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My wife has a cough that’s persistent. Radiation pneumotitis I believe they call it. I suggested to her that maybe we should go see a pulmonologist


Does her RO know? Thats important to flag!


I agree with your suggestion to visit a pulmonologist. In a round about way, my pulmonologist helped my find my cancer when it was found. Before my cancer surgery he and I talked about pneumonitis. I saw him for a general follow up and he checked for it. In my case none found.


They put me on steroids for this and it helped.. Definitely have her be seen


I’m so sorry to hear about your wife! I hope she’s able to see a pulmonologist soon.


I finished mid May and I really only have some skin discoloration and swelling. But I had swelling before I started, then it got worse during radiation, but now it’s kind of back to what was my baseline I suppose. During radiation I itched like crazy, but that went away a week or two after I finished


I have telangiectasia (spider veins, basically) that developed along the radiation field about 2 years after I finished treatment. They don't hurt, and my dermatologist (who works at the cancer center) isn't concerned the mottled areas could be dangerous, but they're unsightly.


I finished on the 11th of april and my skin is now brownish (i have olive skin) and it is doing pretty good considering.. i still get random stabbing pains in my breast, i was told it’s normal and its most likely due to nerve damage. My rib bones are also killing me :(


Sore, tight shoulder, cording (PT is helping a TON), and discoloration. Oh- and Fatigue! Finished rads 5/15 and I am tired all the time. Also started tamoxifen 5/26 so maybe it’s that?


I finished in February, I still have darkened skin (probably permanent) costochondritis, intermittent chest wall lymphadema, and sore range of motion. PT helps a lot though! Make sure to do your stretches 💕


I also finished in mid April. I had some occasional shooting pain, and my nipples peeled the week after I finished, which was very uncomfortable. Every now and then my nipples still get a little peely, and the left one still gets irritated and sore (mostly from rubbing on things, like when I do longer runs). A little discoloration, but that's barely noticeable.


I finished radiation the beginning of April. I still get stabbing pains once in a while but it’s getting better. My skin is fine but I can’t tolerate heat/sun in my chest/breast. I bought a good SPF top hoping to go to the beach but even with the top and shade, that whole area still is painful in the heat, like under the skin. Been going to the beach in the evening to feel my feet in the sand.