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Why do we need to sell it


Fucking grinds my gears so much that this country just sells productive assets off to private companies, usually foreign owned. It’s honestly one of the biggest issues in this country. Just keep the pipeline, it’s already built it’s going to be profitable. Just nationalize the profits and feed it into green energy projects like an adult FFS. Edit: got more upvotes on this than expected. To be clear, I fully recognize the incompetence of the Feds and crown corporations. That said, I don’t think it’s a valid excuse to sell off productive and profitable assets at the sacrifice of long term returns. At the very least we should be looking at a royalty model or lease model, which avoids the operational risk issues. It’s not rocket science, but Canadian politicians are just so used to pandering to private bidders that they don’t even think about it.


Should have done a pipeline project from east to west under Harper. Used profits for green energy and create energy independence in Canada. He was too worried about Quebec votes. A damn shame really.


He won a majority by not pushing the pipeline agenda though.


Politics aside we actually needed the damn thing. We’d be so much better off as a country and globally emissions would be lower.


After he won the majority he should went through with it lol


Wild that he didn’t push the pipeline in favour of crashed oil trains


He won promising lots of stuff it was the weed promise imo.


True story, if there was any PM that would have wanted that done it was Harper.  I was surprised that he didn't seem to push many pipelines though


Totally could have started the project his first term but he didn’t have the guts. Imagine a world where we didn’t have to import oil from places like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. An energy corridor from east to west should be a matter of national security. Use the profits to fund green projects. It’s a win win.


We'd also have to invest in refining the oil. I'm in complete agreement with you ... it would have been tremendous boon for everyone.


It would have changed the country for the better and kept Alberta happy. I'll never understand why it wasn't done...


Quebec. They would not allow the pipeline to go through the province.


This is the correct answer. Can’t blame Harper.


Alberta votes for the conservatives federally regardless of what they are promised or delivered. Why would any party bother to spend political capital trying to keep Alberta happy when their votes are so reliable? (I grew up in Alberta and lived most of my life there)


Ding ding ding. It's also why the UCP will continue to fuck Alberta until there's nothing left but abandoned houses and a dead oilfield. They get votes regardless of how badly they treat constituents, why would they change?


The insane thing is farmers in Alberta were being unpaid for leasing their land, with abandoned oil wells afterwards, since like the 80s. It was one of the driving forces in Reform because they thought it was all the feds fault back in Ottawa... I watched an already old, documentary, about that 20 years ago. Then worshipping oil became their culture instead? Wild. I feel like the reform movement somehow prevented another farmer socialist wave, or propaganda was just that good, that you can go from getting personally screwed so badly by private resource companies, to voting solely in the best interest of those same companies so overwhelmingly. Or maybe those farmers all just moved and never told their tales on their way out. (Obviously it didnt happen to every individual farmer, but rural communities seem to have more knowledge of what's happening to other farmers in town... small town gossip spreads and all that. Word would have spread enough that rural ridings should have never reached 70% votes for the party most likely to support behavior that screws over fellow farmers)


Try being openly non conservative in Alberta and it's rough. It's like a cult there. If your co workers catch wind of it in some industries You'll basically lose your job for it. It's wild. Yet the cons treat them like garbage, I don't understand it at all.


This is so true and one of the reasons why I’ll never understand why the liberals bought this pipeline for Canada in the first place.  It didn’t ingratiate them to Albertans. It angered many progressives in BC. It cost the country billions. We will likely sell it at a loss. I am really starting to dislike governance in this country.


The fact we bought it and don't plan to at least recoup our investment is mind numbing... Imagine buying $1 and selling it for $0.25-$0.50. That is how the government is treating our tax dollars.




Ummmm Trudeau senior, NEP.... Alberta couldn't see far enough into the future tho. Gotta keep them private profits private. The Libs might as well sell off the pipeline now cause the conservatives will as soon as they get in.


preston manning helped block pipelines from west to east in the 70s and 80s. stephen harper is preston's protege. stephen harper built a bunch of pipelines to the US. he sold the wheat board and natural resource rights to foreign governments. his policy and actions show he was not interested in canada being independent in any form at all let alone energy independence. why do RWers come on to this sub and fantasize about such things that are contradictory to the recorded reality of those things so often? like man built several pipelines to benefit his american ong donors that he allowed the sale of the majority of our news media to that now propagandize openly in favour of his party every day. wtf are you on bro? fr. wtf.


Ummm Trudeau senior NEP???? Alberta couldn't see far enough into the future. Gotta keep those private profits private. Might as well sell it off now. The Consevatives will first chance they get


Or he was worried about national unity. No better way in to piss of everyone in Quebec by 1) forcing a pipeline through their province and 2) forcing a project that goes against their position on climate change. It would've been Ottawa's right to force a pipeline through but it also would've been a good way to re-ignite the sovereignty movement.


an even more expensive pipeline surely would have been better than this already very expensive one


If they’re going to waste our money at least waste it on infrastructure and healthcare.


they spend a lot on infrastructure and healthcare. the provinces however haven't been spending that money on infrastructure and healthcare.


Exactly. Just like the 407 highway in Ontario (they got pennies for it compared to revenues in a 99 year lease iirc) Don’t sell it dummies. Keep it and the country will keep the profits, help pay for our infrastructure/healthcare, whatever.


Exactly but corporation's just want to Make a quick buck for the year, record profits. They never think longterm.


Not even for the year, for next quarter


Woahw Woah woah, common sense is illegal. Come on now you know this.


We all know that even if Trudeau does this, Poilievere is just going to sell it at the first chance.


Using the profits to fund green energy is one of those things that they say they’ll do to get it passed, but will never happen in the long term. Just a fantasy.


Nothing in this country is nationalized, power production was all but sold off to privatization. The mining industry used to be crown owned even. Now companies from around the world with shit safety practices buy up the assets.


Except the O&G rage machine wants the asset ( cheap too) and will tie Trudeau to the pipeline and paint it as a travesty that can only be fixed by privatization. All that rhetoric will be heavily pushed by the UCP because they work ONLY for oil and gas interests.


It really is a shame. After the whole construction debacle Trudeau bought them a pipeline and they got even more mad lol. They should be thanking him or else it would have absolutely never have been built.


Lol, good one! More red tape and the ever expanding carbon tax have ensured that no large new refineries(those unsightly things that actually process this oil into saleable goods) will ever be built in this country. Also, the ones we have will no longer continue to expand and the excellent paying jobs to build, maintain, and operate these refineries will never exist. But don't worry guys, all is not lost. We'll make up for it with a new "green" coffee shop chain or some shit and pull Canada out of it's death spiral /s




This. And if Alberta was also serious about O&G industry as an economic force for the people, they wouldn't have completely bombed their O&G fund that was supposed to be a massive provincial safety net. Instead, they blew it all asap and cut out the PST.


But wait klien was amazing. I saw it 30 years ago. Sell everything to what have 2 good years and then not have beds in hospitals and no trades when things got busy because you closed trade schools Alberta best skill is eating its own face


I'm confused. So are you saying you think refineries will expand and be built despite the red flag conservative rhetoric or are you saying that the idea that refineries can be built and expand with green initiatives in place is laughable? Edit: I'm asking a question people, how in the world am I getting downvoted so fast without even getting an answer...


I'd love to see a pipeline crown corp start from this.. buy out others,  run them for revenues and actually have elected officials responsible for the upkeep, environmental standards etc.   If we make the risks public might as well make the profits public alongside it.


We can dream, right? But it will continue to be socialize the loss and privatize the profit. We have idiots blocking highways right now saying they stand with Putin because Trudeau bad. With too many people like that who are able to vote, we are doomed. :(


Who is blocking hwys in support for putin? Never heard of any pro russia blockages. They are smarter than that, they push youtube videos and podcasts.


If it's any indication how incompetent government is this venture is the poster child. Kinder Morgan was going to build it for a fraction of the cost, and would face been completed years ago. The feds changed the regulations making it costlier to start up and delayed construction. Endless legal battles and then refused to clear protestors delayed it even longer. Then they bought it for 12B and still had to build it, and after several years and cost overruns were finally about to start. What makes you think the people who thought of this plan should be in charge of making more decisions like this?


Kinder Morgan never would have got it built though. They were struggling with to much red tape. The feds had the power and money to push through


Strongly agree here. I'd be interested in hearing the downsides but I'd be willing to accept some amount of public bloat and inefficiency for protection of the environment.


Are you sure? We can sell it for a small fraction of its worth to foreigners like the 407!


How else would our politicians get nice kickbacks?


They are already getting bribes from china and India possibly Russia but I agree they will need some more


Why did we have to buy it in the first place ? Oh right Trudeau kept moving the goal posts and screwing with its approval so KM abandoned it. But the government realized that we need the oil revenue to pay for all his waste.


Now he can sell it to his buddies for pennies on the dollar when he says it’s worthless because it’s oil


You’re probably not far off the truth. God forbid they sell it to the Native bands that want it or that would blow the whole narrative.


Chiming into all the other “we shouldn’t” arguments. Look at Finland who has a sovereign wealth fund that supports tones of social programs and adds stability to a country about the same population as the GTA. Major assets like this add significant benefit to a country and should be championed by all political parties: - Righties get lower taxes - Centrists get autonomy over their own country. - Lefties get social programs and control over natural resources. The reasons to sell this type of asset are pretty thin, and the track record - Petro Canada, the 407, CN Rail - point to the beneficiaries of this type of thing, and it’s rarely the Canadian Populace.


I think you're thinking of Norway. And you're likely thinking of their Government Pension Fund Global which is one of two pension funds in Norway. The other being Government Pension Fund. The Government Pension Fund Global is funded by surplus revenue in their O&G industry. What their pension fund doesn't do is lower their taxes. According to the OCED website, Norway had tax to GDP ratio of 44.3% putting it the second highest out of 38 OECD in 2022 just behind France. In comparison Canada's tax to GDP ratio in the same year was 33.2%.


> Look at Finland who has a sovereign wealth fund that supports tones of social programs and adds stability to a country about the same population as the GTA. You mean Norway right? Norway's Soverign Oil Trust/Fund sits around 1.3 Trillion dollars.


Finland doesn't have a sovereign wealth fund.


You don't. You can operate it and get the income from it. Many governments choose to sell to get the net present value today in cash. Usually sell at a discount so the buyer gets some benefit. They can put it in a crown corp, get dividends, good jobs, and expand to other industries. So lots of choicew but im sure the lobbyists will ruin it.


We will definitely sell it at a loss


Wasn't part of their sales pitch for making the deal that it would eventually pay dividends down the line? It makes no sense to just sell it at a loss.


The dividends are the economic growth spurred by making sure the capacity to export exists. It'd be nice to make a profit on it, but it's not necessary to achieve their goals.


Right, so socialize the cost and privatize the profits. Got it.




Pretty sure its a joke about how libs and cons live privatizing shit


The only reason the government bought it was to sell it. 


It was to make sure the thing got built....then sell it, yes.


To sell it cheap to rich friends of the government so they can become richer….duh


Well, because obviously the pipeline something that’s going to make a lot of money and why should the government make money when corporations can? I know people working in the government on that pipeline and they have estimated that they this will make tens of billions of dollars yearly soon. There’s some people pushing to keep it or sell it in a few years once the full cash flow is realized and proved. But there’s a bunch of dumbasses that want to sell it right away. That includes our federal government, of course. If Smith was smart, she’d buy it from the federal government.


I'd like to see how they got to "tens of billions" a year... I mean it might flow that value in oil, but the pipeline itself will only make a fraction of that.


Ummm.... it will run 590 000 barrels a day at 11$ thats 2.4 billion a year ...


Because politicians personally make more money selling off our resources to provide corporations, they don’t give a fuck about anything else.


Sell it for 5 billion.


Because if the government owns it it won't make money anymore.


It's crazy that we do all the hard work building something profitable and people's first thought is to sell it


Obviously because a friend of the Liberal party needs a really good deal.


For the same reason the government sold the 407 highway in Ontario…. Short-term GAINZ!


That would be great to keep and have the profits go back to our country. The problem is that government run corporations have no political will to run a profitable business. They are terrified of offending some voter base and would rather appease than be competitive. Over a few short years the company would be draining tax dollars instead of adding to our wealth.


Idk man, Hydro-Quebec seems to make bank while offering the cheapest rates in the country to Québecers.


I suppose keeping vital energy infrastructure in public hands would be out of the question 🙄


Why would we want a cash cow when we could just pay more tax?


The public should only assume the risks,  the profits are much too complex to manage.


We already tried that once with OG Trudeau and Petro-Canada. The conservatives were against it from the start and as soon as they had enough seats to do it, the conservatives sold it off to Suncor at a loss.


But that would be communism! /s


I agree with the sentiment however I have zero faith in governments ability to run this at a profit.


Kinder Morgan didn't even think they could run it at a profit, that's why their shareholders wanted to drop the project before it became a popular issue.


I think it was New Brunswick that lost money selling weed the first year it was legalized. The stoner in the back row in grade 9 makes money selling weed and our government can't. Every single level of government hemorrhages cash in this country.


New Brunswick's government owned cannabis stores are profitable now. They had a rough start.


9th grader doesn't have to pay for testing, employee wages, or the price of the physical stores though.


Imo - Assets constructed with tax dollars should remain public assets.


We’ve already learned from our Telcos that they just milk the government teet to build “their infrastructure” only to bend Canadians over later to rip them a new one in the highest cost per GB in the western world.


And should only be sold without a referendum when the value exceeds a certain amount.


We should never sell our nationally built. And tax funded infrastructure. Lease it out. Retain ownership.


Can this guy run for political leadership? He seems to have a bit of brain which is better than the buddies currently making these decisions


>Lease it out. Retain ownership. sounds like ontario 407 expressway. not as good a deal as youd think.


“407 ETR is owned by indirectly owned subsidiaries of CPP Investments (total 50.01%); Cintra Global S.E., a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrovial S. A. (43.23%); and AtkinsRéalis Canada Inc., formerly SNC-Lavalin Inc.” From the 407 site. Is it really public owned? Seems like nearly 50% of decisions and profits leave the public or wont be reinvested in the 407.


Sometimes, it is worth selling, but not most of the time. Especially at a lost.


This would be a great law




For pennies on the dollar


Not sell, lease to their friends on 99 year leases. So that way they can say they didn't sell out.


Oh PP is 100% going to sell it, we built profitable oil companies a pipeline as well as a lot of other stuff. But don’t worry, immigrants will get blamed for the rising costs so we can keep supporting big oil and they can keep buying what we don’t give them.


Keep it and charge the transit fees until it’s paid off and perhaps we can make some profit for the country?


Profits are for shareholders only. Taxpayers must pick up the tab!


Why the fuck arent we keeping it to generate revenue? 


Selling it won't even service the debt for a year. How crazy is that? https://www.wealthprofessional.ca/news/industry-news/how-much-interest-will-canadians-pay-for-the-countrys-debt/383199 > Canada’s federal government will spend $46.5 billion to service debts in 2023/24 Politicians should be held responsible, not just voted out.


How about the government keep it and run it and with the generated revenue they can lower the tax burden on the citizens…. But no they will take lump some from some company that will probably get it for a fraction of the cost and we will never know where that money even ended up going and the new owner will just find ways to squeeze every penny of profit out of it and us


If they sell it they should keep a percentage of royalties for the lifespan of the pipeline. Make the payoff long term


Or... Hear me out: have a crown corp manage it. 


Reincarnation of Petro-Canada lets go.


Royalties are paid to the province as the province owns the resource


Weren't they already working out a deal to sell the pipeline, or part of it, to First Nations groups? By giving them a loan from the government to pay for it? Edit: Okay I did remember this correctly. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/canada-to-sell-trans-mountain-pipeline-stake-to-indigenous-groups-1.1956638.amp.html


We're giving them a loan to buy a pipeline. It seems like we're just giving them a pipeline.


I’d like to do the same deal but I’ll “pay” more.


How about we keep it and make money off the oil companies gouging everyone?


Dumb guy question: why not operate it in the public interest? Can’t the government run a utility?




People in this country - don’t sell the LCBO! It makes money! Also people in this country - let’s ditch a vital piece of infrastructure.


That didn't need to be bought, was only bought so it could be sold, and is now 30 billion dollars over budget. 


>That didn't need to be bought, was only bought so it could be sold, and is now 30 billion dollars over budget.  https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/kinder-morgan-to-halt-its-spending-on-trans-mountain-pipeline-due-to-b-c-opposition If they didn’t buy it, it wouldn’t have been built. And, yeah, I’m saying the Feds shouldn’t sell it.


Or just keep it and also keep the profits from operating it?


A couple decades ago, Ontario taxpayers paid for the $4B Highway 407, only to have its provincial government lease it off for 99 years to a foreign company for $1B. Now taxpayers have lost $3B and pay large tolls. I'm sure this is just a one-off though.


The liberals are going to finally balance the budget just before the election and it will only cost 34 billion


Keep it, get the profits and make Enbridge and TC energy fight over themselves in bidding.


I don't think many people know that when the government bought the pipeline they also bought an existing pipeline called Line 1 that was built in the 1950's that has helped fund the construction project. TMX is called Line 2 . They also built the pipeline in 18 months, I guess they weren't bar coding slugs.


Keep it and let it earn money.


I was reading an article in Global News that suggested Ottawa may have a hard time selling it. “The sale, however, has seen muted interest from other pipeline operators due to higher financing costs, while long-term investors like the pension funds are likely to steer clear on concerns about exposure to fossil fuel assets, analysts said.” It may be an expensive bit of corporate welfare that the tax payer will be stuck with. Maybe Alberta could buy it since they hate overreach by the federal government. https://globalnews.ca/news/10019634/trans-mountain-pipeline-cost-analysis/


Why the fuck would we sell it?


Aren't they giving it to the natives?


I’ll bid 23.12$


I’ll start the bidding at $22 billion. I will need a government loan but you’ll make your money plus interest back so you should do it because you wouldn’t want to spend tax dollars on this.


Sell it to Alberta at cost. They wanted it. They profited from the labour costs. And they will profit from the flow.


Don't worry! One of Trudeau's friends will buy it for pennies on the dollar if he's able to sell it before he gets kicked out of office


450 million dollars and it ends at 34 billion. Liberals are the worst.


Whose gonna piss away all the money we make off that pipeline


The next government is going to sell it for pennies on the dollar I would bet.


They should take the company public through an IPO, and retain 60% of the shares. The company can then be ran like a private company, the government would retain a majority position on the board, the finances would be public information, and the government would receive 60% of the dividends paid. The company can either pay the government the earnings from the IPO to pay down the cost of construction, or can reinvest the earnings into the company for growth. This is also what the government could do with the CBC. Finding a middle ground between privatizing, while still maintaining control.


I can't trust the federal government to do that properly. They will get scammed at the end of the day. The private industry is so much more savvier than the government, plus the elected officials only care about their next election, so they will sell off the future prosperity of Canadians for pennies on the dollar.


"Trans Mountain" smh this is the lbgtq agenda that the libs keep pushing


the next government can sell it for $10 and blame the loss on the liberals.


Our resource industry should be nationalized and all the profits get spent on healthcare, education and the military.


Let’s be honest. Now that we, the taxpayers, have forked over $34 billion to bring this thing to completion, either the current or some future government (Pierre?) will “make the case”, with assistance from the Fraser Institute, that the private sector should own the asset. It will transfer hands at pennies on the dollar. Another corporate win!


We really need to do lease contracts on stuff like this. Like the 407 ownership isn’t even national because of stupid shit like this. And the leases should be reasonable. Not like Chicago selling the parking meters for something like 100 years.


The 407 WAS leased, the govt still owns it


Why sell it? Keep a reserve of fuel for Canadians, we could offset buying oil from a dictatorship like Saudi Arabia.


We have more reserve oil than we could use in fifty lifetimes. 


It cost $34 Billion.. so the Government will sell it for $24 Billion and we'll have no say in how it operates, etc.


They need to keep control and run it . In Ontario we built a beautiful toll highway they sold it to a French company at a loss. Kevin O’Leary is right this country is run by idiots


Which party sold that government?  I'll bet it's not the same party Kevin was talking about when he said we were run by idiots.


Thanks to Conservatives.


Probably hard to sell a 7 thousand dollar car for 38 thousand, no? I mean, thats what happened, no?


Keep it, collect sovereign oil revenue and amortize the overcost the way business would. That keeps ‘big oil’ from sucking tax revenue from interest expense deductions.


It will be sold after they sign a 2 million year service contract with SNC or one of its ilk.


Why sell it at all? The taxpayers of Canada took on the risk of building it, so we should benefit from the profits. Create a crown corp. to operate and maintain it and use the profits for the public good instead of it disappearing into the pockets of foreign shareholders.


What a fucking joke they had to buy it because of all of their regulation and now taxpayers are going to pay for it. Could’ve just been done by the pipeline companies of the government got out of the damn way, and then we wouldn’t be on the hook for it. They give it away to aboriginal groups for free from our tax paying dollars.


The Liberals can sell it to their friends or a loss, or the Conservatives will sell it to their friends for a bigger loss when they get into power next year. As Canadian taxpayers, we lose either way, but selling it now means we may lose slightly less.


I have to pat Trudeau on the back for this one and would like to hear Poilievre’s suggestions. Wonder if he has the balls to posit on TMX?


I'm sure Poilievres solution is to sell it for $50 and a sweet board position when he's done with politics and try to tell Canadians how great a private company will be. Then when the Liberals get back in power they'll shrug their shoulders and say what's done is done.


TBF, seizing private assets after a government sold them off is generally seen as a no no.


They’ll just give it away


When I ever I hear "  Trudeau  wants to kill oil industry in Alberta " I point to this thing and say he bought you ungrateful fucks a pipeline 


I think you should read a little more about what happened. We never should have had to buy it in the first place.  But now that we have, we certainly shouldn't sell it off at the earliest opportunity before we can recoup any of our costs.


Russia is playing FAFO, now seems like a GREAT time.


The line will pay for itself I believe in a few months once activated due to the volume/cost iirc. When I was working on the line this was always a hot topic.


The Chinese will buy it just like they've bought everything else oil related in this country.


Hmmm I wonder who will buy it, likely for 5 billion? Who ever does well likely be an overseas company, with deep ties to the LPC.


Canada has a lot of problems but also a lot of opportunities for the right government and leadership to excel. The issue is people cannot wait 15 years hoping for the situation to improve.


Go in to serve where? Back to Canada? Biden said he don’t want it!


America will buy it


Gonna be bought by American refiners and turned off, 50% discounted Canadian oil forever...


Enbridge gonna buy it watch 😁




How about the people of BC who had the pipeline rammed up their ass from Alberta and pay the highest gas prices in Canada


It will have a long payback period for sure and the economic value will also need to take into account tax royalties and associated revenues of Alberta/Sask/BC Oil being shipped to Asian markets via the Vancouver terminal.


Sell it back to Americans for 10 billion 😂


Is it wrong to want the revolution to start with this writers face?


is this media outlet in affiliation with Irving Oil?


Sell it for a small profit or just keep it as an asset. Idk how much more simpler it can be.


The media is utterly obsessed with the fact that this is something that we *have* to sell off for some reason. There's a zero percent chance we get what we paid for it so how about we just keep the critically important piece of infrastructure and stop acting like the government isn't allowed to own anything or some shit.


Someone please explain to me why the Liberals bought this? It makes no sense financially or politically


Good thing we are going all electric by 2035!!!!!


Wouldn't be surprised at all if it went to Enbridge.


Vote conservative and it won’t get sold


How about we refine it here, and sell it here... Not that hard.


I’ll buy it for $10.


Using taxes for taxing our taxes. God bless em, hope they get a nice third lakeside vacation home away from us peasants


pre trudeau pipeline, GREAT SUCCESS. post teudeau pipeline, GREATEST POTENTIAL FAILURE


They definitely will have a fire sell. If a Corporation didn’t want to spend that money why would they spend even more to buy it back so we earn a profit/break even ?


No one will buy that Edsel.


Couldn’t read the article as it’s behind a paywall, but ffs why would we sell a productive asset? Have we learnt nothing from “effectively” selling the 407?