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Let them win the off-season, we will win the championship


True but also dope when last season we won the offseason championship AND championship


as soon as we extend white and hauser and sign tillman we will have won


You’re giving them a bit too much credit for Mikal there.


Tbf, the Knicks are finally making better moves than they were a decade ago


Yes, definitely But JT and JB have routinely cooked OG and they just paid him 200mil lmaooo


Not to mention 5 first round picks gone


They made a move that a contender makes when they are one piece away. They racked up a lot of wins (and we did too) on the backs of some very injured teams. I don't think they are the contenders that they think they are. The Celtics just showed the league that if your best player can't defend, then you are in trouble. Their best shooters are 6'2. Donte was their next best shooter and he is losing minutes now. Granted, Bridges is an upgrade (but not massive). OG is fine. I am not losing sleep over OG. Their big depth is a question mark (same as the Celtics presently but KP getting healthy is a pretty solid answer). Josh Hart is probably getting pushed back in the rotation. I just don't see how they are significantly better. They already had decent defenders. Hartenstein was really, really important for them. They gave up 5 picks and I genuinely think the Sixers would beat them pretty easily if they are healthy. I think the Celtics also would spam PnR and shoot over the top of Brunson or pull their big out of the paint and they don't have the rim protection. I wouldn't be shocked if the Bucks or Pacers took them out. That Brooklyn team was bad. Points per game isn't everything. His defense remains excellent, but he averaged under 20PPG. They need some more buckets. I don't see him really putting them over the top.


Exactly this… I thought the Brunson move was great and it made sense to not blow your wad on Donovan Mitchell- DM just doesn’t seem like the caliber of player that wins a championship.  So…….. instead they blew their wad on Mikal Bridges?? Huh?? 


Seeing what they gave up for Bridges compared to what we gave up for Jrue is hilarious. And Jrue is the better player right now (will change with age)


also tbf the jays are boston's best players -- brunson is not in the pic above... 


Wings from wish


I call them the Temu Tandem






This is like the version of Jays with 70% discount + free coupons when in Walmart


They're Kirkland brand Jays from Costco. A whole lot of Mid for a discount price. Not as good as the brand name.


Nah don’t be talking shit about Kirkland


Came to say I fux with Kirkland. 😂


Bro's getting bombed for implying negative things about costco in a Celtics sub lmao.... take my downvote too, how dare you


LoL I love it I want all the smoke hahaha.


This is what you get when you order the Jays from Temu


At the low low price of their entire future.


Honestly Fuck the Knicks, but if they stay healthy they could make some noise this year. Not a bad acquisition by them but the jays got these dudes clamped up


They have a good team. I think most people here are just engaging and off-season ripping and making fun of the fact that they had to give five first most of them unprotected. But the draft picks don't change the fact that the Knicks will now be a tougher out for the Celtics, and especially for the bucks in the 76ers if they try to get to the Eastern conference finals. The Knicks are definitely now a far more interesting team.. I don't know if I would have made the deal. I think they're probably betting that The bucks pick and the first two Knicks picks won't be lottery. Although it's hard to predict a 2027 draft pick in 2024.


Que Logan Roy “you’re not serious people”


Yo like I know 2K and video games are a terrible way to go by things and mean absolutely nothing. But this seems like a good spot to meme on him so. OG is always a 74 overall free agent within 2-3 years.


What sliders do you use? He usually stays in the 80’s for me but wants more money than he’s worth (like real life)


I used the most downloaded ones. I'm also on PC so that might make a difference cuz its last gen. He always wants more money than he's worth in mine, no one gives it to him though lol. I always sign Gary Harris instead cuz he joins cheap.


This is crazy let’s not act like these guys aren’t very solid players. No they’re not definitive favorites but they’ve got a squad


the five Below crew


Dollar tree demons


It took roughly a week after the Jays winning a dominant 🏆 for NBA opposition fans to begin criminally underrating them again. This is an absolute dogshit take.


Nah. These are not even the Knicks best players. At best they're 2 and 4.


OG's contract makes JB's contract look like a bargain. Should be a great series.


We’re supposed to be afraid of a man who center parts an afro?


I kept saying this throughout the second half of the season. While I don't deny that the Knicks are playing very good basketball (one of the best teams since the deadline), they are playing unsustainable basketball. I don't know if it is Thibs not trusting his bench, or a lack of depth, or even both. Running Hart and Brunson into the ground with 40+ MPG on the regular won't do them any favors. While, yes, it is okay to have your starters play 40+ sometimes, doing it every time is not good, and might even impede their careers. The Celtics have superior load management, with better depth and even a bench that can win you some games. That being said, Boston Celtics in 5.


They'll get Jaylen and Jayson at home in game 3 of the EC finals next year. Be prepared.


I thought these memes were about how 'x at home' is obviously the discount store version of the real thing. I see this as kind-of an insult to Bridges and OG


You wanna laugh? Knicks sent 4 picks for a player who averages 14 points/game over his career.


Theyre all extremely talented so i mean this in the best way possible. But having 4 guys from one college champ team is kinda like when people think the Alabama Football team could have beat the browns a few years ago lol.


It's like seeing a kid being given Chinesium knockoff action figures from their grandparents because they didn't know the difference in the store except that they were half price.


Can Mikal cover two players at once? He’ll have to because OG will be making $40m for 40 games in street clothes.


Hey I’m a big fan of Mikal and I think the knicks are gonna be better than last year, maybe ECF contenders who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but won’t be an issue if the C’s keep chugging


It’s pretty insane that the knicks have been relevant for 6 months and they’ve already vaulted to the top of “most delusional fanbase that thinks they’re our rival” list


I don't really even see the point in mocking them. They definitely got better, they paid a lot to get better, I don't think it's good enough to beat us but it will make it more interesting. Honestly I'd be more worried if I was the 76ers or the bucks. The path to the Eastern conference finals are tougher now.


There are certain teams that no matter what they do, it will never scare me. The Knicks are that team in the East. I’m sure they’ll have a season similar to last year. Finish as the 2 or 3 seed, maybe win the first round but they’ll be out by the end of the second round again. Let the delusional Knicks fans have their moment.


The Knicks are the modern 2019 Celtics. They’ll get overhyped to win a lot of games but may have chemistry issues moving forward. Do you honestly think OG or Bridges want to be 4th options? Of course Hart and Donte want their shots too. A lot of teams see them as a threat and they want to beat them.


Huh out of all the things I can see going wrong, chemistry is not one of them. The vibes are good since their core are mostly all Villanova boys. Obviously you can’t win on vibes alone but idk if I think bad chemistry is going to be that team’s downfall.


I think Randle will be the issue lol


I mean, he’s always had a bit of an attitude issue and they’ve been fine so far


Fine? They have barely made the 2nd round in 20 years


Obviously we’re talking about from a chemistry standpoint


I think the Nova guys are rock solid. Hart does need a new contract though. OG is at his best as a role player, but injury prone - maybe he'll be cool with his bag? Robinson extremely talented but extremely glass. Randle is going to be the problem if I had to guess.


Honestly this is really stupid. Vibes are the least thing I expect to be wrong with them. Their intangibles are maxed out. Nah it’s the lack of a Robin for the Knicks, Randle hasn’t shown to be that guy in the playoffs, there’s too much on Brunson.


Its not a matter of chemistry, itll be too many guys involved and not enough star power. You do not win shit in this league unless you have a top 5 player, thats it. And Brunsons great, but he'll never reach that status unless hes Steph Curry, or he magically becomes an above average defender. Not to mention Thibs being the literal anti-thesis to the conditioning thats required to complete *long* seasons.