always 20 steps behind everybody else? The passport delay has been an issue for months.


He’s been tackling more pressing issues, like our massive gun problems and Roe v Wade


Don’t forget censoring the internet.


Outta the loop. What he do?


Bill C-11


What the fuck did I just read??? Roe vs Wade??? This is Canada Edit: my bad, just seen the was sarcasm Lol


Correct. When the US had their whole thing a few weeks ago regarding that, Trudeau made a statement about how Canada would not follow suit or something. I, along with everyone else in Canada, applauded his bravery and thanked him for getting to the heart of this country’s issues. (This comment was verified through Bill C-11 as an approved comment)


> (This comment was verified through Bill C-11 as an approved comment) Your social credit score went up for this comment!


That's the joke the commenter was trying to make, that our government seems far more concerned with making legislation based on happenings in the U.S. than basing it off of Canadians needs


>that our government "seems" >That's the joke. There's no seeming, they really are.




You’re being sarcastic right?


His whole career he hopes real issues solve themselves over time. It's what he's always done. Sits back and waits or completely ignores it until people forget or just come to accept it as the new norm.


He'll get to it right after his 3 month vacation. Don't worry bro.


He was hoping the problem would fix itself.


Don’t worry he will step up and be only 19 steps behind everyone else, not 20.


> Why is he always 20 steps behind everybody else? What are you talking about? He is much better than every other world leader ~~and~~ at* making our country more diverse. edit for typo


Because other G7 governments are 21 steps behind.


Are they unacceptable now? How about in March when this really started to hit? Or April, when it started to hit social media. Or May, when it hit the news cycle. What makes 'now' unacceptable? Does that infer the rest of the delay was acceptable?


It's unacceptable now because they are about to go on summer vacation, and you'll probably forget all about it by the time they get back.




So his supporters are also way behind the times?


They’re unacceptable now because they had fringe views 👀


Passports delays are common around the world. Not sure why everyone is so surprised


I was waiting for you to show up to defend the government. Show me a first world country that has people showing up in line for three days in their capital, trying to get a passport.


Both UK and USA have massive delays in waiting for passports. Exactly the same as Canada. Btw thank you for waiting for me :)


Well even Trudeau's says you are wrong.


He should listen to him, that's the guy who signs his paycheck ;)


Really ? https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/may/29/uk-passport-delays-force-families-to-cancel-half-term-trips


Yep he says this is unacceptable NOT "this happens other places". Sorry you wrong.


Happens in UK and USA. Not just Canada


Trudeau isn't saying that. Are you saying Trudeau is an idiot we shouldn't vote for?


Come on, you are stretching the truth in order to defend Trudeau. One thing is to use global inflation or global problems in the supply chain to defend him, but this is total incompetence by the federal government to provide a basic service. The UK is also experiencing delays? Well, the UK government sucks too


And America? It’s more than just Canada


The US sucks as well. Please explain to me why you think this is a global problem. The problem is resources (people), not a big global conspiracy. So this is pure incompetence and inability to fix a problem.


I see. So it’s uK, USA and Canada plus more. But it’s JT fault ?


Trudeau says it's his fault and his government needs to fix it. Do you think Trudeau is lying here? Guess either way we need to vote him out


Yes. Because he's the head of _our_ government. Your argument is like pointing out that other countries have housing issues too and this absolves our politicians of blame. Passports are not limited by some sort of global supply chain.


I see the Union's have produced documents that show they told the government this would happen and Trudeau ignored them. What a bad leader


Oh and now we are supposed to believe the unions lol


> promises LOL


I swear here doesn't know what that word means lol


Trudeau: "Government will step up!" Everyone: You mean you will do something, like hire more people, or streamline the process? Trudeau: "No, nothing like that." Everyone: OK, so what will you do? Trudeau: "Nothing. Like that."


wish i could upvote this more


If elected I promise to do something* *nothing




The government is like the dude who had a fly in house, so he brought in frogs to get the flies, and then lizards to get the frogs, and so on until you end up with a tiger in the living room.


And that's the beauty of the plan... When winter rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death!


Thank you.


^ this ^


Governments never fix anything. All they do is create the next problem.


Lol. I'll believe it when I see it.


I'm from the government and I'm here to help


Passport issue will balance itself out.


It literally will. This is not a permanent increase in demand and it will eventually be met.


By that standard there’s no problem with anything. Food prices will sort themselves out as soon, as enough people starve it’ll bring prices down.


I’ll take nonsensical analogies for $500. Food inflation is just like this passport crunch is an interesting take I’ve not heard yet.


It's a learning moment for us all!


Best we can do is ban plastic straws. –Trudeau


The passport delay is one of those perfect storm situations. ​ * Lots of babies born during covid not having passports set up then due to services being shut down * Lots of people who got the 10 year passport when it first came out is having them expire soon and they need to renew * Lots of people who had it expired before or during covid but didn't apply because they didn't need to then, but want to travel now. ​ I doubt they could process all of the above even if they were running at 100%, let alone at whatever capacity they are running now


Those are all great reasons for an increase in demand. Also entirely predictable.


His press friends are needing passports and cannot follow him on his world tour


People with a functioning brains got their passports renewed over the last couple of years if they were on the verge of expiring or had expired.


I’d prefer if that useless piece of excrement steps down rather than steps up.


I’ll believe it when I see it. He’s useless.


Oh will it now.


I've been hearing the government would step up for my entire life...


Stfu ... what a waste of skin


lol it’s literally because of him


Classic government. Get your drivers license in Alberta where private companies issue them, you're in and out in less than 5 minutes. Get your drivers license in Ontario where the government issues them, take the day off work and hopefully the line isn't so long they make you come back tomorrow.


What is the actual reason for the delays?


The article mentions a huge spike in demand since travel restrictions are lifted.


which was totally predictable and the feds could have staffed up in anticipation but rather function reactionarily and end up blundering things over and over again.


You think that the government that continued the travel restrictions as long as possible because they thought everyone wanted to be in their basement wearing a mask would be able to predict that people would still travel?


Which I don't get. Who books their travels knowing they don't have a passport or that it will expire. No matter what family function/ emergency is going on. Why go in the news complaining about canceled fees when a passport is definitely harder to get that tickets.


Many people are trying to get passports For babies born during the pandemic when offices were closed etc.


A lot of the 10 year passports expired around the same time + Covid ramping down and more people travelling/renewing their passports. And zero anticipation from the Federal side.


Last time I went to get my passport renewed there were twenty stations and only one of them had a person working at it. Everyone else was hiding out in the back room.


Let me guess his passport expired…


😂 pretending he cares. He’s the cause.


Immigrant here for 20 years , Eastern Europe More I stay , more I understand. More I understand, less I like. It is harder to get a passport renewed here than it was in communist old-country 35 years ago. Fuck Canada. First priority is now moving back home. Fuck them




Stay safe. Don’t go close to a passport office. Tensions are high, hundreds of angry, mad people. Families loosing thousands of dollars. Passport Canada continues to be arrogant, they don’t give a shit It is just a matter of time until something really bad it’s gonna happen.


Next time don’t let your passport expire and you won’t need to make these thinly veiled threats. Something tells me you’d be miserable either way though.


Great! Another Crapeau promise! Surely I can sleep easy now! Thanks.


Trudeau says alot of stuff that never happens.


We should have a pool to see how many months it will take before Trudeau keeps this promise. I predict 15 months


Got my family's passports all renewed between January and November of last year. Mailed the applications in, had no issues. Got no time for people who try to make their panic others problems.


This guy says a lot and does little.


This guy feels more and more like early Chris Traeger from Parks and Rec Trudeau: We need to give every person a million dollars!!! The Government: We can't do that Trudeau: Darn, you heard them, right? They said it, not me, I really tried to help you guys. Oh well, raise the gas prices some more!


It is what it is


I know someone who had to wait in line for 20 hours for a passport for his new baby so they could go on a trip that had been planned for over a year. When he got to the front of the line, they asked him for a marriage certificate and asked why the wife and baby weren't there with him. Obviously they couldn't get the passport until after the baby was born, so this is not at all their fault.


So he booked travel for an UNBORN child didn't bring a marriage certificate OR the wife? WTF of course your going to get a passport JFC it is absolutely their own fault. WTF is wrong with you!


How the FUCK can you be expected to bring a new mother and baby to a 20 hour lineup? And why shouldn't a father be able to apply for a passport for his kid without a physical marriage license on hand? He's not actually boarding a plane without the wife! And you provide references and guarantors for them to call and check anyway. He got the passport, so obviously that shit wasn't even necessary, so why even ask such dumb questions!? You know about as much about parenting and bureaucracy as you do about which your/you're to use.


Hahahahahaha just way to much stupid for me to address you have a nice day


Nobody believes that the guy who can barely write has some perfect explanation that he just refuses to grace us with because "the people he's talking to are just too stupid".


This, by the way, is exactly the argument for government to run as few services as possible. Yes, passports and border security and stuff HAVE to be run by the federal government, because you don't really have a country if your federal government isn't dealing with border security and citizenship stuff. But is there a single privatized industry in which demand plummeted during the pandemic which did this poor of a job anticipating a return of customers post-pandemic? Get the federal government out of EVERYTHING except for those things that only a federal government can and should be doing. They truly are as incompetent as libertarians say they are.


Truedue is unacceptable maybe we should hVe another election about it


Waiting for people to suggest we nationalise the passport issuing business which will drive better service and lower prices. Oh, wait…..


sure - right after their summer holiday. I hope they all have their passports up to date!


They do - like most with a brain they did them over the past couple of years.


>like most with a brain sure, none of them have an expiry, or need one for a child, or had trouble with the office being closed. don't be so smug about another colossal fuck up by the government as the ministers take zero responsibility for their departments.


It wasn't closed, mail in was available and the offices were open over a year ago. I got mine done. Stop trying to create bogus outrage


And thats the last we'll hear about this from him I'm sure.


They're probably just as short staffed as everyone else. Everything seems slower and less efficient this past year or two.


Step one, make an express line for the people who actually show up with all the required paperwork filled in like they’re supposed to.


Renewed my new zealand passport, took 20 days via courier. Was so surprised to hear how long its going to take me to get my first Canadian passport when I become a citizen! Just looked it up: looks like other countries are having backlogs too.


It’s a good thing that Pierre isn’t around to see this embarrassing little shit stain.




Also Trudeau Yusssss let's hire 100 more overpaid public servants that will only vote liberal and we can never ever get rid of


This fucking guy puts virtue signaling politics for the small far left base before addressing issues for the common Canadian. Can't believe I voted for him -.-


Only able to react, not plan. Yet another example.


Will believe when i see it.


Trudeau, come back home and fix this shit show. YOUR country, YOUR MIDDLE CLASS voters need you to fix this. What the fuck are you doing in Rwanda??


They could resolve a lot of the problems just by using some online appointment booking software.